"How many fish would you expect to command with that?"
"Well I... I should hope all fish."
"Here's a description of how often you can command an amount of fish I am not specifying."
wow great point. I forgot to mention that each charge is only good for one fish! Sometimes stuff gets lost in the writing process.
ceresWhen the last moon is cast over the last star of morningAnd the future has past without even a last desperate warningRegistered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
"How many fish would you expect to command with that?"
"Well I... I should hope all fish."
"Here's a description of how often you can command an amount of fish I am not specifying."
"Here is the answer to a different question from the one we are talking about."
And it seems like all is dying, and would leave the world to mourn
So its power depends entirely on the actual dangerousness of fish in general. If your world is populated by Fiendish-acidbreathing sharks or Krakens or something...
"The western world sips from a poisonous cocktail: Polarisation, populism, protectionism and post-truth"
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
Me too. I played a Warden whose whole schtick was pushing/pulling/moving enemies around the battlefield. Memories are a little fuzzy at this point, but I think my At-Will attack was able to push creatures several sizes larger than me 6+ squares. My encounter powers were pushing them closer to 15 squares.
I actually don't think the spell it casts, Dominate Animals, can even affect a Kraken at all.
I don't have the 5e books, but at least in 3e and 4e I'm pretty sure that's the case. Animal is specific catagory/class of monsters, and are defined as not intelligent. Notably, the Kraken is intelligent(3e for sure[21 Int, smarter than a person] and in 4e IIRC) which excludes it from being a true animal.
Best you get is a large squid or shark, which are fairly low level, and I'm going to guess by the time you'd get the trident in game, they're probably not impressive.
While the kraken is not a beast and thus not commandable by the trident, there are still some great options. The killer whale, while not technically a fish, is one. Giant shark is another favorite. And last, but not least, the dread giant seahorse.
"Well I... I should hope all fish."
"Here's a description of how often you can command an amount of fish I am not specifying."
"Here is the answer to a different question from the one we are talking about."
Wow, really? Just one fish? Yeah, that is hilariously limited.
The other mistake was assuming that "fish" was plural in this case.
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
Being able to control a goldfish might have humorous application. Being able to control a shark might have some combat application.
But being able to control the Leviathan of the Deeps... that has world changing application.
I miss 4E. That is, well-designed 4E.
Me too. I played a Warden whose whole schtick was pushing/pulling/moving enemies around the battlefield. Memories are a little fuzzy at this point, but I think my At-Will attack was able to push creatures several sizes larger than me 6+ squares. My encounter powers were pushing them closer to 15 squares.
When it's a pissed-off merman trying to sink your party's ship, you'll be glad he can only RELEASE THE KRAKEN three times a day.
*yells off-screen*
"Hey Zoidberg! Get in here!"
-Tycho Brahe
I don't have the 5e books, but at least in 3e and 4e I'm pretty sure that's the case. Animal is specific catagory/class of monsters, and are defined as not intelligent. Notably, the Kraken is intelligent(3e for sure[21 Int, smarter than a person] and in 4e IIRC) which excludes it from being a true animal.
Best you get is a large squid or shark, which are fairly low level, and I'm going to guess by the time you'd get the trident in game, they're probably not impressive.
"Screw you!"
That opens up the possibilities to Cephalopoda, Cetacea and pinnipeds.
His doctor may be concerned, however.
I don't know, the last guy who controlled fish they stoned to death.
to be fair, that happens to Aquaman like every other day.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Superman can be a real dick.