
[VtR] The Aster Courts OOC



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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    Your pick of Presence or Manipulation. Presence would be a distinct overpowering, Manipulation less direct.

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    GlandmineGlandmine casual nuisance Registered User regular
    This is maybe jumping ahead a little bit, but here's what Sway's doing. Flexing my Contacts and Allies merit to get mass, possibly unreliable, info on Red Dogs from Drug Dealers and the Tower Crew and am rolling Wits+Streetwise to see whether he can pull anything which is likely to be true out of the mess of rumour.


    Got 2 Sux (For some reason I put 1s subtract in there. Wrong clan flaw)

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    Suicide SlydeSuicide Slyde Haunts your dreams of mountains sunk below the seaRegistered User regular
    Arivia wrote:
    I am totally not as good at getting the accents and slang as you folks. Not at alll.

    I'm pretty terrible at writing brit slang. I originally intended to write with dropped g's and the like but realized too late that I forgot to do this. I figured it would be a little jarring if Johnny just suddenly started talking different.

    Also I figured out that I can make posts from my phone, just had to make a small change to the browser.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    Post in progress now.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    And a note that I'm tagging @jdarksun on just cause it came up in his post: if you're rolling a dice pool made up of multiple options (i.e. Resolve or Composure + Blood Potency to use a Discipline) note what the pool's made out of in Attributes or whatever. Sometimes that affects the narrative response.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    *obligatory apology for posting schedule.*

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    You guys are adorable for all starting off Unaligned and then converting yourselves to covenants before you've even met them.

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    Suicide SlydeSuicide Slyde Haunts your dreams of mountains sunk below the seaRegistered User regular
    I'm hoping for a real crisis of faith moment. I don't want everything to work out so obviously for all the characters, including my own... Especially my own.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    Oh that's fine. Things won't be easy.

    After all, Sanctified doctrine isn't "God will save you," but instead "God has damned you, and now you must live with the consequences."

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    GlandmineGlandmine casual nuisance Registered User regular
    That and 'Be a fucked up monster, cus people turn to God in the wake of fucked up monstrosity.'

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    It has been one month since we began. Wheee!

    At this rate (being 3/4s done our first story) we will be done the chronicle in roughly a year. :rotate:

    I hope you folks have enjoyed yourself so far.

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    Suicide SlydeSuicide Slyde Haunts your dreams of mountains sunk below the seaRegistered User regular
    I think we have better track record than most WoD games have on this forum. So we have that.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    If you guys are done with this scene, tell me and I will happily move things along.

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    Silas BrownSilas Brown That's hobo style. Registered User regular
    I blame Skyrim.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    My apologies for the break. It's starting to turn into crunch time here in classes and the last thing I want to do with a giant paper on my mind is make 1000 words about vampires up.

    That said, there's finally your new word jdark and I will endeavour not to fall behind again.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    Actually, I'm going to be proactive and post the dates where essays will likely have me unavailable:

    Wednesday night, November 23rd - Friday morning, November 25th
    Monday night, November 28th - Tuesday noon, November 29th
    Wednesday night, December 7th - Saturday noon, December 10th

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    And your poor unfortunate target has 1 Defense and 1 armor and you all have a free turn on him right now.

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    GlandmineGlandmine casual nuisance Registered User regular
    Yeah, I should apologise too. IRL has been running me ragged w/ job and school. It's clearing up soon so I'll catch up.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    edited November 2011
    We'll give @MoosehatIV @Suicide Slyde and @jdarksun a day of twenty-four hours to respond with their free turn before the gang comes pouring out. I'm glad to be back in the swing of things!

    edit: make that forty-eight hours. I forgot it's Thanksgiving for you eagle-men.

    Arivia on
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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    edited November 2011
    jdarksun wrote:
    I gotta dig through my books, trying to figure out what the VtR version of a "Bluff" check is.

    Manipulation / Presence + Intimidation / Persuasion, your pick, -3 penalty for the corpse at your feet.

    Actually, if you're looking specifically for a bluff, see Fast Talk, p. 83 of the World of Darkness Rulebook. (Manipulation+Persuasion)

    Arivia on
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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular

    extend twenty-four hours to the above. I don't want to interrupt yr turkey. Enjoy you all!

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    So, here's something I'm chewing over.

    Joseph and Sway just smashed that dude pretty dead. Even with Giant and a bat's belfry of Stamina, that was enough lethal to murder him unless he gets medical attention (which, let's face it, it's the Courts, he's lucky if he gets dug a shallow grave.)

    Even splitting out Humanity for xp as you guys did, premeditated murder is a bit lower on the table of all your sins than you are. (And I don't think rushing out and straight up cutting a dude is manslaughter.)

    So right now two of you should - should - be picking up dice and staving off a fun new mental problem.

    But! In all honesty, I'm leaning towards not doing that. And here's why:

    1) It doesn't fit your backgrounds. As wild and abhorrent as murder is, it's fairly understandable in the…degeneracy of the Courts that you have killed before, off-handedly, in passion. This isn't holding a pistol to a man's head as he pleads for mercy, this is the way of things in this bloody place.

    2) This doesn't serve theme or the narrative. Our theme is survival - but survival wasn't at stake here. This is a business arrangement three hands off. If you're going to lose Humanity, it should be for something impactful and meaningful.

    So, if it's okay with you folks I'm going to waive the roll in this case. I don't want Humanity not to be a concern, but I simply don't think it's the place or time.

    That said, I want your thoughts, because it is an important tightrope for Vampire in general, and I can understand if people get a bit antsy about manipulating it in this way. Conversely, I'm making this public so you know what's up and so you're not feeling unduly targeted when I do decide that a Humanity roll is necessary.

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    MoosehatIVMoosehatIV Saw a blimp once Registered User regular
    My overall plan was to be a weasel, the let the other guys kill the gang (saving my own humanity with the argument with the fact that they were going to do it anyways) and then just reap the rewards from the Invictus.

    This could also be the fact that my character has the same level of combat skills as a mortal. I really should have dropped a point or two in celerity....

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    GlandmineGlandmine casual nuisance Registered User regular
    edited November 2011
    I wouldn't object to rolling humanity. Vamps tend to level off at Humanity 3 or 4, where murder becomes a stepping on ants sort of affair. That said, this may be because I tend to reserve Humanity 1 rolls for something massively point-of-no-return heinous, rather than something that's technically 'mass'. Typically it'd mean putting genocide into motion or explaining coldly to the whole orphanage that you've had a very bad day and they'll stay chained to their beds until the building's burned down and then following through, things like that.

    But yeah, I agree, this is visceral, but perhaps not the 'Oh shit, what have I become. May my right hand forget its skill' moment Humanity should be.

    Whatever works.

    Glandmine on
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    Suicide SlydeSuicide Slyde Haunts your dreams of mountains sunk below the seaRegistered User regular
    Sorry I'm behind here. There was an unexpected death in the extended family and my wife and I have been helping out with that.

    As for Humanity, I say we should all roll at the end. After all, it's slaughtering a group of people. In my eyes, that's more heinous than a crime of passion in defense of one's self or property, possibly the only violent crimes our characters have committed up to this point.

    Also, I do think this fits in the theme of survival, the characters are acting out of a need for a food supply and establishing dominance on the "food" chain. Looking at the animal kingdom, those are both necessary to the survival of a given species or individual.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    Sorry I'm behind here. There was an unexpected death in the extended family and my wife and I have been helping out with that.

    As for Humanity, I say we should all roll at the end. After all, it's slaughtering a group of people. In my eyes, that's more heinous than a crime of passion in defense of one's self or property, possibly the only violent crimes our characters have committed up to this point.

    Also, I do think this fits in the theme of survival, the characters are acting out of a need for a food supply and establishing dominance on the "food" chain. Looking at the animal kingdom, those are both necessary to the survival of a given species or individual.

    There's nothing to be sorry for that. Sorry to hear of your loss, however.

    Okay, I'll poke Mori (Silas Brown) when he gets back to chip in, but right now I'm definitely leaning towards a roll at the end.

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    Silas BrownSilas Brown That's hobo style. Registered User regular
    I would just as soon have a lower Humanity by default and skip the going crazy part. It never made sense that my character had 5 humanity in the first place since he's always been pretty unapologetic about his violence.

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    Suicide SlydeSuicide Slyde Haunts your dreams of mountains sunk below the seaRegistered User regular
    Thank you for the condolences. It was unexpected but we are making our way through it.

    Also I rolled on that door kick because I wasn't sure if it would be locked or not, and I figured better to be safe.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    edited November 2011
    Sorry for the delay. I got murdered over the weekend by clingy family and now I'm mired in uni crap. I haven't forgotten!

    Arivia on
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    Suicide SlydeSuicide Slyde Haunts your dreams of mountains sunk below the seaRegistered User regular
    I demand you pay attention only to us. We are the only clingy people you need.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    I'm alive! I owe Glandmine a Promethean sheet and then it's update time. Do you folks want a fight or a chance to sow a little more terror?

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    Silas BrownSilas Brown That's hobo style. Registered User regular
    I'm good with whatever comes our way.

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    GlandmineGlandmine casual nuisance Registered User regular

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    Suicide SlydeSuicide Slyde Haunts your dreams of mountains sunk below the seaRegistered User regular

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    MoosehatIVMoosehatIV Saw a blimp once Registered User regular
    Isaac is not the intimidating type. Sorry.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    These guys are waiting for you to come inside so they can beat on you :3

    oh how foolish the follies of the young

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    GlandmineGlandmine casual nuisance Registered User regular
    Just to clarify, my action is to pick Samuel (The man who we've clawed, disfigured with our foreheads and kicked teeth out of) up of the ground and toss him at Uzi man and I got 6 sux. Please tell me that this is doable.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    edited December 2011
    No. No that's not doable.
    Are you kidding that's fucking awesome

    edit: Actually technically that's not doable. Whatever. *throws the rulebook out the window*

    Arivia on
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    MoosehatIVMoosehatIV Saw a blimp once Registered User regular
    Heh, Isaac's initiative is perfect. Let the power houses go first and then recon the situation.

    Sigh, I really wish I had the 4th dot power of poison. The fight could be over in one deep breath.

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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    @jdarksun you're up!

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