Bathroom Sponsored by Technomancer Press... seriously
Wait... what? The reference to Sealab dates back to PAX05, I had been partying for a time on the night in question, and upon the several returns to my room, I exclaimed, "Meanwhile, back at Sealab!" Thusly the room became known as Sealab (mostly only to me and the two other people staying with me). Last year, we booked three rooms for maximum party and room-share efficiency. This party was referred to as the Party at Sealab, and to make it easier for people to find, I put a sign on the door that said "Sealab" (although I won't be doing that this year, I'll explain below). That party was consistently moving between two of our rooms, so moving of the sign was necessary. This year it is the Party at Sealab Party, the extra party is there because I felt like adding it, and so it shall be.
Where will you be? This year I have a suite booked at the Crowne Plaza, further room details will released as they are available.
When does this happen? Friday night after PAX closes is the big main party. Saturday we're having a smaller invite party.
How do I find you? There will be a few ways to find me. I'll be at the Pre-PAX dinner on Thursday night in the 6:30 seating wave, that will probably be your best chance to find me and hound me for information. Get the room number from me at that time to avoid having to track me through a sea of people inside of PAX. Another way to find the party is to ask around, somebody else will have heard of the party, and more than likely will know where it is. Also, it's always good etiquette to bring some alcohol with you, if you don't want to carry it out in the open, a backpack always makes a good booze-concealing device. Also, participation in the
Alcohol Exchange Network is a good way to help us fill our bathtub with PNW microbrews, Canadian beer and liquor.
What's this about Technomancer Press sponsoring your bathroom? That's right. Tony Hellman, CEO of Technomancer Press has expressed interest in sponsoring the Party at Sealab Party's bathroom, and we agreed to it. Why the bathroom you ask? Well for the comedic value of course. Any company can sponsor a party, Technomancer Press is sponsoring a party's bathroom and will be holding a geek trivia contest during Sealab to give out some free stuff to a few lucky people. Study your D&D, XHTML, WoW, and PA. A working knowledge of a Brief History of Time wouldn't hurt either.
"I don't want a smack in the face"
"So do it."
that's pretty much the jist of it as best I can recall.
Watching somewhat hot girls make out made up for that though... and I'll try to keep Astayonix from cockblocking you like she did to some degree last year.
if any one's looking for a good drinking partner, i'm game. i'm bringing some good booze from my homeland that may get you fucked up hehe...of course that is if you don't mind the thick scottish accent and possibly foul language, i'm prone to do that from time to time....
But if you want to be near this party the crowne plaza is the place to stay.
Well, thats good because it looks as if it will have to be the sheraton, as the crowne seems to be booked for the days i want, either way i will be drinking.....alot
also, if anyone has spare space in their hotel room i'd be happy to share and willing to pay my share or whatever. i'm travelling by myself and don't know anyone ><
I think that you should make a post in the "Official 'I need a place to crash' thread", and check out the "Official 'I have extra hotel space' thread. Even though Moe kinda just destroyed that thread with his off-topicness.
I'm incredibly bad about going off topic myself. I don't mean to, I blame you guys for being so awesome to talk to.
Oh man the scottish accent would probably make it all the more better. I'll totally be ur drinking buddy if your looking for one. Me and my bro are probably gonna be looking for someone to split the cost of our room with so if you wanna stay with us ur more than welcome to, although we haven't actually booked our room yet cause we're short on funds til the summer jobs kick in. Anyways what else should I say? ummm I love to drink but I'm no hero so around the 11th or 12 round I might have to call it quits.
The Party at Sealab party sounds like a great way to meet even more people. I'll definitely try and be there.
I'll be bringing some Bawls, definitely. I think I've said it before, but I actually found a single supplier of Bawls up here, it's a Mac's right near my house. Only place in town that I know of, and I ended up going on a pilgrimage to find the stuff too.
Thing is, I suppose that it's supposed to be an alcohol party, but...the American drinking age...she is too high!
Ah well, Bawls for me. Never did like beer anyway...I've heard some crazy residence stories from a friend, one of which involved two of his friends, one friend's outstretched arm, ninja stars/shurikens, a chef knife, and lots of beer/alcohol. Do I need to elaborate?
Shit MattyP, I wonder if I could load up the trunk with a couple of cases of Bawls when I pick your ass up.
It would be like a cheap Dukes of Hazzard knock off.
I plan on buying a big bottle of gin at the duty free on my way out to Seattle. Sealab sounds like the perfect place to consume it!
Oh they so sold out last year.... Unless lots of people were pulling my leg...which happens sometimes.
Qs23: I'll inform the store that they're going to need at least 2 cases of Bawls in mid-august. :P
Is the beer homemade, or the buddies? If the former, what kind is it?
Any chance on talking you into brewing some Sealab beer? Might I suggest something powerful, with just a little oomph (and maybe some caffeine). Just give me the dimensions and I'll come up with a cool label for it.