There's a dude on campus right now sitting a folding chair with a huge banner with pictures of aborted fetuses from the third trimester. The opposite side compares abortion to the holocaust. I'm pretty sure the pictures, even just linked to, would be banworthy.
He's also got a video camera set up, presumably to capture students reacting to him. I don't think people calling him a douchebag is quite the response he wanted, though.
So what stuff have you guys seen in real life that would have gotten the person banned from the forums here?
so uh
I guess that uh... If you post images of your erect penis here, would get you banned...
What, haven't you guys ever seen a genius' weiner before?
Well, once in the park.
I thought that was pretty horrible.
Maybe he had rabies.
I did what every good red blooded american would do; closed my eyes and kept moving.
guys like this make me a sad pony
People like that and those wackjobs that go to funerals and hate on the gays just seem kinda silly and stupid.
you are speaking of fred phelps
fred phelps should die, plain and simple
he's one of those people i would smile if i heard they died
Oh, that was me, sorry
nonetheless, dudes like this piss me off because whacko extremism attention-whoring behavior makes it hard for anyone to take any side seriously.
yeah pretty much this
don't even get me started duder
Pony, while I don't agree with your view, I still respect the hell out of this post.
Though I admit the idea that I might have been aborted or something kinda terrifies me.
she felt so immensly guilty about it, she told no-one except her boyfriend. he was a real douchebag, that one. he talked her into getting it in the first place and then when she got it, he dumped her because apparently that close call to actually having to take responsibility for his actions made him squirrely about being in a relationship.
eventually, she told me, because she wanted to talk to someone about it. but she was apprehensive, because she knew how i felt about it.
you know how i reacted? I told her "So far as I'm concerned, you've confessed to me that you've killed someone. That you've ended a human life. Your own child's life. You have your reasons, and I understand where you are coming from on it. Yes, I judge you. Yes, I think it's wrong, and I think on a level it makes you a bad person. But, I don't hate you, and I'm not going to reject you or stop being friends with you. You're just going to have to live with the fact that I think less of you now than I did."
Sometimes I think that was overly harsh. But really, I'm not sure how else to react to such a thing.
I've had near the same conversation before, and felt the same way. Sometimes it's hard to juggle upholding your own beliefs and still respecting other peoples
there are times when being perfectly honest about your opinions is appropriate
but if being honest means telling someone who has come to you for help that they're a murderer, then you should probably tell a little white lie and say you think they'll be just fine
So while I think she did something horrible, and that it sort of stains her as a person, it doesn't make her worthless. It means she's human, she made a terrible, selfish mistake and feels badly about it. Doesn't wash what she did away, either. Just means I can still talk to her and be friends with her.
not really, he told her he thought less of her for it..
i don't think this is one of those times.
she wouldn't have come to me if she wanted a sugary pat on the back.
she knew better.
she came to me because she wanted my honesty, so that's what she got.
Hell, I commit abortion everyday if you wanna count a million sperms all over the carpet.
Its really heavy stuff, to be sure.
Not IRL. I just said that cuz it sounded funny. I coulda said all over the wall, or the toilet seat, but then it would have been true.
depending on how you stack it, i might even be a mur-diddly-urdler
i don't expect any of my friends or anyone close to me, if confronted with my history that way, to pat on the back and say that it's okay and that it's understandable.
it isn't. it's just unfortunate, and it's happened, and it's in the past now and you try to move forward with your life, but at the same time not erasing what you've done or who you've been
anything less than that is deep personal dishonesty.
However overall? I may have been a tad less harsh. But thats the difference between us. Niether one is really right or wrong. We hold polar opposite views on the subject.