I...I've learned so much from this. What a simple and ignorant life I've led previously!
And, is it me or does Lil Gabe have some subtle seedling of infatuation with Erika in the last panel with the ways his eyebrows and hand-gesturing were drawn?
Somewhere, someone just learned more more from this comic in two minutes than they did from all of the abstinence only sex-ed that they've had all of their life.
Civics is not a consumer product that you can ignore because you don’t like the options presented.
Dark Raven XLaugh hard, run fast,be kindRegistered Userregular
Erika as a magical tutor that guides the young seems so appropriate, but I feel every lecture would culminate in butt virginity
Yeah, the "WHAT." panel may be the greatest thing I've seen on the internet ALL YEAR.
kaliyamaLeft to find less-moderated foraRegistered Userregular
I went to college with Erika! I've seen her work pop up here and elsewhere a bunch, so glad to see someone get some success as a comic. She's always had great sex-ed cartoons.
I...I've learned so much from this. What a simple and ignorant life I've led previously!
And, is it me or does Lil Gabe have some subtle seedling of infatuation with Erika in the last panel with the ways his eyebrows and hand-gesturing were drawn?
Yelling at butts will never NOT be funny. Thanks, Psy!
Also, Abby is awesome. Keep up with TLH because it's the tits!
I love League of Legends, but seriously...screw you, Teemo.
Right up until "the list", it actually feels like a good approach when discussing this.
(just kidding; butt virginity never comes back)
also... frottage?
I'm too scared to do a google search...
I know little, but from what I know from the Comic Edits thread (don't ask), I think the easiest euphemism is "sword fighting".
Well that sounds pretty rapey.
You know the artistic technique when you put a piece of paper over a textured surface and rub it with a pencil to create patterns?
That's called frottage. The sex version is the same.
Only the pencil is a penis.
And the textured surface covered with paper is somebody else's body.
Patterns are still created, though.
Reading the word "frottage" conjured up images of like... a foamy coffee drink in my mind(I'm not sure why...)
mouth + mouth (kissing)
mouth + penis
mouth + vagina
mouth + butt
hand + hand (holding hands)
hand + mouth (?)
hand + penis
hand + vagina
hand + butt
penis + penis
penis + vagina
penis + butt
vagina + vagina
vagina + butt (??)
butt + butt (???)
PS. Check out the comic Bucko. It's great.
back and forth forever
It's like some people here never saw Requiem for a Dream.
I'm still not getting the achievement. I think my save might be corrupt?
I'd like to think that was a sort of shared learning experience.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
I thought that was from You and Me and Everyone We Know. Or is that also from Requiem for a Dream? It's been ages since I've seen both.
MHWilds ID: JF9LL8L3
it was from You and Me.
Requiem had the ass-to-ass double dildo.
(Look it up, Young Gabe)
On the black screen
And I feel like he should end up teaching his son about sex the way the rest of us had to learn:
He's so... dreamy... *swoon*
Full strip here:
MHWilds ID: JF9LL8L3
Steam profile.
Getting started with BATTLETECH: Part 1 / Part 2
Ain't that the truth.
Inquisitor77: Rius, you are Sisyphus and melee Wizard is your boulder
Tube: This must be what it felt like to be an Iraqi when Saddam was killed
Bookish Stickers - Mrs. Rius' Etsy shop with bumper stickers and vinyl decals.