What do you think will be the most popular handheld game this year at PAX for the 3ds? Fire Emblem?
I remembered a couple years ago it was Dragon Quest IX and I enjoyed swapping maps and meeting everyone's characters at the INN.
One of the kick I get at PAX is getting at many tags as I possibly can, must leave PAX with an army of PAXMIIERS!
Friend Code: 4124-6283-8677
Animal Crossing - Cherry
Really enjoyed having Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate during East this year. I'm thinking that Animal Crossing is going to be the big game for Prime. Kinda sad that the Link to the Past sequel won't be out until after PAX though. I'd love to see a chart with every PAX and the handheld game associated with it, cause it certainly always seems like there is one.
I also have Kingdom Heart 3D (haven't started it yet because I'm backlogged on games) and Mario Kart 7. I'm considering getting Monster Hunter before PAX, but I've only seen it played once and that was back on PS2 so I'm not sure if it's something I could get behind. I'd love to hear some thoughts on good games to bring/buy as none of my friends have 3DS systems.
My advice, try as much as possible to only street pass when you have nothing else to do. Waiting in line, taking a break, eating, etc ...
As for actual games, there was a Monster Meetup last year on the PSP. So I'm sure there'll be some serious hunting parties going on in the handheld area in addition to any improv fights from lines.
I was under the impression that to unlock Find Mii 2 you had to get all of the hats in Find Mii. Is this incorrect?
But we'll have the Oracle's in time for PAX =D
But I'll agree fire emblem is probably going to be the big one. So much stuff to do
Kinda, you basically have to do Find Mii twice which basically gets you all the hats, so i guess yes
As far as Prime, I'm gonna assuming Animal Crossing will be big. FE might still have some legs, and SMT4 could be noisemaker if it has streetpass elements.
As for the Oracle games having StreetPass, I'd be shocked, but also delighted, if Nintendo would extend StreetPass into Virtual Console games.
Short answer, there is a lot of content in Find Mii and even the botomless supply of PAX miis isn't enough to make it trivial.
I'm hoping to play some Fire Emblem, but know that Animal crossing will be *the* game likely. I've actually been saving FE and Luigi's mansion for two cross contient trips that I'm taking over the course of 3 weeks in may and june. I've played about 3 hours of each, and love them. FE at PAX could be pretty win.
Pretty sure the limit is 10. Honestly having to keep up with it is what turned me off from playing the game.
Yes i just bought that game and its awesome
Same here. I'm also bringing my Harvest Moon: A New Beginning. I don't have any multi-player games besides those two, or rather, games where interacting with others enhances the experience.
Yuri from Capcom mentioned last PAX Prime that they hoped to have an official meet-up at PAX Prime this year and which I will most definitely attend. I'm also looking forward to seeing other people's house designs in Animal Crossing. And of course collecting all of the puzzle pieces.
Lol in 2010 my girlfriend went down an escalator. At the top, as she got on, she realized she had 10 street passes. She cleared them out on the way down, and by the time she hit the bottom, she had 10 more. It was pretty awesome.
color=blue]✓[/color Hotel, color=blue]✓[/color Plane Tickets, color=blue]✓[/color Time Off Approved, color=blue]✓[/color Waiting impatiently,
color=green]✓[/color 4-Day Passes Bought, color=Blue]✓[/color 4-Day Passes Received,
color=green]✓[/color Buttons Ordered, color=Blue]✓[/color Buttons Received,
color=green]✓[/color Bonus Buttons Ordered, color=Blue]✓[/color Bonus Buttons Received,
color=green]✓[/color Forumer Pint Glasses Ordered, color=Blue]✓[/color Forumer Pint Glasses Received
Attendee ♥ : Prime 2011, 2013
My Body Is always Reggie
[x]In awe that my 30 minute badge window prediction was pretty close to accurate.
[ ]Airfare
[ ]Buttoneering Buttons
[ ]Challenge Coin
The extended battery is worth the money. I think I only charged mine once the whole weekend and I was street passing constantly.
Those external battery packs that input and output via USB power are among the greatest inventions known to man. Mine is 10,000 mAH, so it simply doens't die in a single day. I could charge both my 3DS and Nexus 4 twice each in a day and that *might* kill it.
I suspect Animal Crossing and Monster Hunter to be big, but I secretly hope for some Luigi action too.
Think of Sims, lots of stuff to do, fish farm fossil hunt now you're the mayor, custom clothes hats umbrellas fabrics. It's like a life sim game but with cute animals.
This, and for me it was a "little bit each day" kind of game. Not something I'd play for 8 hours at a stretch. More like some fun WoW dailiy quests, but doing them accrues furniture and clothes you use to customize your world. Also tons of cute animals with (mostly) fun personalities. And the game changes with the seasons, and has special holiday events.
Pretty much all the AC games have been nearly identical, and each person's first is their best. So don't be too surprised if you love it.
Also, KK Slider.
I'm pretty sure I played the DS one at least for a few minutes every day for 6 months or so. Just a great little game to putz around in, and doing it on a portable system with the standby/sleep settings is pretty much perfect for it.
If i recall correctly, the 3DS can hold 50 passes at once, and gives them to you at a rate of 10 at a time. I walked around for a minute and cleared my buddies 3DS pass list every time i stopped in a line. by the end of the con, i had around 900 passes or so. If only i had owned my own 3DSXL at the time, I'd be already done with puzzle swap and find MII
As soon as you check the front gate, you can get another 10 lined up though immediately.