Got home like 2 hours ago and post pax blues are already setting in. I will most definitely be back for East. I think I'll try my hand at enforcing too if the call goes out.
I'll be at East! Assuming tickets don't sell out in hours. >.>
PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
I'll be at East! Assuming tickets don't sell out in hours. >.>
When do East tickets usually go on sale? After the crazy Prime sellout, I don't want to be left out of East. I haven't even bought my airfare yet because I'm afraid I'll miss the ticket opportunity.
Josh5890, I would keep up with @Official_Pax as there will probably be an announcement there when a registration date is set.
As for my own preparation, it comes down to registering first and foremost. I would not arrange travel and lodging until after the passes are ordered. Not only would it suck, but would also be an awkward conversation with my significant other. I have been researching some flights and accommodation in preparation, however.
i'll be there for my second time, and will hopefully be trying a little of everything, and checking out the omegathon that i didn't get to see last time
I'll be going for year #3. I'm going to try for a room in the Westin this time - I think that, although it is more expensive, it will actually save money if I can completely avoid using taxis.
Definitely planning to go along for a third year of East. After the Prime tickets went on sale and sold out while I was sleeping one night, really hoping I don't miss out this time.
I'll be at East! Assuming tickets don't sell out in hours. >.>
When do East tickets usually go on sale? After the crazy Prime sellout, I don't want to be left out of East. I haven't even bought my airfare yet because I'm afraid I'll miss the ticket opportunity.
Keep an eye out for Hotels and Badges around October/November. Check the forums and Twitter as well, since the PAX Site may be updated a few days behind. According to my e-mail receipts, I booked the Westin on October 18th through OnPeak (the official hotel release) and bought my 3 day badge on November 3rd. I could not find the information for the year before that, but I am pretty sure it was somewhere along those lines as well.
Traditionally, PAX East 3 day badges will sell out, but in the past it took a few days before that happened. None the less I would be careful. Every year the event gets bigger and more popular, so I would not be surprised if the 2013 edition sells faster than it's predecessor considering there were many other events coinciding with it.
Just a side note - Every PAX East has been a little different from the last. It's still in its infancy, so take the above with a grain of salt.
This year was my first Prime, but I will definitely be at East as I've been a veteran of that show since year 1. Despite the fact that Boston is by no means my favorite place, East is always an awesome show.
People seem to have really bad I have heard _many_ _many_ people talk about how you typically have a few days to purchase PAX tickets.
This year's Prime was the first where they sold out in basically 48 hours. In the past Prime historically been sold out in a month, East a bit more than that (This years EAST had some single day passes left the last few days before the con).
That being said, I still think it's extremely prudent to keep a close eye on sales, as those who didn't make it to Prime will probably be looking at East as an alternative....and a lot of people didn't make it to Prime.
I will be going this year, which will make my 3rd East. This will be the first that I will attend NOT as Media, which should be interesting. I will enjoy being able to do whatever I want, without having to log it all down for future articles.
Not that this stopped me from enjoying myself for the last 2.
HalfazedninjaAuthor of Jake Howard: Multiverse 101!Behind YouRegistered Userregular
Sorry, couldn't resist. I missed last year's and I am sure as hell not making that mistake this year. So I'll be stalking the PAX East page from now till they go on sale
I'll be there for sure, Year Four will be the best yet!
Hopefully next year we will actually say something like "Hello" instead of last year when we both noticed we tagged each other on the 3DS at some point
I'll definitely be going again! This will be year three for East! It's like an addiction now. I stayed at the Westin this year and that spoiled me.. And I don't want to stay anywhere else if I can avoid it.. The Westin was just amazing. I'm also going to switch up my vacation time so I can hopefully actually be there for the closing ceremonies!
PAX East 2014!!!1!one
3 Day Pass: [x] // Travel: [ x] // Time Off: [ x] // Hotel: [x] Twitter:@amysophie Twitter:amysophie Gamertag/Steam: Vixen Valentine
I'm planning on going again for the 2nd year in a row. Need to get up on the hotels much more quickly this time around so I can be on the convention center side of the water...
Another PAX. Another Pokecrawl. I can't wait. Last year we got badges but we were slow to book a room and missed out on a Westin room. Won't be making that same mistake again. Being able to stay inside where it was warm and just walk over to our room for a quick nap or swag dropoff made it easily worth the money.
it's finally heeeerrrreeeee! pax east planning time!!! clearly, i'm very excited.
this is going to be my third pax (all easts). my first one was just kind of checking things out, last one i actually did the ppd and interacted with community people a bit, and next year will be BEST PAX EVER. for real. i know we still have a long wait ahead of us, but returning to the forums is SUPER exciting on its own. hooray!!!
People seem to have really bad I have heard _many_ _many_ people talk about how you typically have a few days to purchase PAX tickets.
This year's Prime was the first where they sold out in basically 48 hours. In the past Prime historically been sold out in a month, East a bit more than that (This years EAST had some single day passes left the last few days before the con).
That being said, I still think it's extremely prudent to keep a close eye on sales, as those who didn't make it to Prime will probably be looking at East as an alternative....and a lot of people didn't make it to Prime.
this is very true, there were actually sunday passes still being sold AT pax east 2012. HOWEVER, if you combine the jilted prime folks with everyone who didn't go to last east because of easter/passover/anime boston, you get absolutely guaranteed higher attendance for 2013. hopefully it still won't be the madness that prime was, but you never can tell.
Well, in previous years Prime took at least a month to sell out. I actually thought it was a hoax when I saw the badges were selling out a day later. IMO Prime is better (nice weather, seems to be where the party at), but East is no slouch. East is more con and less party, Prime seems to be more party and less con. I may perceive it that way because I'm drunk 70% of Prime.
My boyfriend and I are thinking about going. This was t fourth PAX and this his third. East 2013 will be our first for Boston. Anyone have any idea about how much money we should save up?
My boyfriend and I are thinking about going. This was t fourth PAX and this his third. East 2013 will be our first for Boston. Anyone have any idea about how much money we should save up?
IMO it's almost no different from Prime overall cost-wise with the exception of how long your flight is. I'm sure that there are some differences, but it's not WILDLY different. They're both big cities, it's still PAX.
Yea I've been researching and it looks like I should be able to get round trip from Chicago for $226. I just hope I get a pass and a room at the connecting hotel. I'll just have to watch this forum religiously.
so as the post says I am from the west coast and considering going to East next year but still not entirely sure looking for opinions? is it easy to meet people? should I go? is there anyone out there who has a group that meets for lunches and dinners and evenings that would be willing to accomodate a lonely Canadian?
Darn!!!! I wanted to be the first PAX East post!!! Oh well, hehe. I can't wait!!!! This will be my 4th east. I've been to every one so far and hope I'll get to others in the future. Now, the day after PAX Prime is the start of religiously stalking Twitter for any info on tickets and hotels. I have twitter on my phone, on all my computers, on several computers at work, heck, anything I can get Twitter on. I don't want to miss out like with the situation with Prime 12. Other than all this, I start planning on what games I want to take and what board/card games I want to try. I tell ya, go to the pre-PAX gaming night at the Westin. That was so awesome last year. Zombie dice rules!!!! I've got several friends hooked on that. Lastly, I hope the new Neo Geo X is out by then. I would love to be rocking some classic Neo Geo in lines!
@Browncoat565 I went solo to East last year and had an amazing time. Don't let that be the thing that keeps you from going.
East has a lot of similar pre- and post- PAX activities. There is a bar crawl (Pokecrawl), a Magical Mystery Tour, Pre-PAX Dinner, Pre-PAX Gaming Night, Girls Meetup, etc.
sanovahNerd of the WestSan Diego, CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
edited September 2012
When is east normally, when do tickets usually go on sale for east, and when do hotels usually go online for east? Since prime was just sooooo much fun, and I'm one of those poor colege student types wanna see if I should even get my hopes up about going or if I should just start count the weeks til next years prime cause its too close.
When is east normally, when do tickets usually go on sale for east, and when do hotels usually go online for east? Since prime was just sooooo much fun, and I'm one of those poor colege student types wanna see if I should even get my hopes up about going or if I should just start count the weeks til next years prime cause its too close.
The past two years, hotel reservations became available in mid-October. I don't know when 2010 passes when on sale, but 2011 were available starting in early November.
sizzlersam(Retired) [E] PC Room NetworkRegistered Userregular
edit: don't book your plane tickets and blame me if its some other date but I do consider this as a fairly reliable way to guess the date.
sizzlersam on
sanovahNerd of the WestSan Diego, CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
Posting this in both FAQs.since it relates to both cons
I had an unbelievably amazing time at my first prime and don't want to wait a whole year to enjoy that again. With that in mind I've began contemplating going to both this upcoming year and would like some advice/answer to the below question from pax pros that do both every year. While it would be a little tight at probably two spots I shuld be able to afford going to both, my only problem/ concern is getting two weeks off in one year since I am looking for a new job and have no idea where ill be working at the time.
So yeah to any pros that do both or have tried to in the past would you reccomend. Doing both in one year or just going to one for longer than the actual convention? Like I said I can unless something drastic comes up afford both or a longer trip, my only concern would be getting two weeks off one for each.
There are tons of people who ask this question every year. I wish search was better, but maybe try google for prime vs east? or something like that. I should keep some of them bookmarked just so I can link them.
Basically it comes down to this:
1) they're both PAX, so yay
2) One is in Seattle, one in Boston, there are pros/cons to each city that are unrelated to PAX.
3) Prime is spread out due to the venue not being large enough, East's venue is massive and awesome so PAX is all in one glorious space.
4) Prime is spread out in a very active part of the city, so the walk to get to other things can take you near new awesome stuff Seattle has to offer. East is in one spot that is growing but is not super active, so you have to take a 5-10 min subway ride to the hotspots (personally I like both sides of this one, for different reasons).
5) Prime is at capacity, East has room to grow.
I could probably go on forever, but I really encourage you to search the forums a bit to find some of these discussions from the past.
sanovahNerd of the WestSan Diego, CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
Yeah after asking that I kinda just decided that cause I hope to be living in Seattle after next year I'll just go to prime for 13 and make and make 14 my year to do both since I won't have to travel twice then.
I will leave it up though since you replied before I could take it down to give context and as you said people ask this a lot. So now they won't have to
3DS Friend Code: 2449-5711-0640
PAX East 2015: -Pass [X] -Hotel [X] -Time off[X]
twitter: acumen101 | fb:
Steam: acumen101 | xbl/psn: caseBlaster101
When do East tickets usually go on sale? After the crazy Prime sellout, I don't want to be left out of East. I haven't even bought my airfare yet because I'm afraid I'll miss the ticket opportunity.
As for my own preparation, it comes down to registering first and foremost. I would not arrange travel and lodging until after the passes are ordered. Not only would it suck, but would also be an awkward conversation with my significant other. I have been researching some flights and accommodation in preparation, however.
Google+ | Twitter
Keep an eye out for Hotels and Badges around October/November. Check the forums and Twitter as well, since the PAX Site may be updated a few days behind. According to my e-mail receipts, I booked the Westin on October 18th through OnPeak (the official hotel release) and bought my 3 day badge on November 3rd. I could not find the information for the year before that, but I am pretty sure it was somewhere along those lines as well.
Traditionally, PAX East 3 day badges will sell out, but in the past it took a few days before that happened. None the less I would be careful. Every year the event gets bigger and more popular, so I would not be surprised if the 2013 edition sells faster than it's predecessor considering there were many other events coinciding with it.
Just a side note - Every PAX East has been a little different from the last. It's still in its infancy, so take the above with a grain of salt.
This year's Prime was the first where they sold out in basically 48 hours. In the past Prime historically been sold out in a month, East a bit more than that (This years EAST had some single day passes left the last few days before the con).
That being said, I still think it's extremely prudent to keep a close eye on sales, as those who didn't make it to Prime will probably be looking at East as an alternative....and a lot of people didn't make it to Prime.
Not that this stopped me from enjoying myself for the last 2.
Sorry, couldn't resist. I missed last year's and I am sure as hell not making that mistake this year. So I'll be stalking the PAX East page from now till they go on sale
Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
Hopefully next year we will actually say something like "Hello" instead of last year when we both noticed we tagged each other on the 3DS at some point
3 Day Pass: [x] // Travel: [ x] // Time Off: [ x] // Hotel: [x]
Twitter: @amysophie
Twitter: amysophie
Gamertag/Steam: Vixen Valentine
Massive Crystal Cavern!
this is going to be my third pax (all easts). my first one was just kind of checking things out, last one i actually did the ppd and interacted with community people a bit, and next year will be BEST PAX EVER. for real. i know we still have a long wait ahead of us, but returning to the forums is SUPER exciting on its own. hooray!!!
this is very true, there were actually sunday passes still being sold AT pax east 2012. HOWEVER, if you combine the jilted prime folks with everyone who didn't go to last east because of easter/passover/anime boston, you get absolutely guaranteed higher attendance for 2013. hopefully it still won't be the madness that prime was, but you never can tell.
Massive Crystal Cavern!
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
IMO it's almost no different from Prime overall cost-wise with the exception of how long your flight is. I'm sure that there are some differences, but it's not WILDLY different. They're both big cities, it's still PAX.
Yea I've been researching and it looks like I should be able to get round trip from Chicago for $226. I just hope I get a pass and a room at the connecting hotel. I'll just have to watch this forum religiously.
East has a lot of similar pre- and post- PAX activities. There is a bar crawl (Pokecrawl), a Magical Mystery Tour, Pre-PAX Dinner, Pre-PAX Gaming Night, Girls Meetup, etc.
The past two years, hotel reservations became available in mid-October. I don't know when 2010 passes when on sale, but 2011 were available starting in early November.
edit: don't book your plane tickets and blame me if its some other date but I do consider this as a fairly reliable way to guess the date.
I had an unbelievably amazing time at my first prime and don't want to wait a whole year to enjoy that again. With that in mind I've began contemplating going to both this upcoming year and would like some advice/answer to the below question from pax pros that do both every year. While it would be a little tight at probably two spots I shuld be able to afford going to both, my only problem/ concern is getting two weeks off in one year since I am looking for a new job and have no idea where ill be working at the time.
So yeah to any pros that do both or have tried to in the past would you reccomend. Doing both in one year or just going to one for longer than the actual convention? Like I said I can unless something drastic comes up afford both or a longer trip, my only concern would be getting two weeks off one for each.
Basically it comes down to this:
1) they're both PAX, so yay
2) One is in Seattle, one in Boston, there are pros/cons to each city that are unrelated to PAX.
3) Prime is spread out due to the venue not being large enough, East's venue is massive and awesome so PAX is all in one glorious space.
4) Prime is spread out in a very active part of the city, so the walk to get to other things can take you near new awesome stuff Seattle has to offer. East is in one spot that is growing but is not super active, so you have to take a 5-10 min subway ride to the hotspots (personally I like both sides of this one, for different reasons).
5) Prime is at capacity, East has room to grow.
I could probably go on forever, but I really encourage you to search the forums a bit to find some of these discussions from the past.
I will leave it up though since you replied before I could take it down to give context and as you said people ask this a lot. So now they won't have to