Hey all,
I'll take a turn at this madness, and be a proxy for PAX East much in the same way
@Happendy did for South. I also get very reasonable shipping to Australia through work, so it should help in that regard too.
Here are the details!
- If you have a Pin Group with an East representative, please do not use me to get more pins. This is designed to help those without groups.
- Offer is only for purchase pins, which are non-Limited Edition (No free time-sink pins or Poylgon pins)
- Shipping for the US will be a flat rate of $7, as I will be using USPS Small Flat Rate boxes
- Shipping to AUS/Canada* will be a flat rate of $12, same sized box - 3 day international shipping!
- Full payment must be received via Google Wallet prior to Wednesday, March 4th (address will be provided in PM when you send your order)
If you wish to place an order, please Cut/Paste this into a PM with quantities filled out (limit 2 per):
___ PAX East 2015 Set ($30)
___ Behemoth Set of 5 ($50)
___ Team Fortress 2 Set ($32 - includes sales tax))
___ Bastion ($15)
___ Transistor ($15)
___ Katie Rice/Purdy ($15)
___ Harmonix/GH4? ($15)
___ Chariot Pin ($10)
Here is a photo of the USPS Small flat Rate box. I was able to comfortably fit 2 show sets and 16 individual pins in the box, so that will likely be the max limit per person. I might be able to squeeze another 2-4 pins in there without damaging the card backs. I can fit a lot more in if you don't care about the card backs being included. Options and preferences will be listed order form when it's available.
Using these boxes not only makes pricing out shipping a piece of cake, but also allows me to prep the boxes prior to the show, and mailing them out on Monday directly from Boston!*
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me!
* Pending any possible Snow Storms, AUS/Canada shipments will need to wait until Tuesday March 10th to go out at that low rate.
Carry on
I strongly suggest that you put some kind of reasonable limit on how many people you're going to take care of, and let others step up to take care of the rest.
Not trying to tamp down pin movement in the community, I just don't want you to burn out big time on this and have it damage your PAX experience.
http://pinmash.info - Two pins enter, one pins leaves... then the other pin leaves with a lower Elo rating
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!
You are very brave sir - just look at how Happendy was driven into insanity.
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!
I suggest getting a hand or three to help out. The main issue that I had was that traveling between booths to order pins takes a bit longer than I would have expected. Split up the footwork and split up the credit cards.
Let me reiterate. SPLIT UP THE CREDIT CARDS. I was lucky to be able to borrow 7k on a whim due to my credit scores, but still hot damn east will be huger..
Charge people 10%. Let people know that if there are taxes, it goes to that. If not, you will be spending it on alcohol. You will still be a good person and nobody will dislike you for it.
Stop by the Merch booth at night shift when they don't care about how many pins you order as long as your credit card works...
I'd definitely be interested in just a core East set, but I also think you should rethink your plan so as to not make yourself crazy.
This is actually a really good point. I had my expo hall hours cut by more than half.
Not yet. I'm guessing they will be shown about 2 weeks before the show.
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
I also get a massive shipping discount through my employer, so I can ship domestically or internationally for dirt cheap (I was able to express mail a set to an Aus pin pal for $15, to give you a ballpark). If anyone else local to Seattle is going to proxy for folks, I can bring you on site to mail stuff out at our corp rate, or we can meet up and I can ship it for you.
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
Look forward to it! And I'm sure more than a few of us down under will return the favour
"Damn fine pins!"
How does that seem to everyone?
Also, try and avoid Paypal. All the money rushing in apparently made Happendy's account lock up because it looked like he had run a scam on a load of people.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
I would suggest waiting until the list is out along with details of how to get them. If people request the Purchase Pins and send money that is an easy get, but Timesink Pins take a toll on body and spirit. If everyone requests a Moonrise Pin (suspected Timesink given how Prime and South were) it could end up with people doing nothing but farming the booth the whole weekend. Not fun for the Proxy people. Even if four of us try to spread the load 60 requests could mean 5 hours queuing at the same booth. (20 minute queue * 60 requests / 4 people.)
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
I believe Happendy had the problem BECAUSE of paypal if I'm not mistaken.
what else can be used that is both available in the US & Australia
Google Wallet is just overall better. You have a card that all the money goes to, it's much easier to look at the list and see who paid and what their information is, and if you need to transfer money to a bank the process will take 2 days rather than Paypal's 5-8 days. Besides for being unavailable outside of the States, it's pretty fucking awesome.
I was able to deal with my bank/cc company/paypal issues. It took me a little less than two hours over a course of two days.