
Talk About [Movies]; Say Interesting Things; Don't Be Jerks



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    DanHibikiDanHibiki Registered User regular
    I know it's tragic, but come one, it's just perfect:

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    RhahRhah Registered User regular
    Kipling217 wrote: »
    Preacher wrote: »
    According to many people who worked with him, Kevin Sorbo is actually an asshole. He forced the writers of Andromeda to dumb down the show and drove away the showrunner.

    Well yes it helps that Sorbo is an actual asshole. I mean that horrible god movie he did alone.

    Hercules was a cheapass syndication show. Andromeda too. It was the kind of show that was only made in the 90s: Cheap, kid oriented and cheezy as fuck. Sorbo's Hercules is only remembered because it spun of Xena and Xena is only remembered because Lucy Lawless is awesome.

    I suspect that without Xena, most people on this board wouldn't remember Sorbo's name at all.

    I fail to see a problem with the bolded.

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    DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular
    I do find it kind of funny that people hate Chris Hardwick for the same reasons that they (apparently) hate Olivia Munn.

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    PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    I hate Chris Hardwick for making money doing what I've done my whole life. That and he was really mean to a singled out contestant once and it was totally uncalled for.


    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.

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    daveNYCdaveNYC Why universe hate Waspinator? Registered User regular
    I'm not too sure that Andromeda was totally kid oriented. The Magog were high octane nightmare fuel. The show had some interesting ideas, too bad that Sorbo is a dufus.

    So I'm heading home this weekend, any suggestions on movies that the parental unit might enjoy going to? Other than Inside Out, I might want to drag the GF to that one.

    Shut up, Mr. Burton! You were not brought upon this world to get it!
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    flamebroiledchickenflamebroiledchicken Registered User regular
    Preacher wrote: »
    According to many people who worked with him, Kevin Sorbo is actually an asshole. He forced the writers of Andromeda to dumb down the show and drove away the showrunner.

    Well yes it helps that Sorbo is an actual asshole. I mean that horrible god movie he did alone.

    Haven't you heard the good news, friend? God's Not Dead is getting a sequel!

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    PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    Preacher wrote: »
    According to many people who worked with him, Kevin Sorbo is actually an asshole. He forced the writers of Andromeda to dumb down the show and drove away the showrunner.

    Well yes it helps that Sorbo is an actual asshole. I mean that horrible god movie he did alone.

    Haven't you heard the good news, friend? God's Not Dead is getting a sequel!

    I know, and it makes me sad because I thought they said everything they wanted to in the title of the first movie.

    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.

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    DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular
    Preacher wrote: »
    I hate Chris Hardwick for making money doing what I've done my whole life. That and he was really mean to a singled out contestant once and it was totally uncalled for.


    Were you that contestant.

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    PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    No edward, but Chacey was a wonderful girl and did not deserve Hardwick's scorn!

    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.

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    BloodySlothBloodySloth Registered User regular
    edited July 2015
    I hate Chris Hardwick for totally shallow reasons, and I've made peace with myself for that. I hate the way he sneers when he makes a joke, I hate his sense of humor, and I hate the sound of his voice. I've tried to not hate the guy, but @ Midnight is downright painful to watch for me.

    BloodySloth on
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    Panda4YouPanda4You Registered User regular
    edited July 2015
    Preacher wrote: »
    Man you guys so much hate for someone else having an irrational dislike of an actress. He's allowed to hate her for being fake, its the same reason I can't stand Kevin Sorbo.

    Well, reasoning aside he do has a point in that Munn isn't a good actress, and by all means probably won't do anything to lift that new Xman movie.

    Panda4You on
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    PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    I have no problem with irrational dislikes. I can't stand Aaran Eckhardts ridiculous chin. I've made peace with that.

    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.

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    BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2015
    Munn got good reviews for her work in Newsroom. From the clips I've seen she's not great but by no means actively bad.

    Bogart on
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    LoveIsUnityLoveIsUnity Registered User regular
    Panda4You wrote: »
    Preacher wrote: »
    Man you guys so much hate for someone else having an irrational dislike of an actress. He's allowed to hate her for being fake, its the same reason I can't stand Kevin Sorbo.

    Well, reasoning aside he do has a point in that Munn isn't a good actress, and by all means probably won't do anything to lift that new Xman movie.

    She can't really do anything to hurt the X Men movies either, though. Not anymore than they've already been hurt at least.

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    GaddezGaddez Registered User regular
    About the only thing I've ever seen Olivia Munn in was the daily show, where she seemed so unnatural and forced that I was baffled why the Show had picked her up; Normally they've got fairly good tastes in comedians.

    She seems to be able to swing that katana around half decent though.

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    AtomikaAtomika Live fast and get fucked or whatever Registered User regular
    Munn was one of the best parts of The Newsroom.

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    Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    Gaddez wrote: »
    About the only thing I've ever seen Olivia Munn in was the daily show, where she seemed so unnatural and forced that I was baffled why the Show had picked her up; Normally they've got fairly good tastes in comedians.

    She seems to be able to swing that katana around half decent though.


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    TommattTommatt Registered User regular
    Fuck yes!!!
    Would the person who leaked 2011 test footage of Deadpool—thereby throwing fans into a frenzy and triggering a long-awaited green light for the project—please stand up? Ryan Reynolds wants to kiss you. “And not just a little kiss,” he purrs, “but full on the mouth, sloppy, with tongue, for two straight minutes on live television, without commercial interruption. And then I’ll buy you dinner at Red Lobster, at least, and dessert.”

    Reynolds is channeling his character—the libertine, sarcastic motormouth Wade Wilson a.k.a. Deadpool—but he’s also speaking from the heart. The actor has wanted to play Marvel’s baddest boy for more than a decade. He appeared as a sanitized version of the role in 2009’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine (two years before his starring turn in the ill-fated Green Lantern), but this project aims to mimic the comic’s violent, obscene, spicy, funny, fourth-wall-breaking tone, and to let Reynolds and company push the film (out Feb. 12) way past PG-13.

    “Deadpool is a hard R,” assures producer Simon Kinberg (X-Men: Days of Future Past). “It’s graphic. Nothing is taboo. You either commit to a truly outrageous boundary-pushing kind of movie or you don’t.”

    First-time director Tim Miller, who designed the arresting open credits sequence for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, cites a different David Fincher movie as a touchstone: “I felt Fight Club and Tyler Durden were good corollaries,” he says. “We are in strip clubs and dive bars and crappy apartments and far away from the shiny X-Men world.”

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    PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    I'm pretty sure that movie is going to suck.

    "It's going to be violent and dirty, directed by a guy who did a credit sequence for a movie and its coming out in February so you know thats a quality endorsement."

    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.

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    TommattTommatt Registered User regular
    I have faith in it because it's such a huge passion project for Ryan Renolds. He was born to play Deadpool

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    PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    Right and if there has been one thing proven before its the great acting ability of Ryan Reynolds...

    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.

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    TommattTommatt Registered User regular
    He may have been in some bad movies, but I've never felt he was the problem of those movies. I wouldn't want to see him in Schindler's list but I think Merc with the mouth is right in his acting wheelhouse.

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    PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    I guess for me deadpool is a character without a lot of big market appeal and I've never got why people like him. I mean he's a Rob creation.

    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.

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    DanHibikiDanHibiki Registered User regular
    can't say i've ever really cared what the marketing appeal of the movies I liked are.

    Like, it's nice when they do well, because a sequel might happen but generally the movies I love tend to only make their money back.

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    shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    It may suck. It may end up a cult classic. It may end up a surprisingly decent movie no one sees.

    Regardless, I'm happy they got a shot at it. I'd like to see it happen.

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    TommattTommatt Registered User regular
    I didn't finish the leaked script, but what I read of it, just felt right. And the test footage, that looked a lot like a deadpool comic to me. I don't even know what it is I like about him, and I've only read his good stuff. I started liking the character from the Video Games and (Marvel Ultimate Alliance) and read the comics later. I hate comic book silliness, but with him, it just works for me. When he fought Bullseye in a run and he had an arrow threw his head, the ensuing pages were so silly, but I could not stop laughing. Yet he can be tragic too. He just hits all the right notes for me.

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    Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    Preacher wrote: »
    I guess for me deadpool is a character without a lot of big market appeal and I've never got why people like him. I mean he's a Rob creation.

    In the right hands he's enjoyable, as long as they're not Rob Liefeld.

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    TexiKenTexiKen Dammit! That fish really got me!Registered User regular
    Whoa, this thread moved pretty fast.

    So Ryan Reynolds is Sunshine, Olivia Munn is Prometheus, and Kevin Sorbo is Godzilla '14?


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    ElJeffeElJeffe Roaming the streets, waving his mod gun around.Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    Kyougu wrote: »

    It's the same like any job. Some people are really passionate about it and to other's it's just a paycheck.

    I don't know the history behind my company, and apart from the general "hope it's doing well enough so I'm not out of a job" i could care less about it. I go in, doing the work that's expected of me, and that's it.

    Actors and actresses aren't any different.

    Ya, and I've had to work with those people who are just there for the paycheque and doing the bare minimum

    Oh god, just tell me how many pieces of flair I need to wear already, Christ.

    I submitted an entry to Lego Ideas, and if 10,000 people support me, it'll be turned into an actual Lego set!If you'd like to see and support my submission, follow this link.
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    ButcherButcher Registered User regular
    Preacher wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure that movie is going to suck.

    "It's going to be violent and dirty, directed by a guy who did a credit sequence for a movie and its coming out in February so you know thats a quality endorsement."

    So cynical. I'm at least happy for Reynolds. His career took a dive after GL and he's been wanting to make this movie for nearly 10 years. Even if this is his last hurrah, at least it happened.

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    PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    ElJeffe wrote: »
    Kyougu wrote: »

    It's the same like any job. Some people are really passionate about it and to other's it's just a paycheck.

    I don't know the history behind my company, and apart from the general "hope it's doing well enough so I'm not out of a job" i could care less about it. I go in, doing the work that's expected of me, and that's it.

    Actors and actresses aren't any different.

    Ya, and I've had to work with those people who are just there for the paycheque and doing the bare minimum

    Oh god, just tell me how many pieces of flair I need to wear already, Christ.

    Fifteen pieces is the bare minimum I mean do you want to just do the bare min? Or do you want to be more like Brad? Who has 58 pieces and a beautiful smile.

    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.

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    TexiKenTexiKen Dammit! That fish really got me!Registered User regular
    A friend recommend The Last Supper for me to watch, but reading the wikipedia summary it sounds like it might be pretty ham fisted p-word coming from some rookie film school graduate. Tell me my spider-sense isn't 100% correct.

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    PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    TexiKen wrote: »
    A friend recommend The Last Supper for me to watch, but reading the wikipedia summary it sounds like it might be pretty ham fisted p-word coming from some rookie film school graduate. Tell me my spider-sense isn't 100% correct.

    Nope your spider sense is spot on.

    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.

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    nexuscrawlernexuscrawler Registered User regular
    I still feel line a spot on dead pool movies could be fun but it'd be freaking exhausting after like 15 minutes

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    DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular
    Preacher wrote: »
    Right and if there has been one thing proven before its the great acting ability of Ryan Reynolds...

    watch him in The Voices. he plays a schizophrenic fantastically. And also voices all of the voices in his head quite believably.

    I have complete faith in his ability to pull of Deadpool after seeing that movie.

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    DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular
    Oh also saw Genisys.

    It's fun enough to watch Emilia Clarke call Arnold "Pops" while they blow things up.

    the dude playing Kyle Reese however could be replaced with cardboard. He does absolutely nothing for the film. It's not an aggressively bad performance or anything but it's so painfully bland.

    oh and the spoiler that everyone is pissed off about from the trailers is. . .yeah very unfortunate. I can see that they wanted to build up something of a twist and it would have been pretty damn effective. Knowing about John before hand really does ruin one of the movies dramatic beats.

    Um what else. It's not bad I guess is what I'm saying.

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    Kipling217Kipling217 Registered User regular
    TexiKen wrote: »
    Whoa, this thread moved pretty fast.

    So Ryan Reynolds is Sunshine, Olivia Munn is Prometheus, and Kevin Sorbo is Godzilla '14?


    No Kevin Sorbo is Godzilla'98, a pale bastardized reflection of the real thing:


    The sky was full of stars, every star an exploding ship. One of ours.
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    flamebroiledchickenflamebroiledchicken Registered User regular
    I feel like a film that truly captures Deadpool's essence would have to be almost Scott Pilgrim levels of postmodern and self aware. Days of Future Past was alright, probably the best Xmen since the second one, but I don't know if I really trust Fox to pull it off. If it was MCU, maybe. As it is I'm basically expecting the Punisher but sassier.

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    SpaffySpaffy Fuck the Zero Registered User regular
    I feel like a film that truly captures Deadpool's essence would have to be almost Scott Pilgrim levels of postmodern and self aware. Days of Future Past was alright, probably the best Xmen since the second one, but I don't know if I really trust Fox to pull it off. If it was MCU, maybe. As it is I'm basically expecting the Punisher but sassier.

    If I was a movie exec and someone pitched me "Sassy Punisher", I'd give them all my money, my house, and at least 2/3 of my children.

    Steam: adamjnet
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    DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular
    There's really no point in conjecture about what the Deadpool movie will be like.


    This is the test footage voiced by Ryan Reynolds that greenlit the project.

    Crews have been seem on set recreating the same scene.

    This is RyRey's baby. Definitely a project of passion. Which I would guess he became interested in the character when he was playing him for the X-Men movie and found out that in the movie he would have absolutely nothing to do with Deadpool.

This discussion has been closed.