This is for the SONIC LINE!
I apologize, but I don't have the bandwidth to post for all the train routes. However, feel free to steal the code (as I have done) and create one for your line.
The Sonic Line is the Orange doodle on the map below and services PAXers on the following route and those jumping on from the Metroid and Star Fox lines:
Note: Please let me know if you have a different time or station as I couldn't find an exact route on the AMTRAK site. Thanks!The Sonic Line
"The Fastest Train Alive!" (although not really)
Train: 176 Northeast Regional Originating Station: Washington, DC - Union Station (WAS)
Departure Date/Time: March 21, 12:02 EDT
Travel Time: 7h58m
Scheduled Stops
New Caroliton, MD - March 21, 12:14 EDT
BWI Thurgood Marsh Air, MD - March 21, 12:30 EDT
Baltimore, MD - March 21, 12:45 EDT
Wilmington, DE - March 21, 13:32 EDT
Philadelphia, PA - March 21, 13:52 EDT (Departure at 13:55 EDT)
Trenton, NJ - March 21, 14:24 EDT
Metropark, NJ - March 21, 14:47 EDT
Newark, NJ - March 21, 15:01 EDT
New York, NY - March 21, 15:19 EDT (Departure at 15:30 EDT)
New Rochelle, NY - March 21, 15:57 EDT
Stamford, CT - March 21, 16:18 EDT
Bridgeport, CT - March 21, 16:42 EDT
New Haven, CT - March 21, 17:06 EDT (Departure at 17:08 EDT)
Old Saybrook, CT - March 21, 17:38 EDT
New London, CT - March 21, 17:57 EDT
Westerly, RI - March 21, 18:21 EDT
Kingston, RI - March 21, 18:39 EDT
Providence, RI - March 21, 19:02 EDT
Destination Station: Boston, MA - South Station (BOS)
Arrival Date/Time: March 21, 19:55 EDT
What it is
For those of you just joining us, the PAX East Train Alliance (PAX ETA), or "PAXTrain" for short, is a coordinated effort for PAX-goers to ride the same train at the same time going to Boston for PAX East- both as an alternative to driving or flying, and to enjoy an intimate "mini-convention" while en-route. Obviously, it is impossible for EVERYBODY to be on the same train, so this is a coordinated effort to get as many people together as possible.
Note: When booking at, you may have to book each of your trains separately to get on the train that you want. Please take note of this when booking to ensure you end up on the same train as everybody else.
Why the train?
Why not? It's a blast. Spend some time getting to know fellow PAX attendees before the show. We don't care if you're new - this ain't no private party, and all people going to PAX are welcome. We invite you to join us! After taking the train, you'll have a bunch of friendly faces in the crowd at PAX.
How to get on the PAXTrain
Check the map and schedule below to find out what train is closes to you and when you should be on it. Then, buy your tickets through for the appropriate train on the appropriate time/day.
To find us when you get on the train, feel free to use the TWITTER hashtag #sonicline. We will be monitoring it. Also, look for the man with the flag - that is where we will be.
Stuff You Need
You'll need to be prepared to survive on PAXTrain. Following is a list of stuff you probably should bring if you want to have a liveable experience on the rails.
You are allowed to carry on two bags, and check three (if you board at a station that allows checked baggage). We suggest checking a suitcase for your PAX supplies and packing a separate carry on bag / backpack. This pack should contain personal effects and clothing, as well as everything else you think you'll need on the train.
Ear plugs and an eye mask. It is considered PAXTrain courtesy to be quiet in all coach areas, where people may be sleeping - but still, be prepared.
A toothbrush and toothpaste, mouthwash, a comb, and if you need them, shaving razors and cream. No showers are provided for coach passengers, so if you're on the train for two days bring wipes or a sponge or something to wash the stank off in the bathroom sink the second day. Ignoring basic hygene highlights a disregard for your fellow gamers, who are great people who don't need to know what you smell like after two days without cleaning yourself in a cramped environment.
Snacks. There is a snack cart and a dining car, but it's not cheap. You can save some money if you bring some food and water with you.
Your meds. Nobody needs to see you off them.
We also recommend the following items:
A power strip. We plan on bringing power squids and some power strips, but there are never enough outlets.
A handheld system - a Nintendo DS is the preferred item for wireless gaming. A PSP is welcome but has more of a personal role rather than multiplaying with the cool kids.
Card games. Bring your Magic deck, your Fluxx deck, your Curses deck, your WoWTCG deck, your Pokemon deck, or shit, even a Sailor Moon TCG deck, I don't care. Bring it. If you have a silly game that's easy to learn bring it, We didn't Playtest This was a big train hit.
A book for pleasure reading. We advise everyone to take a break from train festivities to "regroup", and read a book or listen to music.
Headphones, preferably a pair of earbuds rather than studio headphones, but to each his own.
Cash. Dining with fellow PAXtrain goers is a good way to relax and get to know some people. Expect about one breakfast (from the snack cart), two lunches and two dinners with each trip (either from the snack cart or the dining car), each meal running about 10 dollars. Apart from that, bring spare cash for snacks or bring your own in your travel backpack.
The RULESDon't be a dick
Just don't. Play nice, children. And if you don't like someone, don't start shit.
Don't be an ass to the Amtrak staff
Train staffers are generally pretty cool and will let us do what we want with little explanation. Be nice to them, and if they tell you to do something, do it.
Don't be a loud prick
Other people may be sleeping in other cars. Or whatever. Noise discipline: Be quiet in the coach areas and sleeper cars, be polite in the dining cars and don't try to overrun areas during the day if other people are using it.
Don't be a freak to kids
When kids are around, mind your tongue. Pretend Mommy's right behind you. Don't give anyone a reason to complain about PAXTrain.
Don't get too hammered.
Public intoxication laws apply, even on a train.
To be added to the list copy/paste the text below and add in your info:
[B]Boarding Stop:[/B]
[B]Ticket Purchased:[/B]
[B]Games You're Bringing:[/B]
PAX Train Passengers
Name: Tara +5
Twitter: TaraNewmanLocation: Rockville, MD
Boarding Stop: Washington, DC
Ticket Purchased: Yes!
Games You're Bringing: The usual: Fluxx, MtG, My DS, Drunk Quest (For "responsible" use only, see rules), and a board game based on what others bring or want. [/div]
Name: Chris
Twitter: ccesaranoLocation: Downingtown, PA
Boarding Stop: Philadelphia, PA
Ticket Purchased: Yes
Games You're Bringing: On 3DS: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Resident Evil: Revelations, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Dead or Alive: Dimensions, Star Fox 64 3D [/div]
Name: Martha
Twitter: marthapieLocation: Philly suburbs
Boarding Stop: Philly
Ticket Purchased: Yes, there will be three of us
Games You're Bringing: Haven't quite decided yet, I'll have my DS for sure though.
Name: Randy
Twitter: randy_wreckedLocation: Harrisburg, PA
Boarding Stop: Philadelphia, PA
Ticket Purchased: Yes
Games You're Bringing: Cards Against Humanity, Mario Kart 7, Kid Icarus, New Super Mario Bros 2, Dragon Quest IX, Little Big Planet Vita, Need for Speed, Resistance, etc. [/div]
AdamgoodpersonLocation:Philadelphia, PA
Boarding Stop:Philadelphia, PA
Ticket Purchased:You Betcha!
Games I'm Bringing: C'Thulu Dice, Munchkin (Complete with the official board and figures) with a Penny Arcade booster pack, and a couple MTG decks from ye olde days
Name: Jared
Twitter: N/A
Boarding Stop: Philadelphia, PA
Ticket Purchased: Yup, for myself and my fiance
Games You're Bringing: Not 100% decided yet, but on the board game side, probably Munchkin (I have the first 7 expansions other than Demented Dungeons + all of Fu + a bunch of the little pack expansions), Zombie Fluxx, Zombie Dice, C'Thulu Dice, and, I don't know if there will be space or demand for it, but I'd love to bring something a bit longer/more in-depth, since we have a long ride anyway (but of course have a small box and something which can survive bumps and turns without messing up the maybe something like Innovation). I should also have an iPad with me and assuming there's no issues, I should have Ascension (+ all expansions), Ticket to Ride, Blokus, Carcassonne, Ingenious, Stone Age, and Summoner Wars (+ all expansions), and maybe Settlers of Catan on it. [/div]
Name: Joshua
Twitter: n/a
Location: Brooklyn NY
Boarding Stop: NY Penn Station
Ticket Purchased: Yes
Games You're Bringing: If anyone wants to draft mtg I'll have gatecrash packs with me. I'm between gaming libraries at the moment otherwise. [/div]
Name: Matt (and Zach)
Twitter: spook_countryLocation: Baltimore-ish
Boarding Stop: BWI
Ticket Purchased: Dos Equis
Games You're Bringing: Cards Against Humanity, a couple flavors of Munchkin, Mad Scientist University, Gloom, MtG decks, probably a few others
Name: AndyC
Twitter: ioicctsniwLocation: Glenside PA
Boarding Stop: Philly
Ticket Purchased: Yup!
Games You're Bringing: Zombie Dice, C'Thulu Dice, Mario Kart 7, Mortal Kombat Vita, Pokemon Black, Zombie Fluxx, Pirate Fluxx, Poo (great, silly card game), not sure what else.
Name: NullZone
Twitter:Location: Baltimore
Boarding Stop: Baltimore
Ticket Purchased: Yes!
Games You're Bringing: He didn't fill out the code (tsk,tsk) so no clue!
Name: Matt & Sandy
Twitter: @WismerTrashCryLocation: Queens, NY
Boarding Stop: Penn Station
Ticket Purchased: 2
Name: Matthew
Twitter: wolfbro87
Location: NY
Boarding Stop: Penn Station
Ticket Purchased: Yepp!
Games You're Bringing: Pokemon Black 2 and Heartgold, Cards Against Humanity, Zombie Dice
Name: Chris But Kit or Goggles is Preferred
Twitter: @Kit_GogglesLocation: Pittsnurgh
Boarding Stop: Philly
Ticket Purchased: Getting there
Games You're Bringing: Pokemon (DS) and Laptop with LoL, Minecraft and a few Steam games on it.
Twitter: @TaraNewman
Location: Rockville, MD
Boarding Stop: Washington, DC
Ticket Purchased: Yes, for me and three others
Games You're Bringing: The usual: Fluxx, MtG, My DS, Drunk Quest (For "responsible" use only, see rules), and a board game based on what others bring or want.
Twitter: ccesarano
Location: Downingtown, PA
Boarding Stop: Philadelphia, PA
Ticket Purchased: Yes
Games You're Bringing: On 3DS: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Resident Evil: Revelations, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Dead or Alive: Dimensions, Star Fox 64 3D
PAX East 2014 Checklist:
[X] - Pre-registered | [ ] - Train tickets | [ ] - Time Off
Twitter: @marthapie
Location: Philly suburbs
Boarding Stop: Philly
Ticket Purchased: Yes, there will be three of us
Games You're Bringing: Haven't quite decided yet, I'll have my DS for sure though.
Really excited!
I mostly tweet about food
Twitter: @randy_wrecked
Location: Harrisburg, PA
Boarding Stop: Philadelphia, PA
Ticket Purchased: Yes
Games You're Bringing: Cards Against Humanity, Mario Kart 7, Kid Icarus, New Super Mario Bros 2, Dragon Quest IX, Little Big Planet Vita, Need for Speed, Resistance, etc.
Put it in your ear holes.
Location:Philadelphia, PA
Boarding Stop:Philadelphia, PA
Ticket Purchased:You Betcha!
Games I'm Bringing: C'Thulu Dice, Munchkin (Complete with the official board and figures) with a Penny Arcade booster pack, and a couple MTG decks from ye olde days
In the event anyone is curious, below is the link to the Northeast Regional food cart menu. Granted, it is based on 2012 prices, but I can't imagine they're much different. Its about what you would expect from airline prices (typical captive rates: movies, planes, trains, themeparks, space shuttle launches, Rapture, etc).,0.pdf
As you're allowed to carry-on (given that you're 21+), but not consume your private stock of adult beverages, I'll probably go in for a bottle of wine. I'll also have extra cash to see if any non-paxengers (Just coined that [that I know of], lets see if it catches on for the train alliance) would give up their table for a bottle of white/red. :-)
Twitter: @APacManSays
I mostly tweet about food
Twitter: N/A
Boarding Stop: Philadelphia, PA
Ticket Purchased: Yup, for myself and my fiance
Games You're Bringing: Not 100% decided yet, but on the board game side, probably Munchkin (I have the first 7 expansions other than Demented Dungeons + all of Fu + a bunch of the little pack expansions), Zombie Fluxx, Zombie Dice, C'Thulu Dice, and, I don't know if there will be space or demand for it, but I'd love to bring something a bit longer/more in-depth, since we have a long ride anyway (but of course have a small box and something which can survive bumps and turns without messing up the maybe something like Innovation). I should also have an iPad with me and assuming there's no issues, I should have Ascension (+ all expansions), Ticket to Ride, Blokus, Carcassonne, Ingenious, Stone Age, and Summoner Wars (+ all expansions), and maybe Settlers of Catan on it.
Twitter: @APacManSays
PAX East 2014 Checklist:
[X] - Pre-registered | [ ] - Train tickets | [ ] - Time Off
Twitter: @APacManSays
Faaantastic ^_^
Twitter: @APacManSays
PAX East 2014 Checklist:
[X] - Pre-registered | [ ] - Train tickets | [ ] - Time Off
PAX East 2014 Checklist:
[X] - Pre-registered | [ ] - Train tickets | [ ] - Time Off
Twitter: n/a
Location: Brooklyn NY
Boarding Stop: NY Penn Station
Ticket Purchased: Yes
Games You're Bringing: If anyone wants to draft mtg I'll have gatecrash packs with me. I'm between gaming libraries at the moment otherwise.
Got a spot in a car leaving earlier. Sorry to miss the gaming commute!
That's going to make playing anything with cards or boards a tad tricky. Maybe it would be better to say, "aim for the dining car, everyone not there will be in the car(s) right around it?" That way, if the dining car is in the back, the plan stays the same. If it's in the middle, then everyone is shifted a bit, but hey, at least everyone still knows where to aim.
Twitter: spook_country
Location: Baltimore-ish
Boarding Stop: BWI
Ticket Purchased: Dos Equis
Games You're Bringing: Cards Against Humanity, a couple flavors of Munchkin, Mad Scientist University, Gloom, MtG decks, probably a few others
As I stated in the main Train thread, I usually get on and start hovering around the dining car - it's inevitably full when we board at BWI, but I can usually get a table from someone getting off at Philly or NYC, and that gives us a solid 3-4 hours of gaming RIGHT NEXT TO THE LADY SELLING BEER. If you have a game boy or whatever, by all means sit in the back. I'm more of an old-school gamer and like me some table-top action.
And beer.
The dining car only has like 6 tables (I can't remember, but there might be a second car forward of the galley). At most you can seat around 30-40 people in there before the conductor starts making you move to an actual seat. Going to the back is generally the easiest to commandeer.
To build off what the Lady said, if you sit in the dining car, you're supposed to bring all your luggage with you (and not "reserve" a seat in another car). Depending on if you have a PC or something for BYOC, or a lot of luggage, this can be a pain. In 3 years I haven't heard of anyone having something stolen on the train, but I wouldn't leave my stuff several cars away, unwatched.
Twitter: ioicctsniw
Location: Glenside PA
Boarding Stop: Philly
Ticket Purchased: Yup!
Games You're Bringing: Zombie Dice, C'Thulu Dice, Mario Kart 7, Mortal Kombat Vita, Pokemon Black, Zombie Fluxx, Pirate Fluxx, Poo (great, silly card game), not sure what else.
First time on the PAX train and totally psyched!
Current count by state:
DC: 6
MD: 2
PA: 9
NY: 1
Again, not all IN the dining car, just in the cars SURROUNDING the dining car.
Which is the mistake I made the first PAX I went to... I had to sit in the quiet car till NY and we got seats in the 2nd to last car. It was very frustrating.
Ah, well, that's another piece of info to take into account. So, if that's the case, then what happens if:
a) The dining car is in the back
b) It has the silent/business cars around it
Seems like there's no definite good answer. OK, how about this.....
1) Aim for the back, as planned.
2) When people start getting on, tweet where you are (with, say, #PAXSonicLine or something else similarly agreed upon) and maybe what the situation is with dining, silent, and business cars
That way, everyone coming on later knows where to aim from there.
I've taken a lot of Amtrak trains before. The dining car is never in the back - always the middle. They would never move it further away from the Business class people (who are in the front of the train) as they are the demonstrated big-spenders (and when beers cost $7-9 apiece, the average coach passenger isn't the target market).
Also, from the platform, it can be hard to tell where exactly the "middle" is, which cars are quiet, etc. It's easy to figure out where the back is. That way you don't have to drag your bags from car to car (which can be a big pain). You just go to the far side of the platform and you're golden.
I am getting on the first stop - please feel free to tweet me directly or DM me if you are lost or need some help finding us.
It shouldn't be too hard though!
OK, it still doesn't hurt to know where people are (back vs dining car). so they know as they get on if they want to head towards the back or the dining car, since those are going to be a half a train apart.
A list of things, should you be of the gifting persuasion
Also, this may vary by train - as I recall on the last PAX Train, the cafe car had no overhead bins, luggage racks, or places to hold/display your ticket like there is in the coach cars. No way anyone could bring their luggage in there even if they wanted to.
A list of things, should you be of the gifting persuasion
Twitter: @WismerTrashCry
Location: Queens, NY
Boarding Stop: Penn Station, NYC
Tickets Purchased: 2
Looking forward to it. This is our first time going to PAX and will be coming loaded with questions on what to do. Also, I have a few old (Fallen Empires/Ice Age) and semi-new MtG (2008-2009) decks that I can play with, but I am not current with the game.
A list of things, should you be of the gifting persuasion
Twitter: wolfbro87
Location: Stony Brook, NY
Boarding Stop: Penn Station, NY
Ticket Purchased: Yep!
Games You're Bringing: Pokemon Black 2 and Heartgold, Cards Against Humanity, Zombie Dice (all my big box games are in California, so I'm just bringing little things).
When I originally bought my ticket it was $74? So not bad -- is it more now? It's always best to buy early.
Twitter: @Kit_Goggles
Location: Pittsburgh
Boarding Stop: Philly
Ticket Purchased: Getting There
Games You're Bringing: Pokemon (DS) and Laptop with LoL, Minecraft and a few Steam games on it.