I love that Gabe can't quite believe Tycho isn't just trying to teach him some lesson about porn diversity.
SkiddlesThe frozen white northRegistered Userregular
edited March 2012
...I think Jerry broke Mike there for a while.
This ended up being a really great script art-wise, too. Mike got the gestures and expressions right. And a much more insightful 4th panel than most. Nice!
1) I'm heterosexual, however, if I had read all over the Internet that there's homosexual intercourse in Mass Effect 3, I'd be disappointed if I found out that there's none. The mere intrigue of how they've executed it would drive me to watch it, partially at least. Simply because it'd be a very experimental/new thing and a new fringe broken onto and explored in video games (at least AFAIK).
2) I'm still trying to figure out how the Ostrich beastiality thing supposed to work or what's the special uniqueness about it compared to other subjects, height issues aside.
One of these days, my curiosity will be the end of me.
I love that Gabe can't quite believe Tycho isn't just trying to teach him some lesson about porn diversity.
Mike has a hard time with these sort of things with Jerry, because Jerry's capable of projecting the same sort of facial expression whether he's pulling your leg or being sincere.
He probably makes for an excellent poker player.
Personally, I'd pitch him for an actor type-cast onto villainous roles, I believe he'd excel.
What's also great is that after this whole conversation wherein Jerry learns that his interest in gay porn may be met with alarm, he still opens his newspost with that gag about pulling his pants down.
I'm confused how Jerry could play as femshep and not know you can seduce Garrus. That's like half the point of playing as Femshep, hell that pairing is practically cannon!
I love that Gabe can't quite believe Tycho isn't just trying to teach him some lesson about porn diversity.
IIRC, in one of their interviews Mike stated that one of the things he liked about Jerry was that while he took others' opinions personally, Jerry seemed to not give a care what other people might think and do his own thing.
Seemingly he has a lot of self confidence?
"Thanks focus group." - that was my favorite, somehow.
mysticjuicer[he/him] I'm a muscle wizardand I cast P U N C HRegistered Userregular
It's funny because for a long time I was like Mike with my porn. I'm no where near Jerry on this, but the thought of gay porn doesn't bother me anymore.
I was genuinely disappointed when I finally got around to watching gay porn and discovered it did nothing for me. It would have made me so much more interesting.
zepherinRussian warship, go fuck yourselfRegistered Userregular
I am truly neutral to gay porn. There are reasons why but I'll save you the interesting details, but in the end I just see it and move on, not into it, not disgusted by it, it's just something I'm not into. Like yellow cars.
I am truly neutral to gay porn. There are reasons why but I'll save you the interesting details, but in the end I just see it and move on, not into it, not disgusted by it, it's just something I'm not into. Like yellow cars.
This was a pretty damn good episode, and I also love that it's coming so soon after the comic. I imagine it's not easy to put them out this quickly, but that's twice now it's happened and I think it really improves the 4th panels to be following the comic so closely.
excellent episode, fellas! as @zachn'cheese said, you could feel the love in the room. this was maybe your best episode ever. congrats on continuing to push the envelope and helping to make gamer culture more welcoming and accepting than ever before!
I hope that there can be some actual mature, reasonable discussion in this thread instead of it being filled with trolls or insults or homophobia. Or closed by moderators who are overly afraid of just those things or just don't want to deal with it. Not sure what the community here is like in that regard; but here goes nothing.
I'm a mature, straight, 20-something male and I've had gay porn in my, shall we say, "repertoire"? For quite some time. I don't find two men doing it as erotic as two women, or a man and a women, or multiples of those. But occasionally... I do. And I've always been ashamed of it, afraid of it, but I know better than to try to resist something as natural as what I find erotic. I'm not afraid of being gay, and I know that I'm not, but I'm afraid of the social repercussions that could occur in my life and at my job if I were open about it, and I can't afford the stress of trying to hide something like that. So watching gay porn made me worry about possibly being gay, which made me worry about possibly having to hide that.
Finding out that another guy, a straight guy and one that I respect tremendously, has similar habits, puts my mind at ease, and also clarifies my thinking. While I do have a logical reason for worrying about my gay porn watching, I think that was tempered or even precipitated by the religiously regressive environment I grew up in in which all sexuality was repressed and homosexuality in particular was something that would have had me, if not disowned, at least publicly shamed and have all financial support with college and moving out removed. Eventually the sexual repression sort of fell away, after my mother caught me watching some lesbian porn when I was 16 and yelled, "What the FUCK is that?" To which I responded, "Porn. Problem?" But there are still traces of homophobia buried in my psyche and I think the inhibition against looking at gay porn that I was fighting was an example of that. Now Jerry's admission that he does the same thing has clarified my thinking and allowed me to recognize that, and it's one less thing that weighs on my psyche.
I hope that there can be some actual mature, reasonable discussion in this thread instead of it being filled with trolls or insults or homophobia. Or closed by moderators who are overly afraid of just those things or just don't want to deal with it. Not sure what the community here is like in that regard; but here goes nothing.
Yeah you are definately new, welcome to the community and for the most part people here are fairly tollerant in regards to sexuality and such issues as far as I have seen at least.
This was a fantastic episode they really are getting beter as time goes on.
Sig to mucho Grande!
mysticjuicer[he/him] I'm a muscle wizardand I cast P U N C HRegistered Userregular
edited March 2012
@Eudoxus I think you'll find these forums to be one of the most queer friendly places online. I certainly have.
I love that Gabe can't quite believe Tycho isn't just trying to teach him some lesson about porn diversity.
Mike has a hard time with these sort of things with Jerry, because Jerry's capable of projecting the same sort of facial expression whether he's pulling your leg or being sincere.
He probably makes for an excellent poker player.
Personally, I'd pitch him for an actor type-cast onto villainous roles, I believe he'd excel.
Exactly. I've had one of those friends that can say anything with a completely straight face and make it very convincing. And he was a constant sarcastic sonovabitch too, so it was hard to gauge his seriousness at times. I remember watching him play Shadow of the Colossus and he told me in a very matter-of-fact way that the game was all boss fights and that you only had a sword and a bow. Being accustomed to playing someone wherein you haul around more gear than a U-Haul in games, I thought he was completely full of shit, until I watched him play for an extended period of time and saw that he wasn't.
As far as this video goes, I think Jerry really was fucking with Mike the entire time, but I guess we'll never know. In any case, that still would have been a highly entertaining and amusing 4th Panel based solely on their reactions to each other, let alone the conversation that was had.
Rehab on
NNID: Rehab0
ProprietyPAX Pokemon League Leader!Registered Userregular
There's no commercial before the episode. That's interesting.
I got a commercial for Reuben sandwiches. I... I don't know what that means.
I cannot stop watching this. It's just... listening to Jerry is just... it makes me so happy. The way Mike is just peaking over the back of the couch... and the way Jerry asks "are you alright?" the exact goddamn way I asked my best friend that same thing when I came out for the first time. I've had these sorts of conversations before, so many times. It's refreshing to listen to someone who has the most courage of their convictions of anyone I've ever seen. He just knows who he is and isn't afraid of it.
As far as this video goes, I think Jerry really was fucking with Mike the entire time, but I guess we'll never know.
I really don't think he was. At 2:50... and 4:59, "I don't feel guilty about this..." and at 6:02, when he asks if Mike is alright.... jegus. No, he's being honest.
Propriety on
That guy with the ridiculously long scarf at PAX. Say Hi!
Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
AshokaA Hub subforum that works?Registered Userregular
It's refreshing to listen to someone who has the most courage of their convictions of anyone I've ever seen. He just knows who he is and isn't afraid of it.
True, true. I just know that Jerry gets a kick out of fucking around with Mike and I think he would be willing to go deeper and deeper into something that shocked Mike purely for his own amusement. He did seem incredibly sincere though, but its like . . . is that just what he wants us to think?! Maybe that just says something about me, although I already knew I was capable of being a somewhat skeptical/suspicious person at certain times. But Jerry certainly doesn't give a damn about what anyone else thinks and he always does his own thing, so you're probably right.
I uh, tried out shemale porn before, but it just didn't really do much for me. I couldn't process that it just looked weird and like Mike, it was just the thought that there could have been more vagina there! But I think a lot of people are curious about different sex things, and what the hell does it matter what you have on your browser? You know, barring some really fucked up shit like child porn at least.
I made a little image out of a bit of Jerry's core assertion from the episode, but I can't figure out how to post it to the forum. I never thought of myself as particularly internet savy, but now I feel truly shamed...
Thelonious Mock on
FactorySquirrelMarceline's HenchmanLand of OooRegistered Userregular
I love how they're still constantly discovering things about each other even though they've known each other for two hundred goddamn years.
"That man is playing Galaga! He thought we wouldn't notice. But we did."
True, true. I just know that Jerry gets a kick out of fucking around with Mike and I think he would be willing to go deeper and deeper into something that shocked Mike purely for his own amusement. He did seem incredibly sincere though, but its like . . . is that just what he wants us to think?! Maybe that just says something about me, although I already knew I was capable of being a somewhat skeptical/suspicious person at certain times. But Jerry certainly doesn't give a damn about what anyone else thinks and he always does his own thing, so you're probably right.
I can understand that, I think. If you don't find a straight guy who isn't phased by gay porn remarkable, then the episode is all about Mike's reaction. And it would be so funny if Jerry was trolling Mike and all of us the entire time. Like, if a couple months down the line he expressed sincere distaste for gay porn and Mike's head just exploded? I'd send him a fucking minted plaque for that. "Troll Champion 2012"
Now I'm fucking with you."
Great episode.
This. This, so much. I just want to hug him.
Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
This ended up being a really great script art-wise, too. Mike got the gestures and expressions right. And a much more insightful 4th panel than most. Nice!
"You're not looking for that material in general. .... .... ..... .... ... are you?"
2) I'm still trying to figure out how the Ostrich beastiality thing supposed to work or what's the special uniqueness about it compared to other subjects, height issues aside.
One of these days, my curiosity will be the end of me.
Mike has a hard time with these sort of things with Jerry, because Jerry's capable of projecting the same sort of facial expression whether he's pulling your leg or being sincere.
He probably makes for an excellent poker player.
Personally, I'd pitch him for an actor type-cast onto villainous roles, I believe he'd excel.
IIRC, in one of their interviews Mike stated that one of the things he liked about Jerry was that while he took others' opinions personally, Jerry seemed to not give a care what other people might think and do his own thing.
Seemingly he has a lot of self confidence?
"Thanks focus group." - that was my favorite, somehow.
Mike: "...I don't hear a girl."
Jerry: "There's no girl in this."
If the president had any real power, he'd be able to live wherever the fuck he wanted.
Now that you mention it, I totally remember that, too.
Either way, this was possibly the most fascinating episode... so far.
I hope that there can be some actual mature, reasonable discussion in this thread instead of it being filled with trolls or insults or homophobia. Or closed by moderators who are overly afraid of just those things or just don't want to deal with it. Not sure what the community here is like in that regard; but here goes nothing.
I'm a mature, straight, 20-something male and I've had gay porn in my, shall we say, "repertoire"? For quite some time. I don't find two men doing it as erotic as two women, or a man and a women, or multiples of those. But occasionally... I do. And I've always been ashamed of it, afraid of it, but I know better than to try to resist something as natural as what I find erotic. I'm not afraid of being gay, and I know that I'm not, but I'm afraid of the social repercussions that could occur in my life and at my job if I were open about it, and I can't afford the stress of trying to hide something like that. So watching gay porn made me worry about possibly being gay, which made me worry about possibly having to hide that.
Finding out that another guy, a straight guy and one that I respect tremendously, has similar habits, puts my mind at ease, and also clarifies my thinking. While I do have a logical reason for worrying about my gay porn watching, I think that was tempered or even precipitated by the religiously regressive environment I grew up in in which all sexuality was repressed and homosexuality in particular was something that would have had me, if not disowned, at least publicly shamed and have all financial support with college and moving out removed. Eventually the sexual repression sort of fell away, after my mother caught me watching some lesbian porn when I was 16 and yelled, "What the FUCK is that?" To which I responded, "Porn. Problem?" But there are still traces of homophobia buried in my psyche and I think the inhibition against looking at gay porn that I was fighting was an example of that. Now Jerry's admission that he does the same thing has clarified my thinking and allowed me to recognize that, and it's one less thing that weighs on my psyche.
So thanks Jerry.
This was a fantastic episode they really are getting beter as time goes on.
Anyway I've watched this a bunch of times now and mikes reactions are priceless.
His face after the "I fuck men" line kills me, and the way he's just barley peeking his eyes from behind the couch is adorable.
No homo.
If the president had any real power, he'd be able to live wherever the fuck he wanted.
But not spelling.
Exactly. I've had one of those friends that can say anything with a completely straight face and make it very convincing. And he was a constant sarcastic sonovabitch too, so it was hard to gauge his seriousness at times. I remember watching him play Shadow of the Colossus and he told me in a very matter-of-fact way that the game was all boss fights and that you only had a sword and a bow. Being accustomed to playing someone wherein you haul around more gear than a U-Haul in games, I thought he was completely full of shit, until I watched him play for an extended period of time and saw that he wasn't.
As far as this video goes, I think Jerry really was fucking with Mike the entire time, but I guess we'll never know. In any case, that still would have been a highly entertaining and amusing 4th Panel based solely on their reactions to each other, let alone the conversation that was had.
I got a commercial for Reuben sandwiches. I... I don't know what that means.
I cannot stop watching this. It's just... listening to Jerry is just... it makes me so happy. The way Mike is just peaking over the back of the couch... and the way Jerry asks "are you alright?" the exact goddamn way I asked my best friend that same thing when I came out for the first time. I've had these sorts of conversations before, so many times. It's refreshing to listen to someone who has the most courage of their convictions of anyone I've ever seen. He just knows who he is and isn't afraid of it.
I really don't think he was. At 2:50... and 4:59, "I don't feel guilty about this..." and at 6:02, when he asks if Mike is alright.... jegus. No, he's being honest.
Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
Goddamn inspiring is what it is.
I uh, tried out shemale porn before, but it just didn't really do much for me. I couldn't process that it just looked weird and like Mike, it was just the thought that there could have been more vagina there! But I think a lot of people are curious about different sex things, and what the hell does it matter what you have on your browser? You know, barring some really fucked up shit like child porn at least.
I made a little image out of a bit of Jerry's core assertion from the episode, but I can't figure out how to post it to the forum. I never thought of myself as particularly internet savy, but now I feel truly shamed...
That's around three minutes into Season one, Ep. 4.
I can understand that, I think. If you don't find a straight guy who isn't phased by gay porn remarkable, then the episode is all about Mike's reaction. And it would be so funny if Jerry was trolling Mike and all of us the entire time. Like, if a couple months down the line he expressed sincere distaste for gay porn and Mike's head just exploded? I'd send him a fucking minted plaque for that. "Troll Champion 2012"