
[XCOM] Thread Sabotaged by Exalt - Use the New Thread



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    chiasaur11chiasaur11 Never doubt a raccoon. Do you think it's trademarked?Registered User regular
    And sprinting vastly decreases the odds of a hit or a crit. I mean, if you have no other option.

    If you can just shoot, he's meat. No cover will do that.

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    Gandalf_the_CrazedGandalf_the_Crazed Vigilo ConfidoRegistered User regular
    edited November 2012
    If you move exactly into his view and no further -- for example, up to the corner of some full cover -- you can shoot without triggering his overwatch.
    This is also true but pretty tricky to pull off in practice. The AI are masters at it though.

    Beagle seems to do it a lot. The trick is to set up your own opportunities for it.

    Behind the bar and grill is an especially rewarding location for it.

    EDIT: Now re-read this post, with "it" meaning "sex". It's probably still true.

    Gandalf_the_Crazed on
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    valhalla130valhalla130 13 Dark Shield Perceives the GodsRegistered User regular
    It was like I turned a corner and all of a sudden everyone was dying everywhere.

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    jclastjclast Registered User regular
    Yeah, that's how the game works. It's teaching you to be careful by taking away your toys.

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    AvalonGuardAvalonGuard Registered User regular
    So, my third mission.

    I lose someone quick, due to RNG. I pull back two of my guys next to a car, and throw a smoke on those two and a third nearby. The alien blows up the goddamn car, killing number two, and the support panicked and shot the third guy.

    I'm not even at the VIP yet.

    I am going to love this goddamn game so much.

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    Road BlockRoad Block Registered User regular
    Rant incoming

    Well that was an ignoble end to my Ironman classic run. An abduction mission ended in an utter slaughter killing most of my ranked guys and sending 7 countries into panic. In desperation I quickly do the research needed to attack the alien base to lower panic. Problem is all I've got is Ramirez my Heavy and best alien killer, and an Assault who's name escapes me. They were benched with injuries at the time of the abduction massacre. so to round out my squad I'm stuck with 4 rookies. In retrospect I should have scanned for another mission to make squadies out of them, probably had enough time before the council report.

    Anyway in the base we succeed in killing some chrysalids and then encounter a pair of thin men. This shouldn't be a huge problem, but what do they do? Nail one of my guys in hard cover and leave him bleeding out then the other poisons the area covering the bleeding out guy plus 2 other rookies and the entrance to the room the Thin men are in. Of course my rookies proceed to panic and do nothing. Anyway thin men being thin men they get put down easy enough, a few drones fly in and get killed too but not before causing more panic with a crit. Anyway here's where it goes right to hell. After the thin men and drones are dead I have one turn left to stabilise the rookie, but one of the paniced guys is standing in the one man wide doorway and the only other medkit is on the guy thats bleeding out, joy. So Rookie bleeds out causing more panic checks that result in the door way blocker lasering my remaining medkit holders head off.

    So just to compound everything thats going wrong I move my assault forward a few squares to end my turn (yeah that was dumb I know). This of course reveals Chrysalids who run up and tears the guys head off, and this causes more panic. So I have two Chrysalids (a third standing over the assault) who are right in the face of Ramirez and the one Rookie who has consistently not been a complete screw up. So my plan is to rocket these two and use a grenade to finish them, it still leaves one but I had no other ideas. Well it would have killed the two in from of me but the only guy who had a grenade was the door blocker who was still panicking (naturally). Competent Rookie downs one but the other kills Ramirez, Competent rookie books it leaving Door blocker to be eaten. Competent Rookie actually does ok getting enough distance to put down the remaining chrysalids but one of the zombies spawns a new one who proceeds to run him down.

    God damn panic. Technically it isn't a complete loss yet but with 7 panicking nations and only a single satalite to calm down one of them, plus a crew that consists solely of 5 rookies, not even enough to fill the squad, yeah I think this run is done.

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    AntihippyAntihippy Registered User regular
    edited November 2012
    Wang the Volunteer, you will be remembered.

    Now I can attempt to slam my head against ironman again.

    Last battle was so anti-climatic though. I sent a mind controlled muton elite up to reveal them, and then double tapped the boss to death in a single move.
    Also, was the ship turning into a black hole or whatever what the ethereals wanted to prepare us for, or a last ditch suicide attack? The last bits of the story were so confusingly handled.

    Antihippy on
    10454_nujabes2.pngPSN: Antiwhippy
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    electricitylikesmeelectricitylikesme Registered User regular
    Ok that last room is god damn bullshit.

    One entrance, no full cover, ethereals everywhere.
    I mean, I've blitzed the ship about 3 times now, but that last room kicks my ass because you just cannot widen the entrance into a non "get psi-fucked by ethereals" size.

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    EvermournEvermourn Registered User regular
    Thing I miss most about old XCom is making my own doors. Was fun as well as useful.

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    AntihippyAntihippy Registered User regular
    edited November 2012
    Ok that last room is god damn bullshit.

    One entrance, no full cover, ethereals everywhere.
    I mean, I've blitzed the ship about 3 times now, but that last room kicks my ass because you just cannot widen the entrance into a non "get psi-fucked by ethereals" size.

    Do you have a squad sight/double tap/plasma rifle sniper?

    So easy.

    The ethereals didn't even get a chance to make a move.

    This is on classic too.

    Antihippy on
    10454_nujabes2.pngPSN: Antiwhippy
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    chiasaur11chiasaur11 Never doubt a raccoon. Do you think it's trademarked?Registered User regular
    Evermourn wrote: »
    Thing I miss most about old XCom is making my own doors. Was fun as well as useful.

    As a wise man once said

    "Boy, it sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think? "

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    Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Jackie Registered User regular
    emnmnme wrote: »
    I just got this and played a level where I need to rescue a woman who escaped from her alien captors. On my way back to the extraction site, a human-looking alien dropped out of the sky and immediately entered Overwatch mode. One of my squad tried to move up to cover but he was gunned down from half a map away. Without a sniper, how do you approach enemies who have entered Overwatch mode without losing people/crossing fingers for a miss? What's the smart way?

    Concentrated covering fire.

    Basically move your squad as one whole and always put them on overwatch. The only realistic way to deal with them is to murder them:

    a) where you stand
    b) in one turn

    So you just concentrate your firepower in one place and go from there. Beaglerush has a video where he covers it pretty well.

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    EvermournEvermourn Registered User regular
    chiasaur11 wrote: »
    Evermourn wrote: »
    Thing I miss most about old XCom is making my own doors. Was fun as well as useful.

    As a wise man once said

    "Boy, it sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think? "
    Yeah, but most troops can only have one, and there are more useful things to carry pretty quickly so apart from at the beginning I don't usually have any.

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    AntihippyAntihippy Registered User regular
    Rocket launchers work too.

    10454_nujabes2.pngPSN: Antiwhippy
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    electricitylikesmeelectricitylikesme Registered User regular
    Antihippy wrote: »
    Ok that last room is god damn bullshit.

    One entrance, no full cover, ethereals everywhere.
    I mean, I've blitzed the ship about 3 times now, but that last room kicks my ass because you just cannot widen the entrance into a non "get psi-fucked by ethereals" size.

    Do you have a squad sight/double tap/plasma rifle sniper?

    So easy.

    The ethereals didn't even get a chance to make a move.

    This is on classic too.

    Iron Man game.

    So I'm not going in with a full squad doing whatever really - the highest rank is a Captain, support, and then I'm rolling 1 Assault and 4 heavy's. The lowest rank is squaddie.

    Anyway, turned out to be irrelevant...
    I had two guys left - one being the Volunteer, the other being mind controlled by the Ethereal commander (who had been shot a few times by my assault before said assault was killed by it). The ethereal came right up onto the platform though to stare down my Volunteer...so he just ran right up into his face and finished him off with the plasma rifle.

    Victory! (with 1 survivor of the whole mission).

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    chiasaur11chiasaur11 Never doubt a raccoon. Do you think it's trademarked?Registered User regular
    Antihippy wrote: »
    Ok that last room is god damn bullshit.

    One entrance, no full cover, ethereals everywhere.
    I mean, I've blitzed the ship about 3 times now, but that last room kicks my ass because you just cannot widen the entrance into a non "get psi-fucked by ethereals" size.

    Do you have a squad sight/double tap/plasma rifle sniper?

    So easy.

    The ethereals didn't even get a chance to make a move.

    This is on classic too.

    Iron Man game.

    So I'm not going in with a full squad doing whatever really - the highest rank is a Captain, support, and then I'm rolling 1 Assault and 4 heavy's. The lowest rank is squaddie.

    Anyway, turned out to be irrelevant...
    I had two guys left - one being the Volunteer, the other being mind controlled by the Ethereal commander (who had been shot a few times by my assault before said assault was killed by it). The ethereal came right up onto the platform though to stare down my Volunteer...so he just ran right up into his face and finished him off with the plasma rifle.

    Victory! (with 1 survivor of the whole mission).

    No survivors.
    Volunteer dies saving the world, and anyone linked to the head eth when he dies gets fried by psychic backlash

    And you can have some pretty solid runs of survivors on iron man classic. I kept my first sniper and support around from curtain rise to curtain fall. Jordan "Xeno" Green and "Stacks" Mafalo, your heroism will be remembered with honor.

    (I'll admit I restored from an hours back backup when a supply ship's LOS got wonky and I got everything at once. Supply ships are rat bastards and should be avoided whenever possible. )

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    ZenitramZenitram Registered User regular
    So I haven't played this since launch, and was hesitant to keep restarting my Classic Ironman games due to silly glitches like enemies teleporting on top of you and that kind of nonsense. Was there ever a patch to address those issues?

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    ZxerolZxerol for the smaller pieces, my shovel wouldn't do so i took off my boot and used my shoeRegistered User regular
    If anything, teleporting aliens just got worse. (Anecdotally, I haven't had a single instance of aliens teleporting into my shit pre-patch, but it happened all the goddamned time in my CI run right after. Twas quite annoying.) This is supposed to be addressed next patch, dropping who-knows-when.

    Other things like SHIV bugs, broke-ass UFO roofs, and some game hangs are smoothed out, though.

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    YogoYogo Registered User regular
    Why is Classic so unforgiving?

    After having watched the Beaglerush videos, I had my shit down and was steamrolling the aliens. Even managed to capture a Muton almost from the start. Had tons of engineers and was beginning to roll out satellite after satellite.

    Then my sniper in full cover gets killed by a muton with a crit of 9 damage.

    Then some rookie named TheKoolGang fucked up everything because he couldn't hit a target the size of a barnyard while flanking it. He gets killed while activating some enemies which cascades into full on panic mode and gets my heavy killed.

    Then my Support lays down some suppressing fire, but no no. The Thin Man can simply shoot through that shit and crit kill my Support just fine.

    Things just went downhill from there on onward. Finally lost it all when I attempted capture a landed UFO and getting almost my entire squad killed because Mutons suddenly can hit and crit everything in their path. Even behind full cover.

    Last two missions were a joke. Terror mission in Mumbai and even before I manage to get away from the starting zone, I get jumped by 2 Chrysalids, 2 Cyberdics with 4 drones in tow. And I have no cover. Quit and deleted the save after trying being ambushed by 5 mutons and 3 sectoids from the starting area again on a graveyard map.

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    SammyFSammyF Registered User regular
    Zxerol wrote: »
    If anything, teleporting aliens just got worse. (Anecdotally, I haven't had a single instance of aliens teleporting into my shit pre-patch, but it happened all the goddamned time in my CI run right after. Twas quite annoying.) This is supposed to be addressed next patch, dropping who-knows-when.

    Other things like SHIV bugs, broke-ass UFO roofs, and some game hangs are smoothed out, though.

    I likewise never had a teleport pre patch. Post patch...well let's just say I am happily playing through the Skyrim DLC for the rest of the holiday weekend.

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    YogoYogo Registered User regular
    Don't know if you guys enjoy modding your games, but I found this old post on the main forums with a link to a mod:


    From what I can gather, it seems to be settings which ultimately did not make the game (possibly a future DLC). It's called "Second Wave" and contains changes which add a lot of randomization to your game. There are beneficial changes such as getting randomized Rookie stats and randomized stats upon level up to some rather nasty changes such as getting decreased funding over time and satellites costing more per satellite produced.

    I'm going to give a go since there are some changes which would make my game experience more interesting (the stat stuff and other randomized things).

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    GarthorGarthor Registered User regular
    Note that those are disabled because a number of them don't work or break the game. I think the longer game one will prevent you from being able to build a Hyperwave Relay.

    Personally, I don't think having to sift through a ton of cheap recruits to get your squad of 100%-to-hit supermen is going to make the game experience any more interesting. Possible exception if you want to play a game that is easy but your ego will not allow you to select Easy.

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    YogoYogo Registered User regular
    Garthor wrote: »
    Note that those are disabled because a number of them don't work or break the game. I think the longer game one will prevent you from being able to build a Hyperwave Relay.

    Personally, I don't think having to sift through a ton of cheap recruits to get your squad of 100%-to-hit supermen is going to make the game experience any more interesting. Possible exception if you want to play a game that is easy but your ego will not allow you to select Easy.

    That's you assuming that I select based on stats. I just want my mix up to be a little more interesting than the usual clone army. I choose after abilities and let the stats just be there to flavor the outcome.

    Also if you read the mod link, you would see that almost all of them have been confirmed to work. Even Marathon.

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    scherbchenscherbchen Asgard (it is dead)Registered User regular
    welp. I got CI down pretty much by now. the only challenge there is left is to not lose any countries at this point and I have done that twice now. mind you, not every CI game is an assured win... it merely gets more likely the further down the tech-tree you get and the bumps in alien difficulty you manage. and the RNG not screwing your enitre roster but this is, I believe, where Blood Bowl aided me. you always assume that you are going to miss that handoff/pass. double or triple skulls will happen, plan your turn accordingly. same goes for xcom. except that a horrible roll of the dice will not end your turn.

    xcom takes the BB approach but mixes it with texas hold'em poker, going so far as to actually give you percentages on your win chances. once you commit to a battle you have to be in a solid position or why the fuck are you in this position at all? check your squaddies, their shots, their los and possible moves and count your "hard outs". you got a rocket or a grenade that can take out 2 guys? feel free to take a bit of a risk with the first 1-2 guys and maybe save that rocket. got a grenade that can lower or take out cover? this improves your chances on the flop or the river. need to hit low probability shots to stay in the game? hunker down or get the fuck out of there and try to evaluate what got you into this mess. the risk management on CI can be extremely rewarding and fun in this game (especially when you actually do scew up and have to save the situation somehow). but just like poker the more you play the less likely you are to get into "oh my god oh my god I wanna go home, people are watching!" situations.

    now ImpI I cannot handle I have to say. the health boost on aliens alone is enough to give me cramps. add to that amount of aliens and increased moribundity (pretty sure that is a word, if not it ought to be) of my troops and it just becomes too frustrating. maybe once I am jobless come next year I may tackle it again.... for now I really need some dlc fix asap or I am forced to play crap games instead.

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    noir_bloodnoir_blood Registered User regular
    Got this game for the PS3, and so far I really been enjoying it. One question though, and sorry if it's been asked. I got a code for the elite squad and download it, but I don't see any place to access it in the game. Or is it something that automatically gets added to the game?

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    ZxerolZxerol for the smaller pieces, my shovel wouldn't do so i took off my boot and used my shoeRegistered User regular
    All it does is allow you to change your troop's armor color and have access to a ginormous, Guile-style flattop haircut.

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    GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    ...which you should immediately put on all of your troops. Including the women. Especially the women.

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    emnmnmeemnmnme Registered User regular
    This is good alien-killing music, to boot.


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    Mad JazzMad Jazz gotta go fast AustinRegistered User regular
    Guile's theme goes with everything

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    MasterOfPupetsMasterOfPupets Registered User regular
    First Ironman Classic just ended in Disaster. Total wipe of all my soldiers with no money to even recruit new rookies. Most of the world falls into panic, 2 days before a council report. Good bye to game #1.

    XBL = MoP54
    PSN = PessimistMaximus
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    Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Jackie Registered User regular
    I want a survival oriented expansion called 'after-math' which is set after the fall of Xcom (either from the ruins of a pre-set one or launchable after the main game has failed) where it's about scraping together and desperately striking at the aliens.

    Though admitedly, the thought of playing a less capably organised Xcom is terrifying. Considering they already get no funding and are stocked entirely with baseball players for troops.

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    Flippy_DFlippy_D Digital Conquistador LondonRegistered User regular
    edited November 2012
    Flippy_D on
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    DrunkMcDrunkMc Registered User regular
    Ummmmmmmmm.........last battle question:

    So I died.....a lot. I was playing it, 2 of my guys were dead, one was mind controlled and their 2 mutons were dead. I used my psi-sniper to CRIT and hit the mind controling Ethereal. He's down to like 6. My doctor has a 30% chance to hit him, I figure let's go for it. Hopefully she gets him and I get my 2nd sniper back. I hit him........mind you there are TWO Ethereals at full health left, and all of a sudden an ending sequence kicks in and hte ship explodes. What the fuck did I do????

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    TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    DrunkMc wrote: »
    Ummmmmmmmm.........last battle question:

    So I died.....a lot. I was playing it, 2 of my guys were dead, one was mind controlled and their 2 mutons were dead. I used my psi-sniper to CRIT and hit the mind controling Ethereal. He's down to like 6. My doctor has a 30% chance to hit him, I figure let's go for it. Hopefully she gets him and I get my 2nd sniper back. I hit him........mind you there are TWO Ethereals at full health left, and all of a sudden an ending sequence kicks in and hte ship explodes. What the fuck did I do????
    All you have to do to complete the mission is beat the central Ethereal. He's the boss.

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    FreiFrei A French Prometheus Unbound DeadwoodRegistered User regular
    Does the Warscape mod (the most popular mod on the XCOM nexus) come recommended at all by anyone here?

    Are you the magic man?
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    DrunkMcDrunkMc Registered User regular
    DrunkMc wrote: »
    Ummmmmmmmm.........last battle question:

    So I died.....a lot. I was playing it, 2 of my guys were dead, one was mind controlled and their 2 mutons were dead. I used my psi-sniper to CRIT and hit the mind controling Ethereal. He's down to like 6. My doctor has a 30% chance to hit him, I figure let's go for it. Hopefully she gets him and I get my 2nd sniper back. I hit him........mind you there are TWO Ethereals at full health left, and all of a sudden an ending sequence kicks in and hte ship explodes. What the fuck did I do????
    All you have to do to complete the mission is beat the central Ethereal. He's the boss.

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm glad, cause it was hard as fuck, but seems kinda odd.

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    GoodKingJayIIIGoodKingJayIII They wanna get my gold on the ceilingRegistered User regular
    Hm. Only a couple hours in, but I think I'm going to start over. I'd like to make some slightly different choices, and I think tactically I'd like to try some different things as well.

    Seems like this game really shines on Iron Man, but with all the bugs and potential save corruption, I'm a little loathe to do a single save. Maybe I'll just do a single save with backup?

    Battletag: Threeve#1501; PSN: Threeve703; Steam: 3eeve
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    GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    I want a survival oriented expansion called 'after-math' which is set after the fall of Xcom (either from the ruins of a pre-set one or launchable after the main game has failed) where it's about scraping together and desperately striking at the aliens.

    Though admitedly, the thought of playing a less capably organised Xcom is terrifying. Considering they already get no funding and are stocked entirely with baseball players for troops.

    Here's what I've been thinking about: As Shen remarks in the game, with the aliens' level of technology, if they wanted to launch an all-out conquest invasion of Earth, it would be almost impossible to stop them. And as the game goes on, their attacks escalate: they go from small-scale abductions here and there to hovering battleships over cities and mass slaughter. Also, there are occasional references in the game (like in some VIP escort missions) to world leaders trying to collaborate with the aliens.

    So it seems to me highly likely that there would be a school of thought among world governments that it's better not to fight back against the aliens, let them abduct people here and there, sweep it under the rug. XCOM, as this view would see it, is just pushing Earth closer and closer to disaster by pissing the aliens off and provoking them toward beginning a full-scale conflict Earth can't hope to win. And if XCOM can't be convinced to stop their brinkmanship through reason, then they must be stopped with force...

    So basically what I'd like to see is base defense brought back, but with some of the defense missions being against black ops troops from alien-collaborator nations.

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    EvermournEvermourn Registered User regular
    Hm. Only a couple hours in, but I think I'm going to start over. I'd like to make some slightly different choices, and I think tactically I'd like to try some different things as well.

    Seems like this game really shines on Iron Man, but with all the bugs and potential save corruption, I'm a little loathe to do a single save. Maybe I'll just do a single save with backup?
    Save the SaveData folder from C:\Users\*\Documents\My Games\XCOM - Enemy Unknown\XComGame occasionally perhaps? I did that whenever I stopped a session as I'd read about some potentially game-ending bugs, but I never encountered any. You have to be strong though, it isn't a bug if you get a string of bad rolls :)

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    Gandalf_the_CrazedGandalf_the_Crazed Vigilo ConfidoRegistered User regular
    Gaslight wrote: »
    I want a survival oriented expansion called 'after-math' which is set after the fall of Xcom (either from the ruins of a pre-set one or launchable after the main game has failed) where it's about scraping together and desperately striking at the aliens.

    Though admitedly, the thought of playing a less capably organised Xcom is terrifying. Considering they already get no funding and are stocked entirely with baseball players for troops.

    Here's what I've been thinking about: As Shen remarks in the game, with the aliens' level of technology, if they wanted to launch an all-out conquest invasion of Earth, it would be almost impossible to stop them. And as the game goes on, their attacks escalate: they go from small-scale abductions here and there to hovering battleships over cities and mass slaughter. Also, there are occasional references in the game (like in some VIP escort missions) to world leaders trying to collaborate with the aliens.

    So it seems to me highly likely that there would be a school of thought among world governments that it's better not to fight back against the aliens, let them abduct people here and there, sweep it under the rug. XCOM, as this view would see it, is just pushing Earth closer and closer to disaster by pissing the aliens off and provoking them toward beginning a full-scale conflict Earth can't hope to win. And if XCOM can't be convinced to stop their brinkmanship through reason, then they must be stopped with force...

    So basically what I'd like to see is base defense brought back, but with some of the defense missions being against black ops troops from alien-collaborator nations.

    This is kinda why the end-game falls flat to me.
    I wanted to see some sort of large-scale defense, not an assault. Maybe, like, we're building a device underneath the Temple Ship to destroy it, and have to defend it against ~endless waves of aliens. Gives the opportunity to have more than one "final map", plus the fact that, let's face it, the urban maps were always more fun than the alien base/Temple Ship maps.

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