
[WOW] I guess there's an Expansion coming out this year ? Maybe ?



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    Knight_Knight_ Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    edited January 2014
    Heh, I currently use the heroic T16 set, with my main transmogs before I finished this being the T9 Rogue set from TOC, or the T2 recolor from BC dungeons.

    I'd have just linked my armory profile, but BRM monks with a staff look like they're walking out of the frame

    I'm personally disappointed when female armor is weird and randomly revealing in WoW. T3 warrior never forget.

    Knight_ on
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    DibbyDibby I'll do my best! Registered User regular
    I was pretty pleasantly pleased with T16 Monk in general. Was a bit worried when MMO-C previewed it on human models, but fortunately it looks great on Fem Pandas <3

    Battle.net Tag: Dibby#1582
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    Slayer of DreamsSlayer of Dreams Registered User regular
    There's a tumblr named "Everything looks good on Pandaren" and they just post random pandaren transmogs. And I completely agree with their assessment.

    To prove it, here's mine. Warrior is female because they yell when attacking in melee. Alot.
    Monk (main)



    Steam: Slayer of Dreams / BladeCruiser / (EHJ)BooletProof
    R*SC: BladeCruiser
    Check out my GTAV-PC custom race tracks inspired by real life racing circuits!
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    BrainleechBrainleech 機知に富んだコメントはここにあります Registered User regular
    I own all the CEs for Wow and I don't bad for doing so
    I also own all the CE's for the last 9 years of Blizzard games

    The only thing I really would like them to do with blood elves is fix some of the animations they have

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    SmasherSmasher Starting to get dizzy Registered User regular
    Is there an addon that gives you a warning when you try to vendor BoE gear?

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    KeemossiKeemossi Registered User regular
    Smasher wrote: »
    Is there an addon that gives you a warning when you try to vendor BoE gear?

    Don't know if there's any addon that does exactly that, but ArkInventory kind of does that for me by placing BoE items in a different location in the bag. It does lots of really handy things with bags.

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    sumwarsumwar Registered User regular

    Some interesting information as to whether or not wow should go free to play from Blizzards perspective (making the most money). I think the answer is no. League of Legends made 624 million dollars in 2013. Wow made 213 million from micro-transactions. It's hard to know how much money they make from their 7.6 million subscribers because some pay less than 15 a month (the ones in Asia). I'm guessing the money made from wow subscriptions + selling an expansion every 2 years + the 213 million from micro-transactions equals roughly 1.2 billion a year, all these numbers are US dollars. That's roughly 2X as much as League of Legends and remember Lol has 32 million people playing every month last I heard compared to Wow's 7.6 million. So Wow makes roughly double Lol and has 4X fewer people.

    I think if Wow went free to play it could make more money per person than Lol simply because they have so much content such as raids, leveling, 5man dungeons, scenarios, timeless isle & thundle isle. Also Lol players don't have to spend money to have fun, Wow players would have to spend money to have fun. Still they would need an absurd amount of people playing their game to make the same if not more money than they are currently making as a subscription MMO.

    It's also interesting to see Swtor not doing bad, it made 139 million in 2013 from micro-transactions, remember that doesn't include the money they make from subscription. Seems like it wasn't a complete failure, I wonder what their profit margins are on Swtor.

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    XeddicusXeddicus Registered User regular
    WoW will never go free. The server's will be shutdown due to old age before it makes sense financially for them to go free.

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    LorahaloLorahalo Registered User regular
    Finally decided to actually finish the Brawler's Guild. I'd stopped about halfway through rank 3 right after it first came out because I couldn't be bothered to wait in those horrific queues.

    It was pretty damn easy with heroic siege gear. The only fights I struggled on were Hexos and the giant bomb that splits up when you hit it. Hexos I took about 6 attempts to kill, I think 5 of those times I actually did kill him but died to a wall after he was dead. The announcer would proclaim me the victor and I'd get nothing and have to try again. Lame as shit.

    Now that motherfuckin bomb. If I had a heal of ANY kind, that fight would be an absolute cinch. I eventually remembered that there IS a evocate glyph to heal me for 10%, which is when I finally killed it. Standing there, killing 2-3 bombs and then casting evocate for like 3 minutes was lame as shit. Then I see a shaman go in, pop guidance and spam chain lightning. Fight over in about 30 seconds and he's at full health.

    Fuckin hybrids man.

    I have a podcast about Digimon called the Digital Moncast, on Audio Entropy.
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    AegisAegis Fear My Dance Overshot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered User regular
    Lorahalo wrote: »
    Fuckin hybrids man.

    I have discovered after raiding this tier full-time that being a Boomkin is such a different experience than other DPS classes when it comes to personal survivability. Our Shaman gets out of range of healers because he's the Thok fixate except he has a stack of poison on him? Welp he's dead. Me? I have to try really hard between Ysera's passive healing/Rejuv/instant HTs/my frequently two 45s-1min defensives/Might of Ursoc to drop when I have no incoming exterior healing on me.

    Which made my attempt to play an alt as a Shadow Priest end in flames and tears because I just could not stand the fact that Renew looks at Rejuvenation and then jumps off a bridge in shame.

    We'll see how long this blog lasts
    Currently DMing: None :(
    [5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
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    LorahaloLorahalo Registered User regular
    edited January 2014
    As a mage, I have a lot of tools to survive single, big hits. G. Invis is 90% reduction for 4s, Ice Block is an immobile bubble, temporal is -15% and heals back all damage taken in a 4s window.

    What I don't have is a nice defensive cooldown that reduces damage taken by x% for 20 seconds. I see our warlock sitting there with his 40% damage reduction and interrupt immune (Makes me mega jealous on Thok) with a bubble for 10% of his damage and Sac Pact/Dark Bargain for those big hits I'm so good at taking.

    Basically what I'm saying is screw warlocks for being better at being a mage :( I hate being squishy. It's the worst feeling when you're the first one to die in every raid damage situation (except when we bring our paladin in, he seems to die insanely easy. I think he's just bad.).

    Lorahalo on
    I have a podcast about Digimon called the Digital Moncast, on Audio Entropy.
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    KeemossiKeemossi Registered User regular
    I wish our raiders were mostly warlocks, with maybe some rogues for melee and a few other classes for raid cds. I mean, why pick the less powerful options? :P

    Though, I got to dps one hc boss tonight as a windwalker finally (usually just tanking), and I do love how survivable they are. Diffuse Magic and Zen Meditation pretty much skip mechanics, Touch of Karma is nice too. And the heals are really nice on top of that. Chi Wave heals a lot and is a dps increase too, Expel Harm, healing balls.. and all boosted by Tigereye Brew. I mean the spec isn't that good but playing it is fun.

    And Brawler's Guild on windwalker was silly easy when I did it, except for Hexos being annoying. Even so, the beams aren't an instant kill with Diffuse Magic or Touch of Karma up, so yeah..

    I'd hate to do that stuff on my warrior, not having good self heals sucks for soloing stuff.

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    AssuranAssuran Is swinging on the Spiral Registered User regular
    Garrosh has hit our raid like a brick wall.

    It would help to have a consistent 10 raiders (we tend to juggle the 10th spot), but yeah, we're now over 30 wipes and we've seen p3 just a couple times. Between killing adds and MC's after the second dream phase, we're struggling a bit.

    We even tried Flex and the best we did was wiping at sub 300k heath on our last pull.

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    SamphisSamphis Registered User regular
    edited January 2014
    It took my solid, well-geared group without attendance issues and an incredibly stable roster of 10 fifty-one pulls to down him on normal. Probably fewer than 10 of them made it to the last phase. Our final strat involved all three of our DKs popping army at the end to taunt and control the adds while we burned down the boss, only pulling DPS off of Garry to burst the MC'd.

    There's hope. It's just a really, really, really difficult fight full of RNG.

    Oh, you're doing really awesome? Let's MC both of the healers at the right after we decide to Empowered Whirl and a weapon is out!

    Our raid comp is crazy, though.

    Paladin tank
    Druid tank
    Shaman healer
    Priest healer
    DK damage
    DK damage
    DK damage
    Priest damage
    Hunter damage
    Warlock damage

    Consequently, the same day they buffed DK and hunter damage, we got him down. So, for what it's worth.

    Samphis on
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    AdvocateAdvocate Registered User regular
    Three DKs and a Pally... The competition for Haste/Mastery plate pieces must be fierce!

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    SamphisSamphis Registered User regular
    And tier pieces. We haven't had a single piece of Conqueror gear drop. Our priests, paladin and warlock are all entirely in flex tier gear because RNG. The shaman and hunter tokens drop every single kill.

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    ShadowfireShadowfire Vermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered User regular
    Aegis wrote: »
    Lorahalo wrote: »
    Fuckin hybrids man.

    I have discovered after raiding this tier full-time that being a Boomkin is such a different experience than other DPS classes when it comes to personal survivability. Our Shaman gets out of range of healers because he's the Thok fixate except he has a stack of poison on him? Welp he's dead. Me? I have to try really hard between Ysera's passive healing/Rejuv/instant HTs/my frequently two 45s-1min defensives/Might of Ursoc to drop when I have no incoming exterior healing on me.

    Which made my attempt to play an alt as a Shadow Priest end in flames and tears because I just could not stand the fact that Renew looks at Rejuvenation and then jumps off a bridge in shame.

    I must say I'm having a ball playing my Monk as Mistweaver. People laughed at me since I didn't go DPS, and I might be more effective. But right now I can hit something with Cackling Jade Lightning and it dies before it reaches me, or at least before I'm done channeling. I have no downtime since I regen faster than the lightning uses mana. I can fight multiple enemies that are higher level than me with my punchykicks and still come out with full health, then drink tea for a second and have full mana too...

    I mean, again, Windwalker may be the preferred path, but MW is way more fun.

    WiiU: Windrunner ; Guild Wars 2: Shadowfire.3940 ; PSN: Bradcopter
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    LD50LD50 Registered User regular
    I want to be that shaman.

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    SmrtnikSmrtnik job boli zub Registered User regular
    I've been doing lowbie casul leveling and wow avenger shield his like a truck at low levels. Mob either dead or at 20 %. Not even wearing heirlooms or any dungeon gear.

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    HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    Rogue talents! Specifically the level 90 stuff.

    I'm looking down at them as I close in. I thought at first that I would be getting Anticipation for sure, but given how little I "lose out" on combo points from extra point procs, I'm not sure it'd really help me any. So now I'm looking at the other two. Leaning toward Shuriken Toss for "it looks more fun to fuck around with."

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    LorahaloLorahalo Registered User regular
    edited January 2014
    Anticipation gets better as your gear gets better I think, since you crit more/have faster energy regen.

    What would I know though, we haven't had a rogue in years.

    Lorahalo on
    I have a podcast about Digimon called the Digital Moncast, on Audio Entropy.
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    reVersereVerse Attack and Dethrone God Registered User regular
    Shuriken can be decent for PvP, though I hear the mark is better. However, Anticipation is the best for PvE and PvP.

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    Warlock82Warlock82 Never pet a burning dog Registered User regular
    edited January 2014
    So a couple weeks ago our guild switched to 25 man and tonight we finally downed Garrosh (we'd killed him on 10 man, but it's nice to get both :P). Actually been quite pleased w/ our progress - in 10 man we were 7/14 heroic and the first week in on 25 man (with only 10 of us actually in any kind of heroic gear) we got the first 3 heroics down again with probably most people outside of our 10 man having never done the fights on heroic before. Immersius heroic 25 man is such a joke compared to 10 man. I can't believe how freaking easy that was.

    We also finally killed heroic Queen whatsherface in Heart of Fear tonight for the guild achievement so we finally have our Jade Cloudserpents too :)

    Warlock82 on
    Switch: 2143-7130-1359 | 3DS: 4983-4927-6699 | Steam: warlock82 | PSN: Warlock2282
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    Redcoat-13Redcoat-13 Registered User regular
    Henroid wrote: »
    Rogue talents! Specifically the level 90 stuff.

    I'm looking down at them as I close in. I thought at first that I would be getting Anticipation for sure, but given how little I "lose out" on combo points from extra point procs, I'm not sure it'd really help me any. So now I'm looking at the other two. Leaning toward Shuriken Toss for "it looks more fun to fuck around with."

    From my very limited experience with an assassination rogue that dinged about a week ago, I've enjoyed using Marked for Death when it has come to doing dailies. It pretty much allows me to get a mob down to within dispatch range, and considering I'm killing everything within a minute anyway, I'm able to use it on every mob.

    That said, I'm not raiding, and I've not tried any pvp yet, because I'm still trying to gear up.

    PSN Fleety2009
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    BrainleechBrainleech 機知に富んだコメントはここにあります Registered User regular
    I like Anticipation for the 90 talents but then most of level 90 talents are just bleh
    I really do hope they make the talents more flexable instead of being as cookie cutter as they are now

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    HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    Anticipation looks like it'll be better if that current preview talent stays in WoD - the one that gives you combo points on auto attack crits.

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    PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    Huh, over on MMO-C they have some screenshots of the Character Boost in action over on the PTR.

    Apparently there's also a Veteran Bonus involved with the boost, where if the character you're using it on is 60+, you get a skill boost to their primary professions as well.

    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
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    BigityBigity Lubbock, TXRegistered User regular
    Ah nice.

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    PMAvers wrote: »
    Apparently there's also a Veteran Bonus involved with the boost, where if the character you're using it on is 60+, you get a skill boost to their primary professions as well.
    Well, shit. That throws a monkey wrench in my plans.

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    DelmainDelmain Registered User regular
    forty wrote: »
    PMAvers wrote: »
    Apparently there's also a Veteran Bonus involved with the boost, where if the character you're using it on is 60+, you get a skill boost to their primary professions as well.
    Well, shit. That throws a monkey wrench in my plans.

    Super tempted to use it to level my old warlock who's been sitting at 70 since BC. He's Tailoring/Enchanting and I need a warlock anyway...

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    HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    edited January 2014
    Oh god why didn't they make WotLK cooking easier to level?

    Edit - Oh WHAT, Pandaria lets you level cooking on the fast track?! F:LSDjfah

    Henroid on
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    SaraLunaSaraLuna Registered User regular
    yeah, pandaland lets you level cooking super fast

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    Warlock82Warlock82 Never pet a burning dog Registered User regular
    yeah, pandaland lets you level cooking super fast

    Yeah it's fantastic. Wish there was something like that for all professions. They kind of improved fishing with being able to catch good fish as "junk" in Pandaria, and you can now get "scraps" of resource nodes, but nothing for the crafting professions or first aid (which is almost worthless at this point anyways :P)

    Switch: 2143-7130-1359 | 3DS: 4983-4927-6699 | Steam: warlock82 | PSN: Warlock2282
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    MillMill Registered User regular
    So how many profession skill points are we talking about for the veteran bonus? If this allows me to skip having to power level my paladin's professions, so that I can work on WoD recipes, it might change how I would make use of my free level up. Granted, it might just make more sense to use it on my monk or shammy alt, but level them up to 60 first (revamped content hasn't gotten stale for me yet, but got damn does profession leveling suck, seriously blizz needs to squish it and tweak it to be less tedious).

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    There's really no reason it should still take half a bag of a given type of cloth to level through an expansion worth of First Aid. Hell, I can't think of a good reason First Aid shouldn't just be completely trivial to level anymore. If you want to use it at max level, it shouldn't be a big expense/burden.

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    SaraLunaSaraLuna Registered User regular
    Warlock82 wrote: »
    yeah, pandaland lets you level cooking super fast

    Yeah it's fantastic. Wish there was something like that for all professions. They kind of improved fishing with being able to catch good fish as "junk" in Pandaria, and you can now get "scraps" of resource nodes, but nothing for the crafting professions or first aid (which is almost worthless at this point anyways :P)

    you can actually level blacksmithing with only pandaria ore, but it takes an insane amount

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    SmrtnikSmrtnik job boli zub Registered User regular
    Henroid wrote: »
    Anticipation looks like it'll be better if that current preview talent stays in WoD - the one that gives you combo points on auto attack crits.

    Anticipation is currently the best rogue 90 raiding talent.

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    AdvocateAdvocate Registered User regular
    Mill wrote: »
    So how many profession skill points are we talking about for the veteran bonus? If this allows me to skip having to power level my paladin's professions, so that I can work on WoD recipes, it might change how I would make use of my free level up. Granted, it might just make more sense to use it on my monk or shammy alt, but level them up to 60 first (revamped content hasn't gotten stale for me yet, but got damn does profession leveling suck, seriously blizz needs to squish it and tweak it to be less tedious).

    Apparently it's all the way to 600, if that sticks that is pretty damn sweet.

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    AegisAegis Fear My Dance Overshot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered User regular
    Heroic Immerseus downed after 6 pulls! Wheeeeeee.

    We'll see how long this blog lasts
    Currently DMing: None :(
    [5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
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    AegisAegis Fear My Dance Overshot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered User regular
    13 Pulls into Heroic Fallen Protectors before we called it, since for a first day that's quite a good progression. We did get one pull to the second Misery/Gloom/Sorrow phase so...halfway through?

    The add phase is kicking our ass though. Sun's phase seems trivial (if we don't get a Noxious Poison in the bubble underneath the stack point), and Anguish dude gets cheesed to hell as we have 3 paladins.

    We'll see how long this blog lasts
    Currently DMing: None :(
    [5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
This discussion has been closed.