I've had this idea knocking around for quite awhile: Wouldn't it be cool if The Big Bang Theory visited Pax Prime in an episode? I know it's probably not likely
this year of course. But it could still happen
someday! And why not? We're one of the biggest cons in the West Coast! We've got lots to offer, and a beautiful city full of attractions of its own! So how could we go about persuading them? Well, first off, why not make a list of reasons the
characters of the show would have to go?
Please state the character's name along with likely reasons they might use to persuade their fellows to go.
For example:
Sheldon- He assumes Pax Prime is Will Wheaton's "home turf" and wants to have a "final showdown" or a "faceoff" with him. He also thinks his friends would surely wish to go and "defend his honor".
Sheldon- There is a place called The Old Spaghetti Factory where you sit at a table inside an old Caboose. It's over by the Waterfront, and they could go for dinner there.
Gaming since 1986.
Things I need to learn: To properly knit, speak Klingon, and speak/read Japanese so I can play Final Fantasy games in their original language.
"S.o.o.n." : "'Severe Obligation to Observe' Neurosis". This Neurosis impels the subject to constantly observe an object, waiting for a change they are certain must come "Soon".
Hotel [x] Pax Badgers Fri [x] Sat [ ] Sun [x] Mon [x] Just need 2 Saturdays, and then our sets will be complete! And then...waiting for Pax.....F5F5F5F5F5F5F5....
I fear that this would drastically increase demand for tickets with people wanting to go simply because they saw it on the show without knowing anything about PAX or gaming.
Attendee: Prime 12,13,14 East 13
Things I need to learn: To properly knit, speak Klingon, and speak/read Japanese so I can play Final Fantasy games in their original language.
"S.o.o.n." : "'Severe Obligation to Observe' Neurosis". This Neurosis impels the subject to constantly observe an object, waiting for a change they are certain must come "Soon".
Hotel [x] Pax Badgers Fri [x] Sat [ ] Sun [x] Mon [x] Just need 2 Saturdays, and then our sets will be complete! And then...waiting for Pax.....F5F5F5F5F5F5F5....
On Thursday, we usually see the banners, ect up and waiting for the next day. It's not unusual for people to come in at that time, and the cast might be able to get away with coming there early by arguing in favor of taking in the sights, or Sheldon wanting to "catch Will unawares".
I'd also like to point out that if they made a light camera crew for the actual event days, they could easily blend in, and with nigh-recognizable disguises, you could shove anyone that fits the body-type into them too. If you don't know it's "them" you likely wouldn't know just from looking at say....a Chocobo cosplayer. And considering they could rent some nice cosplay if they wanted, they could also have a Spartan cosplay.
Things I need to learn: To properly knit, speak Klingon, and speak/read Japanese so I can play Final Fantasy games in their original language.
"S.o.o.n." : "'Severe Obligation to Observe' Neurosis". This Neurosis impels the subject to constantly observe an object, waiting for a change they are certain must come "Soon".
Hotel [x] Pax Badgers Fri [x] Sat [ ] Sun [x] Mon [x] Just need 2 Saturdays, and then our sets will be complete! And then...waiting for Pax.....F5F5F5F5F5F5F5....
On the good side however it would probably get the PAX name out to a lot of other companies that might have been leery of promoting at PAX before. But now that it has national recognition through TBBT, it would create greater advertising revenue. (Or at least this is what I theorize. I don't know. I'm not an economics buff.)
[ X ] Badge
[ X ] Hotel
[ X ] Plane
Wish me luck!
Things I need to learn: To properly knit, speak Klingon, and speak/read Japanese so I can play Final Fantasy games in their original language.
"S.o.o.n." : "'Severe Obligation to Observe' Neurosis". This Neurosis impels the subject to constantly observe an object, waiting for a change they are certain must come "Soon".
Hotel [x] Pax Badgers Fri [x] Sat [ ] Sun [x] Mon [x] Just need 2 Saturdays, and then our sets will be complete! And then...waiting for Pax.....F5F5F5F5F5F5F5....
Things I need to learn: To properly knit, speak Klingon, and speak/read Japanese so I can play Final Fantasy games in their original language.
"S.o.o.n." : "'Severe Obligation to Observe' Neurosis". This Neurosis impels the subject to constantly observe an object, waiting for a change they are certain must come "Soon".
Hotel [x] Pax Badgers Fri [x] Sat [ ] Sun [x] Mon [x] Just need 2 Saturdays, and then our sets will be complete! And then...waiting for Pax.....F5F5F5F5F5F5F5....