Welcome to the Starcraft Grubbycraft 2 thread
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You've arrived at the official Penny Arcade StarCraft 2 discussion page. Here we discuss everything from the game, the races, balance issues, tournaments, and the culture (K-Pop, etc). Be warned, this thread moves quickly, especially when live events are happening.
StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm has released worldwide! Go buy your copy today and help Kerrigan destroy the Terran and Protoss menace.
How to play with PA people.
1) Log into Battle.net and join the group Penny Arcade (on the NA realm). We all hang out there. Chat, 1v1 lobbies, and team shenanigans are always going on!
2) Sign up for a replay site such as gamereplays.org or drop.sc. This is a site where you can upload your replays. The perfect way to share your replays with the thread and get advice on how to get better. Gamereplays lets you post the cool banner that you frequently see on the internets and drop.sc lets you upload replays without having to create a new account.
3) Register with the PA SC2 1v1 Ranking site. Sign up for this awesome site to see where you stand amongst fellow PA members. Remember, this is important in the nurturing and expanding of your e-peen. Add yourself by clicking on [Manage Characters] on the top right side.
4) Sign up for the PA mumble page. Sign up if you want to chat with fellow PA users during games or watching tournaments. Thanks to Exoplasm for hosting the service and providing the step-by-step process for installing mumble.
Where can I watch some good tournaments and streams?
B.net: Kusanku
B.net: Kusanku
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yeah... that looked like how I imagine a series of Polt vs. Me would play out.
B.net: Kusanku
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
...because I'm in South Korea. 8-)
B.net: Kusanku
And yes this stupid spartan verizon commercial stutters better than Flash on a Sunday morning.
ed: what have I missed so far?
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3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
will need to pass this info along to my future wife
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3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
Blinked in sideways and left the sentries on the ramp where most of them were killed
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Witty signature comment goes here...
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
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you have no idea
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I only play on it because there are maps I like even less.
it's great for toss but at least it's good for tvz. somewhat good anyway, being as tanks don't get used anymore you gotta look at maps differently and spreading is really equally beneficial for both races.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
ummm, they're your cousin
you can meet for brunch or lunch
Grubby is Grubby.
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They are leaving town right after breakfast and I haven't seen my cousin in a year or two and she has a one-year-old baby that I've never even met, etc.
I really shouldn't just skip out...
But then again... grubby
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
here's what you do
you go because it's the right thing to do
but everything they say you respond with 'yeah I know, grubby is really good but I'm not sure if he has what it takes to beat MC'
or 'personally I prefer a robo open in pvp but it's incredible what certain players can do with blink stalkers'
also use the time to work on babby micro and breakfast macro
I have faith!
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
On the contrary... that would be a BIG problem.
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I'm not saying I'd blame the kid
but he'd certainly be on the receiving end of my anger
SORRY BRO (sup son on his forehead in sharpie)