Hello and welcome, to another edition of the PAX International Food Exchange. For this, our umpteenth exchange, we'll be coming to you from PAX Prime 2015 in Seattle. Now for all you PAX vets, this may be old hat. For those new to PAX though, this is a community driven event for the exchange of foods (and drinks) we can't normally have in our home countries. Be they prepared foods from far away foreign lands (like Canada, the UK, and ɐıןɐɹʇsnɐ), or local goodies that we can take home with us, as long as they travel well they're fair game. With us just about to cross the 30-day mark until the big event, it seems like as good a time as any to get this swaparoo started.
Now if still have questions about this exchange, or are just feeling nostalgic, you can check out the past seven exchanges. Fair warning that they are high in fat, calories, sugar, and good times.
The Penny Arcade Expo International Food Exchange - PAX East 2011The PAX International Food Exchange - PAX Prime 2011The PAX East 2012 International Food Exchange (now with Retsin!)The PAX East 2013 International Food Exchange (How do you like your coffee?)The PAX Prime 2013 International Food Exchange (Do You Eat the Red Ones Last?)The PAX East 2014 International Food Exchange (The Taste Just Keeps You Comin' Back)He Likes It! Hey Mikey! PAX International Food ExchangeThe PAX South 2015 International Food Exchange (What Is the Caramilk Secret?)
In the past those threads resulted in many great meet-ups being arranged, and many delicious noms being om'd. Now at PAX Primes past, we've failed to establish a good meetup time or location, though we did attempt to congregate in the queue room one afternoon at a previous event. The queue room no longer exists, so I will gladly take suggestions as to a general meetup date and time, and will update this OP when we establish something.
If you can't make the meetup don't worry (be happy), just PM the person you want to meet and arrange time and place.
So what is the point of all this? Well this is the "official" thread for the exchange and delicious foods from all over. This is meant as an open forum to post what delicious noms you are bringing to PAX to share with your unfortunate American cousins, and for our awesome American hosts to make requests. Intra-Commonwealth transactions are also allowed of course. You can make exchanges, offer cash, or in the spirit of the PAX community simply share for the sake of sharing. It's your call. As this has come up in recent years you can also exchange alcohol via this thread, but be aware that drugs and alcohol are not allowed in PAX. You'll have to make other arrangements to swap.
Meet-up place will be posted here if one is arranged.
Note: Please be aware of the laws for importing and exporting foods, both in your country of origin and destination. Links to the four main governing bodies we will be dealing with can be found here. Any others? Suggest them in thread and I'll add them.
U.S. Customs and Border ProtectionHM Revenue & CustomsCanada Border Services Agency (CBSA)Australian Customs and Border Protection Service
We can also take suggestions as to interesting things to take home, and probe around if a certain delicious nom is or isn't available in great USandA. It's all up to you. Happy trading, and we'll see you at PAX!
*** I get to add something to the Kinder Surprise warning. Also be aware of laws for importing and exporting fresh produce and meat products. Two by two hands of blue with be examining you if you don't heed these warnings. ***
We have actually had PAXers have their luggage opened and Kinders confiscated. They pose a serious risk to freedom apparently.
Enjoy folks
This is only half of it by the way, which is why there are no Jaffa Cakes in it, sorry. Anyway if anyone wants to kick off the food exchange PAX usually has every year I'm willing to assist in this endeavour. Let me know what takes your fancy and I'm sure we can work something out. Oh and for those that haven't figured it out yet, I'm from the UK
Hotel Booked: check!
Sitter for the kids: check!
Excitement level rising: check, check and triple check!
So if you want some sweets AKA candy from Old Timey Land then put your offers up here.
Were you looking for a specific flavor?
Hotel Booked: check!
Sitter for the kids: check!
Excitement level rising: check, check and triple check!
I can get you a yard long box of Jaffa Cakes (I'm not joking) but I can also offer the following:
1) Minstrels - Milk chocolate disks that are twice the size of M&Ms and taste 10 times better as they are made with actual sugar and not corn syrup stuff used a lot in American confectionary
2) Terry's Chocolate Orange - a chocolate ball sliced into segments and infused with orange flavouring. Comes in milk, white and dark chocolate variants.
3) Fox's Glacier Mints/Fruits - Hard boiled sweets made from real sugar, very high quality and tasty too.
4) Double decker - Multi layered chocolate bar with nougat on top and crispy cereal coated in chocolate in the bottom
5) Maltesers - Milk chocolate spheres made from honeycomb biscuit.
6) Jelly Babies - Chewy fruit candy in the shape of little babies, made famous by Dr Who.
7) Flake - Sticks of chocolate made from very thin sheets of milk chocolate and layered upon each other
8) Hobnob biscuit - Oatmeal cookie that come plain, milk chocolate and dark chocolate covering. Very nice with a cup of Builder's Tea.
9) Thornton's Chocolate - Slightly expensive but very nice chocolate in many different varieties
10) Roses/Quality Street/Heroes/Celebrations - Boxes of small chocolates with different fillings
Let me know if any of those interest you and I can bring it along. Thanks for the Jolly Ranchers, my work colleague is most appreciative.
well way back when it was sold down here there was a flavor called kiwiberry ruckus that i liked, but if that is not a thing any more then what ever is good now works lol
Can you get the pear flavored jaffa cakes?
Also, you should take him some Now n' Laters too. If he loves american sweeties, he'll be doubly happy with those.
While looking up Jaffa Cakes to figure out what they were I ran across this US based distributor seems pretty reasonable priced but currently out of the McVities brand http://britishfooddepot.com/biscuits-cookies/jaffa-cakes/?gclid=CJrEmLmthMcCFUuTfgodpzkO1w
They're called Pims over here, but the European ones are better. Sponge cake cookies with orange jam and chocolate
I never finish anyth
Mcvities only do orange (normal) and occasionally Lemon and Line, Strawberry, Blackcurrant flavours
(as a side note of curiosity are Blackcurrant plants still banned in most of the US or have more states opened up to growing them yet?)
I may bring some stuff over from the UK this year (depends how much of a grumpy old man I am at the time
Pear flavoured Jaffa Cakes? Pear flavoured Jaffa Cakes? WHAT IS THIS HERECY YOU SPEAK OF??? No. Just NO. NO NO NO NO. Jaffa Cakes have orange jello infused into them and always will.
As for the offer of Now n' Laters, she (yes it's a she) was quite specific on the Jolly Ranchers. She rather liked them last year so let's stick with the same this year.
I'm not sure that I'm needing any more Jolly Ranchers. What else can you recommend that I may be tempted by?
In less contentious candy, do Oreos come in many flavors overseas. Here in the states, you can get Lemon, S'mores, Birthday Cake, and some others.
I can get some stuff for trade or I'll just pay straight cash. I'd take a box of each or as little as just 1 candy bar.
1) I like the pear ones, don't judge me.
2) I was suggesting the Now n Laters in addition to, not instead of Jolly Ranchers - hence the usage of the word "too" in the post.
What? I have never heard of such a thing. You can buy fresh black, red and white currants in some grocery stores here, grown on local commercial farms. Got a link or anything?
Pims over here do orange and raspberry. They did pear for a while but Americans don't like it, I guess. They were fantastic.
From Wikipedia:
Huh! Sounds largely like an East Coast blight. I would hazard a guess that they're legal in most states now but Americans lost their taste for them, so there's not much market anymore. That and bullshit seed control politics could prevent a popular comeback from those old laws.
EDIT: Just did some more research (this topic is of great interest to me, could you tell?), and it looks like White Blister Pine Rust, which is the fungus that prompted the ban in 1911 is most problematic in the Northeast. Maine and New York have both lifted their currant and gooseberry bans but it looks like the mid-Atlantic states like Virginia and the Carolinas don't have the same organic/artisanal farming communities and challenges to the bill - if any - have been weak. I've found loads of articles on farmers who challenged the laws in the Northeast and won but just about nothing in those central states. I can't ever remember currants or gooseberries being illegal on the West Coast (I was born after 1966), and they're a common garden berry, plus we have wild flowering red currant all over the woods here. I'm pretty sure that even a federal ban would have been impossible to enforce over here for the first part of the century, at least as far as private gardens go.
@YoungFrey - You're my best friend today. This is the kind of fascinating heritage food and agriculture stuff that gives me lady boners.
If anybody wants to try raw American currants, let me know and I'll get some frozen and send them with someone to the exchange (the season just ended last week). I've got some red and white in my freezer and can get black ones from the store.
would love jaffa cakes or minstrels. or i'm sure i can be tempted with other yummies.
PAX 2014: had a blast.. let's do it again!
You are my new Canadian Hero!
I will take whatever you are willing to bring me up to a box of Coffee Crisp and Mint Aero, only 1 bar of each, or anything in between. If there's anything from Minnesota you'd like let me know and I'll see if I can track it down. Never heard of Jaffa Cakes or Minstrels so I'm thinking they're from elsewhere.
Indonesian Ramen, Korean Ramen, Japanese Ramen, Chinese Ramen... Curry ramen, Onion ramen, Satay ramen, Crayfish ramen, Extra spicy pepper ramen.... Ramen with 2, 3 or even 4 different flavoring packs, including seasoned oils, powdered dashi, peppers, fried onions, naruto and seaweed.
I'd be interested in coffee crisps and all dressed chips.
Wow that's a lot of ramen I might need to buy a bunch and take some back to pdx.
The chips are for @punzie though. She might share if you ask nice, but that's not a guarantee I can make. The candy bars are just to generally give out.
I never finish anyth
I would love some weird Japanese candies! Flavored kitkats are a thing that tickles my fancy. I will bring Bueno bars.