
Wii: 6 Months Later

maximumzeromaximumzero I...wait, what?New Orleans, LARegistered User regular
edited June 2007 in Games and Technology
I was shocked as hell this morning.

I work at a CompUSA here in Louisiana, and I arrived at work around 10AM, as we had some product training to do before the store opened at 12. As I got out of my truck and walked into the building I saw a man and two childen get out of an SUV and walk towards the building, I didn't think much of it, silently laughing to myself when I figured that they didn't know that we wouldn't be open for another two hours and they'd have showed up for nothing.

At around 11:30 once the training was over and we prepped the store for opening I noticed, as the other employees did, that there was a line of people outside about 15-20 long and steadily growing. I had a "WTF" reaction when I asked my coworkers if there was some crazy sale going on that I didn't know about, but nobody had an idea what was up even as we had thumbed through the ad not too much earlier.

Then I realized it. On page three of the ad, in big text: "Nintendo Wii--In Stock and Ready to Play"

"Fuck." I exclaimed to myself, because we had none, and I knew we were going to have some pissed off people, some waiting as early as 6AM, from what I had heard.

Of course, in the end we let everyone that wanted to make a reserve, but still, the fact that they had to wait for nothing kinda sucked for them.

But going back to the thread at hand...does anyone else find this nuts that, almost six months after being released, there are STILL lines being formed outside of stores to get a Wii. I don't believe I've ever seen such demand for any sort of product for a long period of time.

Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
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    WuckFarcraftWuckFarcraft Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Maybe I have just grown older, but next generation has been out for a while now and doesn't seem to have had the same impact on me as the the ps2 generation did. I also don't own a next gen system.

    WuckFarcraft on
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    Gorilla SaladGorilla Salad Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Yeah, I'm surprised as fuck as well.

    Gorilla Salad on
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    KyouguKyougu Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Yeah, its really surprising and speaks for how the mainstream have taken to the system.

    I am curious though to the attachment rate of games for the system. Are all these people that are buying the Wii buying games for it, or just playing Wii Sports over and over? Anyone know?

    Kyougu on
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    DarlanDarlan Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    I used to be hunting for one like crazy, but I eventually sorta gave up and am waiting for them to be walk-in items. At this rate, I'll probably be getting a Wii for an x-mas gift from me to to me this winter. I can wait though, all I really want is Zelda, the Marios, and Metroid...so yeah.

    Darlan on
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    Xenogears of BoreXenogears of Bore Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Someone is going to come in here, bitching that Nintendo is creating an artifical demand, probably on the first page. Its not just weird, its unheard of. PS2's in 2001 and 360's last year weren't that easily availible, but if you shopped around you could get one. But every god damn week I hear of people lining up for one of these little white boxes. Almost all of them just for Wii Sports too. Screw Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy, or Smash Bros Brawl, Wii Sports 2 would be the game to sell this holiday season. Online (or not) with more sports. Pack it in with a new color for christmas 2007 and you'd have even more people lining up. Crazyiness.

    Xenogears of Bore on
    3DS CODE: 3093-7068-3576
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    JimothyJimothy Not in front of the fox he's with the owlRegistered User regular
    edited April 2007
    I'm really shocked about this. I still haven't found a Wii, and every time I look I'm like, "Okay, it's been out for four months, demand must have died down by now." Nope. Not in Ohio, at least.

    Jimothy on
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    Torso BoyTorso Boy Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    I was at Wal-Mart earlier today and they had 2 on the shelves.

    Still no nunchucks. :(

    Torso Boy on
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    TheySlashThemTheySlashThem Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    One has to wonder what's taking so long. Wasn't the whole reason for making the system weaker hardware-wise compared to its competitors to make it cheap to produce?

    TheySlashThem on
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    SteevLSteevL What can I do for you? Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    I was one of those people who said "Eh, I'm not going to preorder. I'll just walk into a store on launch day and pick one up."

    So, yeah, I'm quite surprised. I managed to pick mine up in early December by going to a Toys R Us at 5 AM and waiting until they opened 4 hours later. At that time, I figured it'd be easy to find one by the end of January.

    SteevL on
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    No Great NameNo Great Name FRAUD DETECTED Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    My bestbuy had like, 20 nunchucks and one wiimote.

    since it was the first wiimote I had ever seen I bought it and a nunchuck.

    And then got soundly thrashed by a friend in Madden and cried a little.

    Then utterly destroyed him in all of wii sports.

    The Wii's fun is exponentially greater the more controllers you have.

    No Great Name on
    PSN: NoGreatName Steam:SirToons Twitch: SirToons
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    BlakoutBlakout Lordran's SpookylandRegistered User regular
    edited April 2007
    It is pretty crazy. Even when the 360 was in high demand I saw a couple here and there during the first month, I haven't seen a single Wii on store shelves.

    Blakout on
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    No Great NameNo Great Name FRAUD DETECTED Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    One has to wonder what's taking so long. Wasn't the whole reason for making the system weaker hardware-wise compared to its competitors to make it cheap to produce?
    They are shopping around for a second manufacturer last I heard.

    I don't think you understand just how many wii's are being sold.

    No Great Name on
    PSN: NoGreatName Steam:SirToons Twitch: SirToons
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    JimothyJimothy Not in front of the fox he's with the owlRegistered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Someone is going to come in here, bitching that Nintendo is creating an artifical demand, probably on the first page. Its not just weird, its unheard of. PS2's in 2001 and 360's last year weren't that easily availible, but if you shopped around you could get one. But every god damn week I hear of people lining up for one of these little white boxes. Almost all of them just for Wii Sports too. Screw Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy, or Smash Bros Brawl, Wii Sports 2 would be the game to sell this holiday season. Online (or not) with more sports. Pack it in with a new color for christmas 2007 and you'd have even more people lining up. Crazyiness.

    My dad thinks it might be artificial demand, but I doubt it.

    You're right about Wii Sports 2, that could destroy Halo 3. The mainstream frickin' love that game. It's like DDR for them.

    Jimothy on
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    Xenogears of BoreXenogears of Bore Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Three Regions, Zero Wiis. I heard its not too bad buying a Japanese wii from an importer, but of course its at pretty inflated prices. The steps some people will go to play import anime fighting games...

    Xenogears of Bore on
    3DS CODE: 3093-7068-3576
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    TexiKenTexiKen Dammit! That fish really got me!Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    I would like to buy a Wii. I have the money, Nintendo, but you just don't want it.

    And screw all the stores like CompUSA and Circuit City holding them for fliers. You screw up itrackr that way, jerks.

    The sell out was kind of cool in the beginning, because I was happy for Nintendo's success. But 6 months later, my relationship with Nintendo is turning into an Ike-Tina one. "Reggie, why you making me hit you so?"

    TexiKen on
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    CouscousCouscous Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    TexiKen wrote: »
    The sell out was kind of cool in the beginning, because I was happy for Nintendo's success. But 6 months later, my relationship with Nintendo is turning into an Ike-Tina one. "Reggie, why you making me hit you so?"

    You don't hit Reggie. Reggie hits you, and you will like it.

    Couscous on
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    No Great NameNo Great Name FRAUD DETECTED Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    6.58 wii's sold in 5 months? Mid november to mid april.

    That is like 1,316,000 wiis a month.

    There is no artificial demand, just demand.

    No Great Name on
    PSN: NoGreatName Steam:SirToons Twitch: SirToons
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    No Great NameNo Great Name FRAUD DETECTED Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    TexiKen wrote: »
    I would like to buy a Wii. I have the money, Nintendo, but you just don't want it.

    And screw all the stores like CompUSA and Circuit City holding them for fliers. You screw up itrackr that way, jerks.

    The sell out was kind of cool in the beginning, because I was happy for Nintendo's success. But 6 months later, my relationship with Nintendo is turning into an Ike-Tina one. "Reggie, why you making me hit you so?"

    No Great Name on
    PSN: NoGreatName Steam:SirToons Twitch: SirToons
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    CouscousCouscous Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    SirToons wrote: »
    6.58 wii's sold in 5 months? Mid november to mid april.

    That is like 1,316,000 wiis a month.

    There is no artificial demand, just demand.

    According to Wikipedia, they have shipped more Wiis than Sony has shipped PS3s. I would say that is evidence they aren't producing it at a slower rate than they could.

    Couscous on
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    ZekZek Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    One has to wonder what's taking so long. Wasn't the whole reason for making the system weaker hardware-wise compared to its competitors to make it cheap to produce?

    Nothing's taking so long. There's just a fairly unprecedented level of demand, and I imagine even Nintendo wasn't quite expecting it. The system is weaker because it allows them to lower the price.

    Does anyone have numbers on how many units other consoles shipped in 6 months?

    Zek on
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    Bionic MonkeyBionic Monkey Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited April 2007
    My brother-in-law aparently finally found one (or rather, his mom did for him). Last of four.

    Bionic Monkey on
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    Cameron_TalleyCameron_Talley Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    I don't think it's artificial demand. I think Nintendo themselves was taken by surprise at the success and is having to really work hard to get the factories producing the machines (not to mention they've got to make DS Lites, too).

    That said, I still haven't seen one in the wild. However, I do notice that Nunchucks and Wiimotes are fairly common now (classic controllers seem less common). I went to Toys R Us, Circuit City, Best Buy, and Target this weekend, and they all had plenty of those...

    Cameron_Talley on
    Switch Friend Code: SW-4598-4278-8875
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    apotheosapotheos Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited April 2007
    My second replacement Wii is on its way from Nintendo. I feel guilty leaning on the supplies of new Wiis by having problems.

    I remember mid-February of 06 being lucky as hell in getting a 360 off Toysrus.ca, but I don't remember how long that lasted (because after I got one I totally stopped paying attention)

    apotheos on

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    SageinaRageSageinaRage Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    I have one, only because I bought a $600 bundle from walmart.com, which was sold about about an hour or two later.

    I too am baffled. I didn't think I'd be able to just walk in and get one on launch day, but I was flabbergasted that they were still unavailable after the new year.

    SageinaRage on
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    BTPBTP Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Is it still difficult to find remotes, nunchuks, CC's, Point Cards, component/s-video cables like it's been with the console? I see them on some websites like Future Shop and Toys R Us, but it's hard to know if it's actually in the store sometimes.

    BTP on
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    Xenogears of BoreXenogears of Bore Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    SirToons wrote: »
    6.58 wii's sold in 5 months? Mid november to mid april.

    That is like 1,316,000 wiis a month.

    There is no artificial demand, just demand.

    Exactly. I was almost lead to believe that the PS2 launch had an artificial supply problem way back in 2000, but then I realized it was stupid. Even when selling a console at a loss you want as many in the hands of consumers as possible so you can make your money back on games. Plus the whole point of an artifical shortage is to come back a few weeks later with the supply you've been hording and satisfy your ginned up demand.

    Xenogears of Bore on
    3DS CODE: 3093-7068-3576
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    RaslinRaslin Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Hmm. I worked at target over the holiday season(05), when the 360 had just come out. I remember thinking about grabbing one, I would have had no problem getting it if I wanted. But still, I don't remember any crazy lines or anything, and this was the holiday season right after the 360 came out.

    Yeah. Demand for Wii >/\10 Xbox 360

    Raslin on
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    Bionic MonkeyBionic Monkey Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited April 2007
    apotheos wrote: »
    My second replacement Wii is on its way from Nintendo. I feel guilty leaning on the supplies of new Wiis by having problems.

    I remember mid-February of 06 being lucky as hell in getting a 360 off Toysrus.ca, but I don't remember how long that lasted (because after I got one I totally stopped paying attention)

    Are they sending you a new one, or a refurbished one? I have to get mine replaced, but I keep hesitating, because I don't want a refurb unit.

    Bionic Monkey on
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    TexiKenTexiKen Dammit! That fish really got me!Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    apotheos wrote: »
    My second replacement Wii is on its way from Nintendo. I feel guilty leaning on the supplies of new Wiis by having problems.

    So, are you kicking it to turn it off or something? I remember reading about bricking around the launch, but not recently.

    TexiKen on
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    MarlorMarlor Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    I find it funny that Wiis were widely available here in Australia after launch. There were piles of the things. I picked one up on the afternoon of the launch day (at about 6PM), and the salesperson told me that they had only sold "a handful" of the systems.

    Now, months later, they are sold-out. It's like the opposite of what should be happening. The hype was muted at launch, but now it just keeps increasing.

    I don't really think it's a good thing for gamers either. While the Wiis are sold-out, Nintendo has no incentive to release their AAA first-party games. It would just make the shortage worse. Once demand starts to fall (or Nintendo finally gets their second manufacturing contract sorted out), then they can release some games and create a second surge in demand.

    Marlor on
    Mario Kart Wii: 1332-8060-5236 (Aaron)
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    Xenogears of BoreXenogears of Bore Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    apotheos wrote: »
    My second replacement Wii is on its way from Nintendo. I feel guilty leaning on the supplies of new Wiis by having problems.

    I remember mid-February of 06 being lucky as hell in getting a 360 off Toysrus.ca, but I don't remember how long that lasted (because after I got one I totally stopped paying attention)

    Are they sending you a new one, or a refurbished one? I have to get mine replaced, but I keep hesitating, because I don't want a refurb unit.

    I had to send mine off, stopped reading disks. Tweaked the laser a bit and sent me back mine. Another person I know had a borked firmware issue that got some of the launch Wiis, he got a brand spanking new one and an extra remote for his troubles, lucky bastard, most people just got reflashed Wiis from that lot.

    Xenogears of Bore on
    3DS CODE: 3093-7068-3576
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    VeeveeVeevee WisconsinRegistered User regular
    edited April 2007
    SteevL wrote: »
    I was one of those people who said "Eh, I'm not going to preorder. I'll just walk into a store on launch day and pick one up."

    So, yeah, I'm quite surprised. I managed to pick mine up in early December by going to a Toys R Us at 5 AM and waiting until they opened 4 hours later. At that time, I figured it'd be easy to find one by the end of January.

    Same here. By early december I was ready to camp out, and so on december 16th, at 10pm I went camping at best buy and was number 16 out of 24. Thank god we had a mild winter here in wisconsin.

    Veevee on
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    RehabRehab Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    That is a pretty crazy story maximumzero, but I think it is still eerily common right now. I have yet to see a Wii packaged and sitting in a physical space within a store myself. The only ones that I have seen in such settings are in those glass cases and are merely demos showing off the controller and Wii Sports.

    I wish they had playable demos for people interested but don't have the system yet.

    Rehab on
    NNID: Rehab0
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    DarlanDarlan Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    I have yet to even see a Wii game being played-every dude's dorm has a 360/Gears or a PS2 and Guitar Hero here, and all in-store kiosks are those pointless videos with the Wii sitting there, not being played. I hate those, I'd sure love to try Wii sports before buying one.

    Darlan on
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    paco_pepepaco_pepe Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    well, here in México, about 2 weeks ago i went to a store to get Twilight Princess(GC) and they had the ussual mountain of 360's and about a dozen Wii's and PS3's, and a lot of remotes, nunchucks and WiiPlay's.

    Here the Wii goes for about $500usd, the 360 premium for $800usd, and the PS3 for $1000usd.

    paco_pepe on
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    PataPata Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Ahahahahaha. I have a Wii. Go me.

    Also. I have yet to see a single Wii in any store I've entered whenever I've looked

    Pata on
    SRWWSig.pngEpisode 5: Mecha-World, Mecha-nisim, Mecha-beasts
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    RehabRehab Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    BTP wrote: »
    Is it still difficult to find remotes, nunchuks, CC's, Point Cards, component/s-video cables like it's been with the console? I see them on some websites like Future Shop and Toys R Us, but it's hard to know if it's actually in the store sometimes.

    From what I have seen: finding nunchuks is no longer too much of a problem, Point Cards are a bitch to find and so are the Wiimotes (I see the Wii Play package more than the controller separately), Classic Controller is not as hard to find as the Wiimote but is not as easy to find as the nunchuk either, and I haven't even been paying attention to the whole cable scenario.

    People are actually buying the Nintendo endorsed SD memory cards too and they need to stop that. So many better deals elsewhere.

    Rehab on
    NNID: Rehab0
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    No Great NameNo Great Name FRAUD DETECTED Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    paco_pepe wrote: »
    well, here in México, about 2 weeks ago i went to a store to get Twilight Princess(GC) and they had the ussual mountain of 360's and about a dozen Wii's and PS3's, and a lot of remotes, nunchucks and WiiPlay's.

    Here the Wii goes for about $500usd, the 360 premium for $800usd, and the PS3 for $1000usd.
    Jeje México

    No Great Name on
    PSN: NoGreatName Steam:SirToons Twitch: SirToons
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    RehabRehab Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Kyougu wrote: »
    Yeah, its really surprising and speaks for how the mainstream have taken to the system.

    I am curious though to the attachment rate of games for the system. Are all these people that are buying the Wii buying games for it, or just playing Wii Sports over and over? Anyone know?

    Not sure what the attachment rate is now but I remember that around launch and the proceeding months the attachment rate was said to be 3-4 games per system. Basically, it has a good chance of being decently high because the system is cheap enough where people can then afford to buy more games and if they are the Wii Sports type they can buy another mini game extravaganza title. I would think that it is still higher than the PS3 attachment rate by a game or two and pretty comparable to the 360s. This statement is something I back up with no evidence whatsoever.

    Rehab on
    NNID: Rehab0
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    CouscousCouscous Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Rehab wrote: »
    Kyougu wrote: »
    Yeah, its really surprising and speaks for how the mainstream have taken to the system.

    I am curious though to the attachment rate of games for the system. Are all these people that are buying the Wii buying games for it, or just playing Wii Sports over and over? Anyone know?

    Not sure what the attachment rate is now but I remember that around launch and the proceeding months the attachment rate was said to be 3-4 games per system. Basically, it has a good chance of being decently high because the system is cheap enough where people can then afford to buy more games and if they are the Wii Sports type they can buy another mini game extravaganza title. I would think that it is still higher than the PS3 attachment rate by a game or two and pretty comparable to the 360s. This statement is something I back up with no evidence whatsoever.

    According to PSU, the average number of games owned by a PS3 owner was 2.7, while the average person armed with a Wii had 2.2 games in his or her library in January. These numbers have jumped up to 3.4 and 3.6 respectively in February.

    Couscous on
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