Has anybody here used Amtrak to go to Boston? In a non PAX related event one of my friends went to Boston by train and liked it better then car so having a roadtrip is out of the question. I have done some research and looked up some trains going to Boston from NY. They seem reasonable (the ones that take 4-5 hours) but I would like some input from more experienced travelers.
sonic line (nyc)
metal gear line (upstate ny)
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
That out of the way, Amtrak is still a fun way to go despite the delays it is full of PAX goers and lots of 3DS and even PC play (some had their laptops linked up last year). Just give yourself time and watch the stats of your train.
Attended: East 14, 15 and West 16
Attending West 2019
Last year I flew to Boston cause it was cheaper.
I would experience taking the train once just to see if you like it though.
I am a monster truck that walks like a man.
The LSL the day before PAX is good times. So much gaming!
PAX East 2018: Passes [X], Hotel [X], Airfare [], coin []
Yep, me too! I much prefer it than riding down on the bus.
It looks like January is the time when PAX Train Alliance stuff gets posted.
I am willing to change my ticket to join the PAX Train Alliance since it seems I will be going to PAX East by myself since my friends aren't able to buy badges.
If you don't mind me asking, how did you get it for $28 from southeastern CT when it's almost double that from NY Penn?
That's why there is an earlier train favored by many northeasterners. Last year I believe it was the 86.