True Frustration.
AnonymousOne new tester was an absolute twit, but he used to be a teacher so went from training straight to “assistant trainer.”
Now, this guy was a *terrible* tester, with no instinct for testing whatsoever, but man could he write those Powerpoint presentations! For a year while we crunched 70+ hour workweeks we saw this dick work a cozy 9-5 and have weekends off and get every holiday off. He got promoted to full-time, “Head Trainer,” then promoted again to Senior Testing Lead and was put in charge of a AAA title without ever having written so much as one bug.
The worst was he would sit in the breakroom and talk about how fantastic the industry was and nobody had any room to complain—after all, look how successful he was!
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
I am reminded simultaneously of Red Dwarf's heights and depths.
Admiral Ackbar must be feeling uneasy right now.
Cora knows Q.
She's three steps and a space spitoon ahead.
this was the first thing I noticed about this as well. One would hope there's a second one where it ought to be, but I think it's a great way to show *how* surprised/alarmed he is re: Q's arrival, hahaha
Uncanny Magazine!
The Mad Writers Union
XBL: GamingFreak5514
PSN: GamingFreak1234
I am looking forward to being elderly for this reason.
Right now, I have zero time to waste on people trying to trick me into buying stuff I don't need. I'm married, have a young child and an often more-than-fulltime job.
When I'm retired and probably pretty bored, I'll have all kinds of time to chat with these people. I still won't buy anything, but I intend to pay back every moment of my time they've wasted over the years ten times over (payback with interest is a bitch).