Agree/Awesome/Bro? user icons not displaying
This morning I loaded up the forums and none of the small user icons that appear when someone flags a post with Agree/Awesome/Bro? are displaying for me, I can still see the counts for them when I mouse over the flag buttons. Seems to be occurring in both IE 10.0.9 and Firefox 24.0.
Steam | Nintendo ID: Naphtali |
Wish List 0
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
I still dislike this version of things. I much prefer just having them automatically show up horizontally, in full view.
Having to mouse over individual reactions to see who gave me what is just annoying.
Thanks, Nobama!
It would be neat if there was a profile option to select to always see them or switch to this new way, but I can understand if the reason they were changed is to not have to constantly load all the post flags on view every time for performance reasons.
Respectfully, I also preferred the old functionality.
Minor, but what took one click now takes two.
thanks for the update Icy, you're the best
Totally being bros, obviously.
Asking for user feedback/commenting on new game features. People respond by reacting, then commenting.
Thanks Icy!
bro did you just call us a smaller site
not cool bro
yo bro dat shit be tight yo