Hey fellow Paxers, I had an idea that I think would help us forumers become closer friends and have some fun while doing it, way before Pax ever gets started.
We are all obviously in to gaming so why don't we all game together? In this thread we can share our user names for our respective online venues of choice. Looking for friends to play psn games with? Perhaps xbox live, or a Nintendo game? Not in to consoles, no problem list your steam user name or user name for the MMO, or online game you may be playing.
Any games that you would like to find people to play with, or would like to get in to, feel free to list them here. I greatly enjoy meeting new people and playing video games so I figure this is an amazing chance to meet some awesome people and make new friends while doing the thing we all love (gaming.)
What this thread is not for:
Let's not turn this thread in to a social media share, lets not share facebook links, youtube links, or anything of that sort. I would like to keep this just about friends and gaming together.
I think this is a great opportunity to break the ice and meet friends before pax, and could help all of us be a lot more social. For first time Pax goers, or those of you coming to Pax alone this is an awesome way of making a group of friends that will already be waiting for you there to enjoy the convention with.
So I will go ahead and get this thing started as sort of a template.
PSN (p3,ps4,psvita) - User name: Badnews65
Xbox live (xbox 360) - User name: Badnews65
Nintendo (3ds,WiiU) - User name: Badnews65
Steam (pc) - User name: Badnews65
Games I currently play online:
Call of Duty Ghosts (ps4)
Killzone Shadowfall (ps4)
Border Lands 2 (steam)
Dayz (steam)
Mario Kart (WiiU)
We could even post games we are wanting to get in to but don't currently have anyone to play with, for example I have always wanted to try Mine Craft but never had friends that played it.
I am certainly open to play any other games online, so I look forward to seeing what other games you all are playing and am certainly looking forward to playing those games with you all.
XBox 360: post rapture
I have: Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Red Dead Redemption, Borderlands, Borderlands 2, Minecraft, Dead Island
My husband and I usually play games together so there'd be 2 of us.
Favorite Games Multiplayer:
Borderlands 2 (Xbox)
Left 4 Dead 2 (Xbox)
Last of US (PSN)
Mass Effect 3 (Xbox)
Watchdogs (PSN)
I use PSN more than Xbox live these days. Also in the PDX metro if anyone is interested in meeting up for boardgames
Nintendo Network ID (3DS, WiiU) - rahnawyn
3DS Friend Code - 3625-8723-7480
I have both a PS3 and a PC with Steam. That being said, I'm almost never on my PS3...while I'm on Steam pretty often.
Steam - embraceternity
PSN - Zelthie
I also have a 3DS and I'll update this post when I'm able to see what my friend code is.
I play Animal Crossing, Mario Kart and Pokemon X for 3DS.
On Steam, I play Defiance, Borderlands, Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed, aaaand etc. Any popular game that has MP, I probably have.
I also play games like Diablo, Starcraft and WoW. I'll update the post when I'm able to retrieve my friend ID # for that. Same with the game SWTOR.
I used to play defiance and Swotr, perhaps I can dust those games off. If anyone else has borderlands 2 for steam/pc we can do some 4 player co op.
Rhea, I have watchdogs for psn as well. Is there any co op multiplayer on there? I know you can be invaded sort of like Darksouls. I will be happy to add you to PSN to see if there are any other games we have in common to play.
Steam - GBPogoplay
Xbox Live - Pogoplay
PSN - Pogoplay
I mostly play Counter Strike: GO, and Diablo 3 for the time being, but I am wanting to get some people in on TitanFall and such!
Attending: PAX Prime 2016
Twitter @Pogoplay
Origin - Hoboking006
Mostly play King Arthurs Gold, Team Fortress 2, and Titan fall.
Here is my Steam name [BWC] Technique or instead use link http://steamcommunity.com/id/Tech212
I am playing War thunder, TF2, prop hunt and Age of empires 2 HD
I'm mostly on my PC, so you can find me on Steam - Zombicus (Pibson is my display name). I use the same account name for Xbox Live. My Battle.net tag is Pibson#1286, for anyone playing Blizzard games.
I own plenty of PC games, but I'd love to fire one of the Xboxes up for any Halo title or some Titanfall with any of you.
Been busy all last week and this weekend with work. I will add all of you this afternoon. Maybe we can get some games going this week/weekend. Can't wait!
3DS FC: 3239-4646-4593
Currently only playing Pokemon X
Edit: Steam: RavenHusky
But like BadNews said, I'd be up for expanding to some other stuff with a group--I've had fun with Minecraft but only played it for a few hours with my nephew. And my brother's been trying to get me into Hearthstone...
Steam: Lone Gunman (it's a picture of a cupcake destroying things...)
Origin: xxLoneGunmanxx
Battle.net: I'll edit later
Xbox: xxxsomething(GTA V mostly)
Battle.net: Criel#1324
ROONSCAPE?!?!: Badclassfile
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041767617
Location: Spokane, WA
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/urdmiz/
Steam: Lindabear. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Lindabear
Same avatar as the one for the forums - Location: Portlandia
Games: DayZ, Payday 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Borderlands 2, Portal(s), Terraria, Starbound, Killing Floor
I'm always looking for people to play Payday with!
PAX Prime 2014 [X]
PAX Prime 2015 [X]
SteamID: StealthATK
EDITED XBL: Unhealthy
PSN: StealthATK
Battle.net: *Will Update*
Nintendo: *Will Update*
PSN: Flix1975
MTGO: BatmanBruceWayne
My gaming hours are a bit odd now that I am working nights but generally if I am off I play off and on throughout the day
Oh my Dayum
Oh my goodness
They goin' Ham
Xbox360: Gamaknight007
Steam : gamaknight
( I know the spelling is off, I made these accounts when I was about 14 7 years ago with the help of my older brother. Unfortunately neither allow you to change it without cash. (Or in steams case not at all))
I game mostly in the night pacific time so if you want a hand with getting through a hard boss in dark souls sign me up for some jolly cooperation!
Bonus I play with my significant other so more likely then not you will get two for one!
Forgot about battle.net
: Gammaknight008
Oh yeah isn't that ridiculous? Thankfully I was able to change my xbox gamer tag when the 360 1st came out (I believe they gave everyone 1 free name change) since I got tired of people thinking 'Heihachi' was 'Hitachi' and of course getting heckled all game since at the time Heihachi was a Tekken character only on PS1 / PS2
Oh my Dayum
Oh my goodness
They goin' Ham
Sorry for going tabletop in this thread, but I think it fits the ice breaking theme (for locals, at least.)
"Fantasy football still counts as fantasy." -DnD Greg
+3 coming!!
I play Project Zomboid a lot. Can host server.
That is awesome! I love Project Zomboid. I play it from time to time. Is your LoL handle also the same for steam?
Steam is either catwelk or pokemonchampion, I log in with pokemonchampion but ive been told my URL is catwelk so XD and my display name is Volcarona so Steam is just all kinds of confusing
Steam: RhamaLlama
Battle.Net: Rhamantus#1973
LoL: RhamaLlama
I have a 3DS but the only games I currently own for it are Animal Crossing and the latest Zelda. I own Minecraft but it gets kind of dull without someone to talk to or feeling uninspired to build something.
it's a couple steps behind the official release because we run bukkit and the multiverse mod usually lags behind a tad. There's two survival only maps, a creative only map, and then our map with pax on it. We have a fully done up BCEC, and a mostly constructed WSCC. the "seattle" around the WSCC needs a /lot/ of work though.
Everyone who posted a steam handle here will get invited, but please let me know if you haven't got one yet. I will check back from time to time here to keep the group updated.
The link to the group is here http://steamcommunity.com/groups/prepaxmulti
Steam: BLaZuRE
I actually play primarily League nowadays.
[X] Order Badges [X] Hotel [ X ] Flight [ X ] Time Off [ X ] Bobcat [ . ] Office Set [ . ] Challenge Coin [ . ] Sanity
PSN: Jukka_Khan (The Last Of Us)
3DS: 4081-5661-1723 (Pokemon Y)
Steam: jukkakhan (Oh geez Steam Sale. Max Payne 3, Castle Crashers, L4D2, Monaco)
In typing this, I am realizing how little multiplayer (and games in general) I've been playing lately heh.
Pretty much play anything. If I don't have it I'd probably get it. But mostly gta5 at the moment. I have a bunch of stuff for the one as well.