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[PA Comic] Monday, October 8, 2012 - The One-Oh-Furst, Part Two

GethGeth LegionPerseus VeilRegistered User, Moderator, Penny Arcade Staff, Vanilla Staff vanilla
edited October 2012 in The Penny Arcade Hub


  • TaramoorTaramoor Storyteller Registered User regular
    mother of god...

  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    I love the dialogue in this one.

  • Black_HeartBlack_Heart Registered User regular
    This arc is deeply unsettling to me.

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    The origins of Sly Cooper.

  • Alpha268Alpha268 Registered User regular
    Please no Furrys here. So far Penny Arcade was very Furry-clean, even a bit anti-Furry in some strips.

    (Or Otherkin. Or whatever. I dont keep track of that shit)

  • DrCongoDrCongo Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Somehow I get the feeling that this story arc Will Be Remembered.

  • SkwigelfSkwigelf Passed out in a cloud of farts and cigarette smoke.Registered User regular
    I wish I had me a skitchbook.

  • RonTheDMRonTheDM Yes, yes Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Okay, this has taken a turn for the great.

    EDIT: I don't rightly know what you want done with this here information made me bust out laughing. It's like the only reasonable response.

    RonTheDM on
  • AlcasteAlcaste Registered User regular
    I'm glad there aren't furries in real life sometimes, do you know how expensive it would be manufacturing all that custom headgear?

  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    I really appreciate the other, unnamed soldier's quiet perplexity. "I don't rightly know what you want done with this here information."

  • MalReynoldsMalReynolds The Hunter S Thompson of incredibly mild medicines Registered User regular
    Alpha268 wrote: »
    Please no Furrys here. So far Penny Arcade was very Furry-clean, even a bit anti-Furry in some strips.

    (Or Otherkin. Or whatever. I dont keep track of that shit)


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  • DVGDVG No. 1 Honor Student Nether Institute, Evil AcademyRegistered User regular
    I gotta say, I didn't get it on Friday, and now I think it's one of the funniest things they've done in a really long time.

    Diablo 3 - DVG#1857
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu PIGEON Registered User regular
    That sketchbook is going to get hella soggy. The rain is falling directly on it.

  • durandal4532durandal4532 Registered User regular
    These two strips are excellent. Just excellent. The perplexity in that soldier's response is so genuine.

    We're all in this together
  • KazakaKazaka Asleep Counting SheepRegistered User regular
    "Yeah, Frank. I 'spose I could." pretty much left me slain.

  • FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    This is such a perfect portrayal of the thing about furries:

    "Okay. For the sake of argument lets just say all of that is true...what the fuck do I do with this information?"

    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
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  • Grey PaladinGrey Paladin Registered User regular
    This is probably because I am a weird person, but I found the strip kind of heartwarming.

    "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible." - T.E. Lawrence
  • Wandering IdiotWandering Idiot Registered User regular
    Honestly, you probably could find some similar sketches along those lines by soldiers in WWII. It's not like anthropomorphised animal characters weren't around before then, even semi-realistic looking ones. Just not much evidence of extreme furry fandom or especially "otherkinness" since that probably requires a support structure of likeminded people to be really overt about, or consider more than a passing fancy. Humans have dreamed of being birds and such probably forever, it's just not usually taken seriously in everyday life.

    Someone familiar with this aspect of the fandom tell me, though: What kind of cognitive dissonance makes anyone think they look good in a fursuit instead of like uncanny-valley aesthetic monstrosities? Is it just wishful thinking because that's the closest we can get with current technology, or what?

  • ConstrictorConstrictor The Dork Knight SuburbialandRegistered User regular
    I think we should go all the way with science and technology and have half human/half animal hybrids everywhere. They could even have their own dating website. Let's call it bluejaydate.

  • durandal4532durandal4532 Registered User regular
    This is probably because I am a weird person, but I found the strip kind of heartwarming.

    It's extremely heartwarming!

    He's confused, but he wants to be there for his buddy!

    We're all in this together
  • Wandering IdiotWandering Idiot Registered User regular
    I think we should go all the way with science and technology and have half human/half animal hybrids everywhere. They could even have their own dating website. Let's call it bluejaydate.

    This works so well with your avatar...

  • The Good Doctor TranThe Good Doctor Tran Registered User regular
    Strips like these are why I will always love Penny Arcade.

    LoL & Spiral Knights & MC & SMNC: Carrington - Origin: CarringtonPlus - Steam: skdrtran
  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    You all are confusing furries with otherkin.

    Furries got an appreciation for the anthropomorphic that commonly borders on the fetishistic. Draw your own conclusions, but this comic ain't covering that.

    Otherkin think they are X animal in the body of a human. While I try to live and let live, I can't help but think it undermines the efforts of actual trans people with legitimate problems.

    I'd probably make an exception for a World War 2 vet. Dude can be a raccoon if he wants.

  • ArmoredchocoboArmoredchocobo Avian LP extraordinaire Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Fiaryn wrote: »
    This is such a perfect portrayal of the thing about furries:

    "Okay. For the sake of argument lets just say all of that is true...what the fuck do I do with this information?"

    Stop confusing furries for otherkin.

    Furries LIKE anthropomorphic animals, otherkins think they ARE one.
    Dude can be a raccoon if he wants.

    If you fight in the trenches for our country and freedom, you can be whatever you want.
    I think we should go all the way with science and technology and have half human/half animal hybrids everywhere.

    Well there are those robotic cat ears in japan..
    Someone familiar with this aspect of the fandom tell me, though: What kind of cognitive dissonance makes anyone think they look good in a fursuit instead of like uncanny-valley aesthetic monstrosities? Is it just wishful thinking because that's the closest we can get with current technology, or what?

    Why do people dress up as anime/video game characters at conventions?

    They made the outfit, they want to show it off. You seem to be likening artistic pride with some kind of mental illness.

    They have an affinity for anthropomorphic animals, they made up a character, and they made a costume of that character. What you're seeing is exhibition of that costume, nothing more.

    The only difference between that and my example is the content is their own intellectual property, not something that escaped from japan or a console.
    I'm glad there aren't furries in real life sometimes, do you know how expensive it would be manufacturing all that custom headgear?

    There's privately-owned sites that make custom headwear, tails, even suits for those that lack the resources or know-how.

    Finally, my own input on the comic:

    On panel 2 he says "We ain't ALL men!" but he still thinks he's a guy right? That means he's a man.

    The correct way to contest that statement is if the Sarge said "fighting people". Cuz he isn't a people, he's a raccoon.

    Silly argument, I know. Jus' sayin.

    Armoredchocobo on
  • Dropping LoadsDropping Loads Registered User regular
    Finally, my own input on the comic:

    On panel 2 he says "We ain't ALL men!" but he still thinks he's a guy right? That means he's a man.

    The correct way to contest that statement is if the Sarge said "fighting people". Cuz he isn't a people, he's a raccoon.

    Silly argument, I know. Jus' sayin.

    Males of other species aren't called "men". Bulls, roosters, rams, etc. I can't find a verifiable source on what a male raccoon is called but wiki.answers says it's "boar".

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  • SightTDWSightTDW Registered User regular
    This is a heartwarming one. I think "I don't rightly know what you want done with this here information" more or less paraphrases what I had to say in a very awkward conversation much like this some years ago.

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  • ArmoredchocoboArmoredchocobo Avian LP extraordinaire Registered User regular
    SightTDW wrote: »
    This is a heartwarming one. I think "I don't rightly know what you want done with this here information" more or less paraphrases what I had to say in a very awkward conversation much like this some years ago.

    I feel blessed that such a situation hasn't come up where I needed to use that phrase.

  • AurichAurich ArizonaRegistered User regular
    I feel like I missed a step or a dozen with this furries vs. otherkin thing. Last I checked (okay, maybe that was like a decade ago) furries were just anthropomorphic enthusiasts with "fursonas." Pretty much kids who played Sonic Adventure and had fan characters.

    But yeah the comic is great. The satire is outstanding and 100% of not-frank's responses are really amusing.

  • FramlingFramling FaceHead Geebs has bad ideas.Registered User regular
    I love this one so much. "I don't rightly know..." so perfectly sums up how I feel when confronted with this.

    I'm inclined to guess you want me to do something with this information, or you wouldn't have told me. But I have no idea what to do with it.

    you're = you are
    your = belonging to you

    their = belonging to them
    there = not here
    they're = they are
  • The Good Doctor TranThe Good Doctor Tran Registered User regular
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    Otherkin think they are X animal in the body of a human. While I try to live and let live, I can't help but think it undermines the efforts of actual trans people with legitimate problems.

    The realpolitk pragmatist in me agrees, but at the same time I just don't see why their belief should be any more denigrated than a person who's transgender. I don't know what goes on inside an otherkin's head, who am I to judge how legitimate their problems are? Beyond the obvious social stigma trans people suffer - I think Otherkin are so uncommon that they suffer less stigmatization by merit of obscurity.
    Framling wrote: »
    I love this one so much. "I don't rightly know..." so perfectly sums up how I feel when confronted with this.

    I'm inclined to guess you want me to do something with this information, or you wouldn't have told me. But I have no idea what to do with it.

    Most of the time people who talk to me about their identity issues are just looking for acceptance. Assuming you're already friends with them they're hoping that you, as their friend, will be able to help them feel more confident about asserting their identity in the world.

    LoL & Spiral Knights & MC & SMNC: Carrington - Origin: CarringtonPlus - Steam: skdrtran
  • TaramoorTaramoor Storyteller Registered User regular
    Believing you were born in the wrong body is a serious issue and can lead to depression and myriad other mental problems and obstacles. With gender it's something that can be kind of patchworked into place, but if you believe you were born the wrong species there's not a whole lot to be done about it.

    I don't pretend to understand, really, but I'm not going to begrudge a guy who thinks he's a dog in a human's body provided he doesn't try to eat my cat.


  • Funky StrongFunky Strong Registered User regular
    Trenchnoses... in the trenches.

  • Wandering IdiotWandering Idiot Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Someone familiar with this aspect of the fandom tell me, though: What kind of cognitive dissonance makes anyone think they look good in a fursuit instead of like uncanny-valley aesthetic monstrosities? Is it just wishful thinking because that's the closest we can get with current technology, or what?

    Why do people dress up as anime/video game characters at conventions?

    They made the outfit, they want to show it off. You seem to be likening artistic pride with some kind of mental illness.

    Except they seem to universally look terrible, and I'm not sure whether they're aware of that and don't care because it's as close as they can get, or they actually think it looks good. The equivalent for anime fans would be this type of thing I suppose, which I also don't get.

    Look, I think the new My Little Pony is a fun cartoon. I would still run screaming in the other direction if I met this in a darkened hallway. I just want someone to tell me what goes on in these people's heads when they look in the mirror, out of curiosity.

    Wandering Idiot on
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu PIGEON Registered User regular
    Look, I think the new My Little Pony is a fun cartoon. I would still run screaming in the other direction if I met this in a darkened hallway. I just want someone to tell me what goes on in these people's heads when they look in the mirror, out of curiosity.
    From the decorations behind him (her?) it looks like it's a Halloween costume, so "I want to run screaming" is probably the best reaction you could have!

  • FalxFalx Registered User regular
    I'm coming out of the closet...

    I'm me-kin.

    I'm me, trapped in my body.

    It's pretty sweet.

  • Commander ZoomCommander Zoom Registered User regular
    "Damn. Aren't you a sorry buncha dogfaces. Well, come on, you apes! You wanna live forever?"

  • Wandering IdiotWandering Idiot Registered User regular
    My kinsona is a symbiotic collection of extremely specialized single-celled organisms. It's pretty sweet.

  • PlatyPlaty Registered User regular
    The Kickstarter rewards should have included, "Tycho will name your fursona".

  • KayuraKayura Registered User regular
    I love how absolutely alien this situation is to Not-Frank. Like, I imagine he finds that newfangled music from the jook joints to be kinda crazy, but he doesn't even have a context for this development. Oh, also, Barnabus Quimbly Ringtail is a fantastic fursona name.

    Gridman! Baby DAN DAN! Baby DAN DAN!
  • KageraKagera Imitating the worst people. Since 2004Registered User regular
    Alpha268 wrote: »
    Please no Furrys here. So far Penny Arcade was very Furry-clean, even a bit anti-Furry in some strips.

    (Or Otherkin. Or whatever. I dont keep track of that shit)

    Don't be a furry bigot. A figot as it were

    My neck, my back, my FUPA and my crack.
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