This weekend I want to create a google doc with values of each pin. I wouldn't say a dollar amount value cause eBay can be vague.
But like we know that a east kemper 2013 is worth more then a 2014 east kemper.
On the sheet I would say we should have print runs of every pin. Like not everyone want likes the KI pins or like everyone who isn't a big fan of pinny arcade wants leeroy jenkins.
I would love everyone's input.
My Pin collection
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
Tier 1: DLC. Self explanatory.
Tier 2: Pre-prime 13 core sets, with Aus a bit more valuable than East. No one knew how much they'd take off, so few were sold, compared to Prime 13 and on.
Tier 3: Chandras, ditto above. Because they were handed out for free, they're more commonly found.
Tier 4: "Limited edition" (Hanna has the smallest run (1000), then the Pax 10th (1200), then the 15th Anniversary (1500).)
Tier 4: Pax exclusive, with some leeway for specific pins. I don't think there's any appreciable difference in value between the Prime 13 pins and the East 14 pins.
Tier 5: Seasonal online. They're not limited, but eventually disappear from the store
Tier 6: Permanent online. Anyone can buy them at any time.
Verbosity is my charm point.
1. Supply(basic econ 101 stuff). Supply breaks down into
A. How many were printed, the more limited the supply available, the higher the "value"
B. Where they were/are available. The AUS Pins have a two fold value in that, there weren't that many printed and there are likely many more North American collectors than Aus, making it harder to get their hands on it. Anything that is available from the PA Merch online store isn't going to have anywhere near the value as something sold exclusively at an event(this does not hold true for "limited edition pins, see section 1.A)
C. Difficulty to obtain. Do I have to wait in a 2 hour line to get the pin? Do I need to find some random schmuk in a red t shirt out of 5000 random schmuks in T shirts?(No offense to the Enforcers, much love)
2. Demand, is simply a single entry with multiple facets:
A. How many people like it? Things that are references to the comic are going to be high demand cuz well, PA is awesome. Things like Blizzard pins or D&D pins are going to be in high demand because they're hugely popular in the PA community as a whole. Couple this demand with their difficulty to obtain and there you have people paying over 100$ on ebay for a pin(or like 135 from that one guys resale website). For some reason, people on the internet love the shit out of cats, so those hold demand. Demand will always be relative, but some pins will naturally have more demand than others just due to product popularity.
Supply and demand are of course intimately related. The 10th Anniversary PAX pin is to me, the prime(/nerd snort because it was sold at east, not a Prime) example of the supply v. demand mechanic. The supply is very limited due to a low print run and the fact it was only sold at East. The demand is high because it's commemorative of a huge milestone for PAX, so just about everyone who likes pins wants one. Demand is high, supply is proportionally extremely low...and because supply is low the demand increases even more! This yields douchbags buying up as many as they can just for the purpose of selling them online in whatever manner they so choose.
I could go on a huge tirade about the "market" for these pins and how the entire spirit of the collection is ruined by people doing that, but I don't think that's the purpose of the thread. Sorry...I think I made a huge mess of your thread about pin value
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
I like the idea of tiers like Vaanrose came up with, but for simplicity sake I might suggest going off rarity similar to MTG (numbers below are example only):
Common (21 - 30+ available (non-Limited Edition))
Uncommon (11-20 available)
Rare (4-10 available)
Mythic Rare (0-3 available)
DLC/Limited Editions
There is a good discussion about this issue in Episode 3 of the Podcast ( around after the 0:50:00 minute mark.
And Hanna is just as easy if not easier to get than any other pin, don't forget, no other pin has had a reprint, the value of the pin is in the community alone IMO.
Trade me pins! -
For the variant collectors it gets worse, since a reprint of something can happen at any time without our knowledge. There could be Core Set 2014s being done as I write this, and we have no idea.
One thing that skews availability is the godforsaken snakepit known as Australia. Their Pins are a lot more rare because of the distance, lower number of collectors on the forums, and almost certainly the percentage of Pins inadvertently devoured by alligators as they ate PAX attendees. Aus Chandra was supposedly printed at the same rate as Chandra, but is less available. That would increase rarity in the US, but decrease it in Aus.
I'm hoping that eventually the dataflow from PA becomes regular, to the point where we could see a message from Brian such as "Just ordered a batch of 2015 Core Sets, extra shiny". But until we know why they are protecting the numbers, we just have to operate blindly.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
At east I saw some people just trading pins they didn't know what the value was.
I'm thinking of this being a good tip sheet for new pin pal.
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
For the record, I'm in complete agreement that knowing the print runs would be beneficial to collectors. They don't seem to have a problem letting us know in some circumstances (i.e. Hanna, 15th Anniversary, even certain vendor pins at the conventions), which makes it all the more baffling why it's not a universal thing.
Probably because they don't want it publicized that there are a bunch of pins that aren't labeled as "limited" that are actually a lot more rare than advertised LE pins.
Trade me pins! -
I'm having a hard time working out which ones those might be. 2012 Merch? or 2012 anything? They had a fair few of them all at 2013 East and Prime. We are aware that 2013 East was the first trial for PAX, and so might have smaller numbers than the rest. But I don't think that is the reason.
I think it might be that collating the previous data would be time consuming. Working forwards could be made very easy: whoever orders/receives the Pins makes a note of which one and how many. Going through the previous invoices would likely be a days work. But maybe a time-limited unpaid internship could open up for a local resident.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
I searched high and low for Aus Tycho, but no such luck I'm afraid
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
I had one available on my lanyard all weekend, but it was only to someone with an Aus Gabe (which Pedro is helping me out with which is super awesome).
I also had an East 2013 logo for trade, which I'm shocked nobody asked about (though it can easily be mistaken for a 2014 because it's basically the same thing...)
Trade me pins! -
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
Those with large bags of spare Pins are going to start making 2:1 trades the norm, as they will hold the rarer older Pins that the newer collectors will want. That will help maintain that lead for a little longer, but it will take more and more effort.
Newer people are still able to get in early enough and grab almost everything. But that window is starting to close.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
Like, how hard was the zombie Tycho pin to actually get, everything said and done? I have no idea and that'd be a big help to me.
My Digital Pin Lanyard || PAX East '13, '14, '15, '19 | PAX South '15
as a side note there are no alligators in aus they are crocodiles
Colonial Kemper P$
Stocking Kemper 1.5P$
Kitty Kemper 2P$
PAX Kemper 3P$
Aus Kemper 20P$
These don't exactly relate to the below, because I'm just making these numbers up without putting too much time into analysis yet:
PAX East 2014 Logo 1 Colonial Kemper
Hot Dog Fairy 1 Colonial Kemper
Iron Guard Stance 1 Colonial Kemper
Colonial Kemper 1 Colonial Kemper
PAX East 10th Year 5 Colonial Kemper
Alien Hominid 2 Colonial Kemper
Chicken Logo 2 Colonial Kemper
Golden Whale 2 Colonial Kemper
Pink Knight 2 Colonial Kemper
Anubis 1 Colonial Kemper
Project Spark 1 Colonial Kemper
KI Fightstick 5 Colonial Kemper
D&D 5 Colonial Kemper
Garruk 3 Colonial Kemper
Leeroy Jenkins 6 Colonial Kemper
Hearthstone Cards 3 Colonial Kemper
Bard Rock 4 Colonial Kemper
Zane & Mercy 2 Colonial Kemper
MC Frontalot 2 Colonial Kemper
Camp Weedonwantcha 2 Colonial Kemper
Ellie 3 Colonial Kemper
Iota 2 Colonial Kemper
Handheld Lounge Gabe 3 Colonial Kemper
Taple Top Tycho 3 Colonial Kemper
PAX East 2013 Logo 3 Colonial Kemper
PAX Kemper 3 Colonial Kemper
Chandra 4 Colonial Kemper
Merch 2.0 3 Colonial Kemper
Broodax Gabe 2 Colonial Kemper
Helmet Tycho 2 Colonial Kemper
Flesh Reaper (2012) 3 Colonial Kemper
Fruit Fucker (2012) 3 Colonial Kemper
Gabe (2012) 3 Colonial Kemper
Tycho (2012) 3 Colonial Kemper
Pinny Arcade Logo (2012) 3 Colonial Kemper
Flesh Reaper (2013) 2 Colonial Kemper
Fruit Fucker (2013) 2 Colonial Kemper
Gabe (2013) 2 Colonial Kemper
Tycho (2013) 2 Colonial Kemper
Pinny Arcade Logo (2013) 2 Colonial Kemper
Zombie Tycho (2012) 3 Colonial Kemper
CTS (2012) 3 Colonial Kemper
Merch (2012) 3 Colonial Kemper
Zombie Tycho (2013) 3 Colonial Kemper
CTS (2013) 3 Colonial Kemper
Merch (2013) 3 Colonial Kemper
Kristin Lindsay 1 Colonial Kemper
Ben Kuchera 1 Colonial Kemper
Jamie Dillion 1 Colonial Kemper
Erika Sadsad 1 Colonial Kemper
Mike Fehlauer 1 Colonial Kemper
Josh Price 1 Colonial Kemper
Kiko Villasenor 1 Colonial Kemper
Jeff Kalles 1 Colonial Kemper
Levin Sadsad 1 Colonial Kemper
Brian Sunter 1 Colonial Kemper
Dave Coffman 1 Colonial Kemper
Robert Khoo 1 Colonial Kemper
PAX Prime 2013 Logo 2 Colonial Kemper
Baby Gabe 2 Colonial Kemper
Tycho Tot 2 Colonial Kemper
Kitty Kemper 2 Colonial Kemper
Elspeth 1 Colonial Kemper
Rayman 3 Colonial Kemper
Second Son 2 Colonial Kemper
Draken 2 Colonial Kemper
Granok 2 Colonial Kemper
Juggernaut 2 Colonial Kemper
Jin 2 Colonial Kemper
Strip Search 2 Colonial Kemper
Chainsaw Suit 2 Colonial Kemper
Skull Fart 3 Colonial Kemper
Professor Pigglesworth 3 Colonial Kemper
Bloody Bear 2 Colonial Kemper
Viking 2 Colonial Kemper
Hatty Hattington 2 Colonial Kemper
Star 2 Colonial Kemper
Cat Guard 2 Colonial Kemper
Davey Crockett 2 Colonial Kemper
Giraffey 2 Colonial Kemper
Cardinal 2 Colonial Kemper
Aus Gabe 10 Colonial Kemper
Aus Tycho 10 Colonial Kemper
Aus Kemper 20 Colonial Kemper
PAX Aus 2013 Logo 15 Colonial Kemper
Chandra 2 6 Colonial Kemper
Combo Breaker 2 Colonial Kemper
Sabrewulf 2 Colonial Kemper
Galcius 2 Colonial Kemper
Supreme Victory 2 Colonial Kemper
KI Logo 4 Colonial Kemper
Jago 4 Colonial Kemper
Lookouts Crest 2 Colonial Kemper
Lookouts Leader 1 Colonial Kemper
Lookouts 01 1 Colonial Kemper
Lookouts 02 1 Colonial Kemper
Lookouts 03 1 Colonial Kemper
Lookouts 04 1 Colonial Kemper
Catsby 2 Colonial Kemper
Twisp 2 Colonial Kemper
Moon 2 Colonial Kemper
Balloon Man 2 Colonial Kemper
Mummy Gabe 2 Colonial Kemper
Vampire Tycho 2 Colonial Kemper
Pumpkin Fruit Fucker 2 Colonial Kemper
Witch Annarcy 2 Colonial Kemper
Santa Gabe 2 Colonial Kemper
Elf Tycho 2 Colonial Kemper
Wrapped Div 2 Colonial Kemper
Stocking Kemper 2 Colonial Kemper
Acquisitions Inc Logo 1 Colonial Kemper
Omin Dran 1 Colonial Kemper
Jim Darkmagic 1 Colonial Kemper
Binwin Bronzebottom 1 Colonial Kemper
Valentine's Day 6 Colonial Kemper
DLC Kickstarter 100 Colonial Kempers
Hanna 6 Colonial Kemper
15th Anniversary 6 Colonial Kemper
I approached a lot of people this weekend, and I was also approached by some. I also always asked "Do you have any aus pins for trade?". Almost universally the answer was no, I'm looking for them too. One guy had one pin for trade, but was only interested in trading it as part of some kind of deal for a DLC pin. At this point, I'm hoping that my AUS Pal is able to trade for them at next PAX Aus, as 2013 East seemed to be rather available at this years east.
That's crazy. If anyone is getting rid of their DLC pin (even a spare one) the number of hard to find pins they'd want would be nuts. Better off selling it on ebay and buying the pins you want outright.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Mike and Jerry have an autograph session at every Pax, and they've got a big box of their respective pins sitting behind them the whole time and a bunch sitting openly on the table for you to trade for. So even though it's only for one hour on one day of the show, there's a guaranteed window of time for you to find them.
From what I've gathered, Mike makes himself easier to find during the rest of the show, though at last Prime I spotted Jerry more often (he seemed to spend a large amount of time in the Indie megabooth talking to the devs).
I didn't go to East, so I'm curious if either of them had any of their leftover Samurai/Zombie pins to trade along with their new pins, or if they officially retired them. At all the boardgame meetups, Mike had a big bag full of Samurai, so I know he had a bunch of extras. Which brings me to another question; what are they doing with all the extra pins that don't sell? We know, for example, that the Christmas, Halloween and Valentines pin are getting taken off the store at the end of the month, but surely they've still got plenty of at least the first two.
Verbosity is my charm point.
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
I walked right into that one.
Verbosity is my charm point.
I hate to be that guy (especially since this post benefits me greatly), but it's *Colonial* Kemper.
My Digital Pin Lanyard || PAX East '13, '14, '15, '19 | PAX South '15
Hahahaha, I can't believe no one corrected me on that during PAX East. I don't think I ever looked at the actual name on it, just went off what I heard others calling him. I kind of liked calling him Colonel Kemper more than Colonial Kemper. Maybe someday we'll have PAX on a military base and we'll get a real Colonel Kemper.
I spoke to both Mike and Jerry about the CTS and Zombie Tycho pins (my son was looking for them.) Basically they have a bunch still, but neither one thought to bring them, insteading loading up with their new pins. I know at least one staff member had a few available if you asked nicely.
I figure once we move further away from East 2014 and the initial rush of trading/over-priced-but-not-as-high-as-it-could-be eBay listings are done with that we will see a spike like last year. Well, at least I am hoping for that so I can get started on my 2015 pin budget. Heh.
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[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
I think it's more about the lack of availability. The older a Pin gets, the more likely it has found it's way into the hands of a collector intending to keep it.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
So, hold on to my extra few East 2014 sets. Gotcha.
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
Pinny Arcade Pins is still in a fairly early phases of growth so we haven't gotten there, but I anticipate with this much popularity with this program it'll eventually become that way.
Yeah, I've been pretty aggressive with collecting pins but I'll probably scale back. I don't go for pins associated with games that I'm not interested in any more, and there are some that I don't need to go after at this point (i.e. I have all of the staff pins except for Ben).
I was able to get 2 full sets of 2013 East pins through various trades with random pin peeps and enforcers.
I'd made a BUNCH of trades in line waiting for Magic:the Gathering.
I just had to ask random people if they were trading, It was a lot of fun.
There is a lot of discussion about the value of pins in relation to each other, which is more, etc. I was thinking that a website that presents visitors with 2 pins and asks them to vote on which is more valuable might be a good way to get the pulse of the community and build a relative value table. Similar to the "Hot or Not" style of voting, but for pins.
User would be presented with 2 pins, and asked to choose which is more valuable. After choosing they would be presented with data on what others said and immediately presented with another set of pins to rate.
It should not present the same pairing to a person (based on ip probably) more then once in a week or so. Otherwise someone with malicious intent could easily mess with the ratings. But you do want to allow for over time fluctuation in value.
As time goes on it should probably have some kind of weight where it throws out newer pins to be rated more then older pins.
It should have a listing that gets generated that they can see that has all pins ranked 1st to last.
"value" is hard to determine. Would the site have data as known on the pin like number minted, where it was released, etc? Or just the picture. If only pictures, you might get more random votes from casual traders who don't know much about the scarcity. If you have data, it will be incomplete.
Anyway, just an idea, discuss, implement, or ignore as you will.
Comparing pins to other pins isn't as relevant, everyone has a different measure on what pins are worth other pins to them and this can vary wildly by factors like generosity, aesthetic appeal, goal based trades (like trying to own ALL the kempers), completing a collection desperation etc
The problem with eBay is it isn't always clear if a pin sold or just ended and the true market value is often elusive because the reasonably priced pins don't last very long at all, it's hard to know if you've tracked them all. I think a few people are tracking them and if we can get everyone to submit their data they've collected, I think we can make a pretty good "Price Guide Book", as always, happy to host this on the website (always looking for new projects, see: podcast).
From when I had the time to do this, most pins average $30-60. PAX sets average $60-80 and Aus/East 2013 average $400+. DLC is a special case and doesn't really need a price, whatever the market is willing to pay at the time, I don't see any other pin fluctuating any where near as much as this pin will. - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable. - iOS pin collection tracking app.
My Delicious Pins For Trade
The East/Aus 13 sets get listed at those prices but all the listings I've watched (out of curiosity) haven't sold, I think realistically people are looking to buy more in the $200-$300 range.
[X]PAXsouth 2015
[X]PAXaus 2015
[?]PAXeast 2016 ???
Personally, I think you are right - although when you look up completed auctions on eBay, just disregard those with the amount in red (didn't sell), only look at the green amounts (sold for that price). That was you can definitely know how much people really paid for the pins, and also how much was considered too expensive by the market (and did not sell).
I use the completed listings on eBay as well as the currently for sale items on eBay to evaluate my pins. But that's just my opinion.