Rare is a company that has been deeply influential for me - Banjo-Kazooie was the first console gave I ever owned, Tooie remains my favourite N64 game, and Nuts & Bolts was the reason I got a 360.
To celebrate their 30th anniversary, they've released this excellent collection of 30 games from Jetpac all the way to Nuts & Bolts
Those games are:
Lunar Jetman
Atic Atac
Sabre Wulf
Knight Lore
R.C. Pro-Am
Cobra Triangle
Snake Rattle 'n' Roll
Solar Jetman
Digger T. Rock
R.C. Pro-Am II
Battletoads Arcade
Killer Instinct Gold
Blast Corps
Jet Force Gemini
Perfect Dark
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Grabbed by the Ghoulies
Perfect Dark Zero
Viva Piñata
Jetpac Refuelled
Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
Inevitably the Donkey Kong games and Goldeneye weren't going to make it onto this collection, but it's still a pretty great list. Rare may also release other games via DLC.
This is also a pretty polished collection, that catchy intro is only the beginning. Interviews with Rare staff unlock as you complete in-game milestones and pre N64 games have stuff like save states and a rewind function. This collection also acts as a preview of backwards compatibility, as that's how the 360 games (including Banjo) are incorporated into this pack.
So yeah this collection is pretty cool.
Don't have an Xbone, though. Oh well!
Is that true
it's rather hideous and controls badly.
Please tell me it gets much better once you get past these barriers.
Have you toggled modern controls? That at least helps a bit.
Perfect Dark... well, I already own the XBLA version. I loved that game, especially after a guy indefinitely "borrowed" my copy of Goldeneye, but man I can only play it now because of nostalgia.
The N64 era stuff is definitely the biggest draw for me. It'll be great having a way to play Blast Corps and JFG without trying to hook an N64 up to an HDTV. I already have the XBLA version of Perfect Dark (and still really enjoy it). I'll certainly take this as an excuse to play through it again though.
The best use of my bandwidth
Jetpac, Atic Atac, Slalom, RC Pro-Am, and Cobra Triangle are all really cool
It's crazy how much Digger T. Rock is like a Spelunky precursor
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It is worth noting here that I have 100%'ed every single Assassin's Creed game
a lot more viva pinata Eidolon Journal Updated
When 4J patched it on 360 it didn't retroactively fix my problem.
Iron Galaxy has shown them up a bit but Killer Instinct was rad and now that they are free from the clutches of the Kinect they will probably be consistently rad again
So that makes their last non Kinect game Nuts and Bolts which is still pretty fuckin good
You had Jiggies, Notes, Mumbo Tokens, and Jinjos.
Then there's ammo for abilities: eggs, red feathers, and yellow feathers.
Also optional stuff like 1-Ups, and honeycombs to increase max health, but if this is "too much stuff" then whoooooa don't ever touch a Zelda game.
It was also seven years ago.
That said, I would absolutely love for them to get back to being rad, and I think it's certainly possible for them to do so. Here's hoping Sea of Thieves turns out well.
But I don't really remembering hearing about a bunch of turnover or layoffs in the company so I would imagine most of the people who did Viva Pinata and Nuts and Bolts and the like are still there, they've just been shackled to the Kinect for the last half decade or so
I know the classic N64 team is pretty much all gone
That's who's making Yooka-Laylee
Banjo-Tooie went off a the rails a little bit, but DK64 is always the poster child. Honestly, BT might have been alright if it didn't also have a ton of other shit going on. I think they tried doing a little too much and the game suffered for it.
Satans..... hints.....
I just love them both a whole lot
Like the banjo Museum level could have been this really neat level if it was designed like a museum instead its this ugly cut and paste of level chunks from better games
The lack of non vehicle sections hurt too. Like there was clearly a way to mix tradtional B-K stuff with vehicles and that went unexplored