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PAX Aus 2015 Pinny Arcade Staff Trading Feedback

BekerBeker -Registered User regular
We tried some different things at the Pinny Arcade staff trading session this Aus, and I would be interested in your constructive feedback. If you didn't like something about, the why, and suggestions for changes would be great. Love to hear from people that have been at them before, and people for which this was your first. Feel free to email me at if you prefer.



  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    More attractive staff and exclusive pins only available at the tables. :P

    Interested to know how many Q's duckie/Draven got?

    Most people just seemed to treat the "coral" area like a second line, but it certainly wasn't "bad" in anyway.

  • agentcooperagentcooper Brisbane, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Was my first staff trading experience. I think it worked well. I got the Staff pins I wanted, and some interaction with staff. Maybe a teensy more curvature on the radius of the table spacing would be beneficial.

    The waiting area info table I think worked well, to the extent that maybe having one on the other side as well might be a good idea next year.

    Peoples eyes lit up a little more when they could also check out the variety of pins on the computer as well.

    Let's trade:
    "Damn fine pins!"
  • OlerheadOlerhead Krytenton AustraliaRegistered User regular
    My first staff trading experience too.

    It was nice to have a quick chat, and I really appreciated Robert going to the (ultimately fruitless) effort of looking for his hobby pin from last year when I asked.

    I also didn't feel pressured to get in there and get out - which was nice. I know things could easily get rushed along.

    I wouldn't mind something that could facilitate more trading in the queue. There was some but it was kind of hard to do. That feedback isn't all that constructive since I couldn't think of a way you'd do that, but food for thought.

  • dmosineedmosinee Davenport, IARegistered User regular
    they could also check out the variety of pins on the computer as well


    Digital Lanyard, I love trades - - Two pins enter, one pins leaves... then the other pin leaves with a lower Elo rating
  • NefilyNefily Melbourne AURegistered User regular
    wait... the "coral" area, wasn't a second line? What was it? maybe some signs? (was there signs T_T)

  • agentcooperagentcooper Brisbane, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    dmosinee wrote: »
    they could also check out the variety of pins on the computer as well


    Ok spoilers, but Broderick wasn't available, so they had me hack into the POPR (Pin Operation Plan Response).

    Let's trade:
    "Damn fine pins!"
  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Nefily wrote: »
    wait... the "coral" area, wasn't a second line? What was it? maybe some signs? (was there signs T_T)

    I'm guessing the idea was that it was a slightly bigger area people could more freely move around in since it wasn't a line, and exchange pins and ask questions about trading from the community members at the table that would otherwise slow down staff trading if they were asked.

    Might have been better if they'd had an [E] say something like that or asked Duckie etc to tell the group.

    Assuming that was the idea, maybe announce to the group that they can mingle and trade and not have to worry about losing their place in line, since they'd all get in at the same time?

  • SennoSenno AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Maybe a call out to the Cookie Brigade? Some people were waiting a while and some cookies could have been helpful. The Enforcers could have been a little more forceful, getting people out quicker. The tables should be spread more - a good metre or so between each, so it's not as crowded. Fish was doing a great job as helping answer questions, but he could have been missed by a lot of people, and so maybe a table on the other side, just so people can see help is at hand. I got the staff pins I wanted, which was nice, but it would have been great to see some armadeaddon pins or some dsb merch pins.

    Hope this helps.

  • SlothofozSlothofoz Australia, PerthRegistered User regular
    I loved it, the only thing was that i thought there was to many people in the reading section at once maybe 15-20 not 40, but otherwise great

    I kept asking you guys if you had the elusive DLC pin and I still believe you do xD

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I don't know if I helped answer any questions, I just put a stack of my cards on the table and told them to give them out. :P

  • OlerheadOlerhead Krytenton AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Slothofoz wrote: »
    I kept asking you guys if you had the elusive DLC pin and I still believe you do xD

    They did have it. They auctioned it off. :P

  • 13thVoice13thVoice Registered User regular
    I was new to the whole pinny arcade pins thing. I had just gone to the seminar/talk and then to the line for the staff trading after that.
    I definitely think that the tables could be spaced a bit further apart.
    I didn't feel rushed through, so the timing seemed pretty good to me.
    I had no idea what the corral area was for and just assumed it was a second line up before going in so maybe some explanation before going in would be good.
    I suggest though that maybe you could have another one of those corral areas so that people have a little bit of room to trade while waiting if they want because the enforcers had us all move up to condense the line which is great to fit more people in but no good for trading in line.
    Overall it was a good experience but has room for improvements

  • vonhistvonhist Mr Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    every year line management improves, expect perfection by say...2040?

  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I cant speak for line management as being moved to the front all the time is literally 'the best seat in the house' (yes, the pun WAS intended :P)

    I appreciated the wider variety of pins to trade, and that the new aus set was there also so people had the option to trade for it instead of buying.

    There were a few public trade tables which was good, but it got a little crowded i felt as more people went in.

    My PinnyPals Digital Lanyard: Now Up to date!

  • vonhistvonhist Mr Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    vonhist wrote: »
    every year line management improves, expect perfection by say...2040?

    Apologies if this appeared negative. I was impressed by line management.

  • misskassmisskass Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    not have to worry about losing their place in line, since they'd all get in at the same time?
    Yeah that... didn't work, I hung back to chat to Drayven while my friend chatted to Cooper and was impressed by the computer, and I ended up at the back of the corral group, and then the back of every group at every table. Granted, I have most of what I want and I was just looking through interesting stuff, but everyone was pushing to the front of the group to get to the tables first. I didn't see a lot of community trading at all in the corral area.
    Senno wrote: »
    Maybe a call out to the Cookie Brigade? Some people were waiting a while and some cookies could have been helpful.
    One Brigadier did come through the line when I was still queuing, but I think a little table setup (around where the community table was) could be cool, especially if they still had the donation pins available.

    Personally I had a good time. This was the first trading session I'd been to, and taking my less experienced pin trader friend around was fun, I gave him a couple of pins to trade for (almost) the full Acquisitions Inc. set and he came out of the session pretty happy (plus I got another Tin Man/Medius from him in return).

    I definitely agree that the tables could be further apart. I really liked the amount of time we were allowed to stick around, I got through all the tables twice browsing at a relatively slow pace, but y'all are right in that the Enforcers weren't really taking charge.

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    misskass wrote: »
    not have to worry about losing their place in line, since they'd all get in at the same time?
    Yeah that... didn't work, I hung back to chat to Drayven while my friend chatted to Cooper and was impressed by the computer, and I ended up at the back of the corral group, and then the back of every group at every table.

    Well yeah, someone was always going to be at the back of those crowds, I was in my group, but I guess the aim was that there wouldn't be more people coming in and getting in front of you before you had to a chance to get to the front yourself. Def need to let the coral group know they could be trading amongst themselves/moving about/asking questions though.

  • NefilyNefily Melbourne AURegistered User regular
    Some kind of timer, saying your in the coral for 30mins or whatever it was could of been cool, you just didn't know when you would get through which for me made me linger in the crowd rather then spend the time trading and wandering.

  • vonhistvonhist Mr Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited November 2015
    Nefily wrote: »
    Some kind of timer, saying your in the coral for 30mins or whatever it was could of been cool, you just didn't know when you would get through which for me made me linger in the crowd rather then spend the time trading and wandering.

    Yes! A large digital timer. I also suggest a 'game show host' guy to comment on trades to help keep those waiting entertained. Kris Straub as host would be seriously funny.

    vonhist on
  • OlerheadOlerhead Krytenton AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Any excuse to get Kris Straub back to Aus on an annual basis.

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    Def need to let the coral group know they could be trading amongst themselves/moving about/asking questions though.

    News flash, you can trade with people wherever you want, please don't wait for us to tell you when you can trade. And there was a big whiteboard that said "Ask questions here". That being said, questions and trading was the intention of the holding corral, but we did not have a chance to make signage, and the LM people were new and busy with the line and I did not want to confuse them. If we do it again we shall work on explaining it better.

    For reference, and in case I forget we did 40 people at a time with 20 minute intervals. At a PAX where there are more traders we will likely have to increase the numbers (thankfully we will also have more staff tables) and maybe shorten the time (iffy, 20 minutes did seem to be good, and will get harder with more tables).

    I love all the feedback. Since we don't get to leave our table its hard for us to tell how things are going during the event.

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Beker wrote: »
    Def need to let the coral group know they could be trading amongst themselves/moving about/asking questions though.

    News flash, you can trade with people wherever you want


    Beker wrote: »
    And there was a big whiteboard that said "Ask questions here".

    Nobody uses whiteboard technology any more! It's just lucky one of them at least had a laptop to get the attention of "the youth".

  • theotherbectheotherbec Registered User new member
    edited November 2015
    Beker wrote: »
    And there was a big whiteboard that said "Ask questions here".

    I didn't see that whiteboard until I was waved past it through the corral area due to being on the other side of the mob in there. Maybe it needs to be taller or off to the other side away from the rope where people were bunching so they could get through into the 'actual' trade area. Putting it next to the rules banner on the right of the questions table would have worked better.

    I couldn't understand the need to bunch up to zero personal space in the queue when we had a whole queue room to use, the bunching actively prevented trading. TBH I think having a deli style ticket system, or colour coding us somehow so you could maintain your 'corral group' position but still move a bit and do some trades in the longer queue would work really well for this.

    theotherbec on
  • InterestingMixInterestingMix A little bit of everything really Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Nefily wrote: »
    wait... the "coral" area, wasn't a second line? What was it? maybe some signs? (was there signs T_T)
    Assuming that was the idea, maybe announce to the group that they can mingle and trade and not have to worry about losing their place in line, since they'd all get in at the same time?

    That's certainly what I know a few of us used the space for :-)

    Agreed with the comment that we can of course trade with anyone whenever, wherever. I only learned after the fact that the tables i the far corner of the queue room were intended to help with pin trades (correct me if I'm wrong). If there was a sign there (again, correct me if there was one and I didn't notice it), that may mean more people would use it. Alternatively/in-addition, maybe we could schedule in daily "Pin Trade Free-For-Alls" in that area, so we know when we're all going to be in the same place for trades. It's a nice easy way for us to meet some of our fellow pinny-pals and of course some new ones.

    Long story short: Loved the opportunity for the trading mechanism and support, looking forward to it improving in the future (I especially enjoyed the meta experience of getting @Beker 's staff pin, as he was the person that first explained the whole pin thing to me in the first place many many moons ago)


  • luckycharmluckycharm Perth, AURegistered User regular
    I think the staff trading was better this year, but still frustrating when being so far back in line with a huge wait. There wasn't any room to trade with people in the line. In the Coral area, I did trade a little, but I was worried that I would miss my group going through.
    I think having a deli style ticket system, or colour coding us somehow so you could maintain your 'corral group' position but still move a bit and do some trades in the longer queue would work really well for this.
    I agree with this a lot. Being able to move around, meet people, and know you're in group to go through would bring a lot more fun to the event.
    Some kind of timer
    YES! A large countdown timer for 20 min, and next to it what color is currently in with the staff. And what color is up next.
    Having the tables a little further apart would be awesome too.
    maybe we could schedule in daily "Pin Trade Free-For-Alls" in that area, so we know when we're all going to be in the same place for trades
    Agreed! I knew I would see people on Saturday, but Friday and Sun was all luck to see anyone from the group. I would also suggest moving the 'Pin Trading Area' from the Queue Room to out in the hallway past the merch light booth or even a little farther. The Queue Room was a long way to walk to see if anyone was there, and rarely anyone was who was trading. I found random people using the area for a quiet place to chat and would leave trash all the time. It wasn't an inviting place. Having it out closer to the center would encourage more trading, socializing and we'll get more interest from people passing by and ask questions!

  • InterestingMixInterestingMix A little bit of everything really Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    luckycharm wrote: »
    I would also suggest moving the 'Pin Trading Area' from the Queue Room to out in the hallway past the merch light booth or even a little farther

    Being near a Merch Booth could be cool. That way all the people that ask us what we're doing and what is this "Pinny Arcade thing", could go straight to Merch and get started themselves. I'm sure that's beneficial to PA eh @Beker ? Eh? Eh?
    luckycharm wrote: »

    I'm pretty sure you and I were discussing this in the "first" line at the trading event @luckycharm and then you were kind enough to trade me your duplicate Baby Gabe pin that I'd been on the hunt for :biggrin:


  • InterestingMixInterestingMix A little bit of everything really Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited November 2015
    vonhist wrote: »
    I also suggest a 'game show host' guy to comment on trades.
    That would be awesome and hilarious. Satircial commentry (Kris probably would be good, or get one of (or all) of the GoodGame team), and a running count of how many of of that year's Merch pins have been traded in

    InterestingMix on

  • misskassmisskass Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited November 2015
    luckycharm wrote: »
    I would also suggest moving the 'Pin Trading Area' from the Queue Room to out in the hallway past the merch light booth or even a little farther

    Being near a Merch Booth could be cool. That way all the people that ask us what we're doing and what is this "Pinny Arcade thing", could go straight to Merch and get started themselves. I'm sure that's beneficial to PA eh @Beker ? Eh? Eh?
    I think there'll be a people problem if the queue is moved to the hallway. Aside from that being technically outside the boundaries of the convention (so people would need to check for wristbands and passes just to enter the trading session, as people without wristbands/passes are free to wander that area) it would block a good deal of traffic. The queue room is virtually unused outside of queue times so it's a pretty good idea to have more stuff set up in there.

    Being closer to a merch booth isn't a bad idea to me but again it's tough to work out, the pin trading area is transient and really only around for a few hours of the convention, and to put it near the merch booth in the PC/console area would take up a lot of real estate that's better used by other bits of PAX.

    misskass on
  • SennoSenno AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I have no problem with the pin trading being in the queue room - but I have to agree that it isn't exactly an inviting place. Perhaps they could have other events going on throughout the day in that room?

  • astroboiastroboi Melbourne, AusRegistered User regular
    It was my first staff trading session (relatively new pin collector) and it was way more fun than I was expecting. I'm already looking forward to next year's PAX Aus pin trading session!

    I think a little more info about how it works could be good for noobs like me. The two-stage queueing process was probably a good way to promote conversation, trading etc, although I didn't see a huge amount of that happening when I was there.

  • drusus82drusus82 Narara, NSW, AURegistered User regular
    I may be wrong but i believe the enforcers were getting us to bunch up before the coral, but i found i did trades there rather than in the coral. Maybe we missed an explanation of what the go was after the great twitch stampede of 2015 just prior. Spreading tables out as others gave suggested would be nice, as would being anle to mingle more with all traders.

  • PedroAsaniPedroAsani Brotherhood of the Squirrel [Prime]Registered User regular
    If spreading the tables out isn't an option, because the Staff like to be close to each other so they can talk and make fun of each other (looking at mostly Josh and Khoo there) then how about a circle? I know that last year Aus had the room for it. If it was the same space then I think it would work.

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    Yea I don't think there is room for this event out in the hallways, as nice as it would be to be near merch. Queue room is a bit un-inviting i guess, but it is a nice big space that is under used after the morning line and great for things like this.

  • InterestingMixInterestingMix A little bit of everything really Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    A "Super Happy Fun Time Pin Trading Area" sign (maybe in crayons by Mike) would be inviting :P


  • OlerheadOlerhead Krytenton AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Beker wrote: »
    Yea I don't think there is room for this event out in the hallways, as nice as it would be to be near merch. Queue room is a bit un-inviting i guess, but it is a nice big space that is under used after the morning line and great for things like this.

    Have you considered investigating the possibilities of fourth dimensional tesseract space?

  • luckycharmluckycharm Perth, AURegistered User regular
    I don't think there is room for this event out in the hallways
    Sorry, I should have been more clear. The event was great in the queue room, plenty of space. I'm suggesting moving the 2 tables intended for actual pin trading between attendees out into a more visible area.

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
  • InterestingMixInterestingMix A little bit of everything really Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    luckycharm wrote: »
    I'm suggesting moving the 2 tables intended for actual pin trading between attendees out into a more visible area.

    This is what I assumed and what I was referring too also. Just the area for the ad-hoc / informal trading. Of course, being in a more prominent location, it's likely to get used by people just having lunch or a rest :( . I'm sure there's a happy middle-ground somewhere. I think the tables waaaaaaay off in the back corner of the queue room for the informal area was too far from everything else, didn't really invite usage.


  • Rod.HRod.H Running from the Dropbears...Registered User regular
    I've a thought on how to get merch nearer to the staff trading event, some form of wheeled bench/desk/whatever with a POS terminal and stowage for (x*staff/2)...say 800 pin sets or perhaps not as the first fifty through with max sets might end up triggering a mass table refresh plus I think my math's tad off.

  • siren10101siren10101 AustraliaRegistered User new member
    Bekker, we had 30 people (@15 minutes) i believe from the first group then it was 40 after that.
    Problem with the trading in the que from my angle was that everyone was more interested in the rope cut than milling off to the side or spreading out to trade. Maybe we can Push people a bit more to do that next year, than just leaving the que to themselves?

    Siren, Enforcer coming to you from the land down under!
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