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Magical Mystery Tour 2015

Squire_PugSquire_Pug Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular

This doesn't seem to have sprung up as yet, and people do seem to be doing a few things (I have a trivia night and Pinny Pal meetup already booked...)
So I am going to attempt to Organise the incredibly awesome 2015 Magical Mystery Tour to welcome our international/interstate/interdimensional/really shy guests!

If you are traveling to Melbourne, and have not visited the WORLDS MOST LIVABLE CITY before, and want to pre-meet some amazing PAX peoples before the crowd descends, then do we have a deal for you!

So the idea will be to meetup Wednesday at around 10AM, walk the alleys of Melbourne to Queen Vic Market for a market style DIY lunch, and then head to a Tourist destination selected by attendees on the day from a selection such as:

-Eureka 88 Tower
-Melbourne Zoo
-The Melbourne Failed Tourist Wheel
-Botanical Gardens and ANZAC Shrine
-Pop Culture shops like Minotaur
-A combination of the above

On Day 2 (Thursday) given how much abuse our amazing guests intend to take, we can do a field trip to Healesville to pat an actual Kangaroo, or down to Williamstown to drink beers by the Bay, or across to Werribee to visit our Open Plains Zoo, or hit up the State Galleries/Museums depending on how cultured you are feeling.

Day 2 would start around the same time and finish by about 3pm so people can rest up for PAX.

This can run with as few as 2-3 people, and as many as I can manage not to lose crossing the street outside Flinders Street Station.

Please leave names in the post below for interested people and what days you want to attend. If you REALLY want to see a particular attraction then leave it in the post and I will do my darn best to accommodate everyone I can.

Next week I will post my email and personal mobile so people can contact me when trying to locate me at the meetup points. I will respond to PM's if you want to stay super shy.

PAX people are our people, and this is an awesome chance to break the ice and see an amazing city of culture and attractions to befuddle the mind!


  • MagnusCarterMagnusCarter Registered User regular
    Yay ! someone started an MMT thread!
    I'll be there for whatever is happening, happy to go with any combination, however would skip the Eureka as we did it last year.

  • Squire_PugSquire_Pug Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Eureka is very easily skippable. This shall be tailored to the whim of the guests!

  • SennoSenno AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Send them to Draculas for dinner :)

  • flasheflashe Craft Beer Aficionado US - East CoastRegistered User regular
    I'll be back for the MMT, likely do Thurs! Down for seeing other areas of Melbourne!

  • CarrotTopCarrotTop Registered User regular
    Won't be arriving till Thursday

  • FuzzyPredatorFuzzyPredator MelbourneRegistered User regular
    Might be able to join you guys for dinner on Wednesday (if I'm lucky)...

  • Squire_PugSquire_Pug Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    So current plan is lunch and a visit on Wednesday, and event then lunch on Thursday.

    Wednesday afternoon can be lanes and pop culture, ACMI, even Healesville if an international guest really wants to pet a kangaroo. Though that is along drive, but I will be organising cars.

    Thursday maybe thinking of doing a boat trip either on the Yarra or ferry across the bay to Williamstown for lunch/drinks by the bay.

    Depending on weather we may go via st kilda beach and get our feet wet, but I don't think we will be bothering with the whole swimming thing given logistics. This can be either on the Wednesday (take the light rail to Luna Park) or Thursday.

    State any preferences and I will do my best to fit it in.

  • kintyrekintyre Registered User regular
    We'd love to meet up. Healesville and Phillip island are on our list to do as is St. Kilda (really more interested in food and culture than actual water and sand).We can be flexible and hit what the group is leaving out Monday and Tuesday.

  • MontablacMontablac Registered User regular
    gona need meetup times and locations for thursday

  • SomeGenSomeGen Registered User new member
    I'm pretty to keen to come along on either/both days. Flew in from Perth this morning and never done any of the touristy stuff here.

  • Squire_PugSquire_Pug Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Current plans is Wednesday morning at 10am under the clocks at Flinders St station. Then an alley ramble through melbourne CBD via a few pop culture stores, arcades, melbourne central, ending at Queen Vic market for lunch.

    After lunch a different ramble through the CBD, possibly via a rattler of a tram, to swing by MCEC to ogle the PAX site from the outside and orientate our guests, then to Southbank for a ferry ride on the Yarra, and ending at the ACMI Screen Worlds exhibition.

    Please try and get a Myki card in advance, though we can organise one on the spot if need be.

    Thursday's schedule will be either the Healesville, Melbourne Zoo, ferry across the bay to Williamstown, other to be decided Wednesday afternoon. Plan will be to meet at Flinders St steps again circa 9:30am. Possible amazing french crepe breakfast in flinders lane from 8:30am.
    For those wanting assurance, or real person contact, please PM me and I'll send you my mobile number, or skype details.

  • MagnusCarterMagnusCarter Registered User regular
    Well I've now arrived in Melbourne and am sort of synced to tomezone. I'm pretty flexible with what to do, but meetup at Flinders is fine and then I'll just go wherever.

  • MontablacMontablac Registered User regular
    i wont be flying in till tomorrow, so ill try and make it to the thursday roam around

  • feralmasterferalmaster melbourneRegistered User regular
    Don't forget Thursday night.. over here:

    posted by a carbon flavoured beer based life form
  • flasheflashe Craft Beer Aficionado US - East CoastRegistered User regular
    I think QVM is closed on Weds, No? Is there a plan B for lunch?

  • Squire_PugSquire_Pug Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    So yeah , my bad markets closed tomorrow. So lunch will be at an alternate venue.

    Currently planning on heading to Lygon St area and doing lunch then gelato bar.

    Nothing much else changes, just less walking!

  • Squire_PugSquire_Pug Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I will be PAX attired with scarf, and probably tshirt from a recognisable PA franchise...

  • Squire_PugSquire_Pug Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Running slightly late, traffic is horrible, will be there ASAP!

    Apologies everyone!

  • Squire_PugSquire_Pug Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Day 1 has succeeded in that no one was eaten, poisoned, stung or lost in the inner wastelands of the continent!

    We managed to do a decent slab of the CBD of melbourne, including coffee, alley rambling, pop culture and comic book stores, notable buildings, some legit artistic culture at the state library, and then a lazy lunch on Lygon St, and gelato and cake at Brunettis. We then caught one of Melbournes famous trams to the ACMI and visited the Screen Worlds exhibition.

    Day 2 after a lunch discussion is going to be a trip to the Healesville Sanctuary. It is a decent drive on the very outskirts of Melbourne but offers the best chance to pat/feed/be savaged by a Kangaroo and get close to Koala and other Australian wildlife.

    I am arranging a fleet of private vehicles to drive there, so we spend the least amount of time travelling. But I do need hard numbers TONIGHT!
    Tickets are about $30, and there are particular up close animal experiences you can pay for on top of that. Transport should be free, but you will need money for lunch, or can bring your own.
    Plan is to meet at 8am for breakfast , or 9am for car pool pickup.

    Breakfast will be at an amazing French creperie in Flinders Lane known as Roule Gallette at 241 Flinders Lane, then to a 9am meet up at Flinders St station. 9:15 we will get into cars at the Fed square car park and make the roughly one hour trip to Healesville. 10:30-1:30 at Healesville, and then back to city drop off by 2:30pm-ish.

    This will allow people to make roll call/pass pickups, and generally rest up for PAX.

    So I need RSVP for a trip to the kangaroos over the next 6 hours. If you need more info, please PM me ASAP.

  • flasheflashe Craft Beer Aficionado US - East CoastRegistered User regular
    edited October 2015
    @ Squire_Pug I'm in like 99.999% for Thurs. Side note, John won't be able to make it tomorrow due to other PAX relates responsibilities.

    flashe on
  • kintyrekintyre Registered User regular
    2 at breakfast and kangaroos.

  • Squire_PugSquire_Pug Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited October 2015
    So at the moment I have 3 confirmed which would mean one car, if I have more than 4 then I need a second car, which as of this minute is not organised due to confirmed numbers.

    Heading to bed now, and up early tomorrow, so feel free to post and I will try and work magic if need be on short notice.

    Squire_Pug on
  • MagnusCarterMagnusCarter Registered User regular
    Sorry I figured you had counted yesterdays people in. 1 more for breakfast and trip please!

  • Squire_PugSquire_Pug Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    2nd car has been arranged this AM, so never fear we will get everyone there!

  • MagnusCarterMagnusCarter Registered User regular
    Excellent work Squire!

  • Squire_PugSquire_Pug Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Ok so car org organisation and heavy traffic is meaning I will be definitely late. Start breakfast and I will hack my way there as soon as I can.

  • kintyrekintyre Registered User regular
    so sorry to do this. Mav woke up sick so we'll need to stay in. Again, our apologies and thank you.

  • Squire_PugSquire_Pug Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    No issue, we will adapt!

  • flasheflashe Craft Beer Aficionado US - East CoastRegistered User regular
    At Flinders now, see you when we see you

  • MontablacMontablac Registered User regular
    I to am at flinders station. Whats the secret hand shake?

  • Squire_PugSquire_Pug Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Last call, PM me for my mobile if you want join us!

  • MontablacMontablac Registered User regular
    Me! Got confused and cant figure out how to pm

  • Squire_PugSquire_Pug Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    So we have realigned ourselves to the boat and beer, catching ferry to Williamstown shortly. Hit me up if you wish to join us.

  • SomeGenSomeGen Registered User new member
    Thanks for running this Squire_Pug. Had a lot of fun and was great to meet everyone!

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