I can whip drakes with a warrior, and they're slow as hell. I would think an assassin would just smoke them.
Then again, the wraiths probably didn't help things.
This guy was emphatically not slow as hell. I could not get him to sit still. At one point, I saw him do a spin three times, one right after the other. Just trying to climb onto his heart from his arm would consume a whole bunch of stamina. Really needed to have Adhesion equipped.
Once I got a climb going, Deadly Gouge worked magnificently. Getting to that point without getting slapped off, or spun off to the arm was a miserable chore. I probably could have spent more time chipping away with Fivefold, but Fivefold kind of blows and Drakes have an awful lot of health.
And yeah, the wraiths were just spending the whole time buzzing me at inopportune times (which seemed to be doing an improbable amount of damage? no idea what that was about) to stagger me, and keeping my mages from being even the slightest bit useful (for some reason wraiths seem to make mages just start hopping all over the place not doing anything - I'd love if I could get them to stop doing that).
I just find it funny that this is what they threw at me immediately after changing out of mystic knight. As a mystic knight, I would have been done in about a minute, charitably.
Heh, sorry, I meant more like "Warriors are slow as hell, and I can whip drakes with them". Then again you're right, when they want to move, they can bloody move. I'm envious of dagger classes that can just jump on and slice and dice, but I suppose the challenge is jumping on in the first place.
"The sausage of Green Earth explodes with flavor like the cannon of culinary delight."
Loaded this game back up for the first time in a while after seeing my friend playing it. I wanted to finish unlocking all of the skills and augments for each class so I switched to a mage. Either I am terrible at them or there is something I am doing wrong as I could not do any kind of damage in bbi. I have a chilling focus stave but I just could not figure out which skills and spells to use. Thankfully I only needed one more vocation level so I am now playing a warrior. Any tips for sorcerer though? I should be done with warrior pretty soon and that is my next class to try out.
Oh, interesting. Apparently, "Gradually restores Health"-torso is 4.5 HP/second, while "Has a slight restorative effect on pawns near you"-torso is 3 HP/second and affects Arisen when worn by pawn.
If it stacks, I imagine having three or four of the latter would be more efficient than the former.
Yeah, that's the part that sucks. The 2 points per level pre-100 hamper the MK.
Maces usually have a little boost in damage compared to swords to compensate. But aside Magick Cannon, the hybrid skills are meek most of the time.
Archsorcerer on
XBL - ArchSilversmith
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
MorninglordI'm tired of being Batman,so today I'll be Owl.Registered Userregular
Sorc gets the most magic. Assassin gets the most strength. Warrior gets the most hitpoints and only 1 point less strength than assassin.
What I'm trying to say is warrior is better than assassin because it boosts vit by a bunch too.
(PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.
Was able to take down Death after all. I stumbled upon maybe the cheesiest way possible to do it, though.
Spoilered in case someone doesn't want to be a cheap asshole like me and wants to fight him legitimately instead.
Step 1: Be a magic archer
Step 2: Spam ricochet hunter
Now, I know what you're thinking. Steps 1 and 2 are the key tactic for every single enemy in BBI.
Yes, that's true. The important part is:
Step 3: Stand in this room here:
Either firing out the grate to the south or the door to the west depending on Death's position. He can't get into this room, or at least he didn't manage it when I was trying.
Demon Periapts would speed it up I suppose, but it didn't take long even without them.
God damn I've been cracking out with this game. Too much fun. I've killed a few big beasties so far. Ogres are fun to mess around with. The Lion/Ram/Snake thing is fun too! The game really loves to toss that at you though whne you're already fighting 20 Orcs at once. I am def. crusing so far, and having a lot of fun. I think I have most of the systems and such figured out.
One question though I have is with the store Black Cat. By the time I can afford something from it, its worse then what I have on that I bought from the regular store. What's up with that?
I have no idea. It's absolutely the case, though. By the time you can afford any of it, it sucks.
The shirts are pretty solid (Crimson Jerkin, Marshal Bracers, Silver Cuirass) but the rest is there for maybe when you're in the endgame and you've got money to blow and can afford to equip shittier stuff for looks.
My understanding on how it orignially worked was that in the original game, when you bought the DLC it would give you the gear for free in addition to making it for sale at the Black Cat. In that regard it's fantastic, awesome gear depending on when you got it, the earlier the better. Come DA they don't give you freebies, it's just for sale. And yeah, it's too expensive to buy when it's useful, and by the time you've the funds, it's junk. About the only use the armors serve is as a "style over function" sort of thing. I always liked equipping my pawn with Mercedes' armor.
"The sausage of Green Earth explodes with flavor like the cannon of culinary delight."
The weapons are weak except against the specific enemy/type they are strong against. But against those particular enemy types they (supposedly) do damage as though their listed strength was ten times higher. So the saurians bane for instance is the strongest weapon in the game against saurians and the cyclops bane is the same for cyclops, etc. I have never tested it out although if the damage really is ten times the amount then you could kill a condemned gorecyclops in seconds way easier then finding high level bbi gear.
Only thing I've done at the black cat shop is buy Ferrystones for 2k each, because some of the treks in this game would be extremely terrible without them.
Ok, so looks like I didn't do anything wrong. Gear in Black Cat is just over priced for what it is. The Ferry Stones are KEY though. I was so happy when I found those!
Hmm, the final boss of Dark Arisen isn't very compelling. It's basically just a battle of endurance.
I might go back through BBI, see what's changed after, but I don't think i'll grind up good weapons and armor and stuff. Overall i'm pretty happy with what they added. BBI was a lot of fun and the eternal ferrystone was absolutely wonderful for the vanilla content.
I was finding the Magic Knight underwhelming until I got the Spell Cannon. Creating a magic baseball and hitting it with your mace 100x at people is fucking AWESOME!!! Made dealing with Harpies very easy. The shield magic is underwhelming though so far.
Mystic Knights have the very best perfect blocks. Especially when you factor in elemental weaknesses. Casting Ingle or Frazil every time you are attacked is incredible fun.
Serve with Cannon and Sigil for a full course of whoop-ass.
FreiA French Prometheus UnboundDeadwoodRegistered Userregular
I think it may be a time for a full replay of this game. was probably my favorite game the year it came out overall, just in terms of how much fun I had playing it and not story or anything (though the story is weird and cool and reminds me a bit of Dark Souls in that you get a lot of story context from environments).
maybe I'll actually try to play something other than an assassin/magic knight this time, like a ranged class. I doubt it though. those two are way too fun.
Mystic Knights have the very best perfect blocks. Especially when you factor in elemental weaknesses. Casting Ingle or Frazil every time you are attacked is incredible fun.
Serve with Cannon and Sigil for a full course of whoop-ass.
I'll have to work on my perfect block. I think I've been in the same area for too long, I'm feeling too over powered. I haven't died in WAY too long. However, I did move hte main plot along recently, and that's sending me to new areas. Looking forward to that!
Quest Question. The one in which the Duke catches you in his wife's bedroom:
So, I was hidden, he started to choke a bitch, I intervened, she said I broke in and had me arrested. She apoligized and said the Duke is sick and such and let me out, I snuck out, and now........all is forgiven? No one hassled me since and I haven't gotten cleared........sooooooooooo..................is that it?
Mystic Knights have the very best perfect blocks. Especially when you factor in elemental weaknesses. Casting Ingle or Frazil every time you are attacked is incredible fun.
Serve with Cannon and Sigil for a full course of whoop-ass.
I'll have to work on my perfect block. I think I've been in the same area for too long, I'm feeling too over powered. I haven't died in WAY too long. However, I did move hte main plot along recently, and that's sending me to new areas. Looking forward to that!
Quest Question. The one in which the Duke catches you in his wife's bedroom:
So, I was hidden, he started to choke a bitch, I intervened, she said I broke in and had me arrested. She apoligized and said the Duke is sick and such and let me out, I snuck out, and now........all is forgiven? No one hassled me since and I haven't gotten cleared........sooooooooooo..................is that it?
Yeah, pretty much any time you get thrown in the dungeon, everything's cool again once you break out.
There is an augment that gives you a bigger window for perfect blocks, which is super helpful if you're trying to use MK shield skills. They're a little underwhelming in general, once you're fighting the super ultra hard stuff, but through the main game it is really, really funny to send hobgoblins and the like flying and then burn them to ashes while they're still in the air, all for having the audacity to attack you. The ice perfect block is pretty hilarious, too.
And then there's holy shield + 3 great cannon lagbeam, but that's a very specific thing, haha.
You can break out of the cell right in front of the guard without being arrested. The guard doesn't even care if you punch him. But it is a crime, and another guard will run to his rescue. It just takes him a long time to reach the dungeon.
Once I got a climb going, Deadly Gouge worked magnificently. Getting to that point without getting slapped off, or spun off to the arm was a miserable chore. I probably could have spent more time chipping away with Fivefold, but Fivefold kind of blows and Drakes have an awful lot of health.
And yeah, the wraiths were just spending the whole time buzzing me at inopportune times (which seemed to be doing an improbable amount of damage? no idea what that was about) to stagger me, and keeping my mages from being even the slightest bit useful (for some reason wraiths seem to make mages just start hopping all over the place not doing anything - I'd love if I could get them to stop doing that).
I just find it funny that this is what they threw at me immediately after changing out of mystic knight. As a mystic knight, I would have been done in about a minute, charitably.
got a new mask this time (beowulf) but it's ascalon number three
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
I really wish I could get that bonus on a piece of headgear that a mystic knight could wear and also didn't look dumb.
oh well i'll just purify two dozen more level 2 armors in the hopes of getting a minotaur hat
obviously my current guy likes giant horned helmets so this is pretty great
and i got a shadow coat with the big HP recovery bonus, so synergy!
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
If it stacks, I imagine having three or four of the latter would be more efficient than the former.
virge of madness absolutely dunks on magebreaker, so i don't think a good magic stat is in the cards no matter what i do
i'm going to try and squeeze about 20 more assassin levels out of him if i can
i need to make up for some lost ground, as far as strength goes
Maces usually have a little boost in damage compared to swords to compensate. But aside Magick Cannon, the hybrid skills are meek most of the time.
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
What I'm trying to say is warrior is better than assassin because it boosts vit by a bunch too.
also you would have to play as a warrior
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
Turns out it just dumps me down into the sewers where Death lives. That was... not a thing I was prepared for.
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
tormentor's mask pls
look at this
same number of combinations have the tormentor's mask as the immortal coat
i have gotten at least four immortal coats
EDIT: There is also a small chance an Eliminator drops the mask.
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
Spoilered in case someone doesn't want to be a cheap asshole like me and wants to fight him legitimately instead.
Step 2: Spam ricochet hunter
Now, I know what you're thinking. Steps 1 and 2 are the key tactic for every single enemy in BBI.
Yes, that's true. The important part is:
Step 3: Stand in this room here:
Either firing out the grate to the south or the door to the west depending on Death's position. He can't get into this room, or at least he didn't manage it when I was trying.
Demon Periapts would speed it up I suppose, but it didn't take long even without them.
got it popping the offline ur-dragon on the chin
i actually have the alt variant from the eliminators
it's a little better (sleep resistance!)
but the color is wrong
so it needs to go
One question though I have is with the store Black Cat. By the time I can afford something from it, its worse then what I have on that I bought from the regular store. What's up with that?
The shirts are pretty solid (Crimson Jerkin, Marshal Bracers, Silver Cuirass) but the rest is there for maybe when you're in the endgame and you've got money to blow and can afford to equip shittier stuff for looks.
I might go back through BBI, see what's changed after, but I don't think i'll grind up good weapons and armor and stuff. Overall i'm pretty happy with what they added. BBI was a lot of fun and the eternal ferrystone was absolutely wonderful for the vanilla content.
a shadow materializes in front of me; he's teleported to me
i need to-
cut back to me
Serve with Cannon and Sigil for a full course of whoop-ass.
maybe I'll actually try to play something other than an assassin/magic knight this time, like a ranged class. I doubt it though. those two are way too fun.
Mix with Warrior extra HP and some extra poinst in the physical defense department.
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
I'll have to work on my perfect block. I think I've been in the same area for too long, I'm feeling too over powered. I haven't died in WAY too long. However, I did move hte main plot along recently, and that's sending me to new areas. Looking forward to that!
Quest Question. The one in which the Duke catches you in his wife's bedroom:
Yeah, pretty much any time you get thrown in the dungeon, everything's cool again once you break out.
There is an augment that gives you a bigger window for perfect blocks, which is super helpful if you're trying to use MK shield skills. They're a little underwhelming in general, once you're fighting the super ultra hard stuff, but through the main game it is really, really funny to send hobgoblins and the like flying and then burn them to ashes while they're still in the air, all for having the audacity to attack you. The ice perfect block is pretty hilarious, too.
And then there's holy shield + 3 great cannon lagbeam, but that's a very specific thing, haha.