
[VtR] The Aster Courts OOC



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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular

    at home


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    Suicide SlydeSuicide Slyde Haunts your dreams of mountains sunk below the seaRegistered User regular
    I'm having issues with this character sheet saving last names, or maybe I'm an idiot. Anyway, the last name is Scott. Also hooray for internet! I'd rather get these hiccups out of the way now, then having to deal with them later.

    Although Johnny isn't the type to get his hands too dirty, he does what he can to help out. Physically, not the strongest, but he can take a beating and isn't likely to lose his cool under pressure.

    Also, yay for post saves! I'll look over the sheets in the morning and do a quick write up then, for now I am off to bed.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    Exactly! In the worst case scenario I can grab internet on campus like I did earlier today anyway.

    We will be go tomorrow, since I want to give people time to chime in on this.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    I have no guarantees I can keep up with you on the local cant, I warn you. :P

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    Silas BrownSilas Brown That's hobo style. Registered User regular
    The hooded Kindred leaned back in his chair, resting his bare feet on the table. Joseph ignored the ragged toenails just a few feet from his face and stared deadpan at his host. He could feel the flames screaming through his veins, but he kept himself stoic.

    “So, what's your answer?” Joseph barely restrained himself from snarling.

    “I'm thinking, I'm thinking,” Gordon answered, clearly enjoying the power he had in this situation. “Damn, you really want to join bad, don't you?”

    “Is that so surprising?”

    Gordon grinned, removing the toothpick that had hung between his fangs and dropped it casually on the floor. “I heard you left to make good with the good lords and ladies of Birmingham. Why would you want to slum it up with us back at the Courts?”

    Joseph's snarl broke through and he broke eye contact with the other Kindred. “They... there were some differences. I decided to play to my strengths.”

    “I heard about that too. I don't know what you've heard, friend, but the Carthians aren't about turning faces inside out. We're more... community-minded.”

    “Every community needs some protection.”

    “You don't strike me as the protecting type. You strike me as the 'stick your fist in someone's chest and rip out their heart' type.” Gordon smirked. “Maybe you should go see if Cromwell needs any more monsters for his club. That seems more your speed.”

    Joseph snapped his gaze back to Gordon's laughing eyes. “I'm nothing like Cromwell.”

    “Oh?” Gordon kicked the table away and stood up. “Then what use are you to us?”

    “I know you need more manpower. But if you and your friends are content to rot in mediocrity, I do have other options.”

    “What?” Gordon scoffed. “Like the Invictus?”

    Joseph growled, a deep and bestial resentment crawling out from his throat. “Old men posing as leaders and doing nothing for themselves. Never.”

    “Good. Look, I have a favor that needs doing. No, it's not for the Carthians, it's for me. But if you can show me that you really are... for the community... I'd be willing to speak with the others. You know, present your case for consideration.”

    “And then I could join the Carthians.”

    “And then we could talk about it.”

    Joseph's blood screamed at him to tear Gordon's head off. He considered it for a second before saying, “What can I do for you?”

    “That's an attitude that will get you far, friend. Look, there's this Succubi. A neonate in the Invictus. Gilda is her name. Trashy looking bird, but in that way that makes a guy just want to rip his clothes off and join her in the dung heap. Know what I mean?”


    “Beh. Of course not. Anyway, the thing is, Gilda's been doing her eating a little too close to my own feeding ground. Right on top of it, to be exact. Now, there's plenty to go around, but too many people waking up with bite marks or going missing, and people start talking. Ignorant trash around there, they might actually believe in stupid shit like vampires.” Gordon laughed at his own joke, while Joseph silently fantasized about pulling his tongue out and strangling him with it. “So, I tried talking to her about it, but all she did was laugh in my face! An upstanding gentleman like me! Can you imagine?”

    “I'm shocked.”

    “As any reasonable man would be. Anyway, I'd like you to go reason with her. Now don't make that face, you don't have to kill her. No, just rough her up a bit. Think of it as showing her a good time. The cunt will probably love it. Stupid bitch.”

    “Fine. And then I can join the Carthians.”

    “And then we can talk about it. Look, Gilda may look like a waif, but she can put up a fight if she has to. You might want to bring some friends. What about those blokes that were with ya at that dump when you were Embraced. They looking for work?”

    “I don't know. We don't talk.”


    Gilda ran her hand down the man's greasy arm and smiled up at him, sniffling and wiping the running makeup from her face. “So you think you can help? This place can get really dangerous at night.” She stepped closer.

    “Sure thing, doll.” The man gave her snaggle-toothed smile from behind his unkempt beard. “You can stay at my place.”

    “Oh, I'm so glad,” she said, pulling him closer, breathing in as she rested her face against his shoulder. “I'm so very very hungry,” she cooed.

    There was a thud and the man went flying to the side, hitting the wall of the alley.

    Shit, too hard, Joseph thought. Gotta rein it in. This shit is how rumors start. “Get out of here,” he said.

    “Hey, man!” The guy picked himself up and planted his fist in the palm of his hand. “The lady and I were talkin'!”

    Before his sentence finished, Joseph was in his face. Shit, too fast. “And now you're done talking.”

    The man frowned and shook his head. Joseph could smell the fear on him. “Fine fine. Don't need some needy bitch hangin' off me anyway.” The man shoved past Joseph. Joseph imagined the warmth that he might feel if he punctured this stranger's stomach with his claws and stuck his hand inside. He let the man keep what was left of his pride and his body instead.

    When the stranger was out of earshot, Gilda stomped and kicked at the ground. “What the hell, asshole? Do you always play with other people's food?”

    Joseph turned to face his accuser. “He's not food. Not yours. Gordon doesn't appreciate your presence.”

    “Gordon?” Gilda scoffed. “That dickless shitstain? Fuck him! He's all talk!” Gilda smirked and sidled up close to Joseph. “Not like you, I bet. You seem like a man of action.” She sighed and leaned against him. “Maybe we could work something out.”

    Joseph's blood screamed. The Beast raged. Passion was a memory, but the fire inside of him was real. Need filled him, and he was all-too happy to indulge it.

    Joseph swung his fist at the Daeva. Caught off-guard, she took the full force of the blow, falling back.

    “You fuck!” She howled. “How dare you?”

    Joseph howled too, though his was wordless. He jumped forward, claws breaking the skin of his knuckles before they broke the skin of his target. He figured she got the message when her blood splashed against the dull gray wall. By the time she stopped moving and bleeding, he wasn't figuring anything at all.

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    GlandmineGlandmine casual nuisance Registered User regular
    Arivia wrote:
    I have no guarantees I can keep up with you on the local cant, I warn you. :P

    I spent a few years growing up in Brum so I can translate if needed :P

    Sway was about 19 at time of embrace, so he could have gone to school with any characters within a few years of him. Pre-embrace he could have sought Isaac's help figuring out how to stretch his product without cutting it with 99% rat poison. Post-embrace he's probably kept in touch for the same reason, and on at least one occasion commissioned a hotshot to put the right people out of business or the right person down discreetly.

    Since becoming dead, Sway has almost entirely isolated himself beyond the tower block; controlling it now borders on obsession. For some reason (latent bloodline) when Sway thinks about the place it's a dark, thriving garden in his mind; he's the one feeding the roots, coaxing the buds and pruning the heads. The thing is that sometimes the shit hits the fan in places like Aster and all of a sudden, shitting where you eat becomes a bad idea when the police tape goes up and surveillance is amped for a week or two. These are the times the other Stuart's alumni would have seen him out and about, carrying himself like a petty King in exile.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    In that case I apologize in advance for anything ill-fitting I may make out of whole cloth that does not fit the city you know!

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    MoosehatIVMoosehatIV Saw a blimp once Registered User regular
    I could see Sway and Isaac going way back. Maybe even the guy that introduced Isaac into the drug world? Partners in crime perhaps?

    As for Johnny, I could see him being a runner at some point. Pick up stuff here, drop off package there, go get me forty pounds of fertilizer from the hardware store, no dont ask me why.

    And for leading the pack, Isaac has no problem leaving the decision making to others. The second in command catches less shit anyways if it all goes wrong. He just always views himself as the brain behind any operation.

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    Suicide SlydeSuicide Slyde Haunts your dreams of mountains sunk below the seaRegistered User regular
    edited October 2011
    So I can't make posts from my phone, so that sucks, but I can follow along. I'm looking over character histories right now and trying to work out what would fit best. Johnny actually managed to finish school, if only because he was forced to do so.

    I'm writing up a short vignette that I should be able to finish and post later today, to give people a better idea of his motivations. It makes sense that he would be a runner or scout type figure, maybe someone who really isn't given all the details because he just might not like what he hears.

    And now I have to go to work.

    Suicide Slyde on
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    Suicide SlydeSuicide Slyde Haunts your dreams of mountains sunk below the seaRegistered User regular
    edited October 2011
    Johnny's story
    Johnny knocked on the door.

    "Mrs. McCarthy," he said through the door. No response.

    He knocked on the door again, harder this time.

    "Mrs. McCarthy," he yelled.

    He heard a quiet shuffling on the other side of the door.

    "Yes, who is it?"

    "It's your boy."


    "It's Johnny, Mrs. McCarthy."

    "Johnny? Oh, Johnny!"

    He heard the locks releasing on the other side of the door one by one. The door opened faster than he expected and the frail frame on the other side threw it's slender arms around him.

    "Oh Johnny, where have you been?"

    "Just downstairs. I've only been gone for a couple of nights."

    He first noticed it when he came back. She had nearly forgotten who he was and threatened to call the police if he didn't leave. When he returned the next night she acted like it never happen.

    "Is that all?" she asked, "Feels like you've been gone for ages."

    It had been getting worse, she would set out food for the cats she that had not come around for months. He told her that they all ran away, or that they found homes. He didn't want to lie to her but the truth was much worse.

    "Did you go to school today Johnny?"

    Her question broke him from his thought, "What? No. I graduated. Remember Mrs. McCarthy?"

    "Oh yes I remember. Did you say your prayers?"

    "Yes, ma'am. Everyday."

    "That's a good boy."

    They sat in silence for a few moments. Johnny's thoughts raced in his head, 'What is wrong with her?' he thought to himself, 'Maybe I should end it for her now... no more suffering for her... No! I can't do that, maybe someone can help her but who?'

    "Isaac," he said aloud.


    "Oh, just Isaac, he's a kid I knew from school. He was pretty smart."

    "Well that's nice."

    'If Isaac doesn't know then he might know someone who does. God would show him the way.'

    Johnny walked down the street, deep in thought. He hadn't seen Isaac since last year but he knew he was in the Courts somewhere. His head snapped up. He heard the voices long before he saw them. Johnny stopped dead on the sidewalk, they were coming this way, their voices could easily be heard now as they rounded the corner ahead of them. Five of them, three boys and two girls, none over the age of 18, here they were wandering around the Courts like nothing. Johnny looked closer. They weren't from the Courts. They came from some prep school in Birmingham, probably looking to drink, get high, to slum it in the Courts. Johnny didn't like them, they couldn't be here, they had it good and didn't realize how good they had it.

    Johnny stopped dead in the middle of the sidewalk. He started sizing them up. The two girls were dressed up and small, nothing to fear from them. The two boys in the front weren't all that big either, probably played football on the weekends but would fold easily. No, the third one, in the back, he was big and probably played rugby, he could take a hit... plus he had that leather jacket. Johnny would show them the price they would pay for their trespass, to come here to the Courts flaunting their wealth.
    The girls noticed Johnny first, their conversation drew to a slow stop as they came closer to him. The boys continued talking, they noticed him now but pretended he wasn't there. They pulled on the girls arms to walk faster around him. The third one made no attempt to go around Johnny. Their shoulders collided. Johnny yelled first.

    "What the fuck are you doing here?"

    "What's it to you?"

    One of the boys in the back pulled on his arm asking to just forget it and go.

    "Yea you should go, wouldn't want me to beat your ass."

    "Fuck you!" The big one was face to face with Johnny now. He was taller, bigger too.

    "Give me your jacket."

    "What? Fuck you no!"

    "You wanted to come down here and slum it in the Courts, then you have to pay the price, give... me... your... jacket."

    "Fuck you!" He cocked his hand back.

    Johnny's fist flew up and hit the idiot square in the nose, he stumbled and groaned as blood poured out his nose. The girls started screaming, they all took a step back. 'Good, give us some room.'

    The idiot regained his footing and locked back onto Johnny. Roaring he threw a haymaker for his head. Johnny ducked the fist and shot a blow directly into his targets stomach. He doubled over on himself groaning, trying to catch his breath.

    Johnny felt a sharp tearing into his back. He yelled out and instinctively swung his elbow around. The elbow caught his attacker in the head, he crumpled down to the ground. Johnny shot a glance at the other three. The boy was standing in front of the two girls, his arms out stretched as if to protect them. Johnny shot a step towards them, the boy flinched and the girls screamed louder. He smiled and turned around, staring at the big one again, still doubled over, struggling to breathe.

    Johnny got down on one knee, eye level with the idiot again. "Now, give me your jacket."

    "Fuck... you." He managed to cough out.

    "Fine," Johnny reached over the boy's head and grabbed the tail of the jacket. He pulled quickly; the jacket flew up and over the idiot's head, turning it inside out.

    He started fixing the jacket, throwing it on over his hoodie.

    "There now."

    He continued down the street.

    Suicide Slyde on
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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular

    Two general notes:

    -Roll using whatever you'd like. I trust you.
    -Please post rolls and other system material in spoilers when posting in the in-character thread; the actual posts are the meat of the narrative and the system the underpinnings, so to speak.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular

    This would be all my evil planning. Wheee.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    Paging jdarksun.

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    MoosehatIVMoosehatIV Saw a blimp once Registered User regular
    I would just like to state that I picked the name Isaac before I started playing The Binding of Isaac.

    But... that game is pretty cool.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    ewwwwww. It sounded disgusting.

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    Silas BrownSilas Brown That's hobo style. Registered User regular
    High-five, Moosehat. That game is pretty sweet.

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    MoosehatIVMoosehatIV Saw a blimp once Registered User regular
    It is pretty disgusting. Like ren and stimpy on a bad acid trip with motifs of child abuse.

    Fun though.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    Update in about 3 hours.

    Sorry for being incommunicado over the weekend, I sort of just zoned out.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    I avoided breaking flow by digging into a few things people had latched on to that were of no importance: namely the utter lack of cash in the register and any remaining bloodstains.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    I'm fine with it for now, but keep an eye on your fellow players to make sure you don't blow their minds.

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    GlandmineGlandmine casual nuisance Registered User regular
    edited October 2011
    If it helps any, nobody actually uses 'barking', 'ding-dong' or most rhyming slang unironically.

    Glandmine on
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    MoosehatIVMoosehatIV Saw a blimp once Registered User regular
    Of course, the one day I am super busy you guys all go nuts.

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    GlandmineGlandmine casual nuisance Registered User regular
    jdarksun wrote:
    Glandmine wrote:
    If it helps any, nobody actually uses 'barking', 'ding-dong' or most rhyming slang unironically.
    Yeah, I don't know any British folk, so I don't have any of the context. It's like trying to use the various inflections of "dude" without knowing a surfer or having lived through the 80s and 90s.

    If I'm being offensive (or just stupidly foolish), please let me know so I can stop. :)

    You're doing fine :)

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    Silas BrownSilas Brown That's hobo style. Registered User regular
    I would argue that a World of Darkness game is exactly the right place to be using the slang just a little wrong.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    I would argue that a World of Darkness game is exactly the right place to be using the slang just a little wrong.


    @Moosehat: we are your opposing fantasy team. Forever. Forever.


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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    MoosehatIV wrote:
    Of course, the one day I am super busy you guys all go nuts.

    Also I was posting crazy between my midterm and going 24 hours without sleep. :rotate:

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    By the way, you guys are all doing an awesome job of roleplaying out the Predator's Taint without it being all-consuming or something that needs a roll. Good work!

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    And once Slyde and Glandmine chirp in on this latest series of events, we're off to the races.

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    Suicide SlydeSuicide Slyde Haunts your dreams of mountains sunk below the seaRegistered User regular
    Sorry about that. I was following along on my phone but I couldn't post anything. Probably the most frustrating thing ever. Incoming post.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    I'm sorry! Don't hit me!

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    MoosehatIVMoosehatIV Saw a blimp once Registered User regular
    Most of our characters, probably.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    jdarksun wrote:
    What? Who would do such a thing?

    You guys! Cause I'm being slowwwww.

    Also no tea makes me a grumpy ST.

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    GlandmineGlandmine casual nuisance Registered User regular
    Heads up that there's this thing I have to go to this weekend that may cause me to be less than active.

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    Suicide SlydeSuicide Slyde Haunts your dreams of mountains sunk below the seaRegistered User regular
    I am addicted to Batman. I will be making a post shortly.

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    MoosehatIVMoosehatIV Saw a blimp once Registered User regular
    I am going to be a tad awol this weekend as well. Busy busy.

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    GlandmineGlandmine casual nuisance Registered User regular
    I'm back but similarly addicted to Batman. I'll get a post up today.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    My apologies for that...lacuna. Looks like you guys stepped in okay, thank you for that. My depression kicked in pretty hard for a few days there.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    edited October 2011

    It was a pretty liminal lacuna, at that. Worked well for me going "uuuuuurgh" in my head.

    Arivia on
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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    Words are fun!

    When I post pbp updates, I post quality.

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