Now that the convention has finished, what was your favorite moment? For me it was probably getting the chance to meet and talk for a bit with the Angry Video Game Nerd. He turned out to be an awesome guy. I also shook hands with Ken Levine, who was incredibly nice and humble. He signed my copy of Bioshock, which is one of my favorite games of all time.
These moments will definitely stay in my memory forever.
The funniest moment by far for me was the "Arrr" video Paul & Storm played before The Captain's Wife's Lament.
I sub music: My Youtube
Much to Gearbox and 2K.
This was friday morning in the line to the expo hall -
Zombie Dance right outside the hall -
The Make a Strip panel drawing of Mike and Jerry -
1) Getting Borderlands 2 for free from Gearbox.
2) Being in the same elevator with Will Wheaton.
3) Being on an escalator that broke and having it turn into a high speed deathtrap. Fun!
4) Finally trying a 3DS, and being blown away by it.
5) Free Halo Limited Edition Warthog
Believe it or not, despite the above, I still think this was the WORST PAX since I started going in 08, for me at least, with the worst schwag. I guess the previous years were just THAT awesome.
Oh btw.....SECRET SAUCE!!!!!
Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
Watching the live Acquisitions Inc game. That was one of the main things I wanted to do. And I did it. Yay!
The giant DnD thing in the WotC booth, as gorgeousplanet mentioned, was tons of fun too. We were too good though, and I didn't get a second turn even. My next attack was going to be like so amazing you guys.... =P My one regret was putting off going to the actual DnD place in the annex until too late on Sunday. Had no idea they were going to stop at 3pm but really wanted to try DnD out. Next year!
Huge Dragon Age/Bioware fan, so the DA panel on Saturday night was pretty awesome. Plus I got to ask Mike Laidlaw a question and get a bunch of autographs on my Dragon Age: Origins case.
It was my second PAX, but I only did 1 day last year. Definitely going to do 3 days again next year.
I don't really go for swag anymore because it is something that I end up throwing away when I get home (coupons for services that I'll never use) or something that I'm not willing to wear in public (tshirts) or hang in my house (posters). I usually still get codes for skins, betas, etc. because there is usually someone that didn't attend that wants them.
I got married on the 14th, PAX was the penultimate part of the honeymoon, today is the science center (missed it on the MMT), zoo and a Mariners game. So, this PAX will likely be the most memorable in my life, even though it seems like we didn't do a lot at PAX.
We had a great time with the MMT, the bar crawl (never have I ever was great fun with Cronus), the tabletop tourney's (the wife won 1st place in food fight!) and the Saturn Bomberman tournament. The wife and I will be buying it to practice a bit so hopefully I (or my wife!) don't tie with a computer in the final round next year.
Well done sir, an exciting final round it was.
This pax has been the most heart filled one I've been too. I've never cried because it was over until yesterday haha. I can't wait to come back next year and see you all again!
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
yes, well done! that was very close but you pulled it off!
Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
This ^
This defines PAX for me:
1) Events not going as planned
2) ????
3) Meet amazing new people who are fun, funny, and I feel like I've known my whole life
4) Profit
Our table shrunk and grew from as little as 12 and up to 14. Our waitress was flustered as we drank, ate, and moved all over. She was awesome. Everybody at the table was awesome; I'm never going to forget that experience, and I will never stop talking about it.
This community is why I'm proud to be a gamer. This convention is why I'm glad to try new things, if only for 3 days a year.
Are you F**** s***** me? #@$(*&#&*$^!*@#^&!@#
No. Hubby wanted to get back to Tacoma. We didn't stay for the panel I heard about the giveaway and tore him a new one last night.
also, never forget.
Then again there was also me doing Jaegerbombs with The Protomen that was also super high up on the list.
Bleh, can I just say "The Protomen" and call it a day?
Also, watching my friend playing fruit ninja with his full Samurai armour and sword.
It's hard to pick just one when you have so much fun at PAX.
But as always its the people who make it great.. You guys are the best
Damn I wish I could have seen that. Mine ended about 75 - 0, we made some misplays at the end thinking too much like Summoner's Rift.
-N'thing the Gearbox Panel as being one of the highlights. Free games aside I really got the sense that these guys have a lot of appreciation for their fans; both last year and this year's panel by them were excellent.
-I had heard exactly one thing about Prey 2 before PAX, and that was "Deus Ex-ish gameplay with Blade Runner's aesthetic, in SPACE". That, you know, already sold me on it, but seeing it in action was pretty excellent too despite there being no playable demo. It stuck out because it sort of came out of nowhere for me.
-Paul and Storm at the Saturday concert. I was in hysterics for most of it, and I'm pretty sure the fellow I was sitting next to had never heard them before, so all the surprised reactions amplified my own!
-It may have been after the fact but the Post-Pax Party needs some love, it was wild.
As a contrast, my least favourite moment was heading to the Mojang booth and seeing Notch talking to someone there. I must have stood there like an idiot for 30 seconds before I realized it was Notch and by then he had to go off with a couple enforcers. I didn't talk to him or snap a picture or anything and was kicking myself for hours later. Scratch that, still kicking.
TRS!!! by coreyfwilson, on Flickr
It was a bit of a sad PAX otherwise, in regards to fun random happenings or epic swag. My personal highlight was the Wildstar demo I went to on a whim at the last minute. The Carbine Studios guys are almost as fun as their game looks. I'm still heart broken I didn't make it out with a Wakfu plushie, that was my one PAX goal ; ;