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Seattle forumer gatherings - Version 20.15

BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
edited October 2015 in PAX General Discussion
Here we are again...

Things here are open to all! Don't be shy.

Current events:
Oct 30th LAN-O-WEEN

<MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
BigRed on


  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Lets kick this off...

    THIS SAT (the 13th):

    Pre-Drinking & board games at my house Starting around... noon? 1? whenever.
    (If you want to go and dont know where I live, shoot me a PM)
    Bowling @ kenmore lanes starting at 7pm until we tire of it or they throw/carry us out.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • beta_angelbeta_angel ColoradoRegistered User regular
    In for ball hurling.

    UEAKCrash wrote:
    EvilBadman wrote:
    Beta_Angel is awesome. Never doubt this.
    TF2 Hatpack
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Mini-LAN! Oct 26th-28th


    Here's the deal.

    I have 10 gaming computers setup in my garage right now and I want to do a small event. This will be very heavily FPS based (with maybe some SC2 thrown in for a mixup).
    Theres also a couple spots if you want to bring your own machine.

    Computers and mice are provided! (along with keyboards on the desktop systems)
    (Specs range from core i5/i7 machines with geforce gtx550m graphics up to gtx480 GPU's).
    I also have a couple extra BF3 accounts if you dont have it.

    Lets play some games!

    What is required from you if you want to come partake

    That you own BF3 and maybe Starcraft 2 (I have 4 spare BF3 accounts if you dont have it)
    Bring a headset (and mouse/keyboard if you want your own)
    We play the BF3 expansions a lot. If you dont have them then... I dunno... buy them or else you wont be playing. Or you will have to use one of my accounts.

    Follow the house booze/beer/party rules
    Donations for utilities consumption are welcome and highly encouraged but not required

    MMO's, playing single player games, and rage quitting aren't allowed. This is an even smaller focused LAN than before. Us vs the Internet in games! Lets beat up on some pub players. Jihad jeep them to oblivion! We will take breaks to go booze it up and consume food.

    I Have a cat now. He is an inside cat. His name is Choppa. Try to use the front door whenever possible instead of constantly using the garage door for everything.


    Borrowed Machines:

    1. Gatzby
    2. Britality
    3. Googalash
    4. ~Arclite
    5. AtomicGaryBusey
    6. Kyanilis
    7. LordMoon
    8. Oz_Pbbbbt
    9. Haikon
    10. Snickers

    1. BigRed
    2. Cakiea
    3. Darc
    4. Dya
    5. Beta_Angel
    6. Sliptide
    7.  DaedalusLeto
    8.  Ris3n_Da3mon



    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • AtomicGaryBuseyAtomicGaryBusey I put on my robe and wizard hat. Beautiful Lynnhood, Wash.Registered User regular
    Ahh what the heck, I'll play with a borrowed machine. If I get my new briefcase mod up before then I'll see about switching to BYOC.

  • beta_angelbeta_angel ColoradoRegistered User regular
    If you're considering coming to this LAN, stop considering it and just do it. Don't be a bitch.

    UEAKCrash wrote:
    EvilBadman wrote:
    Beta_Angel is awesome. Never doubt this.
    TF2 Hatpack
  • Oz K. FodrotskiOz K. Fodrotski Registered User regular
    Claiming attendance for now. If my managers are a bag of dicks and won't allow me to reschedule (should find out this week), I'll back out and plan on swinging by in the evenings.

  • AtomicGaryBuseyAtomicGaryBusey I put on my robe and wizard hat. Beautiful Lynnhood, Wash.Registered User regular
    Oz, you should eat bags of dicks for breakfast. Show those managers who's boss.

  • BritalityBritality Registered User regular

  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Everybody bring $5 to pitchin for food on sat. I am sourcing a dinner.

    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • AtomicGaryBuseyAtomicGaryBusey I put on my robe and wizard hat. Beautiful Lynnhood, Wash.Registered User regular
    YEAH TICKLE LANS! I mean... 5 bucks? No problem. Will said dinner contain meatus?

  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Some meat, some non meat.

    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • nianianianianiania Registered User regular

    Anything else going on? CMON GUIZE.

    2014 Tri-Wizard Drinking Tournament
    Hufflepuff: Death Eaters / Head of House
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited November 2012
    freeLANcer! Nov 23-25th

    So the idea of this came up after the robert space industries kickstarter went up for Star Citizen. IRC/LAN Crew started talking about freelancer and how fun it was back in the day.

    If you have never heard of freelancer, its a space flight game with a very large universe to explore. You can make $$ by missions or trading.

    (this is also gauging interest for older gaming focused LANs)

    I am deploying ALL of my computers that can play this at max settings (lol game is from 2003, wont be difficult), I am creating a persistent LAN server for Freelancer, and we are going to spend a weekend exploring, trading, and fighting.

    Picking this weekend because a lot of people seem to be bored that weekend after all the family stuff gets done with on thanksgiving itself.

    For Sunday want and Cakiea are going to make a turkey (lol moar turkey that weekend) and sides. Bring $$ to pitch it toward that if you want to partake.

    Normal haethaus party rules apply.
    Donations for utilities are encouraged.

    Max capacity is going to start at 15 for now, until I can figure out how many gaming machines I can setup :P
    I am also going to give the computer timeshare thing another shot. If you cant show up for the whole thing ill have a few machines set aside for single day use.

    1: BigRed
    2: Cakiea
    3: Snickers
    4: Gatzby
    5: Ris3n_Da3mon
    6: Requies
    7: Haikon
    8: Lord Moon
    9: DaedalusLeto
    10: Want
    11: Darc
    12: Solution
    13: Vulcnor



    Single Day:

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    Always down for Freelancer! Let's do this!

    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    A whole weekend of just Freelancer? Man it's been years since I've done that, but it sure is fun.

    I'd like to recommend some mods, but most of what I've used tends to make multiplayer servers a bit unstable, so probably not a good idea.

    Anyway, count me in for now. I'll have to see if I can take that Saturday off, we're usually busy over holidays/holiday weekends. I'd likely end up showing up Friday evening and leaving pretty early Sunday morning.

  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Yeah I am looking into discovery mod but my main issue with that is it doubles the size of the universe. With only a max of 20 of us that would kind of suck.

    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Anybody want to go bowling?

    Kenmore Lanes. This friday (11/16) @ 7pm.

    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    FYI: Me (and a few of the usual LAN people) are going to go do InfernaLAN in dupont on Nov 30th-Dec1st. We will be there Friday and Late sat. I am seated at J11/J12

    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited December 2012
    WHAT IS THIS?! ANOTHER LAN?! YOU BETCHA! Winter is LAN season since there are fewer cooling issues, plus its easier to be inside when the weather outside is shit.

    WinterWonderLAN 2012! Dec 28-30th
    A roommate who had WAY TOO MUCH STUFF in the garage moved out. We gained 3ft of space to walk in.

    If you aren't signed up for the LAN please don't stick around for very long, you are welcome to swing by to say hi to people but thats it. Its a Paid event with limited space. You wouldn't sneak into PAX without a Pass would you? Same deal here :P
    Don't get offended if I ask you to leave. This is a PAID EVENT, not a SHOW UP AND HANG OUT PARTY.

    December 28th @ 3:30pm - 30th... Note the NYE party will follow this. If you showed up for the LAN and want to stay the whole time (LAN + Party + Day after) You are welcome to do so.


    LAN entry is $30
    (yay economy :( Had to up the price by $5)
    FOOD ON SAT EVENING, SNACKS, AND POP WILL BE PROVIDED. Tequila tacos on Saturday for dinner :D
    Please only sign up if you intend on being here for at least 80% of the event (not including sleeping time). People that sign up and are only there half the time are the same as those who play single player games at a LAN. AND THAT MAKES ME CRY :(
    I require paypal payment within 1 week of signup or else you are getting bumped.
    You are also REQUIRED to own battlefield 3 + Expansions. We will have our own server for this LAN like always.
    If you cant afford BF3 + expansions I have 5 extra accounts I can loan out for the event.

    Reasoning for requirement to own that game:
    There are very few games that support a large number of players nowadays. Its down to TF2/BF3 for recent games. Most games are 8-16 people. The majority of the last LAN already had BF3 so I know its not a huge issue for people to purchase it. I hate people to be left out of games which is why the LAN has always been TF2-heavy in previous years. Having a small event split into a bunch of smaller games is bad for the health/fun of the LAN in general, you cant deny that LANs are the most fun when everyone is in the same game and cheering/cursing to the same stuff.
    This is a battle I fought before a long time ago when TF2 came out. Trying to get everyone to buy it. Eventually it caught on. Now here we are with BF3.
    The game is fun as hell multi-player. We all had a blast.

    Also natural selection 2 is fucking sweet for LAN. Just FYI. I want this to get some traction and its very cheap on steam.

    Will be at my place, if you don't know where I live PM me for the addy.
    Max 28 people (thats all that we can fit here for computers)
    Bring computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse, power strip, and cables (Power, video, etc).
    LAN is 21+ (If you feel you are an exception, plead your case to me via PM)
    Crash space is available, although limited. (I have 8 sumos, a couch, and lots of floorspace), as are showers. (I suggest bringing a towel, I have many but not enough for everyone).

    Crash space rules:
    If you snore loud enough to disturb others, you get to sleep downstairs.
    Priority is given to those who are not local or live further away.
    If someone claims a spot, don't move their shit so you can sleep there.
    Don't be greedy and use more than 1 sumo. If you do we will wake your ass up to get you to move.

    Chairs for the LAN are provided. If you are planing on bringing your own chair please ask me first.

    The LAN room heats up thats for sure, but with the cooler weather in fall/winter things shouldn't be too bad. I will have the fans in place on low. If you get cold easily then bring an extra layer. Room will be kept around 65-70f. You are warned in advance so no complaining! It is your responsibility to warm yourself up if you get cold at room temp.

    Also if you must smoke please do it out by the road/storage building. If its done near the house, the smell will come in some of the many open windows and I will rage.

    Beer for that is TBD. Right now I have Spaten Pilsner. If that is dead before the LAN I will consider something dark and Winter-y

    Beer will be $2 a pint. Beer is priced so I break even on the keg.


    Previous house party rules apply:
    (no getting sick, you want access to liquor stash you donate a bottle to the stash, no being stupid, no showing up sick)

    I have TEN (Yes, 10) gaming machines available for use... They will all play BF3 on high.

    Give me a reason why you want to use one. I am Lax on these rules now that I have enough for lots of people. I will even accept sheer laziness as a reason for wanting to use one.



    1: BigRed (Paid)
    2: Cakiea (Paid)
    3: Mouse (Paid)
    4: Arylea (Paid)
    5: Snickers (Paid, Borrowed Machine, Fuck you)
    6: Beker (Paid, Borrowed Machine)
    7: DaedalusLeto (Paid)
    8: Googalash (Paid)
    9: Haikon (Paid, Borrowed Machine)
    10: Sammich (Paid)
    11: Ducas (Paid)
    12: dya (Paid)
    13: Ris3n_Da3mon
    14: usererror (Paid)
    15: ~Arclite (Paid, Borrowed Machine)
    16: Theros (Paid, Borrowed Machine)
    17: Oz_Pbbbbt (Paid)
    18: Aractor (Paid)
    19: GreenEyedGirl (Paid, BF3 Account)
    20: Xalara (Paid)
    21: Requies (Paid)
    22: Deadmetal (Paid)
    23: North (Paid)
    24: The Mer (Paid)

    n00b Seats!
    (Spots set aside for new people who have never been to one of these LANs before, so new people can attend) If these aren't taken a week before the LAN then ill open them up to anyone. Just want to give some new people a chance to attend.

    1: LA (Paid, Borrowed Machine, BF3 Account)
    2: JaneDoe (Paid)
    3: Girth (Paid)
    4: Ribbons (Paid)

    Canceled List:
    None yet! Hopefully it stays that way.

    Standby List:

    Lord Moon

    Payment is accepted by cash or paypal. If you choose to use paypal please pay the paypal transaction fee.
    My paypal is

    If there are people playing MMOs or other online games by themselves I *will* be blocking the ports to said games. Its just super bad form to be doing that shit at a LAN that's only 28 people. The point is to play games together. Things like LoL and WoW will be blocked on the router until later at night or during times of smaller games going on, like L4D2, SC2, or Flatout.
    LAN Party = LOCAL area network party

    Also Note: I have a kitty. His name is choppa. If you are allergic to cats be sure to bring allergy meds (Although other people who are allergic havent had much issue with him). Also please use the front door for entry/exit instead of the garage door all the time. Garage door can still be used for quick load/unload.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • AtomicGaryBuseyAtomicGaryBusey I put on my robe and wizard hat. Beautiful Lynnhood, Wash.Registered User regular
    Damn, I'm going to be out of state for the Winter LAN. All the qq happening in AGB-land right now.

    Everyone should listen to Red and just up and buy BF3+expansions or Premium. It's a hell of a fun time and well worth the money.

  • Oz K. FodrotskiOz K. Fodrotski Registered User regular
    Declaring myself "in" for this. Now to convince my employers...

  • XalaraXalara Registered User regular
    Sign me up as well for the winter LAN. Looking forward to it!

  • BombClancyBombClancy Sugar Lady Registered User regular
    Are there any plans for January?

    what do you call a pile of kittens? A meoooowntain!
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Uhhh a bunch of us are going to be at bootie this friday. ( ) Beyond that I haven't heard of anything thats not some small closed group thing (hell I am not even having a party this month, crazy)

    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Well... Its happening again! I am doing another large LAN. This time its 100% for charity! ALL ticket proceeds will go to a charity.
    (I haven't decided on what yet)

    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited February 2013
    [SEA] Haethaus Mini-LAN Feb 15th-17th - I provide computers!
    To go with my new years resolution of having a mini-LAN a month. We started Jan with an RTS focused LAN now we are going back to the normal MiniLANs

    I have 12 gaming computers setup in my garage right now and I want to do a small event. This will be very heavily FPS based (with maybe some SC2 thrown in for a mixup).
    Theres also a couple spots if you want to bring your own machine.

    Computers and mice are provided! (along with keyboards on the desktop systems)
    (Specs range from core i5/i7 machines with geforce gtx555m graphics up to gtx660 GPU's).
    I also have a couple extra BF3 accounts if you dont have it.
    I also have extra gaming headsets if you forget yours. I probably have around... 8-10

    Lets play some games!

    What is required from you if you want to come partake

    Have to be here to game for most of the time (Other than sleeping of course), people only being here for like half the time kind of screws other people who want to LAN out of a chance of going.
    That you own BF3 and maybe Starcraft 2 (I have 5 spare BF3 accounts if you dont have it)
    Bring a headset (and mouse/keyboard if you want your own)
    We play the BF3 expansions a lot. If you dont have them then... I dunno... buy them or else you wont be playing. Or you will have to use one of my accounts.

    Follow the house booze/beer/party rules
    Donations for utilities consumption are welcome and highly encouraged but not required

    MMO's, playing single player games, and rage quitting aren't allowed. This is an even smaller focused LAN than before. Us vs the Internet in games! Lets beat up on some pub players. Jihad jeep them to oblivion! We will take breaks to go booze it up and consume food.

    I Have a cat now. He is an inside cat. His name is Choppa. Try to use the front door whenever possible instead of constantly using the garage door for everything.


    Borrowed Machines:

    1. AtomicGaryBusey
    2. Terminal
    3. Lord Moon
    4. Gatzby
    5. Mateo
    6. Solution
    7. Darc +1
    8. Snickers
    11. Requies

    1. BigRed
    2. Cakiea
    3. DaedalusLeto
    4. Ris3n_Da3mon
    5. Darc


    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • AtomicGaryBuseyAtomicGaryBusey I put on my robe and wizard hat. Beautiful Lynnhood, Wash.Registered User regular
    BigRed wrote: »
    [SEA] Haethaus Mini-LAN Feb 15th-17th - I provide computers!
    To go with my new years resolution of having a mini-LAN a month. We started Jan with an RTS focused LAN now we are going back to the normal MiniLANs

    I have 12 gaming computers setup in my garage right now and I want to do a small event. This will be very heavily FPS based (with maybe some SC2 thrown in for a mixup).
    Theres also a couple spots if you want to bring your own machine.

    Computers and mice are provided! (along with keyboards on the desktop systems)
    (Specs range from core i5/i7 machines with geforce gtx555m graphics up to gtx660 GPU's).
    I also have a couple extra BF3 accounts if you dont have it.
    I also have extra gaming headsets if you forget yours. I probably have around... 8-10

    Lets play some games!

    What is required from you if you want to come partake

    Have to be here to game for most of the time (Other than sleeping of course), people only being here for like half the time kind of screws other people who want to LAN out of a chance of going.
    That you own BF3 and maybe Starcraft 2 (I have 5 spare BF3 accounts if you dont have it)
    Bring a headset (and mouse/keyboard if you want your own)
    We play the BF3 expansions a lot. If you dont have them then... I dunno... buy them or else you wont be playing. Or you will have to use one of my accounts.

    Follow the house booze/beer/party rules
    Donations for utilities consumption are welcome and highly encouraged but not required

    MMO's, playing single player games, and rage quitting aren't allowed. This is an even smaller focused LAN than before. Us vs the Internet in games! Lets beat up on some pub players. Jihad jeep them to oblivion! We will take breaks to go booze it up and consume food.

    I Have a cat now. He is an inside cat. His name is Choppa. Try to use the front door whenever possible instead of constantly using the garage door for everything.


    Borrowed Machines:


    1. BigRed
    2. Cakiea


    Count me in on a borrowed machine. I'll be there with a headset and booze. DISCLAIMER: I will be there Friday and Saturday. I also have to disappear for class on Saturday morning for 2 hours. (BOO Saturday classes.) If I can swing Sunday morning I'll also do that.

  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    New people are always welcome at LANs we wont try to scare you away, at least not right away! Muhaha

    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • SuspiSuspi Registered User regular
    Hey cool, a sleeping area at Atlas :D I'm going to sorta miss my Macgyvered bed across 5 chairs and jackets.

  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Suspi wrote: »
    Hey cool, a sleeping area at Atlas :D I'm going to sorta miss my Macgyvered bed across 5 chairs and jackets.

    We wont know if we will have a sleeping area for the Large event until day of I am afraid.

    Although that being said there is tons of empty space there, you can probably find some spot for an airmatress or sleeping pad.

    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • DanwdraDanwdra Registered User new member
    BigRed wrote: »
    Here we are again...

    Even though its not used very often its useful to get out info to the public community at large.

    Current events:

    What is the latest events coming up?

  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Next event that has been posted in this thread is the Large charity LAN I am doing in south Seattle.
    I threw it in the OP.

    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • DanwdraDanwdra Registered User new member
    Danwdra wrote: »
    BigRed wrote: »
    Here we are again...

    Even though its not used very often led its useful to get out info to the public community at large.

    Current events:

    What is the latest events coming up?

    Ok thanks

  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    Any interest in a group getting together to go see the Art of Video Games exhibit at the EMP? It's there through May 13.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular

    A few seats are left if anybody else wants to come!

    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular

    For those who aren't going to East... lets gather to drink and boardgame!

    Saturday March the 23rd

    at Haethaus, no earlier than 2pm
    Will last until whenever people leave or crash.
    (If you dont know where I live then PM me for the addy)

    Bring food/booze! The chillers will be powered up and ready. Keg will be TBD (All depends if I can afford it after car downpayment).

    Games and hangouts a plenty

    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • nianianianianiania Registered User regular
    BigRed wrote: »
    For those who aren't going to East... lets gather to drink and boardgame!
    Saturday March the 23rd

    2014 Tri-Wizard Drinking Tournament
    Hufflepuff: Death Eaters / Head of House
  • mynameaintyaomynameaintyao Registered User regular
    Does boardgame mean no puters?

  • RedwingedblackbirdRedwingedblackbird Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Anyone ( anyone else going to PAX East) interested in getting a pre-PAX East tabletop meetup going?

  • EnderWiggumEnderWiggum Registered User regular
    Anyone ( anyone else going to PAX East) interested in getting a pre-PAX East tabletop meetup going?

    I wouldn't mind getting some gaming in this afternoon and meeting some people heading to east.

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