Cosplayers Heading to PAX 2015
Hey! Thought it would be cool to start a thread for the cosplayers. We can share projects we're working on, and anyone who is looking for ideas/groups to cosplay with can say here too. I was Misty last year, this year I'm working on a RWBY themed cosplay so if anyone else is going as someone from team RWBY it would be cool to meet!!
I'm 50/50 for cosplaying all 3 days, simply because last year, the days I was in costume, no game playing was achieved due to distraction and all the incredibly amazing people I met xoxo
At this stage my costumes are:
Chun Li - Street Fighter III
Samus (Zero Suit) - Metroid: Other M
Erindae Firestrider - World Of Warcraft (Loading Screen + TCG)
Backup : Lara Croft - Tomb Raider Reborn
As for which costume on what day, will depend on the weather. Definitely interested in finding peeps from my games for photo ops though!
Main one is C.T. from Red vs Blue, backup is Little Mac in SSB4.
Little Mac is easy enough for me, but C.T. requires building with EVA foam. Anyone familiar with that?
Here's a little general info. Not sure if you already knew this, though.
The Bad:
Once you cut it, it's cut. You can't remould it into itself like Worbla, all you can do is glue. So precise measurements are good to keep wastage low.
The Good:
EVA foam is closed-cell, so you can paint directly on it without the foam absorbing it like a sponge.
It can also be moulded with heat. A hairdryer might work, but a heat gun is best.
Also, hot glue works best if you're sticking it to something.
The Inbetween:
It insulates. Like, it insulates really good. If the foam is thick and it's hot, it's not gonna be comfortable. Alternatively, if it's cool, then it'll keep you warm.
Is there a recommended way to see if a prop/piece of armour is too pointy?
Yeah, it'd be alright. It's your choice who/what you dress up as!
I've taken photos (put under a spoiler cut) and this is the info:
The first is a picture of a bow handle, the spikes being made of Worbla. They're rather rigid.
The second is an arm guard that goes between the wrist and elbow. Again, made of Worbla and rather rigid.
The third is my thumb after pressing the sharpest point of the bow handle spikes into it. I also tested it out on my thigh, so I could press harder, and the result was a similar dent. Didn't bleed, though. The dents went away after a couple minutes.
Gamer. YouTuber. Streamer. Dreamer.
TheMysteryHub. Twitter. Twitch. YouTube.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Other than that you are fine. We've had people wear giant big daddy costumes who need a helper, and that's fine. So even if you're large it's ok if you aren't negatively impacting others.
So, day one, I'm letting my hair down and Rainbow Dashing it up, from MLP
Day 2 and 3 is to be decided, one day will be focused around my Youtube the other will be a Mad Max inspired character.
What I want to know is, will there be anyone travelling from out of Melbourne and staying in the city?
I've chosen to stay in one of the many backpackers from the Thursday till Monday and will be dining out in the city each night, it would be nice to have company for dinner, from some like minded people.
Remember, there is weapon check to make sure even if it looks real, that it's not.
I did end up buying this >
it might be closer to what you need, just paint the orange away.
Also, while I did have a Transformice cosplay for one day, I think I'll be scrapping it to allow for one day with no cosplay.
One friend has spent a lot of time assembling and she'll be going as Candyman from Lethal League
If I can getting it all together I'll be Raptor and another friend is trying to get Switch done.