Hello Essy Plus Plus
Do you like to make pictures?
Does the sensation of sliding a small cylindrical plastic object across an oh-so smooth and welcoming plastic surface excite and entice you to create life?
Perhaps you prefer to mix colourful crushed rocks together with water and wail away on a cave wall or some tree bark with your fists?
Whatever your pleasure, this is a safe place to share, inspire, and be inspired in the wondrous art of illustration.
Feel free to share your creations. Don't be shy, my sweet. There is no judgement here. Only be mindful to
link that which may be deemed NSFW, as images still load behind spoiler tags.
Below you will find a useful video tool, with tips and techniques on refining your magic:
I'll start this off. After a weird months-long hiatus of not putting pen to tablet, I decided to get back on the doodle train with a work of blatant shameless plagiarism that my friend requested last night.
Anyone else hop on this witchsona drawing bandwagon for witch week? I drew myself as some kind of silly druid witch:
and a baking witch for my sister-in-law:
blurrrgh still gotta lay in some text but it's 6am
For all past, present, or future Yugioh peoples.
Steam ID - VeldrinD
last day of ghibli jam 2014! gonna see if i can squeeze in another piece or two
Steam ID - VeldrinD
NSFW link'd because I'm not sure if we can post rude titties and butts in here.
Doing some paintings of my FF14 Guilds characters, though this is a work in progress (ie the character still hasn't been drawn.)
Seriously though, all of this looks awesome.
(that's keyboard smash for "i'm sick of this i'm moving on)
Its hitting me that I haven't colored anything fully pretty much ever. I don't know what I'm terrified to get on that.
And seriously you guys are so incredible that its intimidating. Never stop.
Steam - Wildschwein | The Backlog
Grappling Hook Showdown - Tumblr
For the OP.
Steam ID - VeldrinD
What a bunch of a-holes they were!