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Pin Print Runs



  • burned.forkburned.fork Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    PedroAsani wrote: »
    PedroAsani wrote: »
    gacbmmml wrote: »
    PedroAsani wrote: »
    Also, Undead Labs did 2000 of each Pin, including the upcoming Prime.
    So burned.fork is wrong?

    According to the booth owner I talked to on the plane last night, yes.

    Was his name Jeff? If so, I would trust it over the dev I spoke with (since he owns the studio).

    The guy with the beard and his wife was the blonde lady running things. They used to run Arenanet.

    Yep, that's him.

  • Capt WasabiCapt Wasabi AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Clicker added at 1000
    (As per the ND website)

  • DefaultGenDefaultGen Registered User regular
    edited March 2015
    Was gold overwatch confirmed by anyone? I had assumed 1000 because it's "rare" but I just heard 3000 from digitalghost (not sure on accuracy or source). Having that many of them out there would make me much happier with my long term prospects of getting one.

    DefaultGen on
  • burned.forkburned.fork Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    DefaultGen wrote: »
    Was gold overwatch confirmed by anyone? I had assumed 1000 because it's "rare" but I just heard 3000 from digitalghost (not sure on accuracy or source). Having that many of them out there would make me much happier with my long term prospects of getting one.

    I've heard several people say 1000, but not sure what their source(s) were. A rough estimate of booth throughput for gold Overwatch suggests somewhere around 750 would have been distributed over the weekend, so 1000 would make more sense in that context, particularly since Blizzard devs confirmed that the game would not be at Prime.

    For anyone wondering about the booth throughput math: There were four stations, and one gold pin per round was given out. You played two rounds, which took about fifteen minutes. The hall was open for eight hours per day to the general public. So that's eight pins given out every fifteen minutes, and thus 32 per hour, and 256 per day. Thus, for the weekend, it's about 750. Margin of error is whatever the variance is between actual round length. This also ignores the 9-10am hour for medical badge holders, VIPs, etc, which pushes the number closer to 860.

  • DahamburglerDahamburgler Registered User regular
    Clarifying question: So if twitch is speculated for another 1500, does that mean we should expect it to show again at Prime?

  • digitalghost445digitalghost445 North CarolinaRegistered User regular
    PA Staff confirmed that Twitch was "really enthusiastic" about getting into pins. With Brian confirming that another 1500 were in existence, I would feel confident in saying that they will appear at Prime.

  • digitalghost445digitalghost445 North CarolinaRegistered User regular
    @DefaultGen The 3000 number was purely speculation. I have no inside information or anyway to confirm that number. If Blizz says it will not be at Prime, then 1000 sounds correct.

  • DefaultGenDefaultGen Registered User regular
    edited April 2023

    DefaultGen on
  • Capt WasabiCapt Wasabi AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Just updated the list to add
    DSB LE at 500.

    Anyone know any other new numbers?
    We have not had a update in ages.

  • darkinferodarkinfero BOP-IT Malden, MARegistered User regular
    so that means kappa is 1500

    My Pin collection
    Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
  • Capt WasabiCapt Wasabi AustraliaRegistered User regular

  • darkinferodarkinfero BOP-IT Malden, MARegistered User regular
    twitch pin

    My Pin collection
    Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular

    Confirmed in the description for the Twitch panel.

    Also, idk if it's confirmed 1500, but it's something to go by I guess.

  • Capt WasabiCapt Wasabi AustraliaRegistered User regular
    So 1500 for East and a 2nd 1500 for Prime right?

  • LazorzLazorz Tokyo, JPRegistered User regular
    edited August 2015

    Confirmed in the description for the Twitch panel.

    Also, idk if it's confirmed 1500, but it's something to go by I guess.
    I'm not sure where the 1500 number is coming from, but going by the panel description I can't imagine they'll be giving them all out to the panel-goers.

    Honestly, seeing how Twitch acted with the Glitch pin at East this year, they'll probably use the pin to manipulate collectors into coming to every single twitch event at PAX again. I'm still mad about how they handled themselves with that pin (their exhibitors hoarding them, refusing to give them to attendees/asking for outrageous trades due to its artificial rarity, etc). Going off East, I'm predicting they'll be giving out X at the panel, X at their booth for the first Y people in line every day, etc. $10 says they'll save half the batch for the employees to do what they want with them.

    Lazorz on
  • darkinferodarkinfero BOP-IT Malden, MARegistered User regular
    Lazorz wrote: »

    Confirmed in the description for the Twitch panel.

    Also, idk if it's confirmed 1500, but it's something to go by I guess.
    I'm not sure where the 1500 number is coming from, but going by the panel description I can't imagine they'll be giving them all out to the panel-goers.

    Honestly, seeing how Twitch acted with the Glitch pin at East this year, they'll probably use the pin to manipulate collectors into coming to every single twitch event at PAX again. I'm still mad about how they handled themselves with that pin (their exhibitors hoarding them, refusing to give them to attendees/asking for outrageous trades due to its artificial rarity, etc). Going off East, I'm predicting they'll be giving out X at the panel, X at their booth for the first Y people in line every day, etc. $10 says they'll save half the batch for the employees to do what they want with them.
    @DefaultGen is correct. Brian confirmed that Twitch had ordered 3000 pins for East but only purchased 1500 and didn't get the go ahead on funding to get the other half until a few days before East. DO NOT BUY INTO TWITCH HYPE! Obviously I cannot confirm 100% but the pin will most likely be at Prime.

    My Pin collection
    Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
  • Capt WasabiCapt Wasabi AustraliaRegistered User regular
    List updated. Thanks People

  • dmosineedmosinee Davenport, IARegistered User regular
    Wait, so what is the meaning of that second quote @darkinfero ? At the time, I know people were speculating that there would be another 1500 twitch glitch pins at prime -- but the releases this week make it sound like that's not the case, that they are getting 1500 of the new kappa pin.

    Is there any actual official info about this yet?

    Digital Lanyard, I love trades - - Two pins enter, one pins leaves... then the other pin leaves with a lower Elo rating
  • darkinferodarkinfero BOP-IT Malden, MARegistered User regular
    We really won't know for sure.
    But I can tell you they will pull the same thing at prime.

    My Pin collection
    Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
  • NopeNope Frankfort, KYRegistered User regular
    darkinfero wrote: »
    We really won't know for sure.
    But I can tell you they will pull the same thing at prime.

    Man that's even worse then how the Ugin's got distributed at PAX South

  • Capt WasabiCapt Wasabi AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I think Twitch will also be at Aus.
    Not looking forward to their attitude.

  • darkinferodarkinfero BOP-IT Malden, MARegistered User regular
    Yes as I said in the podcast. Staff had personal twitch pins. Tell would only trade for super rare pins and trying to tell people it was on eBay for a high cost.

    My Pin collection
    Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
  • DegraineDegraine Pinsomniac Victoria, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Well, that's exceptionally shitty.

  • SerpicoBCSerpicoBC Registered User regular
    The Twitch folks were outlandishly, almost unbelievably, rude.

  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    SerpicoBC wrote: »
    The Twitch folks were outlandishly, almost unbelievably, rude.

    It's as though the staff and community are one in the same!

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular

  • PedroAsaniPedroAsani Brotherhood of the Squirrel [Prime]Registered User regular
    SerpicoBC wrote: »
    The Twitch folks were outlandishly, almost unbelievably, rude.

    I'm hoping that the booth staff will be different, given that most companies use different people. Cheaper to use locals than fly out twenty or thirty people for the weekend.

  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    DSB MERCH - 500

    My PinnyPals Digital Lanyard: Now Up to date!

  • Capt WasabiCapt Wasabi AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I have seen some talk in the chats of print run numbers

    I have:

    Minecraft - 5000

    Bethesda at 1000 ( I assume this is each)
    But I have also heard they had 1000 for PAX, and 9000 for online sales = 10,000 total
    Again I don't know if this is per pin or total.

    Atoi 2015 stamp (reprint) - 1000

    Can anyone confirm the above?
    What else have you fine PAX Prime attendees been able to find out?
    Has any one asked about Kris about Star Slip? He normally tells us.

    The brain squirrels demand answers!!!


  • burned.forkburned.fork Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Bethesda at 1000 ( I assume this is each)
    But I have also heard they had 1000 for PAX, and 9000 for online sales = 10,000 total
    Again I don't know if this is per pin or total.

    I've asked three different people from Bethesda now, and they all say the total run for each pin was 1000. The fact that they only had 150 for sale Monday morning would seem to support that.

  • burned.forkburned.fork Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Commander Bragh (Star Wars) - 3000

  • Capt WasabiCapt Wasabi AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Thanks, Post updated

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    You should edit those into the OP, I didn't even realise you had them 2 posts down.

    Has @Ayefkay added this to his thread yet?

  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular

    My PinnyPals Digital Lanyard: Now Up to date!

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Oh god no! Gross dude!

  • Capt WasabiCapt Wasabi AustraliaRegistered User regular
    You should edit those into the OP, I didn't even realise you had them 2 posts down.


  • Capt WasabiCapt Wasabi AustraliaRegistered User regular
    3 more added

    Chloe | 1000
    Daxter | 1000
    Prim Poly | 1500

  • LazorzLazorz Tokyo, JPRegistered User regular
    edited September 2015
    Runic Sprite was 1000, and they're shipping some out in the future to people who completed the scavenger hunt Monday afternoon (after all the pins were gone).

    Lazorz on
  • Capt WasabiCapt Wasabi AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Updated. Thanks

  • Sammy.SamSammy.Sam Registered User regular
    edited September 2015
    World of Warships - we can infer 4k pins, per the pin quest write up:

    I'd believe they had allotment for 1k pins/day, that booth had significant swag funding, they never ran out, and encouraged you to come back and play "as many times as possible". They gave you a pin and a t-shirt each time for a 30-45 minute line.

    Sammy.Sam on
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