first day back to work and I miss everyone and everything. UGGHHGGHGHG
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
Yeah, post pax depression is par for the course for me at least. However it is somewhat offset this time due to the fact that five weeks to the day from me getting back, I leave for Boston.
Yeah, post pax depression is par for the course for me at least. However it is somewhat offset this time due to the fact that five weeks to the day from me getting back, I leave for Boston.
I wish I could be in your shoes. I know I have to force myself to keep my excitement low when I know I have less then 2months until I am going to be at PAX or else I would just turn into a crazy guy in public running around screaming "PAX is in XXdays, yes, I'm goin to pax in XXdays PAX PAX PAX" or in a perfect crazy world I would have some sort a dance/musical number set up but that is why I have to make sure not to think of PAX in public when I am that close to it.I would love to know how it feels to have both pre-PAX excitement and post-pax blues at the same time, unless they don't combine and you're just switching between sad panda and (insert excited meme here)
Yeah, post pax depression is par for the course for me at least. However it is somewhat offset this time due to the fact that five weeks to the day from me getting back, I leave for Boston.
I wish I could be in your shoes. I know I have to force myself to keep my excitement low when I know I have less then 2months until I am going to be at PAX or else I would just turn into a crazy guy in public running around screaming "PAX is in XXdays, yes, I'm goin to pax in XXdays PAX PAX PAX" or in a perfect crazy world I would have some sort a dance/musical number set up but that is why I have to make sure not to think of PAX in public when I am that close to it.I would love to know how it feels to have both pre-PAX excitement and post-pax blues at the same time, unless they don't combine and you're just switching between sad panda and (insert excited meme here)
I make zero effort to suppress my excitement. I just blabber about it constantly for a month. On the plus side, I've recruited about ten people in this manner who are now going up to east.
I actually feel fantastic. I'm so very excited to duplicate this experience as many times as possible. I feel like three days is the perfect length; another day and I would probably have keeled over from exhaustion.
Unfortunately I can not financially afford to go to East or Prime this year. I make too little and pay too much in student loans. However, I have a promotion interview tomorrow actually that may significantly increase my ability to go to other PAXs. I had an incredible time though and am looking forward to next year.
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
I started feeling it today as I was alone in San Antonio. It's both a general feeling of missing PAX, and a more specific feeling of knowing I won't be able to hang out with some very special people for maybe another year. Sad, sad, sad.
It is, of course, a reflection of how much fun we all had
Hahaha. I kept asking him, "What should I lose this year?"
ceresWhen the last moon is cast over the last star of morningAnd the future has past without even a last desperate warningRegistered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
East will be my first time in Boston since I was a kid. I have a feeling this kind of time frame won't be duplicated in the future, but for now I'm really really glad that the wait for East is relatively short.
And it seems like all is dying, and would leave the world to mourn
PedroAsaniBrotherhood of the Squirrel[Prime]Registered Userregular
East will be my first time in Boston since I was a kid. I have a feeling this kind of time frame won't be duplicated in the future, but for now I'm really really glad that the wait for East is relatively short.
Khoo said in the Club PA that it should be back to April for East next year. It moves every few years because of bigger things we can't avoid. Same with Prime, normally it's on Labor day weekend but not this year because Reasons.
I got home and less than 24 hours of being home, I had to work. -_-. Wish I could make it to another PAX, but it seems I'm stuck with south from now on :P
I also created a collage with my badges, 2 pics I took, and the medal I won in BYOC haha, hopefully I didn't go too far xD
San Antonio resident. I have several co-workers that went. We have been re-living every glorious moment.
Sassy BatmanSorcerer of SassSan Antonio, TexasRegistered Usernew member
edited January 2015
Another San Antonio resident here, I've long waited for the day that a convention as amazing as PAX would arrive in our city, and I couldn't believe that it finally did! I've been looking at my Penny-Arcade poster and Friday badge every day and smiling, thinking of the happy memories. I'm really glad that I was able to attend the panel with Mike and Jerry and the one with the Rooster Teeth crew. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time! I wish I had been able to go for the full three days, but work needed me too much. I'm just happy I was able to go at all!
I design games under the name New Experience Workshop.
Website. Facebook. Twitter.
I wish I could be in your shoes. I know I have to force myself to keep my excitement low when I know I have less then 2months until I am going to be at PAX or else I would just turn into a crazy guy in public running around screaming "PAX is in XXdays, yes, I'm goin to pax in XXdays PAX PAX PAX" or in a perfect crazy world I would have some sort a dance/musical number set up but that is why I have to make sure not to think of PAX in public when I am that close to it.I would love to know how it feels to have both pre-PAX excitement and post-pax blues at the same time, unless they don't combine and you're just switching between sad panda and (insert excited meme here)
I make zero effort to suppress my excitement. I just blabber about it constantly for a month. On the plus side, I've recruited about ten people in this manner who are now going up to east.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Regardless, I hope y'all enjoyed yourselves while in SA.
It is, of course, a reflection of how much fun we all had
Hahaha. I kept asking him, "What should I lose this year?"
Khoo said in the Club PA that it should be back to April for East next year. It moves every few years because of bigger things we can't avoid. Same with Prime, normally it's on Labor day weekend but not this year because Reasons.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
That isn't fair not everyone can be as thin as a pole
That's what I kept telling him. He finally told me to move along so I crossed the street and held back the tears. Robots are cruel.
This might be the single greatest thing on these forums.
Prime: '13
South: '15
I also created a collage with my badges, 2 pics I took, and the medal I won in BYOC haha, hopefully I didn't go too far xD
Me too, buddy.