Estimate of 30,000-40,000 attendees according to the Convention & Visitor's Bureau
I've been looking for estimates from sources who would be in a position to know how big Pax South may be for a while. Here's the
article by the Rivard Report including an estimate supposedly by the Convention & Visitor's Bureau of 30,000-40,000 attendees.
For a first year event this would be pretty impressive.
Prime: '13
South: '15
Maximum capacity according to this site is around 60,000. And that's without the expansion currently underway on the east side of the complex. So there should be room to grow if things go well.
Prime: '13
South: '15
aka con-crud. aka, the sickness that often comes after being in a crowded space and touching the same things as thousands of people from across the globe who have all kinds of little bugs you aren't immune to. Basically, wash your hands often, and make use of sanitizing gel that will probably be around.
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!
Not likely unless they have to force cancel some orders, and even then the resale would be quick.
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
Parking at the Henry B (local nickname for the convention center) is a madhouse to begin with. Now add in that some of the parking has been eliminated by a massive expansion to the center (adding what looks to be double the capacity to it-- something to capture more convention business like Pax, Wizard World, Alamo City Comic Con, and so much more downtown). And the mall parking right across the street. If there's any event at the AlamoDome, that'll kill even more parking. Now add in at the Henry B during the con, the Retail Jewelers Association Annual Buying Show (estimate 700-100, plus heavy security), and it's going to be even more messy. Not as messy as having the city's largest bridal show the last day of Alamo City Comic Con-- there were people in absolute tears for lack of parking during the combination of shows.
If you have anti-anxiety meds, stock up now.
I'm not as pessimistic as all that. If Seattle and Boston can handle PAXes, then San Antonio can too. We're two and a half times the size of those cities, and we host Fiesta every year for God's sake. We'll be fine.
Traffic is always pretty slow in downtown SA. That said, the convention center is right next to the expressway, so for people coming in from not downtown, it shouldn't be an issue. Unlike Pax East, the center is right in the mix of things as well (downtown SA is surprisingly compact) so shuttles might not really be needed.