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Cosplayers Heading to PAX 2015

WallStarWallStar The one... the only... the slightly overrated...CannonvaleRegistered User regular
Hey! Thought it would be cool to start a thread for the cosplayers. We can share projects we're working on, and anyone who is looking for ideas/groups to cosplay with can say here too. I was Misty last year, this year I'm working on a RWBY themed cosplay so if anyone else is going as someone from team RWBY it would be cool to meet!!




  • panicwithpandahpanicwithpandah Registered User new member
    Hello, I'm working on a Taokaka cosplay at the moment for myself, a Hakuman for my husband, and I have no idea who my brother is cosplaying as, but I have a picture x3

  • MithrilnethMithrilneth Registered User regular
    I am working on a set of Daedric Armour for myself. My brother also plans on making a set for himself (if I can keep him convinced, he is still not too sure about the whole dressing up thing...) I recently did an Astrid Cosplay for SupaNova and really wanted to do a full set of armour so...yeah :biggrin: This will be my first PAX and I am super excited!!

  • WallStarWallStar The one... the only... the slightly overrated... CannonvaleRegistered User regular
    Awesome! There were so many great cosplays last year! My RWBY is the main one I'm doing but keeping with the "gaming theme" of the whole con I'd also love to do a Liliana of the Veil, or something from LoL so I could go in the parade - But that might be a bit over-ambitious of me seeing as I'm so new to it. Armour would be awesome - I've got Erza from Fairy Tail earmarked as my first attempt at armour.

  • CarrotTopCarrotTop Registered User regular
    I'm testing out American McGee's Alice at Melbourne's Comic-Con in a few months, if all goes well, I might be playing with the idea of becoming her second incarnation.Very Excited.

  • WallStarWallStar The one... the only... the slightly overrated... CannonvaleRegistered User regular
    Ooh sounds awesome! Are people planning up on cosplaying all three days or just one?

  • spexaspexa Registered User new member
    edited May 2015
    WallStar wrote: »
    Ooh sounds awesome! Are people planning up on cosplaying all three days or just one?

    I'm 50/50 for cosplaying all 3 days, simply because last year, the days I was in costume, no game playing was achieved due to distraction and all the incredibly amazing people I met xoxo

    At this stage my costumes are:

    Chun Li - Street Fighter III
    Samus (Zero Suit) - Metroid: Other M
    Erindae Firestrider - World Of Warcraft (Loading Screen + TCG)

    Backup : Lara Croft - Tomb Raider Reborn

    As for which costume on what day, will depend on the weather. Definitely interested in finding peeps from my games for photo ops though!


    spexa on
  • Trogdor7620Trogdor7620 Registered User new member
    Speaking as a newbie, I have a couple of ideas for cosplay.

    Main one is C.T. from Red vs Blue, backup is Little Mac in SSB4.

    Little Mac is easy enough for me, but C.T. requires building with EVA foam. Anyone familiar with that?

  • MaleficientMuffinMaleficientMuffin Perth, AustraliaRegistered User new member
    Speaking as a newbie, I have a couple of ideas for cosplay.

    Main one is C.T. from Red vs Blue, backup is Little Mac in SSB4.

    Little Mac is easy enough for me, but C.T. requires building with EVA foam. Anyone familiar with that?

    Here's a little general info. Not sure if you already knew this, though.

    The Bad:
    Once you cut it, it's cut. You can't remould it into itself like Worbla, all you can do is glue. So precise measurements are good to keep wastage low.

    The Good:
    EVA foam is closed-cell, so you can paint directly on it without the foam absorbing it like a sponge.
    It can also be moulded with heat. A hairdryer might work, but a heat gun is best.
    Also, hot glue works best if you're sticking it to something.

    The Inbetween:
    It insulates. Like, it insulates really good. If the foam is thick and it's hot, it's not gonna be comfortable. Alternatively, if it's cool, then it'll keep you warm.

  • MaleficientMuffinMaleficientMuffin Perth, AustraliaRegistered User new member
    Heya! This is my first PAX, and Weapon Check's got me worried.
    Is there a recommended way to see if a prop/piece of armour is too pointy?

  • AaronCAaronC Enforcer - Lieutenant Portland OregonRegistered User regular
    You can send us a picture and we can advise you. If you think it would pierce your skin when you put some weight on it, then it's too pointy.

  • MithrilnethMithrilneth Registered User regular
    Change of plan :) I will be going as Rosalina x Warrior

  • MithrilnethMithrilneth Registered User regular
    Is it considered ok to cosplay as someone who is not from a game?? I have some other projects I'm working on (Astrid is done, and I'm working on Princess Lenessia)

  • MaleficientMuffinMaleficientMuffin Perth, AustraliaRegistered User new member
    Is it considered ok to cosplay as someone who is not from a game?? I have some other projects I'm working on (Astrid is done, and I'm working on Princess Lenessia)

    Yeah, it'd be alright. It's your choice who/what you dress up as!

  • MaleficientMuffinMaleficientMuffin Perth, AustraliaRegistered User new member
    Alright, so, Pointy Prop Problems.
    I've taken photos (put under a spoiler cut) and this is the info:

    The first is a picture of a bow handle, the spikes being made of Worbla. They're rather rigid.
    The second is an arm guard that goes between the wrist and elbow. Again, made of Worbla and rather rigid.
    The third is my thumb after pressing the sharpest point of the bow handle spikes into it. I also tested it out on my thigh, so I could press harder, and the result was a similar dent. Didn't bleed, though. The dents went away after a couple minutes.

  • AaronCAaronC Enforcer - Lieutenant Portland OregonRegistered User regular
    Looks great, should be fine.

  • Dragox24Dragox24 Registered User new member
    Well this will be my First Pax and I was thinking of doing a Red Medic from TF2.

  • DeadlyKenpachi_DeadlyKenpachi_ Registered User new member
    I am really hoping to come as Deathstroke for half a day. I have my costume entirely sourced out but funding isn't going as planned haha

  • NarcheskaNarcheska AustraliaRegistered User new member
    My friend and I are going as Journey characters. Not sure how many days to dress up for, either.

  • lazercatlazercat Registered User new member
    This will be my first con, and hopefully my first cosplay. I'm throwing together a Revan outfit that should be ready in time.

  • MithrilnethMithrilneth Registered User regular
    I lied. Again. I have finally settled on Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn.

  • SideWays XDSideWays XD Registered User new member
    edited July 2015
    Ok so I am taking 3 friends up with me we love gaming but the only games we play is world of tanks so we don't to cosplay as a war vet but we are all huge anime fans this is what we are going as we have a kirito from sword art online a Shu from guilty crown and the other person isn't sure what he wants to go as yet yes we will be decked out with the swords including Shus 2M long sword show show only this is the first time we have done this and it's a gaming show not anime is it normally for people to cosplay as anime or are we going to stand out in a bad way because let's face it a guy walking round with a sword twice the size of him is going to stand out?

    SideWays XD on
  • AaronCAaronC Enforcer - Lieutenant Portland OregonRegistered User regular
    You will stand out, but you won't look out of place.

  • KingofMysteryKingofMystery Gamer North QueenslandRegistered User regular
    This will be my first con, and possibly my first cosplay! Looking at a Destiny (the game) themed cosplay. I will be an 'Enforcer' for part of the con so will see our the schedule lines up :)

    Mystery Games
    Gamer. YouTuber. Streamer. Dreamer.

    TheMysteryHub. Twitter. Twitch. YouTube.
  • NZLionNZLion Auckland, New ZealandRegistered User regular
    This will be my first cosplay, I am trying for a Swangee man. It's turning out to be surprisingly hard to find the coat!

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Awesome, I'll be looking out for you.

  • CuZZaCuZZa Khoo's Epic Mount Perth, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    One of my friends from PAX Prime has done that, they look amazing

  • MariobroMariobro Registered User new member
    For my first ever cosplay, I'll be going as an Inkling Boy from Splatoon. Might be a bit challenging, but should be pretty fun, too.

  • SirkibbleSirkibble Registered User new member
    Hai, i'm going to pax in dark souls 2 armor and my helmet is pretty long, i was wondering what the size restrictions are on props and armor , my helmet goes up to my shoulder on one of the horns.

  • AaronCAaronC Enforcer - Lieutenant Portland OregonRegistered User regular
    The only restriction is that if you're item is so big, ungainly or to large in a way that it's hitting people or causing a dangerous situation you would be asked to not wear it.

    Other than that you are fine. We've had people wear giant big daddy costumes who need a helper, and that's fine. So even if you're large it's ok if you aren't negatively impacting others.

  • SirkibbleSirkibble Registered User new member
    I don't plan on wearing the helmet unless people ask for photos otherwise ill be carrying it because i can't really see n i don't want to hit people.

  • AaronCAaronC Enforcer - Lieutenant Portland OregonRegistered User regular
    I think you will be fine and there are plenty of open spaces where you will be able to wear the helmet no problem.

  • SirkibbleSirkibble Registered User new member
    thank you.

  • WallStarWallStar The one... the only... the slightly overrated... CannonvaleRegistered User regular
    So many awesome Cosplays planned!! I can't wait to see them all!

  • CressyLadyCressyLady Registered User new member
    I have a completed Jill Valentine cosplay and am putting the finishing touches on Edna from Edna and Harvey the Breakout (complete with a handmade, terry cloth, Harvey)

  • CressyLadyCressyLady Registered User new member
    Gonna add that it's Jill from RE 1 and if anyone else is doing any other characters that would match I'd absolutely love to take some pictures with you

  • CarrotTopCarrotTop Registered User regular
    As time has moved on, so have my ideas for cosplay. I was originally coming as Alice from the world of American McGee, the only problem is, the girl doesn't smile, and I can't help but grin my way through life.

    So, day one, I'm letting my hair down and Rainbow Dashing it up, from MLP
    Day 2 and 3 is to be decided, one day will be focused around my Youtube the other will be a Mad Max inspired character.

    What I want to know is, will there be anyone travelling from out of Melbourne and staying in the city?
    I've chosen to stay in one of the many backpackers from the Thursday till Monday and will be dining out in the city each night, it would be nice to have company for dinner, from some like minded people.

  • Cookienommer51Cookienommer51 Registered User regular
    I want to go as old hoxton and i know where i can find the mask but where could one find a replica rifle that won't be too overly suspicious. I feel that if intake something that looks too like the reall thing i may have some troubles. I could make one but it with the time left till pax and school and stuff i may not cosplay this year but next year i most probably will!

  • CarrotTopCarrotTop Registered User regular
    edited September 2015
    @Cookienommer51 I'm not familiar with Old Hoxton, but I've been looking at this costume musket on ebay for a while
    Remember, there is weapon check to make sure even if it looks real, that it's not.

    I did end up buying this >
    it might be closer to what you need, just paint the orange away.

    CarrotTop on
  • CressyLadyCressyLady Registered User new member
    @CarrotTop I'm travelling down as well for the event! I'd be happy (actually really grateful) to eat out with you. I'm planning to be there the same days (arriving Thursday, leaving Monday) as well

    Also, while I did have a Transformice cosplay for one day, I think I'll be scrapping it to allow for one day with no cosplay.

  • SpiceSpice Content Sponge Registered User regular
    I think most travelers are coming in Thursday & leaving Monday, seems those were the cheap flights.

    One friend has spent a lot of time assembling and she'll be going as Candyman from Lethal League
    If I can getting it all together I'll be Raptor and another friend is trying to get Switch done.

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