I'm sure someone of the higher powers have already thought about doing a separate line for BYOC, since both the Convention Center and Annex will both be opening up at the same time. Here is what they mentioned about the changes this year(different than how it operated last year) on the main PAX PRIME website:
"We’ll have two primary “entrances” running simultaneously in the morning – One will be the Convention Center (head to the main entrance on Pike and building staff will direct you where to go), and the other will be at the Annex. BOTH will be let into the show at 10 AM sharp, so you can go to either location in the morning."
Hopefully someone will let us know where to line up for people who show up super early, in a different line.
I don't think this will be a problem because they usually let BYOC people into the Annex at 8am to start checking in (on Friday).
cely on
Dreggor[E] PAX East PC Room DeputyRegistered Userregular
A mailer will be going out shortly with all the details.
Also: Group Seating requests are now CLOSED and all requests have been processed. I am travelling until late Thursday so I will upload the updated seating chart first thing Friday.
PAX is SOOOOOO close guiz!!! *head explodes*
PAX Prime PC Room Deputy
PAX East PC Room Deputy
Sweet. Sorry for asking about that so many times. I'm traveling really light for pax and I'm playing on a tablet while I'm there. Need time to test settings to try and get decent fps.
That hasn't been an issue in the past because they don't open the escalator from the annex up to the expo hall until 30-60 minutes after PAX opens. Even though there isn't a queue room this year, I don't expect to see non-BYOC people lining up.
I wouldn't count on it since it was announced and people are likely to go to both to get in the shorter lines. It should prove interesting. I'd suspect they or even the people there will create a "BYOC" line since (if?) we get in early. If not it will be a real mess.
There are only two in my group so we didn't qualify to put in for GS, what are the chances of us being able to sit together?
Very good. There are usually seats that don't even get used, you shouldn't have any trouble getting just 2 together.
Generally Sam is correct, however last year we did fill up. So I would make sure you check in on Friday morning.
Hopefully there will be a seat for every person. Or should I come Friday morning, sans computer, to stake out a spot for Saturday?
Do they sell more BYOC tickets than there are seats? I thought if you bought a ticket you'd get a seat....you just couldn't guarantee where it would be at.
You will be allowed to enter the building early, at 8:00am on Friday ONLY, to begin checking in and being seated. Entry on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday all begin at 10:00am. BE WARNED. There will probably be a line forming in front of the building of non-byoc people. If you have a BYOC badge, walk right past them, you'll be able to enter the building early.
Does this apply to Saturday, Sunday, Monday as well? Don't get into the expo hall line, just walk straight up to the Annex door and BYOC badge holders will be let in promptly at 10:00am? I ask because I suspect the expo hall line at the Annex will be a lot longer leading up to 10am than it has been in years past because they're getting rid of the queue room this year.
Shivin has it right. If you bought a BYOC badge, you'll have a place to sit.
You can expect non-byoc people lining up outside the expo, and once the show opens there will probably be a fair amount of traffic through the room as people get up into the expo hall via the Annex (and pc room). On Friday you'll be able to skip that line as you'll be able to get into the building before 10:00am. On Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, we won't have early access to BYOC which means you'll need to be in the general Annex line. It shouldn't be TOO bad, but if the idea of being in a line bothers you, my suggestion is to show up at 10:30am. The lines can feel like they take forever, but only when you're IN them.
Shivin has it right. If you bought a BYOC badge, you'll have a place to sit.
You can expect non-byoc people lining up outside the expo, and once the show opens there will probably be a fair amount of traffic through the room as people get up into the expo hall via the Annex (and pc room). On Friday you'll be able to skip that line as you'll be able to get into the building before 10:00am. On Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, we won't have early access to BYOC which means you'll need to be in the general Annex line. It shouldn't be TOO bad, but if the idea of being in a line bothers you, my suggestion is to show up at 10:30am. The lines can feel like they take forever, but only when you're IN them.
Wow! A wild Dave Coffman appears! Thanks Dave for making this clear for everyone.
Also: As promised (albeit it a day late) the final seating chart is up.
Also also: Everyone who bought a BYOC ticket should have received an email with more details about directions and parking. I will also work on getting the game and contest list up this weekend.
PAX Prime PC Room Deputy
PAX East PC Room Deputy
I plan on bringing my Alienware 18. Will I be able to safely leave this in the BYOC hall?
sizzlersam(Retired) [E] PC Room NetworkRegistered Userregular
To my knowledge, no computers have ever been stolen from BYOC in the history of PAX. Other things have gone missing... "I left a roll of cash on the table and now its gone!" and such things... That being said, if its a laptop, it wouldn't hurt to invest in a cheap computer locking cable.
Please bring laptop locks. It is true, no attendee systems have ever been stolen, but honestly...leaving a laptop exposed without so much as a $10 lock is asking people to walk away with it.
Yeah always play it safe and lock down ur gear. You can even use one of those laptop locks with a desktop and monitor. Most LCD monitors have slots on the back for those same locks, so when I bring a desktop to a lan I take one of those locks and thread it through some unused water coolin tube holes in the back of my case (or you could use extra PCI slots in the back), thread it through itself, wrap it around a table leg a few times and then lock it into the back of my monitor. One cable keeps both safe. I also don't think I've ever heard of anyone having a PC/monitor/laptop being stolen at the pax byoc, but you don't want to be the first. Security is pretty good but not perfect.
I stole a laptop from the pax east byoc in 2014. Now it was my own laptop I "stole" just to see how security was. I just packed my gear into my bag on the last day and walked out and they asked me "are you checking out" to see if they could check my bag and I just said "nah I'm just going to the bathroom" and walked out. Now I did mention this to vapok later and how easy it could have been to walk off with one for real so hopefully that issue has been taken care of since. Just play it safe and lock it down and always take your peripherals with you (keyboard, mouse, mousepad, headset) when you are leaving the byoc for more than a few minutes.
Just so you all know it is supposed to rain this weekend from Friday through Monday...
So bring some hoodies as it will be cooler in the upper 60's and low 70's.
@Dreggor I know you were trying to get the games/contest list up over the weekend. Any chance it'll come in the next 24 hours? My flight leaves in 34 hours and I'd like to know what to install before I leave since downloading them there probably won't be possible.
For those of us who arrive at 6 (I expect to be right behind you, again, @hobbseltoff ) is the line going to be in the same place? I noticed there was some sort of giant display blocking the sidewalk earlier.
Really excited for this year's BYOC! I wasn't accepted as an [E], but if there's anything I can do to help out with BYOC, let me know. I'm currently bringing a box of Cat5 and some extra power cables in case anyone forgets theirs like I normally do.
If the pictures you see of the PC Room have the same keyboards or monitors, it's because that's the PC Freeplay side of the PC Room, not the BYOC side.
From the pictures I see of BYOC it seems that no one is using a laptop. It seems like they all have the same keyboards and monitors, is this true?
Someone else already tackled this too, but I've taken a laptop every year and it works well for me. There's an entire pre-made group that I was seated next too and they all brought Laptops. They don't stand out as well, but I'd actually estimate they comprise around a quarter of the total machines in here. Also keep in mind some people might bring external monitors and keyboards to plug into a laptop so they can forego the tower.
S2000GanSpartan-Rogue Class, Red SquadBellevue, WARegistered Userregular
Figured i'd put this here,
I was on the team that won the BYOC ARAM League of Legends tournament that was supposedly sponsored by riot and we were told we'd won Triumphant Ryze and 5000RP, just wondering if that tournament report had been sent in or something as it seems neither I nor my friend who was also on the team have received the prize yet.
Just wondering if anyone knows whats up
Peter "S2000Gan"
"We’ll have two primary “entrances” running simultaneously in the morning – One will be the Convention Center (head to the main entrance on Pike and building staff will direct you where to go), and the other will be at the Annex. BOTH will be let into the show at 10 AM sharp, so you can go to either location in the morning."
Hopefully someone will let us know where to line up for people who show up super early, in a different line.
Also: Group Seating requests are now CLOSED and all requests have been processed. I am travelling until late Thursday so I will upload the updated seating chart first thing Friday.
PAX is SOOOOOO close guiz!!! *head explodes*
PAX Prime PC Room Deputy
PAX East PC Room Deputy
There are only two in my group so we didn't qualify to put in for GS, what are the chances of us being able to sit together?
Very good. There are usually seats that don't even get used, you shouldn't have any trouble getting just 2 together.
Generally Sam is correct, however last year we did fill up. So I would make sure you check in on Friday morning.
PAX Prime PC Room Deputy
PAX East PC Room Deputy
This is coming soon and will be posted here.
PAX Prime PC Room Deputy
PAX East PC Room Deputy
Note sure I will be there at the crack of dawn like most but definitely checking in on Friday.
Hopefully there will be a seat for every person. Or should I come Friday morning, sans computer, to stake out a spot for Saturday?
I wouldn't count on it since it was announced and people are likely to go to both to get in the shorter lines. It should prove interesting. I'd suspect they or even the people there will create a "BYOC" line since (if?) we get in early. If not it will be a real mess.
Do they sell more BYOC tickets than there are seats? I thought if you bought a ticket you'd get a seat....you just couldn't guarantee where it would be at.
You can expect non-byoc people lining up outside the expo, and once the show opens there will probably be a fair amount of traffic through the room as people get up into the expo hall via the Annex (and pc room). On Friday you'll be able to skip that line as you'll be able to get into the building before 10:00am. On Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, we won't have early access to BYOC which means you'll need to be in the general Annex line. It shouldn't be TOO bad, but if the idea of being in a line bothers you, my suggestion is to show up at 10:30am. The lines can feel like they take forever, but only when you're IN them.
Wow! A wild Dave Coffman appears! Thanks Dave for making this clear for everyone.
Also: As promised (albeit it a day late) the final seating chart is up.
Also also: Everyone who bought a BYOC ticket should have received an email with more details about directions and parking. I will also work on getting the game and contest list up this weekend.
PAX Prime PC Room Deputy
PAX East PC Room Deputy
I stole a laptop from the pax east byoc in 2014. Now it was my own laptop I "stole" just to see how security was. I just packed my gear into my bag on the last day and walked out and they asked me "are you checking out" to see if they could check my bag and I just said "nah I'm just going to the bathroom" and walked out. Now I did mention this to vapok later and how easy it could have been to walk off with one for real so hopefully that issue has been taken care of since. Just play it safe and lock it down and always take your peripherals with you (keyboard, mouse, mousepad, headset) when you are leaving the byoc for more than a few minutes.
So bring some hoodies as it will be cooler in the upper 60's and low 70's.
Really excited for this year's BYOC! I wasn't accepted as an [E], but if there's anything I can do to help out with BYOC, let me know. I'm currently bringing a box of Cat5 and some extra power cables in case anyone forgets theirs like I normally do.
BYOC '09-'15
what is artemis?
If the pictures you see of the PC Room have the same keyboards or monitors, it's because that's the PC Freeplay side of the PC Room, not the BYOC side.
We are using laptops and it's working well for us.
There are some really impressive rigs set up through out byoc - especially the first one when you walk in...very nice!
Someone else already tackled this too, but I've taken a laptop every year and it works well for me. There's an entire pre-made group that I was seated next too and they all brought Laptops. They don't stand out as well, but I'd actually estimate they comprise around a quarter of the total machines in here. Also keep in mind some people might bring external monitors and keyboards to plug into a laptop so they can forego the tower.
I was on the team that won the BYOC ARAM League of Legends tournament that was supposedly sponsored by riot and we were told we'd won Triumphant Ryze and 5000RP, just wondering if that tournament report had been sent in or something as it seems neither I nor my friend who was also on the team have received the prize yet.
Just wondering if anyone knows whats up
Peter "S2000Gan"