Just got my second order of five Blind Boxes. 2x Prime 2014 logo, Lookout Leader (first and only lookouts in ten boxes), Colonial Kemper, Iron Horde, Cat Guard, Draken, Baby Gabe, Flesh Reaper, Corrupted Garruk.
I only ordered two boxes, and I don't have a picture, but I got Baby Gabe and the limited ed. Valintine's pin in one, and 2014 Prime logo and the viking from behemoth
Can't believe I have I have to wait till Monday >< I'd better try and freeze myself like Cartman so I can just wake up two days later and have my blind boxes "now".
Just a hypothetical, would anyone be daring enough to trade a pin for a blind box? I... 'might' consider it if i were trading to boost up my trading pins, wouldnt risk it for my actual collection
Just a hypothetical, would anyone be daring enough to trade a pin for a blind box? I... 'might' consider it if i were trading to boost up my trading pins, wouldnt risk it for my actual collection
I would trade a pin as high as a coffee kemper for a blind box -- if I had some way to be reasonably sure it wasn't tampered with.
I got my two in, but I have to wait to open them. They are stocking stuffers for my son and I. Although if he gets some super rare pin and I get something I already have I may deeply regret this.
Just a question, but did anybody get ANY Tycho pins at all?...
Also I opened all 20 of my boxes. Data inc.
4 Lookouts (same one)
3 Prime 2014
3 Merch
2 Age of Empires
2 Fruit Fuckers
1 Catsby
1 Anubis
1 80s Gabe
1 Baby Gabe
1 Behemoth Star
1 Hatty Hattington
1 Behemoth Viking
1 Behemoth Polar bear
1 Chandra face
1 Anquisition's Inc
1 Second Son
1 Corrupted Garruk
1 Pinny Arcade 2012
1 Fleshreaper
1 AUS Gabe
1 Handheld Lounge Gabe
2 Santa Gabe
1 Hearthstone
1 2013 East Logo
1 Mummy Gabe
1 Draken
1 Valentine's day
Just a question, but did anybody get ANY Tycho pins at all?...
Also I opened all 20 of my boxes. Data inc.
4 Lookouts (same one)
3 Prime 2014
3 Merch
2 Age of Empires
2 Fruit Fuckers
1 Catsby
1 Anubis
1 80s Gabe
1 Baby Gabe
1 Behemoth Star
1 Hatty Hattington
1 Behemoth Viking
1 Behemoth Polar bear
1 Chandra face
1 Anquisition's Inc
1 Second Son
1 Corrupted Garruk
1 Pinny Arcade 2012
1 Fleshreaper
1 AUS Gabe
1 Handheld Lounge Gabe
2 Santa Gabe
1 Hearthstone
1 2013 East Logo
1 Mummy Gabe
1 Draken
1 Valentine's day
Nice haul!
And I saw a few Vampire Tychos get posted, that's pretty much all I remember though.
Last update for the weekend, added through Happendy's massive list. Can't wait for mine to show up (I only sort of regret ordering the Strip Search blu ray causing my order to take longer to ship). Thanks everyone so far for posting your info, it's been fun! https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-b8RNYau72zc1c3TDQ2d09GUFk/view?usp=sharing
Pins for trade!
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
@Hingo Glad to see I'm not the only OCD one who had to make a spreadsheet! ;-)
A few more random stats:
Of the 218 pins I've recorded so far:
132 (60.55%) have been 2013 pins, 86 (39.45%) have been 2014 pins.
7 (3.21%) have been Tycho pins, 33 (15.14%) Have been Gabe pins. So you have quintuple the chance of getting a Gabe pin!
4 (1.83%) pins have been from PAX Australia, 28 (12.84%) pins have been from PAX East, 116 (53.21) pins have been from PAX Prime.
5 (2.29%) Limited Edition pins have been found (This includes PAX 10th Anniversary pins, as they came on the LE backing card.)
The top five most common pins at this stage are:
1 = PAX Prime '14 logo (22 instances)
1= Lookouts (I lumped all lookouts into one category...) (22 instances)
3 Baby Gabe (15 instances)
4 Age of Empires (14 instances)
5 Merch (2013) (7 instances)
I'll be interested to see if the breakdown of pins from various PAXen changes in future DSB releases. This release is quite clearly heavy on PAX Prime pins, I wonder if this is by design or if there is just more pins traded being Penny Arcade's home event.
Colonel Kemper
80s Gabe
Acquisitions Inc Logo
Pumpkin Fruit Fudger
Iron Horde
Flesh Reaper (2012)
I had all but three of the pins so can't say it was a win but it was definitely fun hoping to get an anniversary pin; jealous of the people that got the aus pins though!
PAX Prime attendee since 2008.
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!
I always have this problem when I order PA stuff..it just dicks around with the USPS in Washington for a week, then finally decides to get to Texas...
To be fair though, even though it jumped through a ton of hoops it was less than 24 hours from the time USPS picked to the time it was put on a truck bound for Dallas. No idea why the truck took 4 days to go from Seattle to Dallas though -- but I'm pretty sure PA only ships things parcel post which will always take a back seat to priority mail and first class packages.
I ordered some pins from PA that were shipped on the 25th of November. It took them 5 days to get to Sydney, at which point they seemingly sat around for 10 days before departing there, and it's been another 5 days since then. If they don't turn up tomorrow I'm calling someone I swear I'll do it.
@Qumaden lol that sucks dude, but hilarious at the same time. Look how worried Lookouts 04 is that you're going to cause him harm for not being an AUS pin. Don't worry. Once the Strip Search blu-ray orders ship, I'll get my pins and we can commiserate.
Pins for trade!
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
My boxes: Merch (2013) x2, AI Logo, Iron Guard Stance, Lookouts Leader, Coffee Kemper, Age of Empires (Prime), and CTS (2013)
Edit: Fixed - I mixed up one pin there originally.
- Levin hobby, AoE knight
- Project Spark, Lookouts
- Talent Pipes, Baby Gabe
- Infamous, Prime14 Logo (x2)
Pleased with the haul for the most part although it was odd that the final two boxes were identical.
3DS FC: 4382-1976-1645
Pin Pals Digital Lanyard
http://pinmash.info - Two pins enter, one pins leaves... then the other pin leaves with a lower Elo rating
- Rayman & Age of Empires
- Lookouts 04 & Sunset Overdrive
Pinny Pals Lanyard
I would trade a pin as high as a coffee kemper for a blind box -- if I had some way to be reasonably sure it wasn't tampered with.
http://pinmash.info - Two pins enter, one pins leaves... then the other pin leaves with a lower Elo rating
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
Also I opened all 20 of my boxes. Data inc.
4 Lookouts (same one)
3 Prime 2014
3 Merch
2 Age of Empires
2 Fruit Fuckers
1 Catsby
1 Anubis
1 80s Gabe
1 Baby Gabe
1 Behemoth Star
1 Hatty Hattington
1 Behemoth Viking
1 Behemoth Polar bear
1 Chandra face
1 Anquisition's Inc
1 Second Son
1 Corrupted Garruk
1 Pinny Arcade 2012
1 Fleshreaper
1 AUS Gabe
1 Handheld Lounge Gabe
2 Santa Gabe
1 Hearthstone
1 2013 East Logo
1 Mummy Gabe
1 Draken
1 Valentine's day
Nice haul!
And I saw a few Vampire Tychos get posted, that's pretty much all I remember though.
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
Yep I pulled a 2012 Zombie Tycho
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
I shall apologise in advance
"Damn fine pins!"
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
A few more random stats:
Of the 218 pins I've recorded so far:
132 (60.55%) have been 2013 pins, 86 (39.45%) have been 2014 pins.
7 (3.21%) have been Tycho pins, 33 (15.14%) Have been Gabe pins. So you have quintuple the chance of getting a Gabe pin!
4 (1.83%) pins have been from PAX Australia, 28 (12.84%) pins have been from PAX East, 116 (53.21) pins have been from PAX Prime.
5 (2.29%) Limited Edition pins have been found (This includes PAX 10th Anniversary pins, as they came on the LE backing card.)
The top five most common pins at this stage are:
1 = PAX Prime '14 logo (22 instances)
1= Lookouts (I lumped all lookouts into one category...) (22 instances)
3 Baby Gabe (15 instances)
4 Age of Empires (14 instances)
5 Merch (2013) (7 instances)
I'll be interested to see if the breakdown of pins from various PAXen changes in future DSB releases. This release is quite clearly heavy on PAX Prime pins, I wonder if this is by design or if there is just more pins traded being Penny Arcade's home event.
Only a mere 136 pins to go!
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
Perhaps not many Tycho's were traded back. Or maybe the sample of reported data is just not big enough.
Always looking to trade.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Colonel Kemper
80s Gabe
Acquisitions Inc Logo
Pumpkin Fruit Fudger
Iron Horde
Flesh Reaper (2012)
I had all but three of the pins so can't say it was a win but it was definitely fun hoping to get an anniversary pin; jealous of the people that got the aus pins though!
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
To be fair though, even though it jumped through a ton of hoops it was less than 24 hours from the time USPS picked to the time it was put on a truck bound for Dallas. No idea why the truck took 4 days to go from Seattle to Dallas though -- but I'm pretty sure PA only ships things parcel post which will always take a back seat to priority mail and first class packages.
http://pinmash.info - Two pins enter, one pins leaves... then the other pin leaves with a lower Elo rating
Box 2: Bloody Bear, Lookouts 01
Kemp box for the (clear) win. I had all of these already but since I bought the boxes with the intention of fortifying my spares pile, I'm happy
Looking for Pins: DLC
There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?
I ordered some pins from PA that were shipped on the 25th of November. It took them 5 days to get to Sydney, at which point they seemingly sat around for 10 days before departing there, and it's been another 5 days since then. If they don't turn up tomorrow I'm calling someone I swear I'll do it.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Qumaden, yours are just reluctant to go to Texas.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
I'm sorry that was mean of me.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Nah, I always have to. And none of them ever like it when you joke about "what strange Customs you have here".
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
If you meant me, I have no clue how to film it...I don't have any way of setting my camera up at a good angle to capture the magic
"Damn fine pins!"
2x PAX Prime Logo
Project Spark
Behemoth - Cardinal
Behemoth - Star
Behemoth - Viking
Baby Gabe
With the AUS2013 pins and shield pins going around, I was secretly hoping that a DLC found its way into one of my blind boxes.
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
Pinny Pals Lanyard