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ProprietyPropriety PAX Pokemon League Leader!Registered User regular
edited February 2014 in PAX East

Welcome to the PA Forums thread for the PAX Pokemon League at PAX East 2014!

What is the PAX Pokemon League?
The PAX Pokemon League is a weekend-long alternate reality game played at PAX! Gym leaders wander the convention center halls, ready to battle upstart young challengers like you! Find them and defeat them in battle, and you'll receive their badge. If you can collect eight gym badges, you'll earn the right to find and challenge the Elite Four, and the Champion, for the right to be crowned champion yourself!

Battles can take place anywhere at PAX, and are conducted using Pokemon Black or White. Note that this is NOT a tournament: just like in the game, ANYONE can train a team of their favorite Pokemon and challenge the League. We plan to have gym leaders at many difficulty levels, so everyone has a chance to live the Pokemon dream!

A little more info...
Started at PAX Prime 2010, the PAX Pokemon League has grown and continues to grow each year! The PPL focuses on creating a fun quest where you can recreate the hero's journey from the games, collect badges, and attempt to prove yourself by challenging the Elite Four and the Champion!

What do I need to participate?
All that is required is a copy of the newest Pokemon game (for East 2014, we will be using X and Y!), keen eyesight*, and a love of Pokemon Battle! Gym leaders will be all over PAX, and can be identified by their bright green scarves. Approach them, challenge them to a battle, and if they deem you worthy, you'll earn their badge! No need to sign up or anything, just find a gym leader and start battling!

*Note: Keen Eyesight only required to see neon green clothes in a sea of black t-shirts.

If, however, you want to know more about the league, join the community of challengers, and find information and hints that will help you locate and identify the gym leaders... well, you should visit our site where in the coming months we're going to be revealing leader profiles, detailed rules, and other fun things. We've also got a twitter account (@PaxPokemon) where gym leaders will often post their locations as they wander the con, and a Facebook group ( where if you like us you can see news and pictures from our Hall of Fame!

What are the rules?
The rules have been posted at but will be updated when X and Y come out.

What do I win?
Those who conquer the league will win eternal glory as a champion, being immortalized in the Hall of Fame, along with respect from their peers, and the ability to be forced to sit through the game's credits sequence.

Also, there may be some prizes...

That sounds awesome, can I help?
Right now, we're still in the planning stages! We're looking for artists and web developers who want to help make the PPL bigger, better, and shinier.

We are also looking for outgoing people interested in becoming leaders! Details on leader applications will be posted in the very next post!

So, that's great, but what is this thread for?
This is the place to interact with challengers and leaders! We're always looking for cool ideas to improve the league, or input on rules that will help make the league more fun.

We also want to spread the word about the league! Tell us if you have any ideas about people we should talk to to get the word out.

If nothing else, we're always up for discussions about shorts and how comfy and easy to wear they are. Or we can talk about how our Rattata is in the top percentage of all Rattata....

You guys are cool people, can I hang out with you?
You sure can! Visit our forums, follow our twitter or like our facebook page!

That guy with the ridiculously long scarf at PAX. Say Hi!
Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
Propriety on


  • ProprietyPropriety PAX Pokemon League Leader! Registered User regular
    edited February 2014
    EDIT: Gym Leader Applications are closed (and have been for some time, whoops, forgot to edit this). With PAX only two months away, the PPL's preparations are almost complete! We're announcing gym leaders day by day until PAX!

    Propriety on
    That guy with the ridiculously long scarf at PAX. Say Hi!
    Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Can't wait to see what you folks do with this at East. I know it was a little bit of a lull at prime, but you'll bounce back strong!

    This is always one of the best meta-experiences at PAX.

  • KaladinKaladin Western NYRegistered User regular
    Expect my application soon. I've been watching for this for a couple weeks now.

  • ProprietyPropriety PAX Pokemon League Leader! Registered User regular
    Thanks @Zerzhul! Looking forward to seeing you again at East. I'm working hard to make sure the PPL is streamlined and organized and it's gonna be great!

    @Kaladin: fantastic! Looking forward to it.

    That guy with the ridiculously long scarf at PAX. Say Hi!
    Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
  • CoanCoan TorontoRegistered User regular
    edited September 2013
    Alright, registered for the boards, got the blessing of the wife that i'm ok to ditch her when swarms are on...time to start thinking of a theme...ive got a few ideas, just a matter of putting together a team to fit. It's a shame leader apps are due in before we get x/y launch...but it looks like there is a lot of room for changing stuff later.

    Edit: App is in!

    Coan on
    Posting on the phorum again like its 1999
  • VGVideoGalaxyVGVideoGalaxy Northern VirginiaRegistered User regular
    Is this going to be X and Y only or will there also be Black/White 2 battles?

  • CoanCoan TorontoRegistered User regular
    From the OP
    What do I need to participate?
    All that is required is a copy of the newest Pokemon game (for East 2014, we will be using X and Y!),
    There will probably be some people still playing the DS gen Pokemon, but it appears the league is using x/y

    Posting on the phorum again like its 1999
  • Account4ThisAccount4This BostonRegistered User regular
    Well I needed to pick up a 3DS anyways (still in the stone age with a DS), Guess this is just more impetus to get X/Y at launch.

  • CoanCoan TorontoRegistered User regular
    Well, there are the new XL's for pokemon coming on the 27th...

    Also, looks like theres a new type chart coming (steel loses resist to ghost/dark in addition to adding fairy), leader or not, time to start reviewing changes :S

    Posting on the phorum again like its 1999
  • ProprietyPropriety PAX Pokemon League Leader! Registered User regular
    Is this going to be X and Y only or will there also be Black/White 2 battles?

    Official League Battles will use X & Y! Otherwise how are we going to use all those awesome new Pokes?
    Coan wrote: »
    It's a shame leader apps are due in before we get x/y launch...but it looks like there is a lot of room for changing stuff later.

    We figure in October everyone is going to be busy playing X & Y and won't want to think about leader-stuff. Also waiting that late is dangerous for planning reasons. There is definitely plenty of time to change stuff later! We don't expect you to have your team ready now anyway. Just your theme and leader persona, and if for some reason you need to modify that, we can be flexible.

    That guy with the ridiculously long scarf at PAX. Say Hi!
    Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
  • CoanCoan TorontoRegistered User regular
    Propriety wrote: »
    Is this going to be X and Y only or will there also be Black/White 2 battles?

    Official League Battles will use X & Y! Otherwise how are we going to use all those awesome new Pokes?
    Coan wrote: »
    It's a shame leader apps are due in before we get x/y launch...but it looks like there is a lot of room for changing stuff later.

    We figure in October everyone is going to be busy playing X & Y and won't want to think about leader-stuff. Also waiting that late is dangerous for planning reasons. There is definitely plenty of time to change stuff later! We don't expect you to have your team ready now anyway. Just your theme and leader persona, and if for some reason you need to modify that, we can be flexible.

    The recent scans showing a lot of the new info helps a lot with some of the planning for X/Y stuff though, so I'll live. I think most of my planning will likely be while i'm at work waiting on things to finish, my playing will be while i'm sitting at home :P I was thinking along the lines of new trainer types for persona/cosplay reasons.

    Posting on the phorum again like its 1999
  • ProprietyPropriety PAX Pokemon League Leader! Registered User regular
    Applications to be a PPL Gym Leader at PAX East 2014 close TONIGHT at MIDNIGHT!!! Get your applications in! Incomplete applications will be DISCARDED! Discarded applications make me sad. D:

    That guy with the ridiculously long scarf at PAX. Say Hi!
    Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
  • CoanCoan TorontoRegistered User regular
    and now we wait.

    Also, waiting on next weekend too...

    Posting on the phorum again like its 1999
  • xenardxenard Registered User regular
    Life took over and didn't have time to get an application in. Oh well, I look forward to being a challenger again. Already thinking about a team.

    3DS Friend Code: 2449-5711-0640
  • credeikicredeiki Registered User regular
    I don't think I can do PPL at all this year due to not having a 3DS...X and Y aren't on regular DS at all, right?

    Sadness! I really wanted to be a challenger again.

    It's very tempting to buy a 3DS just to play pokemon, and I might cave eventually, but I don't think there's anything else I really want to play on it...

    Steam, LoL: credeiki
  • CoanCoan TorontoRegistered User regular
    Correct, they aren't. You can show up and people will probably be around in HHL with Pokemon b/w/b2/w2 anyway, but they are 3ds exclusives.

    Not in as leader, ah well, next year.

    Posting on the phorum again like its 1999
  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    credeiki wrote: »
    It's very tempting to buy a 3DS just to play pokemon, and I might cave eventually, but I don't think there's anything else I really want to play on it...

    I don't comprehend this statement. Super Mario 3D World, Kid Icarus Uprising, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem Awakening, Luigi's Mansion, New Super Mario Bros 2, Mario Kart 7, plus others. Y U NO LIKE GAMZ!?

    Anyway, I hope the PPL still happens at East 2014 with all these badge and hotel shortages. This was the one year I was going to actually train a team and prep.

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • CoanCoan TorontoRegistered User regular
    redfield85 wrote: »
    credeiki wrote: »
    It's very tempting to buy a 3DS just to play pokemon, and I might cave eventually, but I don't think there's anything else I really want to play on it...

    I don't comprehend this statement. Super Mario 3D World, Kid Icarus Uprising, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem Awakening, Luigi's Mansion, New Super Mario Bros 2, Mario Kart 7, plus others. Y U NO LIKE GAMZ!?

    Anyway, I hope the PPL still happens at East 2014 with all these badge and hotel shortages. This was the one year I was going to actually train a team and prep.

    well, we'll have to see once all badges are sold. I doubt PPL will end due to the 3 days alone being sold and hotels are a pain, but doable.

    worst case, its not like they didn't have a surplus of leader apps they could try to tap to see if they're still interested.

    Posting on the phorum again like its 1999
  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    I'm sure it will work itself out. If anything, some leaders will just be there a single day and leaders will change day to day.

    Hotels aren't a problem with the forums and room sharing and using PAX friends for rooms.

    I'm just so excited for 2014 East and want this to happen. I know I've said it the past two years probably, but I am definitely training for this next PAX. I am in love with X/Y.

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • BigDumbHippyBigDumbHippy Registered User regular
    I will make 9 costumes if need be. the PPL will happen

  • ProprietyPropriety PAX Pokemon League Leader! Registered User regular
    edited December 2013
    Gym leaders are hard at work getting everything ready! So much behind the scenes work... get ready for AWESOMENESS everyone. Awesomeness and SCIENCE.

    Propriety on
    That guy with the ridiculously long scarf at PAX. Say Hi!
    Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
  • CoanCoan TorontoRegistered User regular
    One of these days I should start working on a team...blasted pokemon transporter setbacks.

    Posting on the phorum again like its 1999
  • KnightKnight Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    Coan wrote: »
    One of these days I should start working on a team...blasted pokemon transporter setbacks.

    I have a team, it's just not very good :p

    Mostly need a new stealth rock user and a spin blocker, but I've had a rough go of finding a spinblocker i like for my team.

  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    I gotta get back into training. I beat them game and then took a break....and am still on said break.

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • xenardxenard Registered User regular
    I'm working on my special team right now.

    3DS Friend Code: 2449-5711-0640
  • CoanCoan TorontoRegistered User regular
    Knight_ wrote: »
    Coan wrote: »
    One of these days I should start working on a team...blasted pokemon transporter setbacks.

    I have a team, it's just not very good :p

    Mostly need a new stealth rock user and a spin blocker, but I've had a rough go of finding a spinblocker i like for my team.
    Thats where i'm at...i was tempted to use carbink, because why not use a bunny-rock...

    (the reason why not is limited moveset)

    currently trying to breed 1 out of the 6 I need now, but its been slow going as I keep screwing small stuff up -_-

    Oh well, i'm starting earlier than last year and pax is later...I should hopefully do better.

    Posting on the phorum again like its 1999
  • ProprietyPropriety PAX Pokemon League Leader! Registered User regular
    The official Rules for PAX East 2014 have been posted! Go check them out!

    (Also it stinks that Pokemon Bank isn't out yet. It's going to throw a wrench in everybody's team building plans.)

    That guy with the ridiculously long scarf at PAX. Say Hi!
    Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
  • KaladinKaladin Western NYRegistered User regular
    Aaaaand back to the drawing board with my team.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Seems not that far off from Smogon OU.

  • CoanCoan TorontoRegistered User regular
    edited January 2014
    Last year seemed fairly close though a bit stricter than OU with weather banned last year, though I thought only mega kangaskhan was banned so far from OU. The bank stinks, but, I think right now everything I want except one chain bred move I can get from current gen...i'll save that 'mon for last and if it doesn't work out, at least it's just an attack I can replace.

    I'm pretty sure they'll have the bank out by March or so...right...right...?

    Coan on
    Posting on the phorum again like its 1999
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    OU actually has Zygarde banned too, which PPL does not at the moment. Mega Gengar is def OU banned.

    The other PPL rules seem, to me, to just be based around speeding up battles, which makes sense for the event.

  • CoanCoan TorontoRegistered User regular
    I missed that on the other bans, but agreed, most of it (like the evasion clause) is to keep leaders from being tied up too long. Even with regular battles it's hard to get a leader at times with how popular the league is.

    Posting on the phorum again like its 1999
  • VGVideoGalaxyVGVideoGalaxy Northern VirginiaRegistered User regular
    I wish Pokemon bank was here before magfest. I have some really good competitive Pokemon in my black 2 game.

  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    I am here for my monthly "I should start working on my team" message.

    I should start working on my team.

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • xenardxenard Registered User regular
    My team is almost there. I just need Bank to make it complete.

    3DS Friend Code: 2449-5711-0640
  • CoanCoan TorontoRegistered User regular
    aaaaand I'm still working on my first mon :S
    I should spend less time on a new game I've been playing to work on my team, but, new games are more fun than cycling back and forth...

    Posting on the phorum again like its 1999
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I have 2/6 bred and EV trained. Haven't worked on move sets with them yet. Breeding a proper rotom takes fucking forever without a 5-6IV ditto.

  • YavariceYavarice Registered User regular

    Any word on Pokebank? At the rate of my distracted-by-other-games I'm afraid I may end up with 2IVs out of the Safari. Which isn't actually that bad, fun will shall still be had!

  • CoanCoan TorontoRegistered User regular
    Yavarice wrote: »

    Any word on Pokebank? At the rate of my distracted-by-other-games I'm afraid I may end up with 2IVs out of the Safari. Which isn't actually that bad, fun will shall still be had!

    The word is that they'll have word in the future.

    Unless you're japanese, in which case they said they're testing the servers it seems, but NOA twitter prefers to enrage the masses by telling us nothing.

    my 1/6 has moveset built into the breeding at least. It adds to the frustration in some ways, but once i've got IV's, the other moves are TM's...

    Posting on the phorum again like its 1999
  • ChoujicosplayerChoujicosplayer Cape Cod, MARegistered User regular
    Can't wait, my brother who plays at local gatherings is gonna teach me how to make a competitive team :3

    Get some cookies, so you can eat 'em and grow up big and strong and kick Piston in the butt-butt.
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