Man it rocks being from canada because we get the best beer, the sexiest women and the funnyiest comedians. However there is one major downside to living in this beautiful natureal country, No FUCKIUNG GAMMING CONVENTIONS. I mean this kinda sucks not haveing the ability of awing at your favorite titles before there released, or conversing with your favorite web based comic characters. We need to get some canadian content because we are gamers too and besides I am sure bioware or ubi soft will take you guys out for a good ol canadian drinking partry when you get here. And well if that jsut isn't possible well could we at least get some contests that might jsut be able to cross the border, anyway this is just a thought.
I am sure that there must be some people from Canada that want to see some more gaming events in this country, please let everyone know what you think ??
Yeah, there needs to be more gaming conventions in Canada, even though we miss out on the fun road trip. Bioware could then demo their upcoming games (I live 3 blocks from their headquarters).
Thug Life on
OknarkEvil Lord of DestructionRegistered User, ClubPAregular
Yeah, there needs to be more gaming conventions in Canada, even though we miss out on the fun road trip. Bioware could then demo their upcoming games (I live 3 blocks from their headquarters).
i compleatly agree it should be in ottawa !!! i have acrack team of halo players just waiting like we were traing all last month (june and july) but discovered that we couldent put air fair together and my mom wont let me take the car some 2000 miles from ottawa ta go!!! WAAA we were sooo ready for this!!! u need ta bring it to ottawa or even.... trontro... shudder but come on it needs to happon!!! like REALY we need a good convention soo badly! my gamer friends and i try so had at get to things but they are all in the suthern states or west coast WAAA
needing a halo turni and gamers convention hard core
Fragapalooza just happened man...
That thing is massive. And in Edmonton...
whats its deal? how much does it cost?
needing a halo turni and gamers convention hard core
matt :x