[League of Legends] Everyone loves Singed.

SampsenSampsen Aggressive BerserkerRegistered User regular
edited February 2013 in Games and Technology
OP - The Basics
3rd - Currently Open Contests/One-Time Events
The Basics
League of Legends (popularly known as LoL) is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game created by Riot Games.

You play as a summoner that selects Draven (seriously, he's OP and stupid) to battle with and against other summoners and their respective lesser-tiered champions. During games, your champion will level up, get gold for better equipment and hopefully destroy the enemy nexus. Outside of games, your summoner level will rise. This will unlock new runes to enhance champion stats, bestow mastery points for further champion customization and goodies like avatars. At max level you can then compete in ranked matches and/or judge player behavior in what is called the Tribunal.

New Player Guide

1. Make an account: NA EU (West) EU (Nordic & East)
It is worth noting that referring new players has perks, so I would ask for a referral link in the thread rather than a vanilla account.

2. Download the client: Right here
The official Mac client has been discontinued.

3. Play the tutorials! New User Guide
The game can be a bit overwhelming, and I highly suggest you play the tutorials OR find someone willing to do a few vs. AI games with you.

4. Join the "Penny Arcade" Chat Channel to find helpful people and people to escape solo queue with! Click the little double speech bubble looking thing at the bottom right of your screen. Click the + speech bubble right above it. Type in "Penny Arcade" and introduce yourself. Not everyone you see in the thread will be there, as not everyone plays on the same server. You can ask these people how to play champions, we pretty much have someone who plays each champion.

5. Play vs. People
Do it, damn you. As said above, the AI is not going to give you the legitimate LoL experience. You don't want to hit your 20s solely from bot matches.

6. Get yer free champs.
Subscribe to Riot's Youtube and get a free Alistar skin! Includes the champion! Free Tristana if you're into the Facebook thing. Promo skins always include the champion if you never bought it.

The Dos and Don'ts of LoL

Meta Stuff
1. Don't buy champions randomly!
LoL has two currencies: Riot Points (RP), which are bought with real money, and Influence Points (IP) which are earned solely by playing games. Champions can be bought with both, but every week there will be ten free champions to play with. Play these champs instead. Get a feel for each type of champion and see which you find more fun. It's far better to do this as opposed to buying a champ randomly and ultimately being unhappy with it. Also, (it's rumored) you can get ONE refund opportunity for (I believe I read) up to 3 RP purchases. After that, it's your own fault for spending RP.

2. Don't buy Tier 2 Runes.
They are pretty much a waste of IP. Buy Tier 1 and save up for Tier 3. Or, if you're baller like Hargaad, don't even buy Tier 1. Wait to hit level 30, then buy all the Tier 3 runes you need.

3. Do queue with friends.
Playing with randoms is a crapshoot, and playing with an armordillo or two can put the odds in your favor. Play complementary champs and request feedback on how you did in each game (even if you won). Likewise, you can offer advice to others you saw having trouble in a polite manner (because if you aren't polite, you're likely to get flamed).

4. Do learn the champions
When a new rotation occurs, it is wise to play a few games with each champ. Knowing what each champ is capable of will be useful even if you hate how they play and never intend on using them. For example, Karthus has a skill that does damage to every enemy champion, regardless of location! If you know this, then you can be a jerk and take Soraka.

5. Do read guides.
There are multiple ways to play a champion. This combination of skills, runes, masteries and items is called a "build" and are the general strategies for any champion. The recommended items in the game store are not always accurate, and the order you level skills can have a big impact on how the early stages of the game play out. Sites like Mobafire and Solomid offer builds for just about every champion. It's cookie-cutter, but a great foundation for new people. Once you learn the ins and outs, you can tweak a build to better serve your playstyles or as a reaction to enemy or ally players.

6. Do be polite and do report
Sometimes people will suck or do shit wrong. It's a game, so try to keep that in mind when things get a little unhinged. If you insult or yell at people, even if they DID do something wrong, you're likely going to get that person defensive and things break down. Instead of focusing on the game, you focus on hurling insults at each. Stay calm, and politely offer advice when needed. And yet, people are jerks. It happens. Simply /mute them and quietly report them after the game. Taking their bait is probably what they want you to do. Do not give them the satisfaction! Keep your cool.

7. Buy skins
Having a skin for a character is a great way to say "Hey I'm fucking awesome with this champion so get the fuck out of my way." If your team is using more skins than your enemy team, you basically have already won. If you're playing as , you've won the awesome award.

8. Check out The League, premiering its 4th season on October 11th on FX!

Game Stuff
1. Do not be aggressive
There will be a serious urge to want to kill enemy champs. Resist! Death is an all-around loss: your opponents get more cash and experience, you miss out on experience and your lane risks getting pushed. If you set-up a kill and fail, do not continue chasing. In many cases, you will just die to a tower or get ganked. While later on you will learn when to take risks, early in your career it's best to be less aggressive and just let the other guy get away.

2. Do not focus on KDR
Your kill-death-ratio is not the end-all of your value. It is possible to lose despite having a serious kill advantage over the enemy team! Certain champions, once getting the right items, can be unstoppable murder machines. Even if you do kill them a lot, if they reach this threshold, it's possible for a dramatic reversal to occur. It is far more important to support your team's objectives: push towers, protect your own towers from being pushed and keep your team informed of enemy activity. It is far better to have a modest KDR and win, than be the team killer and lose.

3. Do watch the minimap and your enemy
Enemy locations are important! In your low-level games you will likely have two champs tops lane, one mid and two bottom (in later level games, one from top will be off "jungling," so top will have just one champ). If a player in YOUR lane is missing, let the team know. The player might just be heading back to base to buy items, or they could be trying to jump your friend in another lane. And mention when they came back to your lane! But this doesn't mean you should rely wholly on team recon. Watch the minimap yourself for enemy locations in other lanes whenever you can. People aren't perfect, and sometimes that warning comes a bit too late. Another set of eyes is always useful.

4. Do buy wards.
Wards are items that grant you vision of an area for 180 seconds. They are, without a doubt, one of the best purchases you will make. You can plop them along the river and have advance warning of ganks. They'll grant you vision of the brush. They'll alert you of enemy attempts on big-reward neutral monsters like the dragon or baron. If you attack them in the middle of something like that, you could mob up their entire team. Or maybe you are aware of a gank attempt on you. You could alert a nearby friend, bait the ganker in and turn the tables. Buy wards. BUY. WARDS.

5. Do buy wards.
Wards are items that grant you vision of an area for 180 seconds. They are, without a doubt, one of the best purchases you will make. You can plop them along the river and have advance warning of ganks. They'll grant you vision of the brush. They'll alert you of enemy attempts on big reward neutral monsters like the dragon or baron. If you attack them in the middle of something like that, you could mob up their entire team. Or maybe you are aware of a gank attempt on you. You could alert a nearby friend, bait the ganker in and turn the tables. Buy wards. BUY. WARDS. Yes, I posted this twice. It is that important.

6. Do something.
So you just wiped the enemy team out. Hooray! But...what are you doing now? Did you just go back to your respective lanes and farm? Incorrect! You now have precious map control, and should be taking advantage of it. Gather up as a team and take out a tower. Head to the dragon and get a clean kill. Steal enemy creeps (especially their blue and red buffs). You can always check the status of both teams by pressing tab. If multiple enemies are waiting on respawn, then you need to press that advantage.

7. Don't just wait around all day when you're in a position to win.

8. Do buy wards.
Seriously, kids. If Hargaad can do it, so can you. I know you have 75 gold just laying around sometimes. Don't feed us with your bullshit of, "But I need to save for x item!" No! Fuck you, and your high horse. If you don't buy wards, and you die a lot, nobody on your team is going to be able to save you from a beefed up (whatever) lane. Consequences will never be the same!

Meet the Team

Like any group activity, stuff is usually broken down into roles. It's worth noting that champions don't always fit neatly in categories. A champion's role in the team may depend on what build has been chosen, and sometimes you may fill several roles depending on the group composition. When picking champions, it's a good idea to see what people are doing and fill in any holes.

1. The Carry: If your team is a car, then the carry is the engine. It's what makes the team function. The carry, when doing its job, will be able to easily destroy the whole team. But, just like an engine is useless without any other parts of your car, the carry relies on its team to get the gold necessary to buy the items needed to kill swathes of enemies. Early on, carries tend to be more vulnerable and weaker than other champs. LOTS of people pick carry in random, because it's the star character that generally gets all the kills. One of the reasons Caitlyn is so great is that she can carry a team since her AS ratios are amazing and she can easily carry and dominate fools.

2. The Tank: Following the car metaphor, the tank is your steering. It'll guide the team into battle, and in many cases will be the one starting the fights. Tanks are there to absorb damage and lock down the most dangerous champions on the enemy team so you can position yourselves to win the fight. Some tanks do this with CC, whereas other tanks have some damage and will soften up the enemy team instead. Tanks still tend to need the rest of their team to back them up. Rammus is probably the most boss at doing all of this, and with zazz.

3. The Support: I guess support are your tires or something? Maybe the AC. Either, support help the team out with buffs and generally shields or healing. Healers tend to assist the carry by allowing the carry to stay in the lane longer through said healing or shields. Unlike, well, just about everyone else, Support don't rely so much on gear and thus will purposefully AVOID getting last hits so that their lane partner can farm gold faster. Because of their reduced need of gold, support should also be buying and placing wards when needed. It's worth noting that EVERYONE should generally buy wards, but as a support you can afford to take the financial hit. FEW people pick support in random due to how hard it is to influence games. You have to be very proactive to make up for bad teammates as a carry. Veigar commonly supports the enemy team to their graves.

4. The Jungler: Jungling is a more advanced concept, and you won't see it until higher summoner levels. This is due to runes and masteries allowing for more efficient jungling. It is still possible on a few champs, even at Summoner Level 1, but very uncommon. As the name implies, the jungler sits in the jungle and kills neutral creeps. This benefits your team by creating a second solo lane (top lane), resulting in more experience and gold for your team as a whole. Once the jungler hits a certain gear/level point, they look for opportunities to gank enemies. This is generally done via strong CC abilities, such as Warwick's ultimate or Nunu's slow coupled with his speed buff. Skills such as these will enable the jungler's teammate in that lane to easily assist with the kill. When not ganking, the jungler will return to the jungle regularly to keep up in terms of gold and experience. Due to their roaming, the jungler has plenty of opportunities to place wards for its teammates.

This is a very simple guide! There are other roles in teams, but this is a rough outline of the basics. Roles can easily overlap, and a champion can fill more than one role! Experiment and see what works and what doesn't.

Useful Stuff

http://www.solomid.net/ - A more advanced and polished version of Mobafire. Solomid offers intricate guides on champs that've been tried and tested by the community. Best for more advanced players of lvl 20+
http://www.leagueoflegends.com - The standard LoL website! Info on the game can be found here.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qggKB98It0Q - The basics of laning and last hitting.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kxGQ3gWdrM - Shurelya's guide on zoning!

Stuff You Should Know
-Yes, a promo skin will unlock that champion for free.
-Buy Wards
-Buy Wards
-When in doubt, take Exhaust/Flash

List of helpful LoL terminology.

Sampsen on


  • SampsenSampsen Aggressive Berserker Registered User regular

  • TrusTrus Registered User regular
    I demand the op makes mention of my penta

  • SampsenSampsen Aggressive Berserker Registered User regular
    There shall be mention of your penta, I promise.

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited January 2013
    When I made the LoL thread, my OPs were glorious things.

    It's true because, 18 months later, you are all still using them.

    Sterica on
  • SampsenSampsen Aggressive Berserker Registered User regular
    Don't change what works. I really should go through there and change a few things though.

    Took me forever to rip out all the Riven references.

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    That was fucking Talith with the Riven fetish.

  • TommattTommatt Registered User regular
    A lot of people ask for ways to get better. I'd recommend watching two people's YouTube channels
    One is "studio daily
    " done by one of the forumers. Gives great advice.

    The other is sykkuno . He's by no means the best at the game , but he's very fun to watch. Chill, plays for fun, but gets very excited. He talks about why he's doing or doing wrong, and will even sometimes point out mistakes by other people , but totally not a dick. It's more "I don't know what Xxxx is doing, but its all right we got this guys"

    I watch these guys on my lunch break and I think I've learned some things by watching, and they're entertaining.

  • chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    Tried Hecarim in a normal blind pick. Wanted to jungle.

    Mid/top came along to help with blue then didn't leave. Went back to their lanes and Olaf came tromping in at level 2 to harrass the crap out of me. I swear he didn't leave my jungle the entire game and neither top nor mid would help me dislodge him. Ended up falling behind in levels by quite a bit.

    Top nid complains I'm not ganking her lane, while her Darius opponent was at 100% health because she didn't want to waste her glorious spears poking him or something.

    Fuck it all though, I was Hecarim and still came out of it 4/1/14 (The one death was to the Olaf who jumped me at level 2 while he was 3, with my stolen red buff, right next to mid and our Kat just went derpderp and didn't do anything til I managed to leap into mid lane right next to her.)

    Jungling is rough. Even the smallest things can set you behind if your opponent is aggressive and your lanes will almost never help it seems.

    On the other hand, still great being pony.

  • CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    I think Hat added in a lot of those, too. Can't say I blame them, if I wasn't criminally lazy and made my own OP, it'd be filled with Poppy and Skarner.

  • MaddocMaddoc I'm Bobbin Threadbare, are you my mother? Registered User regular
    Tried Hecarim in a normal blind pick. Wanted to jungle.

    Mid/top came along to help with blue then didn't leave. Went back to their lanes and Olaf came tromping in at level 2 to harrass the crap out of me. I swear he didn't leave my jungle the entire game and neither top nor mid would help me dislodge him. Ended up falling behind in levels by quite a bit.

    Top nid complains I'm not ganking her lane, while her Darius opponent was at 100% health because she didn't want to waste her glorious spears poking him or something.

    Fuck it all though, I was Hecarim and still came out of it 4/1/14 (The one death was to the Olaf who jumped me at level 2 while he was 3, with my stolen red buff, right next to mid and our Kat just went derpderp and didn't do anything til I managed to leap into mid lane right next to her.)

    Jungling is rough. Even the smallest things can set you behind if your opponent is aggressive and your lanes will almost never help it seems.

    On the other hand, still great being pony.

    Meanwhile I was having a pretty super time bot

    We had cake and everything

  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    Dang dude, pentas are cool and all but that last picture alone is 700kb. Maybe just link or thumbnail them?

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Size limit is 500kb. Putting it in spoilers does not make it okay.

  • SampsenSampsen Aggressive Berserker Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    That is big. I've removed the image tag for now. @Trus can you get a smaller one?

    Edit - There are a whole bunch of really big pictures in there, I promise I'll go through them in the morning, I can't stay up any later.

    Sampsen on
  • eeSanGeeSanG I slice like a goddamn hammer. Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Oh man I think my Pentakill screen is like 550kb. I'll go make a new one.

    eeSanG on
    Slice like a god damn hammer. LoL: Rafflesia / BNet: Talonflame#11979
  • TommattTommatt Registered User regular
    Evidently. They're running some sort of live maintenance. Ranked disabled. Tried a bot game and failed to connect. Maybe it's not a good night to play.

  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    That was fucking Talith with the Riven fetish.

    All I remember adding was a chibi Ezreal, Riven, and Ahri at the top and the "come at me" picture in how to play the game.

  • TIFunkaliciousTIFunkalicious Kicking back in NebraskaRegistered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Trus wrote: »
    I demand the op makes mention of my penta

    My penta being in the OP for all eternity is more than enough to represent the penta potential of the 2012 Elementalors

    Also what is this game and what are all these items

    TIFunkalicious on
  • Feels Good ManFeels Good Man Registered User regular
    I would just like to point out that my penta kill in the OP is the superior penta because the 5 kills I acquired during said penta were my first five kills

    and it was with BONECLAW shyvana

  • VizardObserverVizardObserver The Duke of Ridiculous Poppycocky Registered User regular
    I just realized the two Pentas I've gotten are on the easiest champs to get pentakills with
    Oh Twitch, your guile charms and your smelly exterior make you fun to play to no end
    And katarina?
    Well that's a different story

  • RiusRius Globex CEO Nobody ever says ItalyRegistered User regular
    I just realized the two Pentas I've gotten are on the easiest champs to get pentakills with
    Oh Twitch, your guile charms and your smelly exterior make you fun to play to no end
    And katarina?
    Well that's a different story

    In my mind, your post was narrated by the Bastion narrator. The last three lines especially.

  • dasnoobdasnoob ArkansasRegistered User regular
    I finally started to get the hang of Hec jungle last night. Several awesome ganks. Using E to knock them back into the lane and R to fear them back are so satisfying.

    Thinking of replacing my Amumu (always banned) and Rengar rune pages with a Warwick and Fiora one. They are both really fun to play this season.

    That would make my jungle 'roster' based on rune pages:


    I probably need to set one up for Lee Sin to but I haven't played him in forever for some reason. I keep trying to make Eve work but I think we are going to have to break up.

  • TcheldorTcheldor Registered User regular
    Eve works wonderfully. What problems are you having with her?

    League of Legends: Sorakanmyworld
    FFXIV: Tchel Fay
    Nintendo ID: Tortalius
    Steam: Tortalius
    Stream: twitch.tv/tortalius
  • RozRoz Boss of InternetRegistered User regular
    Hello new thread! I will have to go back through the closing posts and see what we were talking about.

    The best League OP was the one where hat or someone had replaced every word with Skarnar. I snapshotted that because it was the best.

  • RozRoz Boss of InternetRegistered User regular
    Talith wrote: »
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    That was fucking Talith with the Riven fetish.

    All I remember adding was a chibi Ezreal, Riven, and Ahri at the top and the "come at me" picture in how to play the game.

    There was period of 2 days last year, where you edited in like 5 riven pictures and were evangelizing your bunny riven campaign.

    Understandably so.

  • dasnoobdasnoob ArkansasRegistered User regular
    Tcheldor wrote: »
    Eve works wonderfully. What problems are you having with her?

    First clear I get awfully low no matter what I do it seems. After that I really need ganks but for some reason I fail at them a lot. Most junglers I do ok with ganks. With Eve even though it should be pretty easy because of her stealth I just can't get the positioning to get the kill before they are safe under tower and at that point I've wasted time.

  • TcheldorTcheldor Registered User regular
    Eve gets low on clear one for sure. I use ap quints/blues armor yellows and like 4 armor reds.

    For ganks, take advantage of red to stick early. Once you hit 6 you have your ult. I like building spectral wraith into dfg so you can counter jungle hard.

    League of Legends: Sorakanmyworld
    FFXIV: Tchel Fay
    Nintendo ID: Tortalius
    Steam: Tortalius
    Stream: twitch.tv/tortalius
  • dasnoobdasnoob ArkansasRegistered User regular
    Tcheldor wrote: »
    Eve gets low on clear one for sure. I use ap quints/blues armor yellows and like 4 armor reds.

    For ganks, take advantage of red to stick early. Once you hit 6 you have your ult. I like building spectral wraith into dfg so you can counter jungle hard.

    I'll try the AP quints. I think post-6 my problem is hitting my ult to initiate. I started doing that due to the change to % current health (which is a crappy change btw).

  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Probably somewhere sniffing somethingRegistered User regular
    Thresh is down to 6300 as of yesterday.

    League Of Legends: Ulven
  • XagarXagar Registered User regular
    The splash for Battle Bunny Riven always amuses me because she looks very slightly bewildered, like before the match started she looked into her locker like always and instead found only the suit and some sort of enormous magical carrot.

  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Jackie Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Rius wrote: »
    I just realized the two Pentas I've gotten are on the easiest champs to get pentakills with
    Oh Twitch, your guile charms and your smelly exterior make you fun to play to no end
    And katarina?
    Well that's a different story

    In my mind, your post was narrated by the Bastion narrator. The last three lines especially.



    Albino Bunny on
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Probably somewhere sniffing somethingRegistered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Also, today Own3d.tv shut downs.


    I spoilered it below.
    Dear gamers, dear own3D community,

    own3D and its management, having evaluated the future of own3D, have decided to cease operations on January 31st, 2013.

    As the first livestreaming portal for gamers own3D had a turbulent start with unexpected growth. We have tried to drive the company into profitability but due to the capital intensive nature of our industry and increasing competition, we have not been able to reach it despite our best efforts.

    This is a difficult decision for all of us at own3D. However, after much deliberation this seems to be the best course of action despite the impact it will have on all the employees, clients and partners who helped build this business.

    We are grateful for your support as our pioneering ride comes to an end. The own3D team has always aspired to provide the gaming community with the best tools for sharing their gaming experiences and growing their projects. We therefore hope that you have enjoyed watching a few epics over the years.

    The day has almost arrived when professional gamers are as recognized as other athletes. We hope to have shown what is possible for the future of eSport and competitive gaming.

    The gaming revolution will not be televised - it will be streamed.

    Your own3D team.

    On the own3d thing, they basicly ran out of money and were unable to pay streamers and were often late with payments. They failed to raise any more VC money. All the streamers are moving to Twitch right now. Which aside from 1 or 2 smaller stream sites currently has the monopoly on streaming e-sports. Youtubes stream system has great infrastructure and because its owned by google it does not suffer when 100k people are watching a youtube stream. However youtube live streaming is not as robust in features as Twitch.

    Azabu announced they'd be doing their own platform and likely with the backing of KR Venture Capitalists, It should be interesting to see how it works.

    How To Stream on youtube
    1. You need to create a Google+ account. (if you don't already have one)
    2. Click the hangout button
    3. Click the create a hangout button
    3. Once that loaded you need enter in a name of the hang out
    4. Click the box labled 'on air'. It will confirm that this will go to your youtube channel.
    5. Start the hang out

    Scratch that, this Doesnt stream very well.

    'Wirecast for youtube' is what you use. Which can be found at this link(its a link to an exe).

    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Ulven
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    With Eve jungle IMO you always want to gank bot as your first gank. Before your first gank the other team doesn't know how aggressive you'll be yet, and it usually means they'll extend too much. If you kill top or mid then suddenly bot is more aware of your presence. But if their bot lane extends even to the river you should be able to get a kill, especially if you have a Taric/Leona or anything like that on your team. Honestly, if I run Eve jungle I just gank bot lane mercilessly until i'm super fed and my ADC is fed, because there's no way the other team can afford to pink river, tri, and lane so you will be able to just keep coming back. Eve jungle is very much like Shaco, in that after a very short time, you only hit up jungle camps in between speeding to lanes. You're not trying to farm jungle at all, you're just trying to snowball your whole team.

    RE: Wukong, I like him mid a lot, though there is such a great roster of AD champs with gap closers to mid so I only do it if I think my team will benefit more from his ult than the raw burst of say Kha'zix, Fiora, Talon, etc. Top he's honestly not all that great, if only because he doesn't really have any matchups he utterly dominates. Like he can beat Jayce, Teemo, etc., but if you pick him first for top Lee Sin, Darius, Garen, Olaf, and some other will just crush you.

    I've not tried him in jungle since S2 when he was pretty bad in the jungle, but I could see it working much better now that single target junglers have it much better. I may have to try it.

    Joshmvii on
  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    Roz wrote: »
    Talith wrote: »
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    That was fucking Talith with the Riven fetish.

    All I remember adding was a chibi Ezreal, Riven, and Ahri at the top and the "come at me" picture in how to play the game.

    There was period of 2 days last year, where you edited in like 5 riven pictures and were evangelizing your bunny riven campaign.

    Understandably so.

    It certainly sounds reasonable to me, but I'm not seeing any trace of it. :<

    What I am noticing is that this game used to be brought to us by Tiny Angry Crab and Sampsen didn't have to remove anything except the chibis.

  • MegamaniacoMegamaniaco Madrid, Spain (again!)Registered User regular
    Just had 2 horrible, HORRIBLE ranked games. Back to blind pick for today it is :c

    Steam ID: Megamaniaco // LoL summoner: Corcorigan (NA), Megamaniaco (EUW) // Hearthstone: Megamaniaco.2120

    Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.
  • SampsenSampsen Aggressive Berserker Registered User regular
    Talith wrote: »
    Roz wrote: »
    Talith wrote: »
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    That was fucking Talith with the Riven fetish.

    All I remember adding was a chibi Ezreal, Riven, and Ahri at the top and the "come at me" picture in how to play the game.

    There was period of 2 days last year, where you edited in like 5 riven pictures and were evangelizing your bunny riven campaign.

    Understandably so.

    It certainly sounds reasonable to me, but I'm not seeing any trace of it. :<

    What I am noticing is that this game used to be brought to us by Tiny Angry Crab and Sampsen didn't have to remove anything except the chibis.

    Turns out it was ChaosHat


  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes FFXIV: Delphi Kisaragi Registered User regular
    Chaoshat, Talith.

    Meh same thing. ;)

    NNID: delphinidaes
    Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    Every time a new thread starts I spend time and look at each and every Pentakill
    dasnoob wrote: »
    I finally started to get the hang of Hec jungle last night. Several awesome ganks. Using E to knock them back into the lane and R to fear them back are so satisfying.

    Thinking of replacing my Amumu (always banned) and Rengar rune pages with a Warwick and Fiora one. They are both really fun to play this season.

    That would make my jungle 'roster' based on rune pages:


    I probably need to set one up for Lee Sin to but I haven't played him in forever for some reason. I keep trying to make Eve work but I think we are going to have to break up.

    You should try Wukong! EVEN I CAN DO IT. His stealth into lane ganks are brutal, especially after level 6

  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Jackie Registered User regular
    The question is, speaking as someone who is ALSO a terrible jungler. Why are more people not playing Shaco, Jax or Sejuani. Even I can jungle those 3.

  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes FFXIV: Delphi Kisaragi Registered User regular
    The question is, speaking as someone who is ALSO a terrible jungler. Why are more people not playing Shaco, Jax or Sejuani. Even I can jungle those 3.

    Shaco: People hate him, and he is tricky.
    Jax: No idea on this one, he's pretty solid.
    Sejuani: Lasting stigma from her release.

    NNID: delphinidaes
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