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Pokécrawl Episode 6: Pokémon Forever!

RandomfoolRandomfool loofmodnarRochester, NYRegistered User regular
edited February 2015 in PAX East
Welcome to the official thread for Pokécrawl Episode 6: Pokémon Forever!
This event is strictly 21+.

You awaken to one hell of a hangover from your Unova journey and the feeling you might have forgotten a large portion of it. A quick look around reveals you've some how made it to the Kalos region. You fish around in your pockets for your badges you find... some? maybe? Not really my call...maybe you should have drank less. Either way, there's only one way to cure your problems and that's another pokemon adventure!

What This Is
Welcome to PAX East version of the Pre-PAX bar crawl. You may remember us from the other PrePAX bar crawl, The Triwizard Drinking Tournament. Or if this is your first PAX, maybe not. In any case, the Pokecrawl is a barcrawl/scavenger hunt that's Pokemon themed. The goal is to get as drunk as possible while participating in drinking games designed to get you there. Oh yeah, it's also a great way to meet fellow PAXers and make friends before the convention itself. As always, attendees will be encouraged to come dressed as characters from the Pokemon universe (1st & 2nd generations).

This event will be held in Faneuil Hall bars and the closely surrounding areas. All bars will be walking distance to each other. We come as a group, and leave as a group, so don’t try to get left behind!

What This Isn't
This still isn't a kegger at the Theta Phi Delta. It's also not Wizard, Twilight, or even TwiWizard themed. We wouldn't want to get punched in the face, now would we? After all, this is Boston.

What's New For Episode 6
New team colors!: Black and White are gone! Now we have X and Y (respectively)!

2015 Team Facebook pages!: Find your team’s color, and request to join!

How To Participate
Register here! OUT but you can still check for cancelled tickets.

Please, please don't come to the published bar list if you are not registered. We'd love to have you tag along, but we pretty much max out the bars as-is. You will need to bring a printout of your registration confirmation or have it available on your smart device when you check in. We will be asking each participant for a donation of at least $1 for Child's Play. This donation will cover your scorecard and any buttons you win. The team that raises the most gets bragging rights after we present the collected donations to Gabe & Tycho.
Dressing up is half the fun - Wear your favorite pokemon of your group's type, or just wear your team's colors!

You can register starting on Feb 16, 2015 at 12:00 Noon eastern time on the Eventbrite page at When registration opens, it will not have a wait-list due to the functionality of Eventbrite. Any cancellations or spots that open up will immediately go back into the pool.

How Do I Win?
There's really no winning, per se. This is pretty much a fun, drunken night out with fellow nerds. But for those of you who do manage to finish your scorecards, there will be a button confirming the fact that you have indeed ""drank 'em all"". We're also raising money for Child's Play, so try and raise the most for your team. Still not enough? That leads us to...

Bonus Challenges:
For those of you who think the standard drinking challenges aren't hardcore enough, there will be three additional challenges available. These challenges are separate from the main challenges and if you complete all 3 challenges as well as the main challenges you will receive a limited edition badge (while supplies last).

Tips & Tricks
Don't Be a Dick: First and foremost, don't do anything that's going to embarrass yourself or anyone else. Especially since alcohol is going to be involved you're going to want to leave your asshole pants at home. Don't get punched in the face. This is Boston, after all.

Know Your Limit: The only person who knows your alcohol tolerance is you. There's nothing worse than an overindulged drunk so don't be that guy. If someone notices that you're getting sloppy you're already past the point of no return. You should probably stop drinking when someone points out to you that you're peeing on a bar stool.

Leave No Pokemon Behind: We arrive as a group and leave as a group. If someone has to be That Guy/Gal who gets so wasted that they think they're actually Brock, it's the responsibility of the crawl as a whole to ensure this person makes it safely back to their hotel. Use the buddy system, handcuff yourselves to each other, whatever. No one is to vomit in a bus terminal by themselves. Not this night, at least.

Respect the Professor and their Assistants: Anyone designated as a Prof/Asst for the crawl isn't there just to hand out signatures; they're there to make sure everyone's having a good time and that everything runs smoothly. They're there to keep everyone moving and to stop people from jumping up on the bar and dropping trou. If one asks you to stop picking bar fights with Tom Cruise, it might be a good idea to do so.

HAVE FUN: This is the most important guideline of all: Have fun! We're all on vacation and we're drinking with fellow nerds so let's enjoy it. Keeping ourselves fairly reasonable for the evening will make it a good time for everyone.

Guidelines For Trainer Duels
When approaching a bar that has a designated trainer duel as its challenge, pair up with your opponent outside if you can. That way we can avoid as much confusion inside the bar itself as we can. Order your drinks together. You pay for your opponent's drink. If you want to buy your opponent a $50 shot that's up to you but that's your financial burden. In addition to the rules of that particular challenge, keep the drink you order at 2 shots or less. Also there can only be alcohol and soda/juice/etc in the drink. Your usual mixers. I don't want to hear about anyone ordering each other Cowboy Killers, Cement Mixer, Bloody Tampons, or whatever other crap you sickos think up.

Team Pokemon
RED - Fennekin, enjoys eating twigs and shooting hot air out of it's ears which sounds kind of painful. You're governed by the element of Fire. Weak vs Water.
GREEN - Chespin, described as the spiny nut pokemon you're very popular around Christmas time. You're governed by the element of Grass. Weak vs Fire.
YELLOW - Helioptile. You are basically a lizard solar panel, so that's bound to be useful. You're governed by the Electric element. Weak vs Ground.
BLUE - Froakie, secretes bubbles from its chest and back which is super helpful if you want a bubble bath. You're governed by the element of Water. Weak vs Grass.

Who....are you?
Don't panic! This is still the same Pokecrawl you know and love. We've all been involved in helping with this event in the past, either as professors, Nurse Joy, or putting together routes and bars. We're all dedicated to making this work as smoothly as possible, and you'll find not much has changed. This event wouldn't be happening without the fantastic framework that Atlus has worked very hard to create, and we're hoping to maintain his vision for the event.

Other stuff
Duels, challenges, maps, and routes are coming soon. Keep an eye on the forums for more information.

We're always accepting volunteer spots as assistants or Nurse Joys - it requires signing off that trainers completed their duels and challenges, herding trainers from one bar to the next, and making sure we don't lose any trainers. It's a fun job, but you probably won't be able to do all the challenges as they’re written unless you're Redbeard levels of high-tolerance. This is a great option for those that don’t feel like waking up hungover on Friday, but still like the energy and social spirit of the crawl. We prefer our volunteers mostly sober. Sober-ish. More sober than the trainers. Preferably. Please contact the professors or organizer directly if you're interested.

- You must have a print out of your confirmation email or have it available on your smart phone.
- You MUST provide your full name during the registration process, forum handle is optional
- You MUST be over the age of 21. No minors allowed. This is a bar crawl, please don't bring your children.
- Attendees are limited to registering for 2 tickets (Yourself +1)
- If you harass people on the forums or the team Facebook pages, you will be removed from the crawl, and your ticket will go back into the pool.
- Duplicate/multiple orders, orders containing more than 1 ticket type, and otherwise suspicious orders will be cancelled. If you have an issue with registration please contact me immediately.

I do Pokecrawl things. Professor Team Instinct, Hufflepuff supporter.@loofmodnar

Randomfool on


  • RandomfoolRandomfool loofmodnar Rochester, NYRegistered User regular
    edited March 2015
    Leadership and Volunteers
    In case you're looking to join a team based on who is volunteering for it, here's a semi-comprehensive list. It's liable to have some changes, and we're still looking for extra volunteers for a couple teams. Please message me if you're interested.

    Professor - Rappak
    Assist - Unfettered
    Assist - Kogepan

    Bar 1 7:15 Sissy K's
    Bar 2 8:30 Black Rose vs Green Y
    Bar 3 9:30 Clarke’s vs Yellow Y
    Bar 4 10:30 Wild Rover vs Blue Y
    Bar 5 11:30 Hennessy’s

    Professor - TorpedoStitches
    Assist - Arsonisfun
    Assist - ohnoitsjanna

    Bar 1 7:15 Sissy K's
    Bar 2 8:30 Wild Rover vs Blue X
    Bar 3 9:30 Black Rose vs Yellow X
    Bar 4 10:30 Hong Kong vs Green X
    Bar 5 11:30 Hennessy’s


    Professor -
    Assist - BrewKnell
    Assist - Cassie

    Bar 1 7:15 Wild Rover
    Bar 2 8:30 Hennessy’s vs Blue Y
    Bar 3 9:30 Black Rose vs Red Y
    Bar 4 10:30 Sissy K's vs Green Y
    Bar 5 11:30 Hong Kong

    Professor - Randomfool
    Assist - Trixi_Hobbitses
    Assist - SnephanieCA
    Assist - helloloveandkisses

    Bar 1 7:15 Wild Rover
    Bar 2 8:30 Hong Kong vs Green X
    Bar 3 9:30 Clarke’s vs Red X
    Bar 4 10:30 Hennessy’s vs Blue X
    Bar 5 11:30 Hong Kong


    Professor - juju
    Assist - zeromyst
    Assist - zerzhul
    Nurse Joy - peetsnack

    Bar 1 7:15 Hennessy’s
    Bar 2 8:30 Hong Kong vs Yellow Y
    Bar 3 9:30 Sissy K's vs Blue X
    Bar 4 10:30 Hong Kong vs Red Y
    Bar 5 11:30 Clarke’s

    Professor - delicious3.14
    Assist - Tryfan

    Bar 1 7:15 Hennessy’s
    Bar 2 8:30 Black Rose vs Red X
    Bar 3 9:30 Hong Kong vs Blue Y
    Bar 4 10:30 Sissy K's vs Yellow X
    Bar 5 11:30 Clarke’s


    Professor - RidleyDragon
    Assist - Fugitoid
    Assist - Star Forge

    Bar 1 7:15 Clarke’s
    Bar 2 8:30 Wild Rover vs Red Y
    Bar 3 9:30 Sissy K's vs Green X
    Bar 4 10:30 Hennessy’s vs Yellow Y
    Bar 5 11:30 Black Rose

    Professor - Maiu
    Assist - Calder27
    Assist - Manny
    Nurse Joy - ohhmyfionna

    Bar 1 7:15 Clarke’s
    Bar 2 8:30 Hennessy’s vs Yellow X
    Bar 3 9:30 Hong Kong vs Green Y
    Bar 4 10:30 Wild Rover vs Red X
    Bar 5 11:30 Black Rose


    Finish all the the main challenges and you earn one of the two Drank Em All buttons:

    Drank Em All 1

    Drank Em All 2

    and for those of you who are up for the ultimate challenge:

    All of the regular challenges will involve pairing up with someone from the opposite team to complete. Try and do this outside the bar before moving in, but we do understand that we're a big crowd, it can be cold, and the teams may not arrive all at the same time.

    The schedule of challenges is as follows:
    Challenge 1: Meet the new region
    Prepare yourself for battle by pairing up with someone on that "other team" and buy them your second favorite drink.

    Rumble Badge
    Show everyone you're ready to rumble. Come dressed as your favorite team Pokemon or in your team's color. This challenge is necessary to complete your scorecard.

    Challenge 2: Sky BATTLE!
    Pair up with an opponent from the other team. Count to three and each of you point up or down.
    If you're both point up, buy each other a mixed drink that contains something fizzy to life your spirits (coke, tonic, etc) If you're both pointing down, do a bomb type drink (Jager bomb, Car bomb, Sake Bomb, etc) If you're pointing different directions, try again

    Voltage Badge
    For this bonus challenge, add additional shot of silver tequila to obtain your voltage badge.

    Challenge 3: Defeat the horde
    What's this a horde of Pokemon!? Pair off with a rival from the other team and defend yourself. Buy 1 beer, 1 mixed drink,and 1 shot. Each of you take a drink and then bicker over who drinks the shot.

    Psychic Badge
    Engage in a game of I Never until all drinks have been consumed. Save any dirt you learn about your opponent for future blackmail.

    Challenge 4: Team Flare
    Pair up with an opponent from the other team and combine your skills to defeat Team Flare. Each of you choose 1 alcohol then order a drink composed of them both. Drink up!

    Fairy Badge
    Let's save some time. Play Rocks, Paper, Scissors with your opponent, the winner gets to pick a shot of vodka, rum or whiskey for both of you.

    Challenge 5: Mega-Evolution
    Now that you've conquered the region, there's only one thing left: Mega Evolution! Buy a drink of your choice and a shot that matches your team type, drop the shot in the drink and consume.

    Iceberg Badge
    Grab a glass of water, so you're not too hungover for PAX in the morning.

    MAPS! (I've also added schedules under each team's section)

    Randomfool on
    I do Pokecrawl things. Professor Team Instinct, Hufflepuff supporter.@loofmodnar

  • ManlyExplosionManlyExplosion Registered User new member
    No better way to start off PAX than with a Pokécrawl!

  • FugitoidFugitoid New York, USARegistered User regular
    That's right future pokemon masters! It's time to drink and ring in PAX East 2015.

  • gamer4lif3gamer4lif3 Registered User regular
    this shall be interesting

  • The_SavesThe_Saves Magistrate of Crazy Town KirklandRegistered User regular
    Filling up this challenge card is going to be fun!

  • RastRast Keene NHRegistered User regular
    Huzzah! I've been waiting for this....
    My glorious wife has been making things again!

    Pax East 2015: Hotel [X] Passes [X] PokeCrawl [ ] Pure Joy [X]
  • sbterriblesbterrible Registered User new member
    Team Yellow!

  • agreatrandomagreatrandom Wizard Outside BostonRegistered User regular
    It's here! It's here! So excited!


    Design Wizard, Pizza Enthusiast, Craft Beer Extraordinare from MA
  • LoonyEclipseLoonyEclipse WWHRD? Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    edited February 2015
    Yes! I am AMPED for this.

    LoonyEclipse on
    My pin lanyard
    PSN: L00nyEclip
    Steam: Loony Eclipse
    Twitter: @Loonyeclipse

  • mahshahmahshah Registered User regular
    Had a ton of fun last year, ultra-hype for this one.

    Quick question: I have a friend who isn't interested in drinking much, but would like to help out signing off cards and herding people around (she's pretty good at herding drunk people around). Would I need to bring her as my +1, or is she in gratis since she isn't doing challenges?

    Just checking since I know these places can fill up and I don't want to overcrowd you guys.

  • scottyb1218scottyb1218 BostonRegistered User regular
    You know we are getting close to PAX East when the Pokecrawl thread goes up! Can't wait!

  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    Hype! Hype! Hype!

    One of my main draws to coming out of PAX retirement. Team Yellow Y let's do this!

    PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
  • LoonyEclipseLoonyEclipse WWHRD? Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    My band and I will continue our trend as mercenary sellswords, able to hold our drink better than a keg. We are now taking bids from teams who wish to add our potency to their forces!

    My pin lanyard
    PSN: L00nyEclip
    Steam: Loony Eclipse
    Twitter: @Loonyeclipse

  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    Team green is going to be THE team this year. Just sayin.

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • chellerschellers New HampshireRegistered User regular
    Back for Team Yellow White... er... X?

  • RandomfoolRandomfool loofmodnar Rochester, NYRegistered User regular
    mahshah wrote: »
    Had a ton of fun last year, ultra-hype for this one.

    Quick question: I have a friend who isn't interested in drinking much, but would like to help out signing off cards and herding people around (she's pretty good at herding drunk people around). Would I need to bring her as my +1, or is she in gratis since she isn't doing challenges?

    Just checking since I know these places can fill up and I don't want to overcrowd you guys.

    We're always looking for new volunteers! Send me a PM and we'll talk!

    I do Pokecrawl things. Professor Team Instinct, Hufflepuff supporter.@loofmodnar

  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    question I know this started at like 7 or 8 last year if I could not make it to say like 10 could I still come and just meet up with a team at whatever bar they were gonna be at at that point

  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    I know I would miss the 1st 2 or 3 bars I am just curious if this is allowed or if its a thing you kinda have to be at the start for

  • PizzleStixxPizzleStixx Parp? Burnett? Really? UghRegistered User regular
    redfield85 wrote: »
    Team green is going to be THE team this year. Just sayin.

    I've been training for this for months!

  • RandomfoolRandomfool loofmodnar Rochester, NYRegistered User regular
    rascrush wrote: »
    question I know this started at like 7 or 8 last year if I could not make it to say like 10 could I still come and just meet up with a team at whatever bar they were gonna be at at that point

    If you're registered and running late you can meet up with your team and check in at whatever bar they're located. I'd encourage anyone who knows they're going to miss half the crawl ahead of time to leave the tickets for someone who can make it the entire time.

    If you're not registered:
    Please, please don't come to the published bar list if you are not registered. We'd love to have you tag along, but we pretty much max out the bars as-is.

    I do Pokecrawl things. Professor Team Instinct, Hufflepuff supporter.@loofmodnar

  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    so well it is not frowned upon you would suggest not doing it lol

  • cabsycabsy the fattest rainbow unicorn Registered User regular
    Trying to decide if we want to be yellow or blue this year! It's on my birthday so I'm not gonna volunteer so that I can get REALLY FUN

  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    rascrush wrote: »
    so well it is not frowned upon you would suggest not doing it lol

    I'd frown on it if they gave me the button to do so.

    PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    ya i will prob just end up heading to a bar then when I get in thursday night. I was planning on getting a few drinks anyway which is why I asked cause would be good to be with pax people but my schedule will not let me get in boston till around 9 so by the time I get to the crawl it would be around 10

  • KyussKyuss Registered User regular
    I am ready!

  • mcslantymcslanty Registered User regular
    aaawwwww yiiiisssssss! can't wait! let the tradition continue!

  • KhadourKhadour Dinosaur Cupcake Hillsboro, ORRegistered User regular
    rascrush wrote: »
    ya i will prob just end up heading to a bar then when I get in thursday night. I was planning on getting a few drinks anyway which is why I asked cause would be good to be with pax people but my schedule will not let me get in boston till around 9 so by the time I get to the crawl it would be around 10

    Allow me to point out that there are other PAX community events planned for that night that will allow you to drink and hang out with PAX people if you're not getting in until late. I know the pre-PAX game night at the Westin has bars and service set up to keep everyone playing games in drinks and food until the wee hours.

    Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error - Linus Pauling

  • BigaceBigace Registered User new member
    This is my first year going to Pax and I would really like to join this! I didn't miss the sign up did I?

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Bigace wrote: »
    This is my first year going to Pax and I would really like to join this! I didn't miss the sign up did I?
    The link is in the OP. It has not yet opened.

  • sarahksarahk Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    I'm so looking forward to this. Joined poke crawl 2, and missed out on poke crawl 4. Go team Blue!

    sarahk on
  • mattmitchell45mattmitchell45 Registered User new member
    First year of having a Thursday hotel room....maximum excite

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    Can I still register if I've never done the Pokecrawl before?

  • peetsnackpeetsnack Team Green Poké Assist, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Head Girl House Hufflepuff The Cleave LandsRegistered User regular
    Can I still register if I've never done the Pokecrawl before?


  • PizzleStixxPizzleStixx Parp? Burnett? Really? UghRegistered User regular
    Can I still register if I've never done the Pokecrawl before?

    Just continually check to try and get a spot when the registration goes live.

  • eilonwyeilonwy Registered User regular
    I haven't been able to get tickets the last two years. This year I will make it! I hope!

  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    keep checking even if you do not get yours right away i got mine a few days after they went out last year cause someone got it dropped back in so even if u miss it at 1st keep checking

  • MxWoodMxWood Registered User regular
    Which team to go for... I was blue then green for a couple years but I think I'm jumping ship.

  • RappakRappak Registered User regular
    We will make announcements if people drop out. How many tickets and for what team.

  • MaiuMaiu Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    Ahh, last year was fun, I hope to do it again this year!

    Maiu on
  • sniper_kingsniper_king Registered User regular
    Any ideas on a live date yet??

This discussion has been closed.