Making a new tuftoo thread because no one else did.
I guess we have servers.
The HONC has some custom maps, so there's a
map pack you can download if you don't feel like waiting ages when it switches to one of those.
I could see the gunboats being popular if they had some general explosive damage reduction. Not as much as the reduction to self damage, because that'd be crazy, but just a little bit.
You can have mine if you want? I don't really pyro much and I could always get another at a later date.
and it's gone
Might just have to drop a few bucks on scorched keys and gamble. I enjoy playing as a pyro (though I'm bad with weapon swapping, so honestly I'm pretty much fresh meat outside of official Valve servers), so these definitely appeal to me.
Yes, it's more cost effective to just trade for what I want, but I don't mind taking the long shot at something really good popping up.
Though after picking up some cheap keys on the Outpost to clear out some boxes that were building up, I really need to just start deleting any non-rare/event boxes I get. :-P
Also I really hope the Warehouse gets their shit together some day. It's a bit hard to use when fucking *everything* is overstocked. Apparently they have some credit sale thing coming, but I think they should just improve the bulk buy discount on refined and keys by a little bit (enough that it adds up quicker, obviously not so much as to make them less than their sale price) so at least some of the common commodities can be dropped in, allowing people to buy more easily, hopefully reducing the issue. They've been sitting around 100-110% refined for months at this point.
Pretty sure I got mine the first time I died after firing up a game after the update.
Edit: and if that fails, apparently you can get one for dominating someone who has them equipped, which you could set up easily enough with a PA'er, I'm sure.
Stop being lazy, open TF2. You should be good, or you already have them and didn't notice them get dropped into your backpack.
Still doing this. I'm almost ready to test it.
Made a KoTH map designed for highlander play.
Fuck I don't know how the Demoman managed to get a sword and shield and how they work.
Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
Seriously though, I know what you are saying. I don't even really know wtf is going on with crafting and stuff. Still, it hasn't impacted my ability to waste an hour playing TF2.
Meet the Pyro is pretty awesome too, and Pyrovision is civilization.
Crafting, yes. I don't understand crafting in the least. The guides I've read always say I need scrap metal, but in the few months I've played I've never gotten enough of anything to make a worthwhile weapon. (And then it's usually randomized at that)
Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
I hoarded every drop for a while and then got to work once the Pyromania update hit. I was able to craft the Beggars Bazooka and the scorch shot, and have the mats to do the Scout's New Scattergun (which I hear sucks, but that means it'll get buffed eventually, right?). This strategy worked well and I may just do it again. I generally don't trade unless it's with my good buddies, mostly because I can't be bothered to put in effort to get my Refined metal's worth.
Usually I try to craft stuff for the 2-3 classes I play the most (likely Pyro, Soldier, and Medic) then keep a copy of everything else just in case. Usually all the recipes you need are there and it's a matter of having the things you need.
You also have to go into it knowing it's a grind and a bit of luck to get what you want. Just play and eventually you will get stuff to make.
So if you were good at TF2 back in 2007, you'll be good at TF2 here in 2012.
Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
You scoundrels
When did he get unbanned from the server?
Because I was on HONC for five minutes and he was already spamming his troll macros.
Prior to today, he was only banned on the HDC.
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
EDIT: And now the Rainblower (Thanks, PMAvers!)
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Oh I guess that explains it, I thought all the PA TF2 server admins had a vote in their secret volcano base to blacklist him on all the servers.
On a similar note, Anybody want a scorched crate? or a bunch of normal crates? Cuz I need to remove these eyesores from my inventory before they assimilate my bank account.
for context, I just got my first ever crate drop
where is everyone?
So I made this today.
That was all done in the first 5 1/2 hours of the day. I was the first to get a playable alpha.
Now i'm detailing.
Still streaming, too.
Here are the main things you really need to know about the swords and shields:
- The swords has longer reach than other melee weapons. Some swords makes the Demoman stronger as he gets kills with it. The golf club counts as a sword.
- The shields make the Demoman take less damage from explosions and fire (how much depends on which shield it is) and lets him charge.
Even if knowing all the weapons might help, you can probably get by without it. If there's a specific weapon you want, you can try asking here and there'll probably be someone that has a spare they're willing to part with. You can safely ignore the crafting system. Most of the time crafting just isn't worth it.Stream back up.
A3 of my 72hr map is out.
Clipping sucks, deleted from hard drive.
(light is bleeding through your spawn room doors, which makes some really wacky pools of light where there should be none)