With the new and greatly enlarged venue, we have once again sounded the clarion call for more volunteers. If you think you have what it takes, please considering donning a special black PAX pass this year and becoming one of the Enforcer Army.
What precisely
does it take, you might ask? I shall elaborate:
- You must be 18 or older by PAXtime
- You must have your travel arrangements & vacation time (if either are applicable) secured
- You're ready to dig in and help out!
In return for the allegiance of our volunteers, we reward each one with a free pass, enhanced event access, a supremely authoritive staff shirt, snacks, and a wide variety of other secret opportunities (year round!). PAX lasts a weekend, but Enforcer Fraternity endures!
I won't lie, the Enforcers work hard and it might leave a battle scar or two. We are a 300-man raid group, always close to a full wipe. We don't get much sleep, food becomes a distant memory for some, and caffeine plays a larger role than perhaps we should admit to. But late on that Sunday, when the few straggling attendees are out the door and the last truck is finally packed up and out of the loading dock, our stalwart cry of victory has brought many a noble heart to tears.
If the idea of experiencing PAX on a deeper level appeals and you'd like to volunteer, please fill out
this application and mail it to me, Kristin "PRD" Lindsay, at
klindsay@penny-arcade.com. You can also send any questions you may have about volunteering my way.
The Enforcers have called, will you answer?
Also, we pull our Child's Play volunteers from the Enforcers, which looks really sweet on a resume.
Do what you are told.
Stand there and look intimidating.
Shun the nonbelievers.
eventhough the thread is old and has some outdated info. it still gives a decent summary of what is expected of enforcers.
Mostly for on event things, just show up to your assigned shifts and ask the area manager what you are supposed to do and do it to thebest of your ability and you are golden.
They do everything! Security, ticket sales, running tournaments, crowd control, customer service, set up and strike, loading, event planning, stage hands, ushers, executive assistants (shout out to my man Haikon!), demos, VIP handling, information booth staff, runners, information management, bag stuffing, first aid, PC and console management, press coordination, logistics, department staff (PC, console, table top, handheld, Control, all the theatres, concert hall, Omegathon, Exhibition Hall) ....
Probably other stuff that I can't think of off the top of my head, too. I'm not exaggerating in the slightest when I say that without the Enforcers, there would be no (and never have been) PAX.
If the sheer variety of tasks seem overwhelming, let me assure you that most Enforcers only work one job, so it's really not that bad. They get the chance when I start the scheduling to let me know what their preferred job is, and I try very hard to get everyone when and where they want to be. It's not always a sure thing with 200-300 volunteers, but I do try.
Oh, and ignore Red, I don't want people standing around looking intimidating. Not frequently, anyways. More likely I want you running and smiling. :P
If by "long distance" you mean that you aren't coming to PAX, then that isn't an option. If you mean you're only going to be in town for PAX weekend, you can definitely volunteer. There are some social aspects you'd probably miss (SAX, our bag stuffing event, is a roller coaster of hilarity and shenanigans... and work), but they aren't mandatory.
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
we smoke as we shoot the bird!
PRD : I've got my application filled out, but I'm not entirely done securing everything for sending it in. It's got plenty of reading, as so we can establish a fully working relationship. If things seem as flexible as they sound in your descriptions, I see no reason why I won't be applying for the Enforcer staff.
Also your feet are going to hate you, I doubt they will be doing much thinking :P
Correct! We don't do it automatically, though. You'd have to follow the refund instructions from Cvent.
a bit, just have paitence.
It depends how fast I'm going through them, and how busy I am. I try not to take more than a week, but that's not clad in iron.
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
You work 1 shift a day.
Edit: Oh wait I just found the e-mail in my crowded inbox ^_^
*waves hand wildly*
Submitted application a few days ago - would greatly appreciate a reply when your time permits.
You should get an email with a link to the Enforcer forum once/if you get approved.
Its not on the PA boards. Something different entirely.
There was a link and everything. :?
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
He wanted to do other stuff so he wanted to know the minimum requirements but yes, working more is fine by everyone if you really want to.
Wow I'm accepted!
*smokes raisin doobie, meets Geldemore, gets eaten by a cat, meets Makrykateandashley Olsen, obtains the Magic Amulet of Balthazoo, travels to The Castle Fusilor, rescues Princess Gremulon*