Contracted a cough late Sunday and recovering well. Glad that I at least made it through the con before getting sick. Remember that game controllers are touched by hundreds or even thousands of others before you. Wash your hands often.
Ever since Saturday night, my whole body was feeling really sore. By Saturday afternoon standing up was torture for me and whenever I sat down it took forever to get back up haha. By the time I made it back to nyc on monday afternoon I was dozing off whenever I sat down.
This is the first time this has ever happened to me and I volunteer/staff at other conventions as well. I guess I really didnt notice I havent been drinking enough water throughout the weekend >.<
Remember to always drink plenty of water guys! BRB while I sleep for the next 2 weeks to try to sleep this pain away
I missed work Monday from rocking a fever all Sunday night and being unable to sleep. I don't think it was pax related though - I was only there Sunday afterall. I was wondering if maybe it was from the sausage sub I ate though...
There’s no credible evidence that what’s in Airborne can prevent colds or protect you from a germy environment. Airborne is basically an overpriced, run-of-the-mill vitamin pill that’s been cleverly, but deceptively, marketed.
The boyfriend and I had wicked sore/dry throats on Sunday, but there's a decent chance it was from all the Saturday night drinking. I also spent all day Sunday and Monday nauseated from not having any real meals all weekend. I don't think anyone actually got sick, though.
PAX East 2014: 3-Day Pass [X] | Hotel Room [X] | Transportation [X] | Time Off [X] | Costume [ ]
I lost my voice Saturday afternoon (which sucked because I had three presentations to run on Sunday. Oh the irony of having a badge with "Speaker" printed on it!). Fortunately, I figured out a way to run all three events without being able to talk. Read someone's post about it here!
Still feeling teh suck, but able to croak out syllables.
There’s no credible evidence that what’s in Airborne can prevent colds or protect you from a germy environment. Airborne is basically an overpriced, run-of-the-mill vitamin pill that’s been cleverly, but deceptively, marketed.
So then what should we use instead?
Common sense, hygiene, a multivitamin, sufficient sleep and decent meals? There's still no surefire defense against the common cold except those things.
Yep me too. Stuffed up nose, coughing and 100ish degree fever. In general feel like i got ran over by a truck. Started Tuesday but really kicked in full force today.
Both my husband and I have flu-like symptoms, and I have this disgusting hacking smokers cough. Miserable!
Like many, I just assumed four days of drinking and shouting above the drone of the crowds had taken my throat out. But, this is what I've got, right here. Tried to go to work today THEY SENT ME HOME. So, now I'm playing the fun game of "what color is that fluid?". Definitely improving though, and it didn't hit me hard until Tuesday.
I had stomach troubles on Monday, although I attribute that to poor food choices during the weekend. The cold started on Tuesday, but I feel better than I did even this morning.
This is the first year I've gotten sick after PAX, so I think I'm pretty lucky all in all.
I thought I was getting sick on Saturday, thought I was clear by Wednesday. Then today I was hit by a second (much worse) cold that is kicking my ass. Gotta collect all the diseases.
I thought I was in the clear but I am feeling pretty shitty today. Crazy bad headache and some serious fatigue. Does this still count as PAX Pox even though it is almost a week later? Maybe I am just having a bad day!
I dodged the PaxPox. I have a crazy good immune system. But after my breakfast biscuit/sandwich from the deli thingy on the way to the expo hall. I got the runs real bad a couple hours later. It cleared up by that night. But lordy, that was no fun.
I has the Post-Pax blues now though. My bipolar has taken a nosedive and is making me lazy and blue. I stay up late browsing Mass Effect fanfics and Pax pics. Then sleep till near noon.
Pax Prime! Come faster!
- Biting's excellent! It's like kissing. Only there's a winner.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
I'm amused I don't need to comment in a thread anymore in order to be part of it :P But ya, I was POXed. Spent most of Sunday in bed and don't even remember most of Saturday/Sunday. A week later and I can finally be out of bed for more than an hour at a time.
Four straight days of fever was delicious. This was the worst con crud I've ever had, by far.
WulfDisciple of TzeentchThe Void... (New Jersey)Registered Userregular
edited April 2012
Oh god, started getting sick on Friday night, then on Saturday, took one of the queue-balls to the mouth as I was talking to my friend. By 5 PM I was starting to shake and feel like death warmed over. Soldiered through on Sunday, Sunday night couldn't even hold my hand steady enough to put the room key in for a few tries. Totally out of it Monday -Thursday, though I did try to go to work on Weds. Terrible idea :P Still spewing enough mucous that I could be confused for a giant snail even now, but better than I was for sure.
First time I've gotten sick in all of the PAX Easts, and first time I wasn't enforcing... wonder if there is a correlation...
This is the first time this has ever happened to me and I volunteer/staff at other conventions as well. I guess I really didnt notice I havent been drinking enough water throughout the weekend >.<
Remember to always drink plenty of water guys! BRB while I sleep for the next 2 weeks to try to sleep this pain away
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
dude, did you make that graphic? because it has totally inspired me to make a PAX POX trading card next
"The bass, the rock, the mic, the treble, I like my coffee black just like my metal." - MSI
I think I might die of exhaustion in that situation. But the funeral would be awesome!
Those are the PAX Pox cards from the Penny Arcade deckbuilding game.
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
So then what should we use instead?
I lost my voice Saturday afternoon (which sucked because I had three presentations to run on Sunday. Oh the irony of having a badge with "Speaker" printed on it!). Fortunately, I figured out a way to run all three events without being able to talk. Read someone's post about it here!
Still feeling teh suck, but able to croak out syllables.
Last year I had terrible bronchitis and I the year before I think the norovirus.
Common sense, hygiene, a multivitamin, sufficient sleep and decent meals? There's still no surefire defense against the common cold except those things.
Do it! (I'm also super sad that I didn't meet you. . .considering you made my card. -_-)
Like many, I just assumed four days of drinking and shouting above the drone of the crowds had taken my throat out. But, this is what I've got, right here. Tried to go to work today THEY SENT ME HOME. So, now I'm playing the fun game of "what color is that fluid?". Definitely improving though, and it didn't hit me hard until Tuesday.
This is the first year I've gotten sick after PAX, so I think I'm pretty lucky all in all.
I was "lucky" enought to get hit with a PrePAX Pox (PPP? 3P?) Wednesday so I was struggling most of the con.
Relevant info: #PAX East: 3 Coin Lunch organizer. 2012 Trading card available. Pokecrawl Assistant 2012. Pokecrawl attendee 2011. Cult of the Leaf attendee 2012.
That doesn't make my cough any better, but at least I'm not infectious.
PAX East 2018 4-Day Pass [X] BYOC Pass [X] Hotel Reservation [X]
See y'all at PAX East 2018!
I'm about there too. Feeling mostly good now, but accidentally managed to infect a coworker on Wednesday...
I has the Post-Pax blues now though. My bipolar has taken a nosedive and is making me lazy and blue. I stay up late browsing Mass Effect fanfics and Pax pics. Then sleep till near noon.
Pax Prime! Come faster!
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
Sorry to anyone I hugged who later got sick
First time I've gotten sick in all of the PAX Easts, and first time I wasn't enforcing... wonder if there is a correlation...