So here is our forum dedicated to all things related to “On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darknessâ€. We’ll be keeping an eye on this forum so feel free to ask questions about the game. We’ll do our best to answer what we can. A few of the developers from Hot Head will also be watching this board and helping us keep you guys updated on the Penny Arcade game.
Gabriel on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
Yeah, I hope you're putting in a few cutscenes like the opening to the trailer, Gabe. That was very neat and I haven't heard anyone on the forums say anything bad about it yet.
Also, you don't give your own coloring enough credit, Gabe.
This is coming from someone with no art skills or really any sense of what makes things look good.
So, you know.
Seconded, only from someone WITH art skills. Your consistent color-work is just as important as your line-work and you balance both very well. It's an often-overlooked aspect and the reason some people stick to black and white (they can't do color well).
Thirded, from a person with no art skill. I have always appreciated the way the subtle things you add to scenes and characters effectively visualize the dialogue, or occasional lack thereof. Also, my friend who is an art major kind of goes "Guh! mah, how?" and waves his arms in frustration whenever he sees a particularly impressive piece of your work.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
It's pretty.
This is coming from someone with no art skills or really any sense of what makes things look good.
So, you know.
Seconded, only from someone WITH art skills. Your consistent color-work is just as important as your line-work and you balance both very well. It's an often-overlooked aspect and the reason some people stick to black and white (they can't do color well).
Thirded, from a person with no art skill. I have always appreciated the way the subtle things you add to scenes and characters effectively visualize the dialogue, or occasional lack thereof. Also, my friend who is an art major kind of goes "Guh! mah, how?" and waves his arms in frustration whenever he sees a particularly impressive piece of your work.
@Elki you are not alone