After much debate
@juicesir and I have finalized the rules for the Secret Santa gift exchange.
@grgemonkey worked double time to get everything set up and running.
Who can sign up? Anyone who has made a PA Forum account BEFORE October 29th, 2014 and has made at least 10 substantive posts in the Pinny Arcade section of the forums. This is to make sure that everyone involved is part of the community and not just in it for a free gift. If you do not meet this guidelines and still wish to participate PM
@juicesir and myself, we will discuss it. If you don't make it remember there is always next year. You will be required to sign up for a Pinny Pals account as well in order to do the pairings.
The deadline to sign up is November 16th, pairings will go out on the 17th.
The suggested amount for your gift is $30.
1. Put your pal before everyone else. Make sure you send their gift as early as possible. The holiday time period wrecks havoc on shipping companies, don't wait until the last second.
2. All pairings will be random. We are trying to to avoid international pairings, but it may happen.
3. All gifts should be received by Jan 19th, 2015. This should give plenty of time for everyone to send and shipping companies to work their magic. If your present does not make it before this date you risk not being invited back next year and the mods coming after you. If something goes horribly wrong and your gift will be late PM
@juicesir and myself.
4. No NSFW or trolling gifts. Be excellent to each other.
5. Make sure to include your forum handle and Pinny on the outside of the package you send. This will allow people who are part of multiple exchanges to keep track and know who to thank.
7. Make sure to fill in the wish list section carefully. Please include your shirt size, any particular allergies/dislikes, your Steam handle/NNID/etc if applicable. If you wish (or do not wish) to receive pins please write it in this section.
8. Once you receive your gift you must open it immediately and post a picture of it in this thread and a thank you. Failure to post timely manor will mean you will not be invited back next year. This rule is so we can avoid hounding a giver who did everything properly. I have been on the wrong end of this before and it is not fun.
9. We realize that not everyone can afford an extravagant gift, but please do not be a Scrooge (pre-visit). Don't send someone a package of pin backs.
9. Please do not complain if you give more than you get.
10. Have fun!
11. Please don't blab about who you have. Remember this is a SECRET Santa.
12. Have fun!
Now how do you sign up? Simple. Just go to and register. Note, you may have to sign in to see the register button.
I know these rules may seem strict, but I really do not want anyone to sign up and not receive a present.
You may be wondering how will you know what to get your giftee, even with their wish list. Check out their Pinny Pals lanyard and see if you have any pins they are missing. If you don't have any or they don't want any than I recommend you spend some time stalking them (the good elf kind, not the creepy Unsolved Mysteries kind). Check out their Twitter or Facebook and see what they like. Maybe they mention a particular author. Maybe they love a particular sporting team. Perhaps they have an obsession with ketchup. Maybe you are an awesome crafty person and can make them something to hold their favorite game. Spend some time and think outside the box. My trademark Metroid hat came from the PAX Bobcats when my person found out how much I love Nintendo. I cherish that hat and wear it all the time during cold weather (or 111/2 months a year in New England.)
The rules have been updated for clarity and take care of some concerns that were raised.
Please use the other thread for all discussion of the Secret Santa and reserve this thread exclusively for pictures/thank yous. This will allow us to more easily keep track of who has received their gift.
Trade me pins! -
Looking for Pins: DLC
There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?
Aus14 Omeganaut - Nef
Now to find a bobcat. Anyone know any zoos with lax security?
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
Edit: Everyone please remember to include your forum name and the word "Pinny" on your package somewhere. Makes it easier on people who are part of multiple exchanges.
Should I have put this in the address field when registering? Or did you mean on the package I send?
Trade me pins! -
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
[♦ ] 4 Day Passes
[♦ ] Hotel
[ ] Plane Tickets
[♦]Working my ass off to pay for all this shit.
But I added a rule of requiring a PA Forum account before October 29th, 2014 to replace it.
So this way, everyone can register as they please and we'll simply handle cases that need more attention as need be
Everyone who signed up prior to this, please don't worry, all your registrations are safe and I've updated all your entries
Sorry for the confusion guys, first year bumps, we'll do it cleaner next year - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable. - iOS pin collection tracking app.
My Delicious Pins For Trade
Verbosity is my charm point.
"Damn fine pins!"
*may be
Pinny Pals Lanyard
@Drowning Rabbit
@Agent Cooper
@Geometric Cube
This is the final list. If your name is not on here please let us know ASAP. Pairings should go out within a day or two.
Verbosity is my charm point.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Nice! Welcome Dabe!
So, to who ever gets me, I'm sorry if it's all over the place. I was trying to convey an idea of who I am and the kind of things I like rather than a rigid list of things I want. If you read it and it freaks you out, talk to @00Fayt00 because he sort of gets my messy headspace and should be able to help you out
[X]PAXsouth 2015
[X]PAXaus 2015
[?]PAXeast 2016 ???
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
edit: Next year I'll let you view/edit your registration instead, just didn't have the time to whip that up this go around. - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable. - iOS pin collection tracking app.
My Delicious Pins For Trade
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Check 'em: My Pins!
Check 'em: My Pins!
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Lurkers are people too.
Sneaky, shifty, ninja people.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard