So last night when I was stumbling home from the bar with a friend we decided to stop at an old abandoned apartment building that was on our walk home. Being drunk morons we stumbled around it looking for a way in and found a stairway that made its way down to the basement. The door to the basement was welded shut with bars of rebar criss crossing over it as a makeshift gate and on the steps I found something interesting. There laying in the damp walkway was a small black, leather bound journal about the size of a passport in dimensions.
Seeing as how it was after midnight and no one else was around we elected to take it home and read our new found treasure. What we found inside was very strange and certainly something that leaves us curious. The following part of this post contains images of the journal and every page that has any kind of writing on it. Some images are crude and graphic and NSFW. Early next week when I am back in town my friend and I plan on going back to the building and finding a way in to see if we can find part one or the author or any more clues.
Do note that the following part of this post has the text transcribed straight from the paper to here. I have not submitted blank pages of the journal and will have the pages with the crudely made drawings and non-interesting text are hidden in spoiler drop downs.
ZOMBIE Journal IIPages 1-2
Tuesday, December 31st, 2013
New Years Eve
2000 Stayed at Mom's last night, Randy's mother's funeral was today. I went by Kenny's but he didn't answer his door. So I'm back in the abandoned house smoking my last cigarette.
Tomorrow begins 2014 and it is going to be a better year than the last two.
New Years Resolutions:
- Dental work
- End Krissy
- Get a home.
Pages 3-4
Wednesday, January 1st, 2014
New Years Day
Well, I am back at Kenny's. Did some morphine, and it was good. I love morphine.
Tomorrow, I need to get my TB test over at Health Dept. and make an appointment with Morton Clinic to get some teeth pulled. At least I'll get some hydrocodone.
I'm doing my best to make myself useful to Kenny, but I will inevitable be displeased no matter what I do. All I can do is the best I can do.
I need to keep from speaking to or text or make any contact with Krissy, for as long as I can. If I can, I wont (cont'd ->)
contact her at all...ever. At the very least I will not contact her until she contacts me. If she knows whats good for her she will contact me soon. The longer she waits, the worse it will be and if she waits too long, I may not respond to her at all.
Pages 4-5
Friday, January 3rd, 2014
Well it didn't take long. She contacted me yesterday and ???? (
@Arang translated it to say "bought") one off her... but I don't know why. I think she
knows knows she is losing me.
Saturday, January 4th, 2014
1047 I should have gone to the Health Dept. for a TB test yesterday...monday it is then.
I woke up, and stole a couple of Mt. Dews
fr 'cause I was soo thirsty. I called randy and he is going to come and get me. Ill do laundry and shower. I also need to put ???? recovery on this phone, and flash a new ROM. Hopefully Randy won't be too long. I need to change my phone... Sinclair station, I see you...
Pages 6-7
Wednesday, January 8th, 2014
I'm going back to mom's and I know she will be upset but there isn't much I can do...
Friday, January 10th, 2014
1900 I am back at Kenny's house and we are going to have beef stroganoff. (sic?) I am expecting my food stamps any time. The sooner the better....
I told Krissy I am never speaking to her again and I really don't plan on it. Fuck it, why should I? Because she's such a great friend? Yeah right. Fuck it.... again.
I need to go to the library tomorrow to use the computer and check email.Hopefully my contract contact will have announced the start of work.
Please soon! For the sweet love of all that doesn't suck! I need money and my own place. Nothing I do is good enough for Kenny.
Pages 8-9
Saturday Dec 11, 2014
I don't want to write about Krissy... I think I am finally free. For the first time in forever I am not heartbroken, or wanting someone I can't have. Completely free.
I keep thinking about Krissy, but not quite like I used to, and when I tell myself I don't want to be with her - I actually believe it, I think...
Sunday December 12th
I slept for 10 minutes last night... apparently
?? Kenny slept about the same. Morphine keeps me awake but I'm tired as hell now. I've been thinking about Krissy but it's really not like it used to and now I can stop my self and think about something else when I need to. I am able to watch romantic comedies and love stories again without thinking about her and I can enjoy them. That's a nice change.
Anyway, I am going to my moms tomorrow and I need to avoid checking my voice account. I don't think she evere responded to me anyway and if she did it doesn't matter anyway. I need to stick to my new years resolution and call it quits with Krissy.
Pages 10-11
Sunday, Dec 12, 2014
What does knowing her really get me? What has it ever got me? Pain and rejection and that is all. If she is incapable of seeing me then fuck it, I don't need her anyway. Because I'm a good guy and I know I am. I
deserve deserve someone who can see that. I
deserve deserve better than she has given me. I need to show her that she can love me. I need to make her miss me. Make her really really miss me... if that is even possible.
I may have just gotten
cotton fever but I'm not sure. It doesn't quite seem like it.
Monday Dec 13, 2014
Today I am going to my mothers and when I am there I am going to download drivers for Kenny's and check email, and I will try to *not* check my voice messages. I need to just forget about Krissy.
0210 - I am on the 114 (a bus route in Tulsa) about to go to moms house. Its later than I would generally like and and I forgot my flashdrives for Kennys computer drivers. I hope to hear something about the job contact but somehow doubt I will have.
Pages 12-13
Tuesday December 14, 2014
2135 Watching a supposed "true story" about a haunting. Fucking stupid. People are idiots.
Kenny just loves to bitch. complains constantly about anything he can. Cigarettes, food, cleaning, and on and on... Fuck give it a rest. I do my best but its just never good enough. His step-dad fucked him up and made him completely unable to be made happy about anything. I can't stay here much longer.
Wednesday December 15, 2014
0029 - Watching "The Doors." Lame
Page 16
Monday Feb 14
1800 - Krissy is getting married and I guess I care more than I want to admit, and definitely more than I want to...
After this the pages go blank for a bit with some having been removed altogether as seen in the image bellow.
Then after a few more blank pages you start to get to the strange, crudely drawn images of female anatomy.
Then on the 24th page with ink on it we find the author has written something again as seen in the image bellow...
It reads: "FUCK YOUR OLD TIME ROCK & ROLL." After this brief entry it goes back to more drawings both crude and abstract. A couple also feature some sporadic text.
In the spoiler images there is some text that can be found mixed in. It reads as followed.
Page 29: "you're insane," my doctor said, without even a heart of many.
Page 30:
When then get another page that gets back to his ranting on page 31. One thing interesting about this page and page 32 is that there was another page before it that has been removed. Who know's what was said on it.
Page 31
Fuck The 70's, 80's, 90's Bullshit
You wanna know what really pushes my buttons? The fact that every single jackass on earth that I
Page 32
Dr Dr doctor said I was crazy, but later on, when I had him dangling off the edge of a building ?? it was then he
said I realized I was right, and he
"you're insane," my doctor said. He changed his mind when I dangled him off of a building. "You're the perfect example of sanity, you're cured,
!" he said, "
After that page we get back to even more crude sketches, random doodles, cheap PC builds, and even a grocery list. They can all be found in the spoiler below.
This is the end of the writing and drawings found in the journal and even includes a torn out page that we found in the little pocket at the back of the book. Of all these pages most of the writing is just computer specs and pricing as well as needed items for groceries but we did find one last strange entry. It was on page 37 and read: "EXIT DOOR PUERTA DE SALIDA PORT OF SALAD."
What do you all make of this and do you think my friend and I should go back and further investigate? Maybe we could make this the great Penny Arcade mystery solving thread!
02/14/14 UPDATE/EDIT: If you scroll down a few posts you will see an update I made after going to photograph the building where the journal was found.
Yeah I am sure this guy didn't dangle his doctor off a building but he was maybe so doped up that he could have maybe hallucinated he did?
I also think the doctor thing is the beginning of a short story and the rest is probably just a little ... fucked up? I guess the guy might want his diary back, though
I think you are right about the words I couldn't translate. I will update the post with them.
What, this old thing?
At first I hoped he was just passing through but then he pulled up alongside me and rolled his window down. He asked me what I was doing I explained I was a hobbyist architectural photographer and wanted to get some shots of the building before it was gutted. He then introduced himself as the owner of building. In fact he not only owns it but owns most of the downtown entertainment district called "Blue Dome" and is head of the McNellie's group. His name is Elliot Nelson.
After striking up a brief friendly conversation he told me that he may be interested in me doing before and after shots of the structure which he hopes to do a historical renovation on and turn back into apartments in the same fashion of the building I live in (which is just a few blocks from this building). This may be my way inside the structure!
Anyways, here are the shots of the outside of the building that I took. The shots of the stairwell show exactly where I was when I found the book which was at the bottom of them. The shot that is inside the building was taken through the rebar gate that was welded to the doorway of another stairwell to the basement and was the only view of the inside of the building I could find. The other shots are of the exterior and of a cat that seems to have taken up home inside of the building.
I give you the Coliseum Apartments.
Last May, before this building was better secured, it fell victim to a small fire that was started by a meth lab being run by multiple squatters. The story about that incident can be found here:
As I learn more about this building, the author of the journal, and find more clues I will post them on here. Wish me luck!
but with more drug abuse
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Big deal
You should probably leave this person alone, it sounds like they have more than enough problems as it is
Like, 2014 doesn't even have a Saturday Dec 11. The last one was in 2010 and there isn't another for at least another 5 years.
Steam ID - VeldrinD
I remember the first time I read an analysis of the hardy boys, it was all dissecting the foreign-ness of its villains and that, fucking tore my childhood apart
thanks a lot, academia
I'd be lost without comfy computers keeping me abreast with what day it is.
So you probably found some kid's prank or a mentally ill person's journal
the date is right on except that instead of January he wrote December
so, not right on at all
Just because someone writes down their private thoughts doesn't mean they want you to publish them to the world. And it certainly doesn't change the fact that all they are, are thoughts.
I doubt it is a prank, the high schoolers haven't been around the building in a long time since the McNEllies sealed it up last May and even before that the meth heads that cooked in it scared off the high school kids that year.