The nice thing about having no reception, is I don't get any missed call notices. So I'll never know that they actually called or not. And I can sleep at night, telling myself that they didn't.
Grats to those who got the call! Yes, it'll be about 12 hours before your heart stops jumping, and you still won't believe it really happened for another 48.
I can't wait to meet you all! As this year's returning Omeganaut, it is my most excellent duty to organize a meetup for us all before we start. I've decided the 6am breakfast on Friday just makes people sad and sleepy, so reserve happy hour the Thursday before in your schedule instead. I'll have more details later. This year's gonna rock! =D
Trade me pins, yo:
I did the same thing last year, lol. It was probably them but you'll never know!
Confirming this. Glad I decided to answer that PRIVATE NUMBER call... Woo!
I almost fell down when my phone rang, I was in the middle of changing my clothes.
Trade me pins, yo:
Good luck you guys! Have fun!
Yeah, they will not call back. They move on to the next number.
The nice thing about having no reception, is I don't get any missed call notices. So I'll never know that they actually called or not. And I can sleep at night, telling myself that they didn't.
Welp... At least I'll be going...?
From what I know, and this is purely off the assumption that it was Mike and Jerry calling, they'd just pick another name to call and move on.
Trade me pins, yo:
[Edit] I am @Rhil3y on twitter
The fix is in! Shenanigans!
Technically, the pool might be larger than ever due to the inclusion of passes other than 4-day, if I understand the selection criteria.
Confirmed -nauts, did you have 4-day passes or some collection of 1-day passes?
All hail the Tadpole!
I has a sad, I guess I didn't get Omega status this year.
Congratulations to all!
Twitch: akThera
Steam: Thera
And I also assume that there will be no way to plead my case, huh? Oh, well! I'll be there rooting everyone on regardless!
I can't wait to meet you all! As this year's returning Omeganaut, it is my most excellent duty to organize a meetup for us all before we start. I've decided the 6am breakfast on Friday just makes people sad and sleepy, so reserve happy hour the Thursday before in your schedule instead. I'll have more details later. This year's gonna rock! =D
Now you wait for your email. And check your spam box periodically because that might happen.
I've been discussing the happy hour with BC and she's trying to make sure it won't conflict with PPD and TWDT. No promises yet thou.