PAX has my brain. I will write some snappy intro later.
Oh, and what's this? A shiny new
CALENDAR gifted to the PAX community by the ever wonderful zerzhul? Yes indeed. Do us all a favour: check it out. It makes things a lot easier and it's public so anyone can add an event.
Upcoming Events:

Want to add something? Just post about it.
Also, if you enjoy hiking, some of us hit some of the local trails throughout the summer. PM me if you're interested.
Past Events:ZOMGGoLFPUTTPUTT Day 4.0
Seymour Creek Golf Centre
Saturday August 18th, 5pm
$5.00 per personCome hang out with us at this family-friendly location and make completely inappropriate jokes about balls, shafts, and how many strokes it takes you to finish.ZOMGLAzERPEWPEW Night 5.0
Laser Dome
Saturday August 18th, 9pm - 12am
Play all night: $20
ZOMG MOAR Putt Putt Balls & Shafts
Ambleside Par 3
Sunday, August 19th, 3:30pmZOMG-So-SOAR-fROmLAzERPEWPEW Dinner 4.0 Complete
Davie Mongorian Mongolian BBQ
Sunday August 19th, 6pm[Insert Snappy Title Here]Storm Suck Crow Tavern Time TBA
Dumb & Dumber @ The Rio, 11pm
Friday August 24th
Woot! Water Slides.Cultas Lake Water Park
Saturday August 25th, 3:30pm - 7:00pm
Twilight Pass: $17.86
Abbotsford Raid Night 4.0Castle Fun Park (Next to the third cow on your right)
Saturday August 25th, 7:30pm - 11:00pm
FTW! (For The Wings) Night 5.0
WINGS on Granville
Tuesday August 28th, 6pm
What better way to celebrate the arrival of PAX than to stuff your face with meat and meat-related foodstuffs?Videogame Cover Band (Not an annual pre-pax event, but here for chronology's sake.)
The Pender House
Tuesday, August 28th, 7:45pm - 10:30pm
The Critical Hit ShowThe Rio
Wednesday, August 29th, Doors at 7pm
Tickets $6 advance / $9 at the Door
"If you wanted to add the Protomen concert at the Biltmore on the 29th to the list, I'm also going to that."The Baltimore
August 29th, Doors @ 7pm
Friday, August 31st - Sunday, September 2nd
EDIT: I may even try to drag deadmetal to it.
DS Friend Code - 5300-9697-9935
Will have to pass on this one. Apparently, I subconciously RSVP'd to something a couple of months back on an event that takes place the same night. Have fun though!
If you're going to be in the area, and/or are going to the concert, and/or just want to meet up with people for drinks/lunch/dinner, join the FB event!
(P.S. Trying to get a little warparty together for Sunday lunch at Shabusen.
Hufflepuff: Death Eaters / Head of House
Also, a maybe for the renaissance festival
Surrey Central skytrain station, say...uh..7? I dunno. I'm not even sure who's interested :P
DS Friend Code - 5300-9697-9935
How about the usual events Sumi?
Castle Fun Park, Wings, GoKarts, Lazer Pewpew etc.?
Also I would like to propose: Celebration of Light
As for RSVPs I would be down for the night market, but I can't make it to anything else so far... my work has me on ad-hoc for about a month.
Now with Twitter! @HonestoDoragon
Pokemon Black: 4555 9510 3686
Also, thanks!
Now with Twitter! @HonestoDoragon
Pokemon Black: 4555 9510 3686
Also yes for nightmarket.
On a somewhat unrelated note, I'm still voting to move FTWings to either Monday or Tuesday, since we had alot of people who said they couldn't make it last year because they were heading down to Seattle Wednesday for MMT, PAX Dev or other Pre-PAXyness. :winky:
Tentative RSVP for August events, depending on budget!