I feel like I'm a good gamer, I do amazing things when people aren't watching (they seem amazing to me, anyway, maybe I delude myself), even on teams I feel like people are glad I was there (I get limited complaints in games with atrocious communities). So I decided to take part when my Star Trek Online fleet streamed a series of elite missions.
I proceeded to get stuck on a wall, faceplant into multiple easily avoidable AOEs, and then finishing everything off afterburnered straight into my own tricobalt torpedo, killing myself. All things I'm usually pretty good about.
Not one positive thing was said about me in the comments. Closest I got was another fleet member saying, "lol his keyboard must be broken no way he'd let Goldy get that far ahead of him"
Good thing Gabe had the sense to censor the "Shit" that had REAL emphasis I feel like if I knew people were watching me play I would be 100 times worse at it.
Also, there was a long time without Fruit Fucker and Mike has recently been putting him back in there. I like to think it was partly because I mentioned he really should bring it back when I met him at Comic-Con awhile back. (Me and probably hundreds of others, but shhh)
TheECP on
Monkey Ball WarriorA collection of mediocre hatsSeattle, WARegistered Userregular
Yeh I won't be turning that on if/when I get a PS4.
"I resent the entire notion of a body as an ante and then raise you a generalized dissatisfaction with physicality itself" -- Tycho
HenroidMexican kicked from Immigration ThreadCentrism is Racism :3Registered Userregular
There's a sentiment out there that streaming what we play (and watching what others play) is the new thing taking over video games. Before that it was "everything multiplayer." I'm inclined to believe it.
I dunno. I think it's pretty cool. I'm already a loon who likes to watch LPs and people apparently like watching me play games sometimes. I'd say that if you can withstand having comments on your YouTube uploads or random asshat comments via Twitter, then whatever, go for it and stream.
KageraImitating the worst people. Since 2004Registered Userregular
Happy 15 Years Penny Arcade! Oh that fateful day in high school when we stumbled upon the comic. Little did we know it would turn into 15 years of checking every MWF for new jpegs!
I remember when I recorded TF2 before I lost most interest in the game, for some reason the only time anything interesting happened was when I was recording, in some bizarre reversal of what is normal.
Now that I'm recording other games though, it's back to the standard routine of "yeah this was a boring match, time for take five".
When I first saw that name my mind thought "continuity?!" as I had at first misread it as Bludsukr.
Turns out that poor fucker might still be stuck in the hell that is Home though and not experiencing the PS4.
Edit: And that could be KillerPiez from todays comic in the first panel if he finally disabled caps lock when entering his username this time. Are these names just coincidences? I think not!
When I first saw that name my mind thought "continuity?!" as I had at first misread it as Bludsukr.
Turns out that poor fucker might still be stuck in the hell that is Home though and not experiencing the PS4.
Edit: And that could be KillerPiez from todays comic in the first panel if he finally disabled caps lock when entering his username this time. Are these names just coincidences? I think not!
That's one of my favorite comics ever.
miaAusaGOD Gamer Of DatersValhallaRegistered Userregular
streaming is fun, i like to do that, I love that fruit fucker is in this comic too, very awesome, that stream thing is awesome on the ps4 and the one gabe did over the weeekend preety awesome sauce
In regards to the "Cloudboard" that Gabe is discussing on the front page, check out this page: http://csedweek.org/learn2
It has some programming puzzles that will be taught to kids the week of December 9th. It's called Computer Science Education Week, and it's organized by a couple of groups that try to foster CS learning for grade school, junior high, and high school.
I have volunteered to help teach a class or two of this.
The idea is the same as the Cloudboard without the hardware peripheral. It looks like it has support from Rovio and PopCap since they are using graphics and sound assets from Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombies. (As well as support from Zuckerberg and Gates since they have appeared in the instructional videos accompanying the tutorials.)
I found it to be a great introduction to programming concepts.
If you have kids in middle school and their school isn't participating, you might want to ask the school if they will consider it, or at least sit your own kids down and give it a try. It's really solid.
Congrats on 15 to the PA crew. It's been so long (plus, I'm old) that I no longer recall the first PA strip I ever read.
When I'd read about that streaming feature in the PS4, I thought it was a cool idea. Not something that I will use personally when I eventually move to the PS4. But, hey, at least it's there. Also, if anyone watched me play, it'd be the most boring thing ever because I usually play RPGs and tend to sniff through every nook and cranny in the world. Slowly. LOL.
I will never understand why the smug entitlement that glinted on every scale of that debauched creature doesn’t effect other people’s blood like it does mine.
Because you have to. Most of us, we can choose which and whether to pay money and buy these things. You don't have that choice. They ARE entitled to your audience. Not mine.
What kind of crappy LOGO was Mike playing that had a lame-ass triangle for a cursor instead of a sweet turtle?
Probably the same one I played/wrote with. When it's 1989 and all you have to work with is some ancient IBM's with a couple of 5.25 floppies for storage you kind have to use your imagination.
"I resent the entire notion of a body as an ante and then raise you a generalized dissatisfaction with physicality itself" -- Tycho
What kind of crappy LOGO was Mike playing that had a lame-ass triangle for a cursor instead of a sweet turtle?
The earliest LOGO programs available in the 80s were so severely limited in graphical fidelity that a triangle was pretty much the best cursor you could muster because it had to be drawn geometrically instead of as a sprite so that it could rotate to the appropriate compass position indicated by the commands. Early computers available in schools could not muster the power to draw a sprite and rotate it. And it was important that you knew if the cursor was pointing at 95° or 110°.
What kind of crappy LOGO was Mike playing that had a lame-ass triangle for a cursor instead of a sweet turtle?
The earliest LOGO programs available in the 80s were so severely limited in graphical fidelity that a triangle was pretty much the best cursor you could muster because it had to be drawn geometrically instead of as a sprite so that it could rotate to the appropriate compass position indicated by the commands. Early computers available in schools could not muster the power to draw a sprite and rotate it. And it was important that you knew if the cursor was pointing at 95° or 110°.
Yeah, ours was pretty much a triangle, too, back in the mid to late '80s. We called it a turtle, though, since that's what the teacher called it, and we were nothing if not impressionable.
Were there versions of LOGO made where you could actually identify that it was a turtle without prompting?
What kind of crappy LOGO was Mike playing that had a lame-ass triangle for a cursor instead of a sweet turtle?
The earliest LOGO programs available in the 80s were so severely limited in graphical fidelity that a triangle was pretty much the best cursor you could muster because it had to be drawn geometrically instead of as a sprite so that it could rotate to the appropriate compass position indicated by the commands. Early computers available in schools could not muster the power to draw a sprite and rotate it. And it was important that you knew if the cursor was pointing at 95° or 110°.
Yeah, ours was pretty much a triangle, too, back in the mid to late '80s. We called it a turtle, though, since that's what the teacher called it, and we were nothing if not impressionable.
Were there versions of LOGO made where you could actually identify that it was a turtle without prompting?
What kind of crappy LOGO was Mike playing that had a lame-ass triangle for a cursor instead of a sweet turtle?
The earliest LOGO programs available in the 80s were so severely limited in graphical fidelity that a triangle was pretty much the best cursor you could muster because it had to be drawn geometrically instead of as a sprite so that it could rotate to the appropriate compass position indicated by the commands. Early computers available in schools could not muster the power to draw a sprite and rotate it. And it was important that you knew if the cursor was pointing at 95° or 110°.
Yeah, ours was pretty much a triangle, too, back in the mid to late '80s. We called it a turtle, though, since that's what the teacher called it, and we were nothing if not impressionable.
Were there versions of LOGO made where you could actually identify that it was a turtle without prompting?
What kind of crappy LOGO was Mike playing that had a lame-ass triangle for a cursor instead of a sweet turtle?
Probably the same one I played/wrote with. When it's 1989 and all you have to work with is some ancient IBM's with a couple of 5.25 floppies for storage you kind have to use your imagination.
Back when I was in Junior High we had a real simple computer lab with a bunch of Apple II machines
Those are what we used for Logo too.
This is approximately what it looked like. It was definitely not as large and detailed as the one in wormspeaker's link, nor was it running as a Windows application.
The rest was pretty funny too though, and I agree with Tycho, I don't need other people watching me be terrible.
I proceeded to get stuck on a wall, faceplant into multiple easily avoidable AOEs, and then finishing everything off afterburnered straight into my own tricobalt torpedo, killing myself. All things I'm usually pretty good about.
Not one positive thing was said about me in the comments. Closest I got was another fleet member saying, "lol his keyboard must be broken no way he'd let Goldy get that far ahead of him"
Also, there was a long time without Fruit Fucker and Mike has recently been putting him back in there. I like to think it was partly because I mentioned he really should bring it back when I met him at Comic-Con awhile back. (Me and probably hundreds of others, but shhh)
I dunno. I think it's pretty cool. I'm already a loon who likes to watch LPs and people apparently like watching me play games sometimes. I'd say that if you can withstand having comments on your YouTube uploads or random asshat comments via Twitter, then whatever, go for it and stream.
The thing about watching videos of games is you can do it while you're doing something else. I can't play most games while cleaning my office.
Now that I'm recording other games though, it's back to the standard routine of "yeah this was a boring match, time for take five".
I'm a sucker for when Jerry writes in gamer speak.
When I first saw that name my mind thought "continuity?!" as I had at first misread it as Bludsukr.
Turns out that poor fucker might still be stuck in the hell that is Home though and not experiencing the PS4.
Edit: And that could be KillerPiez from todays comic in the first panel if he finally disabled caps lock when entering his username this time. Are these names just coincidences? I think not!
That's one of my favorite comics ever.
Gamer Dater - My Video Game Dating Website full of Faygo
Strip Search Wastebasket of Broken Dreams App I made
It has some programming puzzles that will be taught to kids the week of December 9th. It's called Computer Science Education Week, and it's organized by a couple of groups that try to foster CS learning for grade school, junior high, and high school.
I have volunteered to help teach a class or two of this.
The idea is the same as the Cloudboard without the hardware peripheral. It looks like it has support from Rovio and PopCap since they are using graphics and sound assets from Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombies. (As well as support from Zuckerberg and Gates since they have appeared in the instructional videos accompanying the tutorials.)
I found it to be a great introduction to programming concepts.
If you have kids in middle school and their school isn't participating, you might want to ask the school if they will consider it, or at least sit your own kids down and give it a try. It's really solid.
When I'd read about that streaming feature in the PS4, I thought it was a cool idea. Not something that I will use personally when I eventually move to the PS4. But, hey, at least it's there. Also, if anyone watched me play, it'd be the most boring thing ever because I usually play RPGs and tend to sniff through every nook and cranny in the world. Slowly. LOL.
Probably the same one I played/wrote with. When it's 1989 and all you have to work with is some ancient IBM's with a couple of 5.25 floppies for storage you kind have to use your imagination.
Gotta say Mike's post has done quite a bit more to figure out what I'm buying next year.
The earliest LOGO programs available in the 80s were so severely limited in graphical fidelity that a triangle was pretty much the best cursor you could muster because it had to be drawn geometrically instead of as a sprite so that it could rotate to the appropriate compass position indicated by the commands. Early computers available in schools could not muster the power to draw a sprite and rotate it. And it was important that you knew if the cursor was pointing at 95° or 110°.
Steam: adamjnet
Yeah, ours was pretty much a triangle, too, back in the mid to late '80s. We called it a turtle, though, since that's what the teacher called it, and we were nothing if not impressionable.
Were there versions of LOGO made where you could actually identify that it was a turtle without prompting?
It's called a Turtle because the graphics of Logo was based on a similar robotics platform that started in the 40s. And it's not too hard to guess why you might call a small slow robot with a hemispherical shell a "turtle".
I can - appropriately enough, it was the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory.
Actually, yes. In the 90s they updated the software. With higher resolutions and more processing power they replaced the triangle with a turtle sprite. http://img.brothersoft.com/screenshots/softimage/t/turtle_graphics-327845-1263274613.jpeg
This is approximately what it looked like. It was definitely not as large and detailed as the one in wormspeaker's link, nor was it running as a Windows application.